
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,016 Member
    I used to write poetry, this is one that i wrote about lenny

    Someone who loves me, someone who's there.
    Someone to come home to, someone who cares.
    He was my life, my reason for being -
    He was my joy, who was all of these things.
    From the day we first met, conversation was never to stop.
    Talking til late into the night, city blackouts, talking my moonlight.
    So full of romance, the true love of my dreams -
    I've waited all of my life, or so it sometimes seems.
    He touched so many lives, he could have touched so many more -
    But God has called him to walk through that Golden Gate Door.
    I was so honored, so blessed when he came into my life
    The luckiest woman to become his wife.
    Plans of growing old, living our lives together,
    Still in my life, part of me forever.
    Full of life, love, experience and fun, no time was wasted;
    The best of life was what i tasted.
    Gerald Leonard Goodell, the man who i speak of,
    To soon died of AIDS, left me longing for his love.
    People you admired, the Stones, Dickens & Bonham are few -
    Given the chance, they could have learned something from you.
    One day he'll be proud of me; i have no doubt -
    But right now, depression is what my life is about.
    Lenny, my mon-chaibaire; my God i miss you so much!
    My teacher, my husband; I will always yearn for your touch.

    wrote this 12/12/95 - i haven't read this in so long....
  • KateKyi
    KateKyi Posts: 106 Member
    KateKyi burned 1,261 calories doing 240 minutes of Cleaning, light, moderate effort.
    This can not be right for the amount of calories surely? I decided it was kitchen spring cleaning time. When through every cupboard, scrubbed the walls and floor, washed the curtains and dishes. Now everything is nice and shinny. I am ashamed to say how dirty they had gotten during my depression. At least Im doing more.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    @Pip -wow what a terrific job you have done. A whole new you. I know you have to feel good about yourself and being in great shape now is an added perk. Way to go girl!! Wedding pics are beautiful.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    @Heather - love your stories of London. It's like reading a great novel.

    Hope you can let the train situation go and relax.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    @Margaret - your stories look enchanting. How talented you are. I don't believe I have a creative bone in my body. Thanks for sharing.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    KateKyi wrote: »
    KateKyi burned 1,261 calories doing 240 minutes of Cleaning, light, moderate effort.
    This can not be right for the amount of calories surely? I decided it was kitchen spring cleaning time. When through every cupboard, scrubbed the walls and floor, washed the curtains and dishes. Now everything is nice and shinny. I am ashamed to say how dirty they had gotten during my depression. At least Im doing more.

    Way to go, Kate. One foot in front of the other, one day at a time and you will achieve your goals. Good job.


  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    @Pip - from the heart, bared your soul, made me teary.
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Sylvia - I am so glad you and the kids are OK.So sorry for the van.

    Lenora - I have not read anything by James Grippando. I'll have to check him out. Twenty-One in the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich came out fairly recently so if you decide you like her books you have a ways to go before you run out.

    JanetMMcC - Yes, I have read and enjoyed Brother Cadfael. Thanks for mentioning 2 authors I have not tried. I can see this group of ladies is going to increase my reading.

    Allison - I "read" the entire Stephanie Plum series via audio books as well. I used to worry the other drivers would think I was loony sitting in my car laughing. I had about a 4 hour commute (round-trip) every day. You can go through a whole lot of books listening to them in the car on a commute like that. My commute is now 1/2 hour each way but I still manage to listen to 2 books a week. Listening to books while driving has become a habit.

    Mia in MI
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,016 Member
    rebelrenny - thanks. funny you should say that. back then i was anything but positive. i was seriously depressed in those pics. even when we got married but he married me anyway. i used to be the way i am now when i got married to my 3rd husband in the pic that i showed. actually i was the around the same size now as i was when i had married lenny. it was after he died that i put weight on
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,016 Member
    this is a valentines poem that i wrote to kirby in 1997.
    My Love For You

    We've known each other for such a short period of time,
    I never knew my subconscious was hoping you would be mine.
    Looking into those blue eyes that day we first met;
    I was captivated by those eyes, blonde hair & dimples but yet-
    I didn't think I was ready for anyone new in my life.

