So you want to start lifting? Great!



  • peterjens
    peterjens Posts: 235 Member
    Fujiberry wrote: »
    Good beginner programs include:
    Starting Strength
    Strong Lifts
    New Rules of Lifting for Men/Women
    All Pro's
    Strong Curves

    Great post. I chose the latest in the series - New Rules of Lifting Supercharged. I like how the author explains the theory of getting stronger. He also includes balance and coordination exercises. Lastly, he provides ready-made programs no matter what level you are.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Nice one. We needed this.
  • jdelaineo
    jdelaineo Posts: 10 Member
  • erinm5
    erinm5 Posts: 55 Member
    Bump for awesome info!
  • aliciasilfies
    aliciasilfies Posts: 179 Member
    Bump! This is some great info! Thanks for sharing :)
  • kdcancan
    kdcancan Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks for the info
  • kdcancan
    kdcancan Posts: 40 Member
    RECowgill wrote: »
    This is very good advice of course, I would go a bit further and simplify your list of information personally. There are lots of different exercises to do, but only 5 that someone who is new should do:

    * Back Squat ---
    * Bench press ---
    * Deadlift ---
    * Standing Overhead press
    * Bent over row
    (I'm adding in a few example vids that I like, but please do your own research).

    You already mentioned them, but I would really emphasize these 5. These 5 are the only lifts a new lifter needs to do. They are the most rudimentary lifts every lifter should know..... "

    What would be the equivalent exercises with Dumbbells for these 5? I'm just starting out and already have Dumbbells but no barbell. Also I have knee problems so are any of these contra-indicated for that?
  • gosustu
    gosustu Posts: 33 Member
    Shoutout here for the StrongLifts (5x5). Started slowly after getting back into lifting weights after a long time away and I'm already making huge progress. Getting up at 5:30am to go to the gym so I can be at work at 7:30 sure is tough though :smile:
  • MVMama712
    MVMama712 Posts: 5 Member
    Why doesn't my strength training show up in the "exercise calories burned" when I look at my completed day?
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    edited July 2015
    Fujiberry wrote: »
    Just a brief note/point that I wanted to make since I've seen a lot of friends offline make this mistake recently. :)

    If you just started or have been lifting for only a few months, don't do any of those split routines. Split routine meaning this:

    - Monday: Biceps, Chest [Bicep curls, dumbbell chest flys, ... ]
    - Tuesday: Hamstrings, Back [Cable Kickbacks, Good Mornings, ...]
    - Wednesday: Shoulders, Triceps [Shrugs, Tricep kickbacks, ... ]
    - etc, etc.

    You don't need those separate days. You don't need isolation exercises. Splits like that are for intermediates. A lot of isolation work won't do you a lot of good if you don't have a good muscle base. Think of them us 'touch-up work' or as the 'decoration' to your plain frosted cake.

    Focus on compound lifts.

    Compound Lifts:
    - bench
    - squat
    - deadlift
    - pull ups
    - rows
    - military press

    If you still want a split instead of a full body workout of compound lifts, do an upper/lower split, like this:

    Workout A: Upper
    - Bench
    - Pull ups
    - Rows
    - Military Press

    Workout B: Lower
    - Squat
    - Deadlift
    - Leg Press
    - Calf Raises

    Alternate, and workout every other day.

    If you have a great muscle imbalance where one side is very, very clearly so much stronger than the other, where one side is completely dominant (as in my fellow fencers out there), then feel free to add a bit of isolation/unilateral work to try and even yourself out.

    Have a good day, everyone~!

    Good beginner programs include:

    Starting Strength
    Strong Lifts
    New Rules of Lifting for Men/Women
    All Pro's
    Strong Curves

    Some are/can be free. Just look on google or at

    Any other suggestions? :)
  • Becca211H
    Becca211H Posts: 24 Member
  • mdrichardsons
    mdrichardsons Posts: 83 Member
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    RECowgill wrote: »
    This is very good advice of course, I would go a bit further and simplify your list of information personally. There are lots of different exercises to do, but only 5 that someone who is new should do:

    * Back Squat ---
    * Bench press ---
    * Deadlift ---
    * Standing Overhead press
    * Bent over row
    (I'm adding in a few example vids that I like, but please do your own research).

    You already mentioned them, but I would really emphasize these 5. These 5 are the only lifts a new lifter needs to do. They are the most rudimentary lifts every lifter should know. It took me months to figure that out, wish I would've had someone spell that out for me in the beginning. Do these 5 and ignore everything else. Literally. Until you get good at them, everything else is wasting time.

    These 5 compounds can be a little bit scary for newbies, they were for me. I suggest you go on YouTube and search "how to" on each one (how to deadlift, how to bench, etc). Lots of good proper instruction will come up. Watch and learn at least a few videos on each move to get a sample for the different subtleties and nuances from different instructors.

    A word of advice: maybe you're a dude who thinks he knows how to do one of these already, like benching. You probably don't, actually. Learn from these people who really know what they're doing and please study proper form. Even if you think you know, review the basics. Do it periodically. The last thing you want when lifting is an injury.

    The worst thing you can do is copy what others do at the gym. Please don't, people at the gym don't know what they're doing. The reason: people don't study. They don't ask critical questions. Some do, most don't. If you copy others you see, listen to your boyfriend or whatever, odds are their knowledge is incomplete and probably bad. YouTube videos are your best crowd sourced knowledge base. Do your own research. Please get in the habit of researching and studying.

    I'd skip pushups, pull-ups, chin-ups and dips to start. They are good compounds sure, but many new people don't have the strength to do 1 pull-up. Build some strength using the 5 then start incorporating other compounds like those. Really, every exercise is superfluous outside of the basic 5 lifts. I'd also argue they just aren't as good, pull-ups are a good compound but they only work a subset if the body. Squats etc work the entire body, and really need to be learned first.

    And the sooner you do and learn the 5 compounds the better off you'll be. If you're serious about lifting it will take you years to master all 5. They inform so many other lifts (there are many variants of them, related lifts etc) and it's almost impossible to know them all. But to start it's really that simple, the more complex and deeper stuff will come later.

    And as some twins say, it's just advice. Do your own research and figure it out. ;)

  • beauchampsara
    beauchampsara Posts: 19 Member
    Great informative info! Gonna try. :)
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    I've been running the SL program since March, would like to now focus on lower body, can anyone guide me to a program that works lower body? Or any other ideas/suggestions?
  • piperdown44
    piperdown44 Posts: 958 Member
    giusa wrote: »
    I've been running the SL program since March, would like to now focus on lower body, can anyone guide me to a program that works lower body? Or any other ideas/suggestions?

    Unsure of what you mean?? SL has you squatting 3x per week....that's pretty much focused on lower body?
    Do you mean extra accessory exercises?

  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    giusa wrote: »
    I've been running the SL program since March, would like to now focus on lower body, can anyone guide me to a program that works lower body? Or any other ideas/suggestions?

    Unsure of what you mean?? SL has you squatting 3x per week....that's pretty much focused on lower body?
    Do you mean extra accessory exercises?

    After looking over some of the programs, found what I was looking for, Strong Curves has several programs for full body and lower body.
  • gabrielsaucedo21
    gabrielsaucedo21 Posts: 50 Member
    As an additional alternative (if they are going the split route) I would recommend a Push/Pull/Legs split.

    Yes that works great for me the push/pull/leg day, just so you can focus on certain muscle groups.
  • jessiefrancine
    jessiefrancine Posts: 271 Member
    Bump. Because seeing activity in the lifting posts makes me happy. :smiley:
  • Karen_can_do_this
    Karen_can_do_this Posts: 1,150 Member
    I love this thread