"TLFC" exercise and accountability support!



  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    @ Niner............thanks for calling me a "conditioned person".......LOL, I never thought I would hear something like that.

    Great work on the new clients!

    Today is a rest day from the gym but a long dog walk day!

    Calories should be right around 1650.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    You playing softball right now brandi?

    I am, except the season has mostly been a wash out due to all the rain Texas has been getting since April. We've played 3 weekends since we started in March. :o

    No games this weekend, but we should get some in the following Sunday. June is looking to finally be back to normal weather. Sun's been out all week! I'm still playing catcher. And we finally won a game, lol!

    Congrats on the new clients, btw!

  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Happy Thursday!!

    Cardio: 5.5 miles, mostly trails. Kicked my butt, as the trails always do. Lots of trees to climb over due to recent storms. Had fun.

    Food: on target.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    TGIF............God I love Fridays. We'll be home this weekend for a change so I should be able to remain focused. Gym today and Sunday and either a swim or dog walk tomorrow. We are going out to dinner tonight so that can be a challenge but I've just gotten used to ordering healthier choices. I may have to have a glass of wine though.........LOL

    Exercise: 20 min calisthenics/stair master warmup including pushups, situps, crunch twists, elevated leg planks, clams, V ups and hip extensions on all fours. 50 minute strength training including 3X 10 cable row w/30/30, 3X 10 rev deltoid cable w/7.5/7.5, 3X10 cable I fly w/10, 3X 10 cable chest press w/20/20, prone press 12 w/20 lbs > 12 w/25 lbs > 10 w/27.5 lbs, 3X 10 bench glute bridges w/20 to 25 to 27.5, 2X 8 bench bent over rows w/30 lbs, 6 bench bent over rows w/35 lbs, 2X 40 KB one hand overhead walk w/25 lbs, 3X 10 inner thigh w/8.

    Food: Who knows?

    Have a great weekend everyone!!!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,618 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy TGIF and LCW! Work this morning for a couple of hours and train a couple of new clients. After that, I'm off for the weekend!

    Cardio: jog/walk- 2 miles (300 calories)

    Strength: biceps and triceps- preacher curls, alternate curls, rope pressdowns, lying tricep extensions. 12,10,8,6 x 4

    Assessment: I did really good yesterday.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,618 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy weekend! DD has piano lessons this morning and I don't have anything else to do but exercise for myself. I may go to the Tennis club and check out my sign up list to see who are asking for sessions though.

    Cardio: jog/walk- 2 miles (300 calories)

    Strength: NONE

    Assessment: I had Taco Bell yesterday.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Happy Saturday!!

    Cardio: 6.5 mile run, easy pace. I've got to get these Saturday runs in early. It's getting so hot outside!

    Food: did okay, considering the annual barbeque party I went to!
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Yesterday the dog and I walked to the park and then wandered around there for about .5 miles. We've been trying to get there for awhile. It's a very steep hill climbing up to the park from my house and we've gradually been conquering that. Sooooo, 3.5 miles at a pretty fast clip of 55 minutes. Today it's back to the gym and possibly a swim after strength training. We'll see how crowded the pool is....

    Happy Sunday!
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    edited June 2015
    I had a great weekend both food wise and exercise wise.

    Today's exercise: 15 min calisthenics warmup including 2X 10 standard pushups, 2X 60 sec elevated leg plank, 15 BW squats, clams, 3X 15 speed bridges w/physio ball, 20 hip extension on all fours, 10 V ups, 5 minute stairmaster level 5. 45 min strength training including 3X 10 renegade rows w/20/20 lbs, 3X 8 each leg fwd lunge shoulder press w/15 lbs, 2X 5 bench press w/65 lbs>2X 5 bench press w/75 lbs>2X 3 bench press w/85 lbs, 3X 5 OHP w/50 lbs, 3X 8 each side bench single arm rows w/35 lbs, 3X 12 inner thigh w/80. 25 minute swim all back stroke, 1/2 mile.

    Bolded are all increases!

    Food: Right around 1650

    I can feel my metabolism kicking back into high gear again now that my hip is healed. I just get more intense workouts in and spend more time exercising. My average calories went up a bit last week and may go up a little again this week......we'll see. I've been trying to learn the signals my body gives me regarding fuel. I haven't lost in awhile but I've been maintaining very easily and my lifting has improved as far as the weight goes.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Happy Sunday!

    Cardio: 9.75 mile run, easy pace. 112 minutes.

    Food: on target. Considering the PMS kicking in, I had a good week of eating. Maintained my weight.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,618 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Monday! Bootcamp this morning, then a new client and then work tonight at Fitness 19 building up rapport with people.

    Cardio: run/jog 2 miles (300 calories)

    Strength: quads- leg press, squat, leg extension 12,10,8,6 x 4

    Assessment: Cousin's baby shower with tons of food yesterday...ugh.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Took the dog on a 3 mile walk this morning and for the first time I jogged a portion of it......a small portion. It felt good though and didn't bother my hip at all.

    Exercise: 3 mile walk/jog on the horse trail.....finished in 45 minutes so came in at 4mph.

    Food: Looks like it's going to be around 1700 calories today..........I've been hungry all morning but finally after lunch feel like I can make it to dinner without snacking again.....LOL
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Happy Monday!