    What were the chances of meeting someone like you,
    Not knowing where life was taking me to.
    You've brought me into your world, you home and family;
    to a small little town, a simple life I was hoping it would be.

    Meeting Lenny to me was a once in a lifetime thing -
    How could one feel so unlucky & yet have so much luck;
    To have met two great men, back to back; I am trly awe struck!

    Please be patient my love, my emotions will one day change,
    Life will be different, things I will have to rearrange.
    Not only my way; my thoughts & depression will be less & less -
    But for you I will strive for the person I used to be,
    Or just try to be my best.

    You are so good, I am just too blessed to have met you
    at the time that i did.
    There was no reason for life, no reason to live.
    You've made me want to give life a chance again,
    I'm only happy when i'm with you, much more than a lover -
    You are my most precious friend.

    You understand when i feel down from time to time.
    But you're always ready to put your hand in mine.
    You knew what you had gotten yourself into, when we first met;
    As time goes on, I hope this decision you won't regret.

    No matter what language I may tell you -
    Te Amo, Em Ou Ahn, Wa I Kneww, or simply Ze Tem -
    Thank you Kirby for letting me live & Love Again.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,016 Member
    total stat for the day:
    ski machine - 40min, 30-50resistance, 7incline, 1.81mi = 324c
    jumping/skipping/side-step - 25min, 230c
    total cal 554
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,016 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    @Pip - from the heart, bared your soul, made me teary.

    actually it made me teary typing it again... haven't seen those poems in a long while. it shows me how far i've come since those days
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    edited June 2015
    @pipcd34 - beautiful poems. Thank you sharing. <3
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Pip, the wedding pic is beautiful! So is the poem. Made me cry.

    We have discovered a serious downside to not having the van. We can't carry all three dogs to the lake in hubby's little Acura. So, we came out to the cabin, just the two of us, so hubby could mow the grass, and will go back home soon.

    We took the little guy to his tball game this morning. It was such fun! None of the kids have a clue as to what they are supposed to do, and no real skills, so it's very comedic to watch. At one point, though, the "pitcher" threw the ball to Ian on first base, and he CAUGHT IT! It was so unexpected that all the spectators on both sides gasped and cheered. He seemed surprised to find it in his glove, but there it was. So, he heard all the cheering and he pulled off his little hat and waved it in the air, like he was taking a little bow. Of course, the runner was already on the base by then, but that didn't matter.

    At another point when his team (purple) was up to bat, one of Ian's teammates hit the ball out into center field (the longest hit of the game) and all 10 of the players in red shirts went running after it. It was hilarious. They reminded me of chickens somehow.

    If you haven't watched a tball game lately, you should go find one to watch. Great amusement.

    I was feeling fine this morning. No soreness really. The kids said they were all good too, so I guess we were really lucky. I overheard Ian telling his little friends about the big crash. It sounded much more dramatic when he told it.

    Well, my battery is about dead. I hope you are all having a great weekend.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,964 Member
    evening friends~
    well all the electrical is done. and it is getting better looking by the minute..
    bad news we went to carrabas and I ate very badly~ tomorrow is another day...
    Pip~ your poem's brought me to tears.. you truly are one of a kind and I love you very much xoxoxo
    I got a 300.00 debit card through our insurance as a health insentive.. I am thinking about getting a bike, maybe a hybrid.. I dont think at my size I would be able to ride a bike like Pip and Kirby.. either that or maybe get some exercise equipment for the house.. Tom's work will pay up to 200.00 for an insentive when you buy soemthing to better your health.. so maybe something like that.. I dont know I am so undecided.. I so have to get back into the swing of things, and get healthy, I am waiting to hear back on the bloodwork to see where I stand so I know how to adjust me eating, because it looks like it is going to be a drastic change... from what I am reading I will have to start on a low phosphorus diet...
    hope everyone is enjoying there weekend...
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited June 2015
    Good evening to all. Life has calmed down a bit as Goldy's son has arrived from out of state to help. I made it to yoga this am; had to leave to splash some water on myself as I was drenched in sweat half way through and a bit lightheaded. Finished up with the class after a short rest in some ac. It was HOT and humid in that gym..........pretty sure I won't be doing real "hot yoga" anytime soon.
    Is anyone else watching the FIFA world cup soccer?? US is doing pretty well but I watched Japan beat Australia, was rooting for Australia.

