Recomposition: Maintaining weight while losing fat



  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    It has me at 2465 then down to 2165. I do want to be the dude in the picture though. He looks pretty cool.
    Definitely. Is his jaw routine included in there?
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    edited June 2015
    senecarr wrote: »
    auddii wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    heybales wrote: »
    First comment following article was about eating back exercise calories, and followup response said why, it's accounted for your workout already and your daily life.

    Didn't sound right - looked again - only accounts for daily life, not your workouts at all.

    Mine had me right about sedentary maintenance level eating, so exercise creates the deficit.

    I was hoping to never find out my body type, bummer I broke my record and read their article on that to see.
    I wonder how useless that will be.

    Are you talking about what others here have suggested or that article?

    If you use the TDEE method on MFP you don't log exercise because TDEE includes exercise. If you use MFP's method you eat back your exercise calories.

    I'm not really sure what you are talking about.

    I think he's talking about the body building link. It's something I noticed too, it doesn't account for exercise at all, just your job. Apparently readers aren't expected to work out (or something).

    Maybe it is a plan for the Miscers?


    BTW - why are we (I use the term "we" loosely) discussing a cut in the recomp thread - and in the maintaining weight section?

    Also, I just put my stats into the calculator - for the lulz - 2194 Cals, 282 g protein (GTFO), 24 g fat (GTFO), 213 g carb to start, ending up at 1894 Cals (lolwut?), 282 g protein (seriously, GTFO), 17 g fat (no - F off), and 153 g carb.

    Yeah - I don't f'ing think so.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    TR0berts wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    auddii wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    heybales wrote: »
    First comment following article was about eating back exercise calories, and followup response said why, it's accounted for your workout already and your daily life.

    Didn't sound right - looked again - only accounts for daily life, not your workouts at all.

    Mine had me right about sedentary maintenance level eating, so exercise creates the deficit.

    I was hoping to never find out my body type, bummer I broke my record and read their article on that to see.
    I wonder how useless that will be.

    Are you talking about what others here have suggested or that article?

    If you use the TDEE method on MFP you don't log exercise because TDEE includes exercise. If you use MFP's method you eat back your exercise calories.

    I'm not really sure what you are talking about.

    I think he's talking about the body building link. It's something I noticed too, it doesn't account for exercise at all, just your job. Apparently readers aren't expected to work out (or something).

    Maybe it is a plan for the Miscers?


    BTW - why are we (I use the term "we" loosely) discussing a cut in the recomp thread?

    I wondered that back when he said he was in a deficit. I kept talking to help him see that a balanced plan will give him the same results. It's still not recomp.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    So full circle around from that distraction.

    Even programs like that, if eaten truly at maintenance level - are exaggerated in same way for what is required for good recomp - as experienced by the page 14 list of successful folks and their programs.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    I was under the impression that a recomp was either eating at maintenance or just slightly below (a deficit)? Is that not the case?
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    I was under the impression that a recomp was either eating at maintenance or just slightly below (a deficit)? Is that not the case?

    That's what's been described, but the program is a cut for 30 days prior to a show, and it's pretty extreme considering it's at a deficit, plus it doesn't account for exercise calories, and the calories get lower towards the end of the program.

    But, I think it was brought up because he was going to do a 1 month cut, than transition to recomp.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    TR0berts wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    auddii wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    heybales wrote: »
    First comment following article was about eating back exercise calories, and followup response said why, it's accounted for your workout already and your daily life.

    Didn't sound right - looked again - only accounts for daily life, not your workouts at all.

    Mine had me right about sedentary maintenance level eating, so exercise creates the deficit.

    I was hoping to never find out my body type, bummer I broke my record and read their article on that to see.
    I wonder how useless that will be.

    Are you talking about what others here have suggested or that article?

    If you use the TDEE method on MFP you don't log exercise because TDEE includes exercise. If you use MFP's method you eat back your exercise calories.

    I'm not really sure what you are talking about.

    I think he's talking about the body building link. It's something I noticed too, it doesn't account for exercise at all, just your job. Apparently readers aren't expected to work out (or something).

    Maybe it is a plan for the Miscers?


    BTW - why are we (I use the term "we" loosely) discussing a cut in the recomp thread - and in the maintaining weight section?

    Also, I just put my stats into the calculator - for the lulz - 2194 Cals, 282 g protein (GTFO), 24 g fat (GTFO), 213 g carb to start, ending up at 1894 Cals (lolwut?), 282 g protein (seriously, GTFO), 17 g fat (no - F off), and 153 g carb.

    Yeah - I don't f'ing think so.

    I like this quote from there:

    "Starting the month with a big hit to your calories will be difficult at first, but if you eat enough protein and eat fairly frequently, you shouldn't ever feel hungry."

    Dafuq!! Not hungry??? Brb eating 1200 cals 6 x a day....mmmmmm...dat's gonna keep me full.
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    First off, the idea is too eat and train to reduce fat while maintain muscle. Im sorry that i brought it up in here because i didnt realize it would offend all the experts in here. I thought this was sight of encouragement but i guess not. Like i said, ive been doing it a couple weeks now and see good results while maintaining my strength. As i am someone that finds it hard to maintain weight, i have even roughly kept the same weight. And it is extreme like it says and it also says its not for everyone. I am willing to try it because i truly believe i can accomplish anything even though everyone here would rather mock than encourage.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    auddii wrote: »
    Hornsby wrote: »
    I was under the impression that a recomp was either eating at maintenance or just slightly below (a deficit)? Is that not the case?

    That's what's been described, but the program is a cut for 30 days prior to a show, and it's pretty extreme considering it's at a deficit, plus it doesn't account for exercise calories, and the calories get lower towards the end of the program.

