

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Karla - I also found MFP last October and it gave me motivation and purpose when I felt isolated and alone. This thread is where I found friends and companionship.

    Heather- great picture of your darling GC. They look so happy!

    Lisa mom213 - LOL

    MNMargaret - it is hard to leave your family home.(((hugs)))

    Lillian- congratulations on 1 year! That is quite an accomplishment!!!

    Terri - your family time makes me remember when my family use to hang out at the gym. Enjoy your time together.

    Pip- you both have the biggest smiles. Love his hair! Congratulations on your logging streak!

    Lori - welcome. It sounds like you have gotten serious about your journey. This is a great place to be.

    Becca- your sons truck sounds very cute. Do you have a picture?

    Carey - great job on tai chi! You must enjoy it.

    Nancy- you're right, you can't make someone else do anything. Last week my DH's 2nd cousin died due to being over 400 lbs. he was in his 30s.

    Dee Dee - cute dog!

    Packing, packing, packing! I'm still only in the bedroom closet! 7 containers!

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • jroll001
    jroll001 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello Lillian, thanks for letting us know that Leslie have a new DVD. I am going to pick up one as soon as I can. Have you tried it yet? Do you like it?

    Joyce W
    Jacksonville, FL

    Lilymay2 wrote: »
    Does anyone try the Leslie Sansone Walking DVD's ? she has a new one out that has rave reviews - Tone every zone. I picked it up in Wal-Mart the other day. thought it would be good to use when it is way too hot outside. Our basement is really nice and cool.


  • Charm4u76132
    Charm4u76132 Posts: 94 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Happy Saturday, Everyone. :smiley: I'm new and glad to have found such an awesome group here!

    Just need to vent my frustration about trying to help a guy friend. He is morbidly obese at 5'9" and nearly 400 lbs. He used to be 500 lbs. and said he got 'down to about 300 lbs.' a few years ago when his wife divorced him, partly because of his massive weight.

    He started a new job last Aug. and has eaten his way back up to nearly 400 lbs. :o This guy will be 60 yo the end of July. He started online dating last summer and has been romance scammed a couple of times. Thinks he can land a 29-34 year old skinny blonde model for his next wife! (big eye roll)

    He has asked for my help and ideas several times. But everything I suggest absolutely will NOT work for him (he has multiple excuses). Blames his severe weight problem entirely on 'genetics'! It could not possibly be the 5000 calories he eats every day, which always includes french fries and a giant sugary soda. God forbid, he ever use MFP, look up calorie counts, weigh/measure any food portions, or even use the eye/hand portion method.

    After putting it off for 7 years, he finally went to his dr. for a physical recently. No surprise, his blood sugar is high. He's been on cholesterol med for several years. The dr. really got onto him about needing to lose the big excess weight and watch his sugar intake. So now he's feeding his sugar habit with large amounts of frozen yogurt and lots of sugary fruit and drinks all day.

    I'm really scared he will have a heart attack, stroke or end up with a permanent disability. :( There's also another part of me that's just plain mad because he's in denial and refuses to do anything to help himself. >:)

    It's now very clear to me that he's an emotional eater and food addict who absolutely does not want to give up the massive amounts of very unhealthy food he's using to self-medicate.

    Yes, I know the 12 step principles. It's not my business or responsibility, and I'm powerless over someone else. I have decided to detach. Unfortunately, he will have to suffer the consequences of his bad habits and food addiction. He will have to find solutions if and when he's ready to do so (or not). It's just so VERY SAD to see someone killing themself in this way. Anyway, thank you for 'listening'. - Nancy

    hey there, i feel your pain. there was this guy i used to work with...same thing, only he was married and his excuses were that he was taking his kids to softball and by the time he got home the only thing was to go get a pizza on his way home and blah blah blah... i asked if his wife was enabling him or willing to help him, i gave him all the ideas in the world, like she could make you dinner and you could eat while he was playing softball or better yet, eat here then when his kid was playing he could walk and NO dinner for him cuz he had his.. no junk food, slurpees etc,... i would look in his desk and see all the treats and told him all this has got to go. i don't know what happened but i was finally inappropriate with him and got fed up and said, don't you want to see your kids graduate? get married? walk her down the isle? see grandkids?????? at this rate, none of this s@#$T is going to happen. i explained, i could give you all the suggestions and help in the world but YOU are the one in the final end that has to do it, not me. i was wanting it more for him than he was. i later apologized and said i was out of line. he was about 30something at the time. i think i saw him on a friends pic and things haven't changed. now his knees and ankles are starting to give out from all the weight he's carrying. you have got to want it for yourself. there is no magic pill.

