
  • KateKyi
    KateKyi Posts: 106 Member
    Sharing is caring
    I had a totally stressed out day today. Im trying to sort out my house so I can move. Had to talk to the local housing department to start looking for a new home. I want to down size. This totally inconsiderate housing woman did not make my stress levels any easier. I ended up swearing at her (if you knew me this is totally out of character). After putting the phone down on her, I rang back and got her again...sigh I told her it was no use me talking to her because of her attitude and asked to be put through to someone else. She said she had made a complaint to her manager, so I said fine Ill talk to them. I could not have had a more helpful understanding person take over. I am so angry at the first woman for not understand when I said I have post traumatic stress, she didnt understand and didnt care to understand.
    On a lighter note, I decided I want to try to tat one of these (tatting is my new stress relief)5bli71k7h9of.jpeg

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,968 Member
    Nancy and Miriam, I am so sorry for all you have endured. You are both incredibly strong women. I admire you for that.

    Today was a nice cool morning, so we walked our 2.65 miles, then DH hit the back yard with the lawn mower while I tackled the shrubbery with the trimmer. We did that for an hour then traded places. I have 16000 steps and haven't even had lunch. The walkway and driveway still need to be blown off, but our batteries are out of juice, as are we!

    My sister is coming to visit for the 4th, so everything will be nice and clean by then. Thank goodness for company every now and then!
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Another Monday! I meant to reflect on my goals for June today, but MFP search function can't seem to find my first post so I can't quote them exactly... bad planning, and a good argument for putting them in my signature as I've seen some of you do so I am reminded every day!

    But I think I'm doing OK. I've been logging in every day and staying pretty active. I didn't log this weekend but I did check in and I did keep an eye on what I was eating. More importantly, I managed to resist the urge to eat when I was lonely or bored.

    There was a benefit event at a city park yesterday to help flood victims in my town, and I rode my bicycle over there. That's kind of a big deal because my husband was working so I had to go alone. I struggle with social anxiety, so going out among strangers all by myself is a real accomplishment.

    Hope everyone's week is starting out well!

    -Yvonne in TX
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Gritsandsluts: for what it's worth, protein shakes on an empty stomach make me nauseated.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,193 Member
    edited June 2015
    I got the distinguished flying cross my dad earned in WWll. As I said I think my preserving of the family treasures is my way of dealing with the sale of my mom's house. I have also found such a great person who understands how to properly preserve them. I want to take advantage of the opportunity while I can. As you can see she figured out a way so you can read the back of the metal with my dad's name and date he earned the metal. I told her she needs to submit this to one of the magazines she showed me with ideas how to display a metal. She far out past any of the other ideas she showed me.

    When I picked up the metal I told her that my mom who has trouble remembering much of anything remembered that yellow daffodil painting she framed. She said it gave her goose bumps.
    :heart: MNMargaret
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    edited June 2015
    Tomorrow is my 64th birthday and I am playing the Beatles' song "When I'm 64" over and over. DH and I have been singing and dancing. Who knew we'd ever make it this far?


    Have a great Monday!

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    KateKyi wrote: »
    Had to talk to the local housing department to start looking for a new home. I want to down size. This totally inconsiderate housing woman did not make my stress levels any easier. I ended up swearing at her (if you knew me this is totally out of character). After putting the phone down on her, I rang back and got her again...sigh I told her it was no use me talking to her because of her attitude and asked to be put through to someone else. She said she had made a complaint to her manager, so I said fine Ill talk to them. I could not have had a more helpful understanding person take over. I am so angry at the first woman for not understand when I said I have post traumatic stress, she didnt understand and didnt care to understand.

    I am trying to help my son with his local housing agency, Boulder Housing Partners. He has had a leak in his ceiling for three years, and the slum landlord has yet to repair the roof properly so it doesn't leak. Last YEAR I filed a complaint with the City of Boulder, but the repair still did not work. He cannot even get the landlord to return phone calls, so I got on email and sent multiple letters outlining the problem and we are waiting the results. I want to report both agencies to the feds, since they are abusing federal dollars not providing safe housing. My son was told, "you can move" but he has a severe social phobia, depression, PTSD, etc. and he cannot get to the grocery store, much less look for a new apartment. It is so frustrating dealing with people like that! I wish you luck in your efforts, Kate!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,575 Member
    Hi all! Just checking in to keep me on track! o:)

    So far, so good. I have eaten quite a lot, but everything was calorie free or minimal calories. Feel quite stuffed actually, so dinner will be later than usual.

    DJ kept me on my exercise regime, the full 600, and I did my quota of writing. The lawn man came to fertilise and weed kill. Then I watched my film - The Grand Budapest Hotel - quite good. Then I watered the garden. The blackcurrants are looking fantastic. Will watch a recorded film tonight. Hope I can stay awake!

