Restaurants/food you've had to say goodbye to.



  • HurricaneElaine
    HurricaneElaine Posts: 984 Member
    Chinese food. Especially Peking dumpling. Ming's makes the best, they're right down the street - I try to avoid driving by there.
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    Pepperoni on pizza. Just don't really feel it's necessary anymore.

    Me too!
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    Taco Bell. The nutritional content be damned, it tasted amazing, but it had to go as part of the "new me" effort. Since then, I've learned how to cook Mexican food properly (and then healthily LOL).

    I love Taco Bell, but I switched to their Fresco menu, and only occasionally. The fresco steak burrito is good, and is lower in calories. Still lots of sodium, though.
  • MarciMelts
    MarciMelts Posts: 10 Member
    Absolutely nothing. I ate out twice last week, including Mexican. I made wiser choices and didn't eat all of what I knew was pointy (i.e. the free tortilla chips and the refried beans), but I ate a little of everything and all of the taco and beef enchilada and stayed well within my calories for the day. And did not skip any other meals or snacks, either.
  • My favorite "bad" foods were (are) deep fried pizza puffs, gyros with fries( extra sauce) mmm. Oh well.That's what got me into this mess lol Adios pizza puffs!
  • Ben and Jerry's and cream cheese cinnamon rolls. I used to have them A LOT. Now it's every couple months or so. I haven't really given up anything forever.

    Edited to add: I did give up sodas and energy drinks. I occasionally have a soda if in a mixed drink and haven't had an energy drink since Jan 2011.
  • Baltis - They're just to high in calories to eat anymore :(
  • I miss having Applebees Nachos w/ extra jalapenos.
  • Well, I declined going to Cantina Laredo today for the brunch special. My favorite includes: grilled skirt steak, 2 fried eggs, a cheesy potato dish, fresh fruit and of course coffee with cream - not to mention the mimosa! I used to just eat half and take the rest home for later but it's really too rich for me. I said to my sweetheart, lead me not into temptation! So my sweetie made me breakfast instead. I had one fried egg with a slice of nice sharp cheddar cheese (and garlic!) on some toasted whole grain bread (declined the fried ham) with coffee & milk with sugar free sweetener.
  • LittleBallofFurr
    LittleBallofFurr Posts: 242 Member
    Chinese food at the buffet! I love it and after every so many lbs I will treat myself (in moderation)
  • blwalton70
    blwalton70 Posts: 71 Member
    I pretty much eat what I want, in moderation of course, and work out to make up for off days when I feel like 1200 calories isn't enough. What I can't justify eating because it is so full of calories and has no nutriet value is oreos! I miss oreos so much! Be fore MFP and 20 pounds ago, I would sit up late at night and eat an entire sleeve of them, and no oreo is complete without milk! YIKES!
  • nasoj007
    nasoj007 Posts: 35 Member
    For the most part I will still eat it if i can fit it within my daily calorie goals but there are a few exceptions. I used to love Wendy's double burgers (over 800 calories) but I just can't justify eating them anymore (the combo pretty much finishes off my whole day). I still might have one on a cheat day very rarely but that would be it. Same thing with poutine, not much you can do to healthy up a poutine lol. Pizza would probably be the third thing I pretty much don't eat anymore, I used to get a 12 inch thin crust and eat it myself now on a rare occasion I might get a small one and have a couple slices but for the most part I avoid it.

    I think the common thread in these foods is the calorie cost vs benefit (nutrition, satisfaction, is it filling, etc)... if the food fails on more than a couple levels its not worth eating.
  • lstone03
    lstone03 Posts: 57 Member
    A place I used to work. Its by six flags in Gurnee IL called the Avalon. The food seems like a lot of the foods a family would prep at home but the portions are huge. The plates weighed 5lbs empty and if you put normal portions on them it looks like they are skimping. So for those that must clean their plate its a disaster. I've watched some regular customers expand by at least 100 lbs during my employment. I have a portion control problem. My dish of choice chicken strip and feta wrap.
  • AVinmill
    AVinmill Posts: 88 Member
    I've said goodbye to ALL restaurants. The only exceptions are Extreme Pita if I didn't make a lunch (rare) or if I'm out in Whistler mountain biking for the day I'll stop for lunch with the guys but even then I try to stick it to the healthy stuff, no fries, soda, etc.
  • I can't think of any--I don't really eat fried food but I didn't used to either.
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 839 Member
    No more Taco John's Potato Oles. No more white processed sugar. No more deep-dish supreme pizzas. I have found a lot of sugar-free dessert recipes that work for me. Papa Murphy's Pizza has a whole line of "Delite" pizzas that are lower fat and calories, I just have to stick to 2-3 small pieces per meal, and not very often.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    Nothing. I just work it into my calories for the day. That has been true through my whole time losing weight.
  • I havent said goodbye to anything :) for me this needs to be something i can do for life, and life is too short not to enjoy decadent, delicious food sometimes. I have a free day, usually sunday, when i eat what i want. I'm still losing weight. You dont have to give things up-just dont have them all the time :)

  • Sodiumtracker
    Sodiumtracker Posts: 2 Member
    I'm proud to say I haven't eaten any french fries in two and a half years. I just think of them as sponges of oily, greasy fat. Now they're just gross.

    I'm baaa-ack. Found this in my account. I still haven't had any French fries. Doing fine without them. Now, if I can just cut out all those carbs, fats, sugars and cholesterol... help!

  • Noelv1976
    Noelv1976 Posts: 18,948 Member
    I said goodbye to the triple Whopper with cheese