
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Beneita - Welcome and I love the mountain. Hope you don't mind I copied it. Going to print it and hang it where I can see it.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited June 2015
    Jules........"throat punch or Xanax" left me choking on my tea...........you sound exactly like the good friend I rescued yesterday with the flat bike tire!!

    On Lesley........she did announce on her newsfeed that she was leaving because her food from her specialized diet wouldn't post.........we all encouraged her not to but I show her as not being logged on the site for five days. I'll miss her!

    Heather........Hugs to you as you write the difficult bits.........try to picture us all standing behind you as you type.
    I've recently gotten some good recipes from the BBC Good Food show, trying one tonight!

    Carey.......Love today's quote.......There are no shortcuts to anyplace worth going. Beverly Sills. How true AND how applicable!!!


    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Jules........"throat punch or Xanax" left me choking on my tea...........you sound exactly like the good friend I rescued yesterday with the flat bike tire!!

    On Lesley........she did announce on her newsfeed that she was leaving because her food from her specialized diet wouldn't post.........we all encouraged her not to but I show her as not being logged on the site for five days. I'll miss her!

    Heather........Hugs to you as you write the difficult bits.........try to picture us all standing behind you as you type.

    Carey.......Love today's quote.......There are no shortcuts to anyplace worth going. Beverly Sills. How true AND how applicable!!!


    @Lesley - I hope you have not left the site. I'm on a Medical Weight Loss Program; maybe I can help you. Please answer this as soon as you read it. One thing you need to do is put the icon for myfitnesspal on your desktop and set up a user name and password. Surely, together (all of us) can figure out something. What are you trying to track?
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Sassy aus Austria - Wow, absolutely breath taking. Don't suppose you're looking for a summer visitor, say for 3 months or so. lol Teasing, but it is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited June 2015
    Heather, saw that post from Yanniejannie and went back and caught your post. So sorry I missed it! Wrote my autobiography about four years back... and thought I had dealt with all that. Then read a chapter in writer's workshop and burst into tears in front of the whole group a couple months ago. Catharsis can be so wrenching. But I'm pretty sure it was one of the keys to really writing again for me full bore. I hope it opens that door back up wide for you, as well.

    Run - 3.6 miles run in 50 minutes (cut my time by nearly 10 minutes this month so far... ) approx 500 calories.
    Calorie intake - as of 11:30 a.m., 90 from coffee (yay! back on my usual routine)
    Words written - 1,330

    Lisa in Sunny West Texas
  • KateKyi
    KateKyi Posts: 106 Member
    edited June 2015
    Evening Ladies hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday

    JanetMMcC - I need to be in a more creative mode to do embroidery. I dont use patterns I just stitch. I also kinda sorta associate it with my depression/stress so am trying to look at it in a new way before starting it again. I was the finance person for my local chapter of the Embroiderers Guild when I had break down. A lot of the beak down was stress related. I have been depressed for about 7 years but something this year seems to have brought me back again. I was shocked to learn it had been 7 years lol. I rang up to see when I left work. Back then those kinda of memories are vague at best. I have post traumatic stress disorder. Not on any meds for it. I react badly when put into stressful situations otherwise you would think I was normal. Took me 2 days to recover from a letter in the post at the end of May. I was glad I didnt go right back to doing nothing but pushed myself back on my bike which seems to help.

    Decided not to do yoga today. Maybe tomorrow. I know I am procrastinating about it. New phrase is Just Do IT.
    I did go riding my bike. Another 4 miles today. This is the first week I have ridden for 3 days after each other. Legs are starting to feel tight at the end of the day. I can do my yoga tomorrow before my 8 mile ride. At least that is today's plan.

    @Lesley if you are still around and need help adding your specialized food to MFP let me know. I worked in IT for 22 years, I know I can add it to MFP if I have the information.