    Strength training:

    Bench press: 1x5x65lb, 3x5x77.5lb

    OHP: 1x5x45lb, 3x5x50lb

    Pendlay Row: 1x5x65lb, 3x5x77.5lb

    Flutter kicks: 3x20

    Squats: 2x10

    Food: a little over.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,618 Member
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Tuesday! 1 client this morning and then 2 in the evening. I'm starting to pick up a couple of clients here and there, but yesterday the Fitness Manager of Club Sport was in and I casually talked to him. I hadn't heard back from him on my application, but after talking to him and giving him more background, he may consider me for a position there. Lol, if that happens, I may have to give up the Tennis club since that one gives me the least opportunity to get clients (not many are into weight training/fitness training).

    Cardio: jog/walk 2 mile (300 calories)

    Strength: hamstrings and shoulders- lying leg curls, seated leg curls, shoulder press, side laterals, machine rear laterals. 12,10,8,6 reps for 4 sets.

    Assessment: I had Taco Bell but well within my calorie limits.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    @ Niner, sounds like things are progressing nicely for you re the new clients.

    Had a nice training session today and hope to swim tomorrow. It looks easier on paper than it was in reality.... ;)

    Exercise: 15 min calisthenics warmup including pushups, elevated leg planks, clams, situps, crunches, 5 min stairmaster. 60 min strength training with Brent including 3X 10 speed pull dead lifts w/95 lbs, 5 DL w/135 lbs, 3X 20 steps OHP walk w/45>55>60 lbs, 3X 10 OHP w/45>55>65 lbs, 3X 10 straight leg DL to high row w/45>55>60 lbs. Began working on barbell hang clean.

    Food: Just under 1750 today.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,618 Member
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Humpday! My DD has her final hoedown dance for elementary school today. About a week left for school for her. I have one client this morning then one tonight.

    Cardio: run/jog- 2 miles (400 calories)

    Strength: chest- incline bench, Hammer bench, dips, seated flyes. 12,10,8,6 x 4

    Assessment: Even with a cheeseburger yesterday, I did good with overall calories.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Checking in a little early....we're taking another mid-week break and heading down to the beach for the afternoon and spending the night down there. Have a nice Hump Day everyone!!!

    Exercises: 50 minutes Circuit training including 3X 10 pushups, 3X 10 situps w/12 lb ball, 3X 20 crunch twists w/12 lb ball, 3 X 60 sec elevated leg plank/basic plank/reverse plank, 3X 20 physio ball crunch w/25 lb plate, 3X 15 physio ball speed bridges, 3X 12 renegade rows w/20 lbs, 3X 2 min stairmaster on level 6, 2X 12 lat pull up w/8/8, 2X 12 overhead tricep extensions w/15/15, 2X 12 back extensions w/15/15, 2X 12 hanging straight leg raises. 20 min strength training including leg press 20@ 220 lbs, 15 @ 310 lbs, 10 @ 400 lbs, 3X 6 assisted pull ups, 3X 8 assisted dips.

    I'm beginning to add back in some of the things I was doing before I injured my hip. Specifically today, the leg press. I only attempted 400 lbs and it felt fine so I imagine in a week or 2 I'll be back up where I was 6 weeks ago.

    Food: We're eating out so I'm going to estimate today, hopefully keeping it under 1800.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited June 2015
    Just found this... nice...

    5 mile run at 5:30 this morning (513 calories), later ab workout and additional calorie burn 40 minutes on the elliptical (469 calories).. this is my only cardio day and my biggest calorie burn day.

    I run 5 miles 6 days a week as my get up, get moving, otherwise I would be a slug..
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    gia07 wrote: »
    Just found this... nice...

    5 mile run at 5:30 this morning (513 calories), later ab workout and additional calorie burn 40 minutes on the elliptical (469 calories).. this is my only cardio day and my biggest calorie burn day.

    I run 5 miles 6 days a week as my get up, get moving, otherwise I would be a slug..

    Welcome! Nice run. :)

    Quick update: Didn't work out yesterday, nor will I tonight (mix of PMS and social plans). Will be back to it tomorrow.

    Food: keeping things on target.

    Good news: Has taken me 9 years, but I finally have my cholesterol back in the normal range!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,618 Member
    luluinca wrote: »
    Checking in a little early....we're taking another mid-week break and heading down to the beach for the afternoon and spending the night down there. Have a nice Hump Day everyone!!!

    Exercises: 50 minutes Circuit training including 3X 10 pushups, 3X 10 situps w/12 lb ball, 3X 20 crunch twists w/12 lb ball, 3 X 60 sec elevated leg plank/basic plank/reverse plank, 3X 20 physio ball crunch w/25 lb plate, 3X 15 physio ball speed bridges, 3X 12 renegade rows w/20 lbs, 3X 2 min stairmaster on level 6, 2X 12 lat pull up w/8/8, 2X 12 overhead tricep extensions w/15/15, 2X 12 back extensions w/15/15, 2X 12 hanging straight leg raises. 20 min strength training including leg press 20@ 220 lbs, 15 @ 310 lbs, 10 @ 400 lbs, 3X 6 assisted pull ups, 3X 8 assisted dips.

    I'm beginning to add back in some of the things I was doing before I injured my hip. Specifically today, the leg press. I only attempted 400 lbs and it felt fine so I imagine in a week or 2 I'll be back up where I was 6 weeks ago.

    Food: We're eating out so I'm going to estimate today, hopefully keeping it under 1800.
    Lol, whenever I see a female who trains on their own and puts 2 10's on the leg press (our sled without weight weighs about 125lbs) then listen to them complain about how their legs are soft, I eyeroll pretty hard. Good job.