    Thanks for understanding and the caring reply!
  • Charm4u76132
    Charm4u76132 Posts: 94 Member
    DeeDee2211 wrote: »
    Good early evening beautiful ladies :flowerforyou:

    Lillian :) Congrats on your one year anniversary on MFP :bigsmile:!

    Cheri :) Congrats on your weight loss!!!! :happy:

    Barbie :) Brandy and Sasha are adorable <3 !

    Jane Martin :) Hope your shoulder feels better soon :flowerforyou:!

    Janet Oaklahoma :) Congrats on the 3 pounds gone!!! :happy:

    Carol/Peach :) The fur babies look so cute <3 ! Sorry to hear about the house situation, sending you a hug!

    Katla :) I'm looking forward to hearing about Mary's adventures on her bike, I'm thinking I might look into getting one. You had a busy morning in your garden! What didn't you like about the peas you pulled up?

    Sylvia :) Love the jokes :laugh:!!! I bet you feel better now than you did before you lost the weight, I would just wear things that covered up the sagging skin. You're a beautiful person <3 , don't ever forget that!

    Heather :) Gorgeous grandchildren <3 !

    Janet Myrtle Beach :) I would love to be there right now, listening to the sound of the ocean...ahhh if I close my eyes I can almost hear it now!

    Margaret :) Hugs <3 Have a safe trip home!

    Pip :) Cute blonde!!! :love:

    Carey :) The chicken curry sounds delish!!! I always love your quotes, thanks for sharing them!!! I love the little chef icon, reminds me of me :laugh:.

    Becca :) I think a shower of sunscreen would be great!!! I've had two skin cancers removed and I preach sunscreen!! Wow, it sounds like you had a marvelous time at the resort, and losing weight there too...woo hoo!!!

    Vicki :) I'm wishing you good luck at the staff meeting!!! If they had put the right person (you) in the position, there would not be so many unhappy people!

    It's been a beautiful day here, sunny and hot and a little humid, but there is a nice breeze too. I love summer time <3! Ms. Dog doesn't much care for the heat though, she would much rather be relaxing in the air conditioning :laugh:! Here is a pic of her relaxing out on the patio


    Welcome to everyone new! These are wonderful supportive women!!!

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

    DeeDee in NC B)

    Very cute fur baby! :)
  • Charm4u76132
    Charm4u76132 Posts: 94 Member
    terri_mom wrote: »
    OOOh! I forgot about one of my deals from Walgreen's yesterday - Seasons 1 & 2 of Downton Abbey for $7.50 , so I am looking forward to my next long trip or yucky weekend, so I can binge-watch them. Can't wait ! ! !

    Sounds fun! Enjoy :)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    JanetMMcC wrote: »

    Janet, this is so great that I had to post the picture so everyone can enjoy it in case they missed your link

    :) DeeDee, Noel is so cute....I just want to hug her.

    :) Alison, Brandy and Sasha thank you for your kind thoughts.

    :'( Nancy, I feel for you and your friend.....food addiction is as cunning, baffling, powerful, and insidious as alcoholism or drug addiction.

    :) Pip, your husband is a cutie....you are a fortunate woman

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Stats for today:
    17,000 steps
    three hours of dog walking in beautiful spring weather
    two hours on the exercise bike while watching TV
    30 minutes puttering in the garden

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    B) my other accomplishment for the day is that I figured out how to get the app for my phone so I can check out audio books from the library to listen to while I walk the dogs.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    All I can say is WOW! welcome to all of you new ladies! The more the merrier! This is a wonderful group of supportive woman. Stick around and join it the chats.

    Proud of myself for staying caught up on posts. I'm working Fri., Sat., and Sun. this weekend so I didn't take notes but I do remember a few comments to make:

    Lillian - Congrats on a year of logging! I am getting closer to that number myself.

    Pip - I love Kirby's makeover!