    @ Nancy If you are going to be naughty at least be good naughty.
    “Lighter” Version
    Chicken with Broccoli (1 cup) 280 calories
    White Rice (1 cup) 150 calories
    1 Mini Veg Spring Roll 165 calories
    Hot tea/diet soda/ water 0 calories
    Total:595 calories

    Full Calorie Version
    Crispy Fried Chicken (1 cup) 485 calories
    Fried Rice (1 cup) 235-370 calories
    1 Egg Roll 300-350 calories
    Sake (3 oz) 115 calories
    1135-1320 calories

    You can always ask for sauce on the side if you dont want to eat all the calories
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    I was signing up for my next Yogailates session and while skimming the brochure I saw an offering for a couch to 5K class. I have NEVER been a runner, but, I now own a new awesome sports bra and I did jog for a portion of the track last week so I SIGNED UP!! The class is at 5:30 am on Fridays which will give me time to shower and get to work. I had to do it quick before I changed my mind.
    I just had to share.

    Chris in MA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,595 Member
    Go CHRIS! :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    KateKyi - I stopped writing for a long time as I associated it with depression and so many struggles. Definitely a love/hate relationship. Now I just schedule a time every morning and tell myself I will do at least half an hour even if I don't feel like it. With the material I am currently writing it is not a pleasurable business, but I am so glad I am doing it. There is a freedom in working your way through the block.
    Yanniejannie and Lisa - thank you for the support. :flowerforyou: Part of the problem is I'm not sure whether I'm right to be doing it at all. Let alone putting it out there. Let alone telling the kids. Part of me says YES. I hope that's the best part of me. :noway:
    Lisa - so glad you have started your new book. :love:

    Sassy - great to see you again! Don't leave us again. <3 Your town looks great!

    Love Heather UK

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
    I forgot to add, on my way home yesterday, a fender bender happened to the car in front of me. had I been riding a full speed, I would have been involved. whew!
  • KateKyi
    KateKyi Posts: 106 Member
    edited June 2015
    @mikesmom1 Hope the couch to 5k class is free. The ipod download is free from the NHS. Anyone can check it out. http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/c25k/Pages/couch-to-5k.aspx
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Sylvia – Not quite full legs, but I found a swim suit where the legs go to my knees. I really like it for aqua aerobics because it helps hold the loose skin. I think it was called an aquatard.

    Mom216 – I had white hair until I was 4. Then I became blonde. As I hit my 30’s light brown. I too, hit the age when I started finding black hairs in amongst the light brown. I fumed about that and at first would pull the black hairs, but they became too numerous. Sadly, before all of my hair could turn black, the black hairs started turning a hideous winter slush gray. I now dye my hair. Lately I have noticed some really pretty silver white before I am due for a dye job so I hold out hope that I will have an attractive gray one of these days. I may be growing older but some days I am getting there kicking and screaming all the way. Nothing graceful about it.

    Oh! And the bifocals…just wait for the day the you need trifocals. I’m really happy to live at a time when they make progressive lightweight lenses.

    linda in calif – I’m with your mom. I stopped caring about what other people thought of me when I was in my 30’s. That gave me the freedom to say what I mean. I still have a governor on my tongue which prevents me from being outright rude or offering an opinion when none was asked for, but I rarely tell white lies to spare anyone’s feelings these days. I usually figure if I’m asked a question then the person deserves the truth. The exception is with people such as my MIL who is easily hurt. If it is something she cannot change I see no need to cause her pain and will tell a white lie when I cannot evade or spin the truth. If change is possible I try to be as gentle as possible. I suspect when I hit my 80’s I’ll be a blunt little old lady.

    Grits – your nephew Michael is in my thoughts.

