

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    oops not a time size, but a DIME size.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    I will admit the Bag Balm is originally used to apply on cows udders, but just know people use it for everything rash related under the sun. It just has a farm kind of scent....
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited June 2015
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Vickil57 wrote: »
    .Grits--When you log your exercise it will change your calorie goal. I just try and not eat those extra one.

    Yes, that is what I am trying 'not' to do anymore. Nurse/MD said if I don't count my exercise and stay within my c/I I'll lose it faster. So tonight, if my husband makes coffee, I will only put 1/2 tsp. in a 12 oz cup. Mmmmmm, not so sure I will like that very much. But a girl's got to do what a girl must.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member

    Katla - how about Magnificent Mobility Achievement. MMA.

    Heather in warm and sunny Hampshire UK. (Watering tonight)

    PS Just booked my December flights. Soooo excited!
    For those of you who are bird watchers, a Hudsonian Wimbrel has appeared in Sussex on the mud flats. Twitchers galore descending on the place as it is a few miles off course! ! ! ! :laugh:

    I like it! :bigsmile:

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did 1 hr of Jari Love's Extremely Ripped Hard Core DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to take the deep water class. Tomorrow will be my favorite instructor's last day so I'm taking her some Hungry Girl "brownies".

    Joyce - a few years ago I got all of the dings and dents removed from my car (dings and dents from shopping carts, etc). Now I park FAARRRR away. Jessica can't understand it. To me, for $2,000 I'll walk a few extra steps.

    Alison - have fun picking berries and making jam. Update: so glad you had such a good time

    Gramzies - welcome!

    Made a donation to the soup kitchen, stopped to see Lynette at her office, then volunteered at the Green Room (local theater). On the way home stopped at CVS and got 2 bottles of vitam D (BOGO) and had another $5 in coupons, then came home and went in the pool. Took pics of Bryan's kayak, I just want to get rid of it. When I see it every time I pull in the garage, it just hurts so much.

    Carol/peach - actually, the pool doesn't require a lot of upkeep. Acid is automaticaly dispensed, we have an auto fill so the water drains out if it gets too full from the rain and water is added automatically if too much evaporates. Vince checks the chemicals and occasionally we have to add salt or baking soda. We have a robotic cleaner that we just put in the pool for a few hours every few days to keep it cleaned. Opening and closing it can be time consuming, but that's only two days/year. And it usually only takes a few hours to do that. So, really, it isn't a whole lot of work. Bealls sells Alia? I'll have to check it out the next time we're in FL

    Lillian - I usually wear Avia sneakers as they are a bit wider. I can't wait until Publix comes up here, they are moving north. They just built a building in Asheville. The bathroom at Hamricks is in the front as the one at Bi-Lo.

    toniwilson - welcome! I'll be interested to see if anyone purchased the Premium. Wonder what the upgrades are

    - we actually do live in a house....lol it was built as 5 bedrooms, but one is so small that Vince uses it for his office. We have a little over an acre of land. One good thing is that there are power lines on one side so I know no one can built within so many feet of the power lines. We had a detached garage built (we do have a 2 car attached to the house) and the power company was always flying over making sure we weren't overstepping the easement. Being Mexican I would have thought you would have been dark.

    Carey - I don't think I've ever heard of Alia. Now I'll keep my eyes open for them. Is it a chain of stores or a designer? You have no idea how much work it was hauling those rocks! The ladies on here could tell you (the ones who have been on for a few years) how every day we'd be out putting down rocks. Actually, Vince was more of the "figurer" person. I'd leave it to him to figure out things like how much landscape fabric we needed, what area to do next, etc. I was the one shoveling the rocks into the dumpcart (when needed) and then into the smaller cart, hauling the cart into the pool area, helping dh dump the cart. It WAS work, but it was also worth it.

    - so sorry your friends didn't get the house

    Heather - happy anniversary!

    terri - I feel for ya, having to deal with a 20-something. At that age they know everything. Many times WalGreens has eggs on sale $1.29 a dozen

    Sue in TX
    - have a wonderful trip!

    sisterpam - welcome! You'll find lots of support here, that's for sure. Another thing I find when exercising in the pool is that while you are exercising, you don't feel it one bit. But the next day......... Whenever I exercise in the pool, I'm always amazed at how much water I drink!

    DeeDee - I'm glad to hear you're still bossing those guys. They need it!

    Michele in AL
    - welcome! A Michele who spells her name with one "l", that's rare

    Selena - how horrible for your daughter! Did she have any children?

    ydailey - so glad you liked the new doc. That's so important.