    Peach - Love the picture of the pouches. When I was young my family had black and white Springers because my uncle bred them. His dogs were hunters. Wonderful dogs! Hope you enjoy the puppy sitting.

    Carey - I used to do Tai Chi. Loved it but never did have the moves memorized.

    Love y'all!


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,738 Member
    thanks tngram i am glad i like it too, i'm very picky... we've been talking and i guess instead of doing the full marathon (26.2mi) again in November we've decided that we're gonna go a relay. i'll do the first half (13.2miles) and he'll do the 2nd half (same distance). last year when we did the full marathon at the 1/2mile mark we were at a little over a 9 minute mile mark so we should do ok and it will also give us a chance to go visit family again so free food, free place to stay and support and people cheering for us when we run!!!
  • Charm4u76132
    Charm4u76132 Posts: 94 Member
    jroll001 wrote: »
    Hello Lillian, thanks for letting us know that Leslie have a new DVD. I am going to pick up one as soon as I can. Have you tried it yet? Do you like it?

    Joyce W
    Jacksonville, FL

    Lilymay2 wrote: »
    Does anyone try the Leslie Sansone Walking DVD's ? she has a new one out that has rave reviews - Tone every zone. I picked it up in Wal-Mart the other day. thought it would be good to use when it is way too hot outside. Our basement is really nice and cool.


    The DVD sounds like a great fitness alternative!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited June 2015
    quote] @pipcd34

    When someone is 'morbidly' obese - about the only thing that will 'get their attention' is for something 'bad' to happen to them (and they be given a 2nd chance at it to try to change it). I've got a DDnL who is 240lbs+/- but quickly getting larger. She 'swears' she has tried everything . . . but, when I go into their house there are 'snacks' everywhere and she drinks colas everyday (at least 1, if not 2 a day). She has tried several diets but doesn't have the motivation, I guess. Son has spend a lot of money for her to try, first this diet or that' and she might lose 10lbs; but, then she loses interest in doing so when the weight is not 'rolling off her' (someone else's quote). The last time she went on a 'diet' he told her that was going to be the last time he spent money for her to 'think that some off-the-wall diet would work. Snake Oil. She too, wants a magical pill so that she can go to bed one night and wake up the next AM and be 'thin' again. She never lost her 'baby' fat after her 1st baby and then with the 2nd one had 'blood clots'. She's had 'blood clots' since and still doesn't want to do anything to work it off. She was walking with a friend and as soon as there were 2 days, in a row, that she couldn't do it, she stopped. It hasn't 'been convenient' for her to start back. She has a hernia that needs to be repaired; but, the weight needs to come off first and she has been told that. Then, she'll change MDs. Oldest GD told her that she did not put it on overnight therefore it was not going to go away overnight. She is only in her late-30's. Of course, her come-back to this GD is 'well you have a lot of room to talk, you've gained that Freshman 15+'. We've stopped even saying anything about weight around her. What I fear most is that my son will end up raising two girls on his own. One thing she has 'finally' started doing is buying her clothes at a 'large woman's clothing store' . . . so she feels better about her image. I had told her once, that she needed to just go ahead and look for clothes there instead of trying to fit into a size that she really wasn't. MMmmmmm (doghouse). I told her that the number did not matter, she needed to 'feel good' about how she looked. It is hard to watch her struggle with her weight, no matter the reason.

    I can just imagine you saying whatever you said to this guy . . . you are quite vocal (not that, that is a bad thing). I'm also just amazed at how much you exercise. I'm having to work up to it and it is difficult; nice thing is son has pool and I go over there and 'walk' in it - as long as 2 hours, non-stop moving. Great resistance. Running is out of the question because of knees; but, I do walk on a treadmill 3x a week. And of course, the pool exercising.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did 43 minutes of Jari Love's Bootcamp DVD, the plan for tomorrow is to do Violet Zaki's Weight Loss Cardio Sculpt DVD.