    Margaret......Enjoyed seeing the artwork from your book, neat!

    Poop......Loved the bike "race" account. WOW!!! BTW........If I wasn't before (and I was), I am most definitely in the Kirby fan club after seeing the pic of him with long hair!!!! Hot stuff!!! Gorgeous!!! Be still my heart!
    Appreciated seeing a pic of Lenny, also very handsome; thanks for posting the poetry for him, I can feel your utter despair in it. I am so glad Kirby touched your heart and you found happiness again. You deserve only the best.

    Becca......Very lovely picture you painted of the view from your balcony!

    Sylvia......So sorry about the accident; happy you are all OK; great jokes too.

    Heather.......Sweet, sweet pic!!! Fabulous advice to Kim. Useless guard, I'd be angry too.

    Sue.........Congrats on a successful move!

    JanetM.......Enjoying the links to your articles. DH and my bestest friend from kindergarten both like Brother Cadfael. Epinephrine is Adrenaline; same drug as far as I know.

    Lesley........I am so sorry for your daughter's node involvement.......((((((hugs))))))) to you both.

    Mary......Terrible about the house issue; no advice, I know nothing about that subject......(((((hugs))))) to you too.

    Lillian.......Glad to read that the fires are under control.

    Kim........Loved you scamming the scammers!! That was brilliant!!

    Cynthia........Fingers crossed that you continue to fight off the cold symptoms!!!

    Lisa.....Gorgeous cake, gorgeous dress, gorgeous family!!! Happy anniversary!!!

    terri.........Sounds like you are enjoying your vacation. Safe trip home.

    Hunger is not an emergency.

    mid-Atlantic, storms today with tornado warning for a short time...soooo humid.....

  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    edited June 2015
    Sunday here and Stan cooked Sunday Brunch, delicious as usual. Food = 1326.
    Did Jeannette's kick-box Dance-party before breakfast. Drive out and walk Blaize today.
    Got in 10393 steps yesterday.
    I cannot help daughter, her husband and sons are there for her
    Updated ticker:
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Pip... hard to imagine the you that was heavy, glad Kirby helped you find your smile... you have amazing taste in men. Your poetry is filled with such heart and grace, as well. I love people who don't feel they have to hide.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Hello everyone! We talked to the broker and our realtor today. Our realtor said that the dad of our buyer is going to gift the money into escrow for the roof. They think we should still close on the 2nd. The broker told our realtor to have the buyers realtor check with the bank Monday morning to make sure that the dad can gift money into escrow. So please keep praying or sending positive thoughts our way! Thank you for your support!

    Heather- that is too bad that you had to endure that type of behavior with no help from a person in a position of authority. He could have been intimidated as well which means he should not be working there.

    Pip- you wrote a very heartfelt poem. I could feel your love and grief. From the pictures of Kirby and you there is evidence of strong love and happiness. I am glad that you were able to go on and enjoy your life to the fullest! The poem to Kirby made me feel your inner pain and yet you were trusting your friend/love with your heart.

    MNMargaret- very cute and educational story! I love the art work as well.

    Kate- yea! You are doing awesome!

    Sylvia- I love watching the little ones play ball. Your recounting of the catch and the chicken reference made me laugh. They are so cute aren't they!

    Allison- yea! That is great that you get actual money to spend. Our insurance company puts it towards our copay if we have any.

    Yanniejannie- hot yoga I feel for you! I also have a hard time in the heat. Be careful if you are getting light headed. You don't want to do a face plant on the downward dog!

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,016 Member

    Let the fun begin, at a friends party