    DH should be back around 11pm. I have decided not to have my normal 6 pm alcoholic drink as that would spell disaster for my resolve. Had a mocktail instead.
    Lamb and lots of veg curry with raita for supper soon. No rice. Need something delicious for dessert as DH didn't leave me any stewed fruit. I know later tonight will be danger time. >:) I might thaw out some frozen raspberries. :bigsmile:

    Love to all. Wish me luck for tonight.

    Heather in the UK warming up for a heatwave. :ohwell:

    Lagopus - this is the restaurant at Tate Britain. Actually this is the less interesting side of the mural, but I was sitting against the most elaborate bit, but it gives an idea. I was there very early, waiting for my friend to arrive.

  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Joyce, Indiana - ??? I don’t have a profile pic up yet so your comment was directed to someone else. I shall now have to keep my eyes out for a musical clock in someone’s background as it sounds intriguing.

    Nancy and Miriam – Thank you for sharing your stories. Such heartbreak. You are both strong women for having gotten out of your situations. I’m so sorry the cost was so high. I hope that one day your children realize the lies they were told growing up.

    Yvonne in TX – Hooray for doing (and surviving) something outside of your comfort zone. That is huge.

    Renny – Happy Birthday! I love that you are singing and dancing today.

    Mia in MI
    June goal - log food every day
    Word of the month – persevere

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited June 2015
    DJ - lOL. I promise I won't over do the mowing. You probably already exercised and I don't want to wear you out! I'm glad to hear that the humidity has dropped. That will make it much more comfortable.

    Penny - I must have missed it, are you from Minnesota or visited here? I remember the roller coaster and all the rides. I went on them often. Our school used to go there at the end of the school year every year during grade school.

    Drkatiebug- you really were working hard out in your yard weren't you. I am mowing my lawn today. I usually get over 15,000 steps doing that.

    Yvonne- good for you getting out. I have trouble going out by myself as well.

    MNMargaret - The medal looks great in the frame. She does excellent job.

    It started to rain well I was mowing the lawn so I came in for a lunch break. Time to go back out. It was more like a cloudburst.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Monday ! ! !

    I was hoping to get caught up at work, then get caught up here, but it looks like it is just not going to happen. So far I think I am done with billing, but I have plenty of actual paper to sort and deliver, then scan and import. And I'm not sure how it is all organized by the young man that worked for me, so I have no idea how long that will take.

    I don't see any way that I can win the contest at work. I know I ate popcorn last night, and didn't log any foods after breakfast, but I am UP 2 pounds from when I left last week, which means I still have 20 pounds to lose by August 1, and if I succeed, it will be unhealthy. So, water, ice tea, fruits, vegetables, and lean protein (I can't give that up this week, because I donate blood on Saturday). So, I guess I'm out my $40 :'( Now that I bought groceries over lunch, at least I have some fresh fruits and vegetables to eat at work, so I can get back to exercise tomorrow bright and early. I still want to do my best to at least come close.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Happy Monday Ladies!

    I had a nice weekend although the lightning and thunderstorms were rather severe at times. Managed to fit a little shopping in, a 5 year olds birthday party, church, dinner with our pastor and his wife, and riding to a small local city to look at a couple of trees with the SO. I am feeling much better than last week thank goodness. I did apologize to the SO for being so snarky.

    Sylvia: What a scare! Glad you were able to walk away! The heck with the van! :#

    Heather: A very nice picture and an adorable GD! :)

    Lisa: I started reading “This Little Pig” Thursday afternoon and finished it Friday afternoon. I absolutely loved it <3 . When is the Book 2 of the series coming out? Loved the wedding pictures. As a matter of fact I have been looking at a gown just like that one with red detailing. Happy Anniversary! :)

    JanetMMc: I had a partial hysterectomy because I was only 31 and the doctor was afraid that I might go into menopause and need hormone therapy. Congratulations on your 2 pound release. :)

    Lenore: Oh Southern Ladies! I understand how you felt meting your DDIL the way you did. We have a way of believing there are appropriate ways to go about doing things. First impressions are oh so important. It’s hard for me to get over my first impressions as well. I forgot to insert the mandatory (for all Southern Ladies) “Bless Your Heart” at the end of the first sentence. :)

    Becca: I love the idea of watching elk and eagles. It just sounds soothing :)

    Michele: When you get the answer to “what is with kids these days” please let me know. Perhaps it will help me in my perpetual state of confusion and upset with the kids. >:)

    Kim: Great Laugh! Great pretend husband! :D

    Renny: That sandwich looks great! Hanover tomatoes are ready in our area now. I think we ate a couple of pounds of them already. Just a sliced up tomato with some salt and pepper or some onion and cucumber slices works for us! :)

    Cheri: The SO and I are going to Chicago the first weekend in September for the North Coast Jazz Festival. I’ve always wanted to go there and especially to the Field Museum to see the lions from the movie “The Ghost and The Darkness”. :)

    o:)Heather: What in the world could happen that would cause you to be involved in an altercation. You didn’t hit anyone did you?