    Lillian - occasionally I do Leslie Sanson's walking DVD's. At first I thought "oh, this is going to be a piece of cake". Was I ever shocked at how great a workout you get! Let me know what you think of it. Congrats on your anniversary

    Mary from MN - I used to teach classes at the Y where we were before we moved to NC. When we moved that was when the economy went south and no one was hiring. Since then, they've gotten a new CEO. I don't agree with a lot of the things that he's doing. The main reason I'm not teaching is because I, honestly, don't want to deal with the bs. I used to keep my flotation belt at the Y. Well, they got a new aquatic director. She just had someone come and totally clean out the office. My belt was somehow lost. Yesterday I was looking for a belt that was an "extra small", and I saw one that looked pretty new. Sure enough, it was mine (had my name on the back). He's making all these "bandaid" fixes. What's really needed is a new building.

    one of the positives about exercising every day is that I usually know what day it is because of what exercise I did

    - do you at least get WalGreen's ads? You can take the ad into your local WalMart and they will price match it. That's what I do all the time. I don't think I'll ever get to the point where Poop is, either. Oh well.... I like the idea of Poop burning more calories for me. Works for me!

    I made a macaroni casserole for Vince. Just waiting for it to cool then I'll portion it out so he can have it. I will probably have something else, like crab or the Gardein

    Lately I've been tempted to take a piece of cake or something. But it's not that I will feel good, as a matter of fact, after having it I know that I'll feel bad. But I'm pretty sure what the problem is. I'm thinking about Bryan. But then I remind myself that if I have that piece of cake, that's giving him power and he doesn't deserve it.

    The sun is out -- can't wait to go in my pool. Vince is working on Rover's (robotic cleaner) wheel. One of them broke off the other day so we had to get a new one. The new one is reinforced. Guess the company got the message that it needs to be reinforced.

    - loved the cartoon

    chanagraves - welcome! Do you take a formal water aerobics class? Congrats on that awesome weight loss

    - how horrible that your mom lost that money. Glad they found the person who did it and your mom got her money back

    - safe travels (HUGS))))

    Kathy from VA - welcome! My daughter lives in Reston. Congrats on the weight loss

    - welcome! We're so glad you found us.

    JanetMMc - how wonderful!

    Congrats to everyone who lost

    Kate - welcome! Do you take any meds for your depression. Good that you are cycling, exercise really helps with depression

    - you joined by posting! Welcome!

    I'm a bit sad right now. Denise and Bryan were supposed to Skype today, she was all excited, she took her iPad to her work so she'd have it when he called. He never called. She was so excited to show him where she worked and all. I'm sad for her.

    - what a pretty name! I'm so looking forward to hearing more about Greece.

    seonag - welcome! What kind of crafts do you do?

    Heather - of course you're welcome here! Better late than never! What kind of dance do you do?

    Poop - Kirby looks so very young! What does "ap" stand for? Approximate pace? I can just now see you chewing that guy that you worked with out.

    Lori from Wisconsin
    - Congrats on the weight loss. It sounds like it was a blessing in disguise that your p.t. left you. Sprint triathlon -- way to go! What great ambitions you have!

    Becca - I just love reading all about your lifestyle! Loved your t-shirt

    Nancy - welcome! How nice of you to try to help that guy. Excuses, excuses, excuses. I'd be frustrated, too, knowing that he isn't even TRYING. Hey, one of the reasons we exercise is to get broad shoulders for listening and crying on.

    DeeDee - come on now...Ms Dog doesn't have her own private swimming pool???????

    terri - how did you get seasons 1 & 2 of DA at such a good price?

    Michele in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,738 Member
    Exermom - that stands for average pace or 8.48 minute mile
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    JanetM, I'm doin’ a happy dance for you. That is a terrific loss. Keep it up!! wtg.gif

    Kate, welcome to a great place for support and encouragement. Wow and a big congrats on your turn around. It sounds like you have really taken control and that is something to be proud of. I know depression is a terrible monster and you are certainly doing everything to tame that beast. I’m sure you will be very successful on this journey, so hang in there and keep us posted.

    Elizabeth, welcome to you as well. You joined just by walking in the door and not running right back out. You are in the right place because we are about weight loss and fitness. Come often and join right in. Please sign each post with the name you want to be called and a general location is nice, too. Tell us a bit more about yourself so we can get to know you.

    Carol, could your mom’s house be changed out of the living trust? I don’t know what condition she is in to do that or if it can even be done. What a shame.