    Janet in SC - I always keep an old sweater in the trunk of my car for when I go into food stores, etc. It seems stores (especially in FL) keep the AC turned up really high

    Lenora - I don't add in my exercise calories, MFP many times over estimates. I just put in the "notes" section what exercise I did. This way, it doesn't change my total calories and I know how many more I have or don't have. I find this makes me more accountable.

    Michele in NC
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Mary, thanks for the picture. I couldn’t imagine what it would look like. Very interesting!!!

    Carey, thanks for the recipe. I had already started the chicken but will save this for another time. It looks yummy. I always leave out cilantro as I don’t like it.

    Beth, when I read your post, my poor ole tired eyes read “my stomach is growing” rather than “my stomach is growling”. LOL I couldn’t imagine what the next sentence was going to be. smiley-confused004.gif So happy I was wrong.

    Sisterpam , welcome. This group is great for lots of support.

    Grits, MFP is offering an upgrade of a paid site, I think without ads. I don’t get the popups anymore so don’t know anything more about it. It has nothing to do with Women Ages 50+.

    Michele in ALA, welcome. This is a great place for support and we are glad to have you. Please tell us a bit about yourself so we can get to know you.

    Selena, my heart goes out to you and your daughter. What a terrible loss. You will both be in my thoughts and prayers.

    TNToni, I hope you get a good report on the biopsy. Sorry you had to endure the pain and really sorry about staying out of the pool. Bummer.smiley-sad045.gif

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Friends, have a restful evening and a wonderful day tomorrow.smiley-happy069.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • metallaxi
    metallaxi Posts: 17 Member
    Hi to all from Greece, Syros island
    I just joined MFP and trying to find my way around
    my goals for June are
    lose 4 pounds by the end of the month
    continue experiment with intermittent fasting 16-8
    walk an hour every day
    lift 3 times per week

    Nice to be in the group

  • lonemaple
    lonemaple Posts: 82 Member
    SelenaP63 wrote: »
    There's been so much going on. Too much. I should be packing up the house for a move. I'm packing a suitcase instead. My 30 yr old daughter called this morning. Her 34 yr old husband died. No cause known yet. I'm not sure why I'm telling you... I probably won't be back for another 300 posts or so and will never catch up. But maybe for the prayers of strangers who've become friends? Hugs to all.
    Selena in Utah

    Headed to Alberta

    Oh Selena, I am so sorry. Please know that I am praying for you and your family.

    Sondre, SF, PA
  • jroll001
    jroll001 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone, my name is Joyce W. And I am new to MFP, and new to posting ( got a lot to learn and hope I am doing this post correctly ). Glad to know there's a group of ladies in my age group. May I join you all? Again, I am new to posting and hope I can find you again. I'll have my June Goals ready for posting on tomorrow.
  • lonemaple
    lonemaple Posts: 82 Member

    Sondra...I know what you mean about wanting to do exercise with a purpose. Besides walking the dog, perhaps you can take a walk to a store, post office or somewhere that you would normally drive. I have "learned" to do pure exercise. I put my elliptical in front of the tv and watch shows on netflix that I love and only allow myself to watch them while I'm on the elliptical. This has been working for me because I

    Gotta get some beauty sleep.
    Chris in MA

    Hi Chris, I appreciate the tips to make exercise more like "accomplishing something". I can see myself walking rather than driving. I love the elliptical idea.....now all I need is an elliptical
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 403 Member
    Selena, I am sorry to hear about your son in law!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited June 2015
    All of a sudden I'm having quotes from others posts appear in my reply box constantly that I have to delete; no idea why. Does this happen to anyone else?

    Spent three hrs. at Goldy's house doing inventory of t shirts and sweatshirts for one of the volunteer groups this afternoon. Gemma had a play date at the dog park at 7p.........but mostly they just panted at each other.

    I certainly hear you on the temp and humidity, Janet. I loved S.C. when we lived there but it's hard for me to imagine more humidity than we had today! Saw 93 in the backyard........and higher expected the next few days to come.

    Selena.........I am so sorry for your loss.......Hugs to all and safe travels. How awful for your daughter.

    Terri.........Great on your increased plank time! Hope the girl learns the right way to lose weight and lets you alone.

    Welcome newbies!!!

    Caitwin.......Welcome; interesting article.

    Mary........Fun plans for your new bike. Please keep us posted on how it goes.

    Vicki..........Hope things went well with the new boss.

    TN Toni........Feel better!

    Have a good night!