    Poopy: Beautiful poems! <3

    DrKatiebug: Loved your response to the Microsoft people too! :D

    Allison: Good for you! Keep up the good work standing up for yourself! The SO occasionally allows his lips to continue when his brain must be telling him to stop! There has always been a big size difference between the two of us. So I decided that whenever he would say anything even a little negative about my size I would retaliate by telling him he was the boneyest (how the heck do you spell that? :s ) man that I had ever been in a relationship with. Then I promptly go make him some cream cheese cornbread and/or potatoes so I can fatten him up a little. (Pip! Please try to behave.)

    Terri: Glad you had a great time and found a potential new member for us! :)

    MNMargaret: Loved the garden pictures. I have a small area at the end of my driveway that I hope to establish a couple of rose bushes in to replace an azalea that died this winter.

    Miriamwithcats: My Dad was verbally abusive (no cursing just extremely critical); he was a great provider; smart as a whip; and we knew he loved us. My mother would occasionally look at him during one of his rants and say tell him “That’s Enough!”. That would be the end of it. Finally in young adulthood (probably because I majored in psychology) I figured out that he had a genius IQ but honestly could not figure out emotional thinking and why people could be so illogical. I pretty much adopted the same behavior my mom had which was pretty mild. When he would cross the line I would say “I don’t appreciate what you just said and I don’t think you understand my point of view so we will not discuss this further.” He accepted that and would back off or apologize. (Allison – I hope Tom is more like this and that standing up for yourself makes him pause so that his lip can sync with his brain.)

    I can believe I've spent the entire morning reading and writing...Guess I'll need to get some work done on my desk.

    Tere in Richmond VA
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited June 2015
    No, Mary, you haven't really missed anything, because I haven't previously mentioned that I lived in Minneapolis from about 6 months of age and into my teens. I don't think about it much, because it meets the criteria for ancient history, i.e. before the Beatles broke up. (Now there's a group who knew how to write music! Thanks for the link, Renny, and Happy Birthday!) Still, if there's anyplace I'm originally from it's SE Minneapolis. We always lived east of the Mississippi. I went to Marcy, Tuttle and Pratt, then Marshall High, which became Marshall-University High while I was there. I think I finished 10th grade before we moved abroad.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,016 Member
    REBEL - happppyyyyyyyy bbddaaayyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Terri - sorry about your challenge at work. It's not worth $40 to eat unhealthy. You are right about that. Just keep doing what you know is right and you will be down a lot of weight by August 1.

    Renny- Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day celebrating!

    Yvonne- I grew up in south Minneapolis. I did live in Southeast Minneapolis for a couple years as an adult though. Very interesting how small the world really is.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    DJ wrote - "Janetr, you missed your change for a minute of fame??? LOL As I recall, didn’t you say that you didn’t see the actual wreck? I laugh sometimes at the things our local new will put on just to have something. And don’t you hate it when those potato chips sneak silently into our mouths. And they are pretty much right, that ya can’t eat just one."

    Exactly, DJ, I told her that I didn't see anything I was in bed the siren and lights woke us, she said you can just tell what you just told me, which was she was hit in front of our driveway, skided across the street, flipped over, etc. lol
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    V E G A S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hooray for Vegas. I lived in So Cal for a few years, about 3 hr drive from Vegas. We'd run up there on occasion. As its constantly changing, I never get tired of it. So jealous :) Have fun!!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    terri_mom wrote: »
    Happy Monday ! ! !

    I was hoping to get caught up at work, then get caught up here, but it looks like it is just not going to happen. So far I think I am done with billing, but I have plenty of actual paper to sort and deliver, then scan and import. And I'm not sure how it is all organized by the young man that worked for me, so I have no idea how long that will take.

    I don't see any way that I can win the contest at work. I know I ate popcorn last night, and didn't log any foods after breakfast, but I am UP 2 pounds from when I left last week, which means I still have 20 pounds to lose by August 1, and if I succeed, it will be unhealthy. So, water, ice tea, fruits, vegetables, and lean protein (I can't give that up this week, because I donate blood on Saturday). So, I guess I'm out my $40 :'( Now that I bought groceries over lunch, at least I have some fresh fruits and vegetables to eat at work, so I can get back to exercise tomorrow bright and early. I still want to do my best to at least come close.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee

    Good job, Terri for making the decision to "still try". No matter how close you get or how far away you are, if you don't try you won't make progress. Hang in there, you got this!! :)
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,968 Member
    Yay! I figured out how to select all and cut from my iPad when I accidentally quote a post (or two or three). I love reading on my iPad, but sometimes my accidentally quoting gets on my last nerve.
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Tere - Thank you so much, and I'm so glad you enjoyed This Little Pig! I'm working on the sequel now, and have had so many people ask about it, I'm going to try to finish it in the next six to eight weeks. Not promising - life gets in the way sometimes... but I'm shooting for the end of August to mid-September. Its working title is "Flak Be Nimble," and it will be set in West Texas - you can see a quick synopsis on my Books page at http://www.lisachannon.com/home/books/.

    Happy birthday, Renny!
    Hope it's grand!