    Heather, it would be nice if you can find an outfit for both occasions. I have some dressy black pants that I can still wear and hope to find a fancy top before my next cruise. I like floor-length dresses to hide my flats as I don’t wear heels any more. Oh your GD and GS are precious. Glad you didn’t wait for the picture. She looks stunning in her gold slippers!

    Jane, you are way too young to be falling apart. I have a lot of duct tape if you need it. Get better soon.

    NMMargaret, glad things are ready to sell your mom’s house. I’m sure it is all with mixed emotions for you. I hope it sells quickly and at a good price.

    Poop, very nice haircut and color job. What fun to have a boy toy you can play around with. I think you found a keeper, too. But who is the chick with the pink hair standing behind him?

    Terri, it sounds like a great day. It is so nice ya’ll can work out at your work. I hope you didn’t feel left out not getting a haircut.

    Vicki, gosh two 12 hour days sounds like a killer to me. But then you younguns can take it. I did start feeling my age my last two years of working. I retired at 66 and was ready.

    Lori, welcome. Wow am I impressed. emoticon-object-077.gif How wonderful that your personal trainer left and afforded you the wakeup call that got you motivated. We are happy to have you with us. Come often and good luck with your triathlon.

    Becca, I love reading about the nudist communities, I think because it is such a foreign idea to me. I have always been rather modest and I think mostly because I was embarrassed of my body. I think it’s wonderful to have such confidence and feeling of freedom. I’m sure you are proud of your son.

    Poop, have fun tomorrow running/walking with the kids. I hope yogi enjoys his first. Now what have we told you about that streaking? Congrats and keep it up.

    Nancy, I can tell you care about your “fat friend”. Unfortunately most of us know someone that really needs to lose weight and is not willing to do anything about it. One of my DH’s favorite expressions is, “Some people ya just can’t help”. As you pointed out, they have to want it.

    DeeDee, love the picture of your fur baby. emoticon-animal-064.gif Get her in that ac and stop being mean to her! Come on down. You know that sea breeze keeps things cooled off.

    Barbie, that is cool that you can check out the audio books on your phone.

    Lillian, I looked up the I looked up the Leslie Sansone Walking on line and found some. I’m not a walker, but might even try a little. Even if I don’t make the whole thing, any is better than none. loopy.gif

    Pip, I didn’t know you could do a relay in marathons. That sounds like a plan. It will be nice to get to see family again, also.

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Okay, ladies, I have a question for you. Since all of a sudden there are two additional Janet’s and they both use the same name, what do you think of me using a different nic? Even though my name is Janet, I have used the initials for DamitJanit on another site. In fact the only name they knew me by was DamitJanit and they just started calling me DJ for short. If you think I should use it, to not be confused with the other two, I’ll start signing my post with that.

    I just love you ladies and wish you all the best things in life. worthy.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited June 2015
    OK ~ I just wrote a very long rant about my sis and I having to keep up my mom's house...taxes, insurance, utilities, yard, repairs. All because we are in a living trust with her until she passes away - which they pushed her into doing. My 3 brothers refuse to help and they are the executors so we can't sell the house. It is so frustrating.


    We were lucky in that we (well actually oldest sister and Mother) sold her house; but, then rented it back from Methodist Church until she was unable to live in it (or if she had died first); her next home became the ALF in town and it took her a while before she got it into her head that she did not have a house to go 'home' to. Sad, at times; but, then when she did leave the house; the MC tore it down and built another 'annex' to the church. For a while we were hoping that they'd keep it as office space and use the foyer (with a beautiful staircase) and living room for 'small weddings' and things; and the backyard for 'outside weddings' . . . beautiful; but, that did not happen. Went back home to go to funeral of BF's mother and someone asked me 'didn't I want to see the new part of the church'. I refused because that was the house I 'grew up in' and it would have felt like walking on a grave. Only been back there a few times since; and usually stay with a HS friend and her husband when we do.

    I did not think that a piece of property where someone has a life-time estate in it could ever be sold until that person passed away. I can't believe that your brothers won't help. Oldest sister took care of all financial stuff for our Mother and we got monthly statements showing what she had paid out of her SSI check and monthly payments she got somewhere else. That helped a lot.