  • glimmersilver
    glimmersilver Posts: 50 Member
    SelenaP63 wrote: »
    There's been so much going on. Too much. I should be packing up the house for a move. I'm packing a suitcase instead. My 30 yr old daughter called this morning. Her 34 yr old husband died. No cause known yet. I'm not sure why I'm telling you... I probably won't be back for another 300 posts or so and will never catch up. But maybe for the prayers of strangers who've become friends? Hugs to all.
    Selena in Utah

    Headed to Alberta

    I'm so sorry, Selena, for you and your daughter. {{{{Selena & daughter}}}} I hope you can help her get through this.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    edited June 2015
    Selena, I'm so sorry! My sympathies to your daughter. So very sad.

    Today I took my DGD#1 shopping in Joplin. We had so much fun! I got a few new summer clothes, shorts and tops, for the kids, plus a set of sheets and a years supply of toilet paper at SAMs. At Target she tried on a really pretty lilac purple and white summer dress. It was supposed to be a little below the knee, but she is so short that it was a maxi dress. When she came out of the dressing room, she was beaming with happiness, and the attendant and several other shoppers gushed about how cute she was in it. So, it came home with us. Then we went to the local candy factory and enjoyed a couple of samples. It was a very pleasant day. And I got some huge hugs when I dropped her off. And even more when I brought DGS home from t-ball practice.

    I walked at the mall this morning and got very close to my 10,000 steps. Later tonight I noticed my Fitbit battery had run out. Boo hiss. I'm sure I made it though, with all that shopping.

    Sondra, my son has Alpha 1 Antitrypsthen Deficiency. It's a genetic lung and liver disease. Very severe form of it too.

    Well, I'd better get ready for bed. Have a great evening!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,738 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 13.13min, 13.3amph, 2.9mi = 88c
    jog- 9.03min, 2incline, 6.8speed, 9.04ap, 1mi = 84c
    other, floor exercise- 15min, 16knees bent, 16knees up, 16legs straight up, repeat 5sets, 240total, on back knees to chest, legs out 10, sit ups legs straight, 10, 2 sets each = 37c
    ride gym 2 dome- 7.08min, 12.1amph, 1.4mi = 53c
    ride wk 2 tan- 55.22min, 11.9amph, 10.9mi = 467c
    ride tan 2 hm- 5.46min, 9.9amph,.9mi = 55c
    total cal = 784
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,738 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    SelenaP63 wrote: »
    There's been so much going on. Too much. I should be packing up the house for a move. I'm packing a suitcase instead. My 30 yr old daughter called this morning. Her 34 yr old husband died. No cause known yet. I'm not sure why I'm telling you... I probably won't be back for another 300 posts or so and will never catch up. But maybe for the prayers of strangers who've become friends? Hugs to all.
    Selena in Utah

    Headed to Alberta

    I am so sorry... my heart goes out to you and your family. I was 36 and my husband when he died as well. although I knew what he died of, I didn't realize he would go so quickly.... hugs to you all

    i meant to relate that my husband was 34 as well
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :) I didn't eat any of my exercise calories for a long time until the day I was on a long walk in the morning and thought I would keel over before I got home and realized that I was running out of fuel. I consume more calories on a day when I am more active. I walk my dogs for about three hours total each day, and go to two hour line dance classes, work in the yard, and ride my exercise bike for 10-40 minutes at a time. There is no way that 1200 calories of food will fuel me for that. I agree that MFP and exercise machines probably overestimate the amount of calories you burn, but I think there is a happy medium between the two extremes.

    :) We just came back from seeing "Spy"--a very funny movie.

    :) I have been reading a series of books set in North Carolina and think of all my vitamin F friends from North Carolina.

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Stats for today:
    22,000 steps
    three hours of dog walking in beautiful spring weather
    two hour line dance classtwo hour line dance practice for the performance
    35 minutes puttering in the garden
    20 minutes on the exercise bike

    <3 Barbie from beautiful sunny NW Washington
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited June 2015
    SelenaP63 wrote: »
    There's been so much going on. Too much. I should be packing up the house for a move. I'm packing a suitcase instead. My 30 yr old daughter called this morning. Her 34 yr old husband died. No cause known yet. I'm not sure why I'm telling you... I probably won't be back for another 300 posts or so and will never catch up. But maybe for the prayers of strangers who've become friends? Hugs to all.
    Selena in Utah

    Headed to Alberta

    So sorry to hear such heart wrenching news. I will remember you and your family in prayer.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    Pip and Selena so sorry for your loss.

    :heart: MNMargaret