30 Day Shred: April



  • emtbsara
    emtbsara Posts: 9 Member
    Well I keep switching around between all three levels, just making sure to do one every day. I did level 3 today and it really is more enjoyable like several of you are saying. I am starting to get a little bored with this though and I wonder what would be a good option next. I really like Jillian though and I only felt pain one time after doing the rockstar jumps a little too finatically. I toned that down a bit today.
  • emtbsara
    emtbsara Posts: 9 Member
    I say everyday ...but in reality I walk/run interval 3 miles on the days I don't do the shred. Averaging 5 days/week with the shred.
  • Cheriels82
    Cheriels82 Posts: 363 Member
    I am doing Julian's body revolution on week nine of 13. Next after that for me is body shred. For these programs you do three different workouts every week (so twice a week) and they change every two weeks. Keeps it very fresh :) and it gets progressively harder
  • MimGSR
    MimGSR Posts: 61 Member
    L3D5 done. Debating doing level 1 in a minute as tomorrow is very busy so will probably be a rest day.
  • Cactusedd
    Cactusedd Posts: 13 Member
    L3D2 done. Also made it to my goal of 20 push-ups and started the 30 day plank challenge with baseline of 60 seconds (I thought I'd manage only 30 haha).
  • DaneanP
    DaneanP Posts: 433 Member
    For those of you in Level 3, which move(s) do you hate the most? I think the abs are a LOT harder in Level 3. I still hate the mountain climbers. I just cannot do the weighted plank rows with leg extensions and need to do the modified level.

    I did day 2 yesterday - still so sore....today will be a run-on-the-treadmill day.
  • MimGSR
    MimGSR Posts: 61 Member
    L3D6 kind of done yesterday! The video seems to be taken off YouTube and I'm too cheap to buy it with only 5 days left. So I found a list of all the exercises online and did them. I ended up more red and sweaty than I have doing the video recently, I must have pushed myself more!
  • MimGSR
    MimGSR Posts: 61 Member
    edited May 2015
    DaneanP wrote: »
    For those of you in Level 3, which move(s) do you hate the most?

    The one where you stand in a squat and pull your arms to the sides (I've not explained that very well) kills my arms. I'm also not a fan of any of the cardio in plank position!
  • hcdo
    hcdo Posts: 201 Member
    DaneanP wrote: »
    For those of you in Level 3, which move(s) do you hate the most? I think the abs are a LOT harder in Level 3. I still hate the mountain climbers. I just cannot do the weighted plank rows with leg extensions and need to do the modified level.

    I think those pike crunches (or whatever they're called) and those scissor ab moves are really hard, too. I have to modify them or rest for a few seconds. I also hate the mountain climbers. Level 3 definitely makes me sweat the most of all the levels!

    L3D10 done! Really glad to finally be done, although I might do L3 for a couple more days until I find something else. I'll probably do another JM series since I seem to have had moderate success with this one. I like the idea of the one mentioned that gives you a few different workouts each week so burnout isn't quite so bad.
  • lisyg3737
    lisyg3737 Posts: 43 Member
    Just completed level 1 Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. On to level 2 tomorrow.
  • MimGSR
    MimGSR Posts: 61 Member
    L3D7 'done'. 3 more days!
  • kxforg
    kxforg Posts: 36 Member
    edited May 2015
    Was curious as to the difference so I got goofy and did L2D1 and L3D1 today. Had done L1D6 on saturday but was getting bored. Might alternate them just to see...might not, I'll see how I feel tomorrow. Does it count as 2 days if you do two in one day? :wink:

    Couldn't find the video of L3 on youtube but I googled it and found it on the 21 day challenge site.
  • hcdo
    hcdo Posts: 201 Member
    kxforg wrote: »
    Couldn't find the video of L3 on youtube but I googled it and found it on the 21 day challenge site.

    I was going to ask about that! It disappeared from YouTube and I couldn't find it. Thanks! I tried looking for her Body Revolution videos on YouTube and could only find the informercials. Does anyone know where I can find them for free? Or has anyone tried some of the videos on free sites and have some to recommend?
  • _onebeauty
    _onebeauty Posts: 100 Member
    Hey!! Are you guys still keeping this up? I finished it awhile ago, but planning on restarting it tom. I'm getting VERY close to my goal & wld like to continue toning up.
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    I started today. L1D1.
  • DaneanP
    DaneanP Posts: 433 Member
    Completed it. I am planning to move on to some of her other workout DVDs and rotate through them to try and cut down on the monotony a bit. I still alternate days with my treadmill interval running so it isn't too bad. But I definitely like the results I got from 30DS. Jillian is a bad-*kitten*.
  • Tracey_B_72
    Tracey_B_72 Posts: 1,021 Member
    I'm still loving Jillian's workouts but have since done ripped in 30 and now doing that again but rotating the weeks, I love what she's helped me do to my body, it's so firm now.
  • _onebeauty
    _onebeauty Posts: 100 Member
    I've restarted & its easier than the 1rst time... but still tough, lol!