  • debbiemccann123
    debbiemccann123 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm new to this blog. I'm 60 and shocked myself by weighing in at 174 after seeing a picture of myself with my new granddaughter. UGH. I should weigh around 145-155 according to all the "charts." So I started "the military diet" on May 18 as well as signed up for Jazzercise. So far I have lost 7 lbs (and 2 inches in the waist!) and have been going to Jazz 3x a week. My original goal was to lose 10 pounds by the 4th of July! I have been pretty motivated so far and the exercise is actually improving my energy level and flexibility. I also gave up Diet Coke except for weekends (I had been a 3x a day girl) and have severely cut out artificial sweeteners. I'm hoping to stay motivated and get better control over my weekends.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    @GRITSandSLUTS I think Florida has the most nudist resorts/beaches of all the states. There is even a nudist housing development that you can travel via a over-street walkway from one resort to the next..or to your home. Crazy. The AANR (American Assoc. for Nude Recreation) here in the states has an extensive legal dept, and there are some states where being nude in your home is a no-no. And of course they are supporting members that would like to bring their grankids to the resort, but then lose their grandparents rights in doing so. Lots of signatures need to happen legally to make that ok...parents/exs/ etc. I am a believer that there is appropriate places in being nude, and so the people that take a stand let say next to a school or church, is really pushing it. Most of the places my family and I have visited have "buffer zones" between the resort and the textile world. I do believe everyone should try it at least once. Its great for your self esteem. I started participating when I was 265 lbs, and to be totally accepted, and my weight being such a non-issue was liberating. To realize that being nude isn't a sexual statement, but just a state of being is humbling. To be poolside at a nudist resort, where everyone is on one plane of existance, no one person being better than the other is strange at first. I remember being friends with a couple of ladies, (my brain labled them the beautiful people of the world) and they appreciated what I had to say, and I was able to just be myself.

    @annr - I'd be in a heap of trouble if I could not be nude in my own home. GEEZ! Just some more 'government interference' if you ask me. I remember when we went to the nude beach above Miami; there was somewhat of a buffer between it and the board walk; but, lookieloos still tried taking pictures of those on the beach; they had 3 or 4 guys that would run them off; couldn't walk dressed on the beach and take any pictures either. I agree that it is certainly a way to find out who are "real" people and who are just along for the ride, so to speak.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Barbie - so true about the food addiction. I had bariatric surgery and lost 125# but every day is a commitment to not letting the addiction control me. No amount of surgery gets rid of that, it's a decision within you.

    I actually decided to have the surgery 18 months ago when my 22 year old DGS was in drug rehab. It dawned on me that I was expecting something of him that I wasn't willing to do myself. He has been clean for over 14 months and we encourage each other.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: Your grandchildren are wonderful. Thanks for sharing their picture. :heart:

    Evangelia from Syros: You’ve come to a good place for transformation. It takes time and effort, but miracles happen here. :flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: I love snow peas but these were small, twisted, dry and flavorless. I won’t plant them again. I love Ms. Dog. :smiley:

    Barbie: Congrats on getting the library phone app so you can listen to audio books while you walk the dogs. I've been recently checking out electronic books through "library to go." I usually don't prefer to read books on the computer but is sure is easy to find something just when I want to read something new. I haven't gotten an audiobook through them yet, but they're offered. :sunglasses:

    Welcome to all the newbies. This is a wonderful group of supportive women. Some of you will stop by a few times, and others have found a new home.

    My neighbor’s mom is now receiving hospice services. She’s 95 and her health has been noticeably slipping for several months, but much more in recent weeks. My heart goes out to both mom & daughter. I lost my own parents when I was still in my forties with kids living at home. I think my neighbor is lucky to have had her mom so long. Right now things are difficult them & my heart goes out to them both.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    June Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,738 Member
    damnit - this place just has an option to do what they call a relay.. 13.1 miles each. so we're gonna do that instead of a full
  • JanetMMcC
    JanetMMcC Posts: 410 Member
    Welcome to all newcomers!

    Mary from MN, Cheri, MNMargaret, Terri, Michele in NC, SC Janet, - thanks!

    bkrimpet - you're more than welcome, and I'll join your celebration. :)

    yanniejannie - Deleting the quoted material's worked for me.
    Yay for sleep!