    But, I think it was brought up because he was going to do a 1 month cut, than transition to recomp.

    Now I'm tracking....thanks for the summary.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    First off, the idea is too eat and train to reduce fat while maintain muscle. Im sorry that i brought it up in here because i didnt realize it would offend all the experts in here. I thought this was sight of encouragement but i guess not. Like i said, ive been doing it a couple weeks now and see good results while maintaining my strength. As i am someone that finds it hard to maintain weight, i have even roughly kept the same weight. And it is extreme like it says and it also says its not for everyone. I am willing to try it because i truly believe i can accomplish anything even though everyone here would rather mock than encourage.

    No one is mocking you. It just doesn't make any sense. It's literally like the saying "cutting off your own nose, to spite your face". It's not about whether you CAN do it. It's WHY would you want to?
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    Why not? If you had the metabolism i do, maybe you would. Everyone is different. The only way to burn fat is to be in a deficit of some sort after everything is said and done. This diet provides a deficit and im not sure if i want to cut back my calories more though but we will see. Why? Because I can and has worked so far. Recomp is to reform and that is what im doing. Im not sure if i am gaining muscle right now but i dont think im losing any. Its not literally Hornsby, its figuratively like saying. And not even close to your analogy.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Why not? If you had the metabolism i do, maybe you would. Everyone is different. The only way to burn fat is to be in a deficit of some sort after everything is said and done. This diet provides a deficit and im not sure if i want to cut back my calories more though but we will see. Why? Because I can and has worked so far. Recomp is to reform and that is what im doing. Im not sure if i am gaining muscle right now but i dont think im losing any. Its not literally Hornsby, its figuratively like saying. And not even close to your analogy.

    Except that the diet forces unnecessary and very restrictive conditions. You could get the same results without the crazy protein intake and potentially damaging low amounts of fat. Even a keto diet encourages high fat. Fats are important to your metabolism and testosterone. That's why nobody supports it and we are trying to show you that there are easier, less painful ways of accomplishing your goal. People really are not that different and all that diet does is drop your calories super low. Eating twice as much protein as you need isn't magically making a difference.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    edited June 2015
    Doing something you have admitted is ridiculous and that provides no added benefit and could be harmful compared to a balanced diet is kinda silly, bad analogy or not.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    First off, the idea is too eat and train to reduce fat while maintain muscle. Im sorry that i brought it up in here because i didnt realize it would offend all the experts in here. I thought this was sight of encouragement but i guess not. Like i said, ive been doing it a couple weeks now and see good results while maintaining my strength. As i am someone that finds it hard to maintain weight, i have even roughly kept the same weight. And it is extreme like it says and it also says its not for everyone. I am willing to try it because i truly believe i can accomplish anything even though everyone here would rather mock than encourage.

    Conveying and opinion as to why someone does not think it is a good idea, and explaining why, is not mocking. I am not going to encourage something I think is a bad idea.

    Ribbing a routine is not ribbing you.

    No-one is offended.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Why not? If you had the metabolism i do, maybe you would. Everyone is different. The only way to burn fat is to be in a deficit of some sort after everything is said and done. This diet provides a deficit and im not sure if i want to cut back my calories more though but we will see. Why? Because I can and has worked so far. Recomp is to reform and that is what im doing. Im not sure if i am gaining muscle right now but i dont think im losing any. Its not literally Hornsby, its figuratively like saying. And not even close to your analogy.

    You just said that you have not lost weight doing this yet. What is working?
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,951 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    Why not? If you had the metabolism i do, maybe you would. Everyone is different. The only way to burn fat is to be in a deficit of some sort after everything is said and done. This diet provides a deficit and im not sure if i want to cut back my calories more though but we will see. Why? Because I can and has worked so far. Recomp is to reform and that is what im doing. Im not sure if i am gaining muscle right now but i dont think im losing any. Its not literally Hornsby, its figuratively like saying. And not even close to your analogy.

    Except that the diet forces unnecessary and very restrictive conditions. You could get the same results without the crazy protein intake and potentially damaging low amounts of fat. Even a keto diet encourages high fat. Fats are important to your metabolism and testosterone. That's why nobody supports it and we are trying to show you that there are easier, less painful ways of accomplishing your goal. People really are not that different and all that diet does is drop your calories super low. Eating twice as much protein as you need isn't magically making a difference.
    I would hazard to guess that the site has lots of protein shakes for sale as well...
  • lil_swolemite
    lil_swolemite Posts: 25 Member
    always like to hear about recomping.
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    edited June 2015
    My belly is actually slimming getting my 6 pack back instead of a 4 pack. Im on a different knotch on my belt as well. Im not sure what to account for water weight and what is actually lost. When i started a bulk earlier this year, weighed 195 to 200. I stopped the bulk weighing between 215 to 220. I stopped the bulk for a couple weeks before starting the diet and i weighed 216 at the beginning of diet. Yesterday was 214. So some weight loss but nothing significant.
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    Why not? If you had the metabolism i do, maybe you would. Everyone is different. The only way to burn fat is to be in a deficit of some sort after everything is said and done. This diet provides a deficit and im not sure if i want to cut back my calories more though but we will see. Why? Because I can and has worked so far. Recomp is to reform and that is what im doing. Im not sure if i am gaining muscle right now but i dont think im losing any. Its not literally Hornsby, its figuratively like saying. And not even close to your analogy.
    The idea that there is a large variance in human metabolism is overstated. Chances are rather small that your metabolism is substantially different from Hornsby's.
    The proof that no one is mocking you will be that if this plan starts stalling and you come back, everyone here will re-offer advice instead of harping on how you didn't care to take the advice before.