    JanetMMcC – I must have missed Lisa’s post talking about how gastric bypass surgery temporarily cuts off the hunger urges. Please forgive me if I am repeating what she said, but I find found the reason interesting. The way it was explained to me is that our stomach and intestinal tract produces a hormone called ghrelin. When the stomach is empty more ghrelin is produced. (Not totally as simple as that since other things affect ghrelin production but close enough for this discussion.) One of the things ghrelin does is send a hunger signal to the brain. During gastric bypass surgery the intestinal tract is shortened and a large part of the stomach is cut away. It just so happens that the areas that excrete the majority of the ghrelin are removed from/moved within the digestive system which takes away the hunger for the vast majority of gastric bypass patients. Since they don’t actually remove the part of the stomach and intestine (it stays attached elsewhere in the digestive tract) due to the fact that what is cut away plays other important roles in your body a very small percentage of gastric bypass patients still experience hunger after surgery. Our bodies also have the ability to adapt to this interruption in the process and the parts that remain in the digestive system eventually increase their capacity to produce Ghrelin and patients will eventually regain their hunger signals. Since the stomach/pouch is smaller they will register fullness earlier than pre-surgery.

    For those who wonder about a non-surgical alternative… you can control ghrelin somewhat by 1) getting enough sleep; 2) reduce stress; and 3) cut out sugary foods and foods with simple carbs. I know, easier said than done. Therein lies the problem.

    If anyone wants a chocolate bar don’t come to me. Yesterday’s temptations have left the building and not via my stomach. Whew!

    Mia in MI

    June goal - log food every day
    Word of the month – persevere

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    I forgot to add, on my way home yesterday, a fender bender happened to the car in front of me. had I been riding a full speed, I would have been involved. whew!

    Good, wrecks aren't fun. I know, I have had my share of them ... the last 2, unfortunately, were my fault. Still surprised that our insurance did not go up or get cancelled; but, we've been with them for 40 years, more or less.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    @miakoda40 - Thank you so much. He had surgery at Cedars Sinai in LA; don't know what all they had to do to put 'humpty dumpty' back together again; but, he will have to have some 'major' PT so he'll be able to walk in 3 to 6 months. His Mother (my sister) is planning on bringing him home as soon as he can travel.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
    I was signing up for my next Yogailates session and while skimming the brochure I saw an offering for a couch to 5K class. I have NEVER been a runner, but, I now own a new awesome sports bra and I did jog for a portion of the track last week so I SIGNED UP!! The class is at 5:30 am on Fridays which will give me time to shower and get to work. I had to do it quick before I changed my mind.
    I just had to share.

    Chris in MA

  • Charm4u76132
    Charm4u76132 Posts: 94 Member
    Met w/ my Health Coach (HC). Tanita scale showed same results, except I gained 0.5 lb. water. No doubt from the salty Asian chicken take out dinner last night. She said we're not even going to look at yesterday, just forget about it. What a Relief! Overall, I'm doing very well. Really nailed it on the exercise and calories.

    She recommended that I not pay so much attention to calories since I'm not eating very many daily. Instead, she asked me to focus on meeting my macronutrient percentages (which is based on calories anyway). Am doing 40% Carbs, 35% Protein and 25% Fat right now. I have trouble eating enough carbs and protein plus holding down the fat grams. For 1000 calories, this means Carbs 100 gm, Protein 88 gm and Fat only 28 gm. Many days I have only eaten 800 calories and have not been hungry now that I'm on the correct macronutrient %s based on my DNA test results. Almost every day I have double digit carbs and protein grams left. It has been a challenge to hold down the fat grams. I have gone over in Fat grams a few days. Will try sticking to my %s going forward and am excited to see what happens.

    Lisa - Great hearing about all your success! Stopped at Quik Trip for a large ice tea after my HC appt. during lunch. OMG, the chewy pralines were staring me in the face and calling my name--and I was hungry because I hadn't eaten lunch yet. Because I read your recent posts, I was able to Just say NO! Thank you TX Sister.

    Welcome Newbies. We're glad you're here. - Nancy in Wet TX
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    ydailey wrote: »
    The "spam key" reference almost made me spew coffee on the screen! My friend Mary calls those National Geographic boobs, and I have them too so I've never really been... shall we say... perky. The girls are harder to deal with at this weight though - my last bra was a 38GGG - and that's been a motivator for losing weight. I remember one time when I was younger I was trying to turn over in bed and the boobage was getting in the way, and I just got aggravated and started an exercise program that week.