    Sylvia - sounds like a grand Thursday!
    You and your son have a tough row to hoe. Any chance for transplants?
    Upper arm yoga pants - like these? I suspect those that claim to tone to be hooey, but they might work for your more realistic aims.
    I found these with a search for
    spandex upper arms
    ... "would you ... study?" made me laugh.

    barbiecat - do you have any preference between the pizza lovers and the innkeeping series? Pizza lovers sounds as if it could be dangerous. ;)

    Katla - "Chalazion" sounds like it ought to mean some sort of beautiful jewel, not a nasty clogged eyelid gland. Glad it's been seen to and is getting better fast.
    Another Nora Roberts fan! Do you like her J.D. Robb books, too? I'm right fond of Eve Dallas, and love the way Roberts has shown her growth over the course of the series.

    Lilian - huzza for the rain! I hope it was a nice slow soaking one.

    Cheri -
    Yay for the 0.2! Huzza!
    I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my scale's dive sticks around (maybe it realized I as thinking of buying a gun so I could shoot it), but I got good exercise and ate way under budget both yesterday and today. Not on purpose; just didn't want much for no reason that I can tell. So I ignored MFP's equivalent of "Danger, danger, Will Robinson!"
    I don't know if the loss had anything to do with my adding little baby jogs to my walks.
    And your body changing shape is more important than the numbers on the scale. You're losing fat and gaining muscle, which is more dense and LOTS healthier.

    Lisa - I'm snickering at your ex looking "as if the Michelin Man had illicit relations with an albino beaver". Yup, you're a writer, all right. :)
    Sorry folks you expected didn't show. I'd be interested in what you learned.
    Great pic!
    If you're interested, there are some people who know a lot about marketing over on my home forum, and membership's free. Folks there include both traditionally and self-published authors.

    Pat - what a pretty vine! What is it?
    (Later) Oh, I see. Clematis. I like the pink-and-white, too.

    Terri - If I didn't have a GPS in the car, I'd get lost all the time. The Man In My Life has never let me forget the time I went to a post office at night - a matter of two right turns out and two left turns back - and wound up somewhere in the middle of nowhere. But then, my first coherent memory is of getting lost in bed.
    And a tip of the hat for your determination to find exercises you can do in spite of all the medical tsuris.

    Jules - my kid brother went to Howard Med on the Public Health Service, and is now at a FQHC in the general area where he did his PHS work.
    Yaaay on another four!
    Stick your finger into the dirt around the plants before you water. It's been a long while since I grew veggies, but I think it should feel moist rather than wet or dry.
    Do you know what kind of soil you have - clay? sandy? rich dirt?

    Heather - YAY for the 1 pound loss. And the commitment to yourself.
    Sorry about the laptop. Hope the cleaning helped.
    Good luck on the disk rescue.

    HulaMama - I just came here at the end of May, and lots of people have joined since.

    Becca - Grand Friday!
    And the loss. :) Down, down, down, down. :)
    Very cool about your son and the parade.

    SSC - maybe the fats don't add up because they're rounded off?

    Mia Koda - Hurray for your walking and seat space and tray table!

    Becmanes... - that's a tough one, when everyone's bringing in treats. Maybe bring in fresh strawberries or fruit salad?

    Barbie - great Friday! And great way to handle the pot luck.

    peeppippipoop - I may bike some to work, once I get more stamina, but don't think I could do that on days I'm lugging the computer. Not unless I can find a trailer. <wry smyle>
    Very cool about the Saturday run.
    1050! Wow!
    Great pix!

    Janet in SC - some varieties of clematis do have other names: vase vine (Clematis viorna), leather flower (if it has fleshy petals), old man's beard, virgin's bower (Clematis viticella), and the prettiest name for the only one native to Britain, traveller's joy.

    Chanagraves - Howdy, neighbor! I live in Algiers, work across the streeet from the Superdome.

    Allison- hurrah for the good night's sleep and your determination.
    Tell your husband you'll reserve some jam as long as he stays sweet. ;)

    Kathyrain - I grew up in Fairfax County, about halfway beteen Alexandria and Ft Belvoir.

    Janetr - 3-pound huzza!

    Lillian - Happy MFPversary!

    KateKyi - Good on you for taking back control.

    Elizabeth - to join, you do what you did. :) Show up and join in.

    JanetM in NO