    I really sympathize with the sister who said she hates exercise. I do, too... I've tried all kinds of stuff but it still seems like a boring waste of time to me. When we moved to New Mexico years ago I finally discovered my sport, and spent many happy hours crosscountry skiing. But we're back home now (I'm a native Texan) and opportunities to ski are non-existent. I have yet to find anything that I enjoy like I did skiing. Swimming comes close but there's no lap pool anywhere near our new town. The best solution so far is to do stuff that lets me read or watch TV while doing it (e.g., exercise bike, Nordic Track). That gives my brain something to do besides come up with reasons to quit.

    Lost a pound this week. Wish it were more, but I haven't found the magic wand that takes of 20 pounds at a time. One pound a week is my goal so I have to be content with slow, steady, and realistic.

    Happy hump day!


    Don't worry about those who have 'perky' ones . . . gravity will still get to them as they age. My middle granddaughter is very self-conscious of hers and won't stand up. We keep telling her to watch her other Nana and see how she'll look at that age (not really old); and her Mother has big boobs, too . . . and complains all the time about neck and shoulder pain, backaches, and headaches. I told her that 'when' they get some health insurance, she ought to consider breast reduction . . . I might as well have flown into a brick wall. She says her hubby (my son) likes them. I really can't believe that; but, when they married she was much, much thinner and they did not look so large. Having babies, I guess and weight gain has made them huge. One thing I am beginning to notice is that I don't have that lump that sometimes is considered part of the breast where my bra has 'love handles' . . . if that is what you call them. I will be glad on the day that I change sizes in my bra. I'd like to shop at Victoria Station and finally they have cups that are larger than a "C". ... in the store(s). Since I stay home most of the day; I usually just go braless because my bras are still a little tight on me.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    I forgot to add, on my way home yesterday, a fender bender happened to the car in front of me. had I been riding a full speed, I would have been involved. whew!

    Good, wrecks aren't fun. I know, I have had my share of them ... the last 2, unfortunately, were my fault. Still surprised that our insurance did not go up or get cancelled; but, we've been with them for 40 years, more or less.

    they are a little more scary when you're on a bicycle though...lolol. I was riding my bike and the car in front of me got hit and I was right behind it.
  • Charm4u76132
    Charm4u76132 Posts: 94 Member
    Genie bras are very comfortable.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Lenora prayers for Micheal.

    Good to see you back Sassy.

    Janetr Thanks for the chuckle. My mom would like that one, too.

    Taking somethings to Goodwill today and then will shop for clothes for my mom.

    :heart: MNMargaret

    Thank you Margaret; that is his Mother's name. Thanks to all that have been praying for my nephew, even if you did not post that. I know this 'family' of many are sending up prayers for him. He had surgery yesterday at Cedars Sinai. I guess some of his friends are looking out for him, until my sister can get out there. I don't know if she plans to go now, in the very near future, or when he is able to return with her to Miami. He's got a long, hard road ahead of him. Lots of PT. They've already told him that it will be 3 - 6 months before he is able to walk.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    DamitJanit wrote: »
    [Grits, sending prayers for your nephew and hope for fast healing. I didn’t think MFP would set a daily calorie intake under 1200? You may have to contact tech help. Was this after adding exercise? That will up your calories for the day. That is why I wait and put in my exercise after I have completed my food for the day. Hummmm???
    Myrtle Beach, SC

    Yes, it let me change it below 1200 calories; and today it went back to normal. Go figure. No, my calories intake is low (960) this is not taking into mind of exercise; I report that differently so that it does not 'eat back off my calories'. I'll just have to take it as a day that I fell down. I wait until after I have added my food, too. Still could kick myself for doing it. And know exactly what I did, and could not help it. LOL!