

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    csofled wrote: »
    Part of the problem was unbeknownst to us he had Aspergers. That explained so much of his behavior. Also the therapist worked out something with me to say to him when he turned on the silent treatment.
    Cheri (who has been there and is feeling your pain.)

    Thanks, Cheri. I swear I've often wondered if he has high-functioning Asperger's. That sounds terrible, doesn't it. But I used to think it was me.

    anywya, thanks for letting me vent. I'll get over it; I always do.

    Jen in CA

    My husband has high-functioning mild Aspergers. NO it does not sound terrible. It explained SO MANY THINGS in our relationship. He was blown away by the diagnosis and went through a period of "mourning" the person he always thought he was and it was hard to watch. It made such a difference in his relationship with me and the kids. We would not be where we are today if that diagnosis had not been made. Mind you this came about because we were in therapy with our daughter and son who both have their own diagnosis'
    We have all come a long way!

    I always got over it too but I always felt that I was the one who created these issues.

  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Wednesday here.
    Made Appleberry Lush for this afternoon, for arthritis. Need to remember to juice each item then add next oopsy.
    I use this website for great recipes:
    Stan has gone fishing at Stanley is raining
    Training today: JJ's Bikini beach-body 1, JM BR weights 2, walk dog
    Food at 1527
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
    total stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym - 12.24min, 14.1amph, 2.9mi = 96c
    lateral machine - 35min, 49floors, lvl 8-10, 5lat, 2.13mi =193cal
    ride gym 2 wk - 54.47min, 12.4amph, 11.3mi = 450c
    ride dome 2 hm - 16.21min, 9.8amph, 2.6mi = 183c
    total cal 922
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    edited June 2015
    csofled wrote: »
    csofled wrote: »
    Part of the problem was unbeknownst to us he had Aspergers. That explained so much of his behavior. Also the therapist worked out something with me to say to him when he turned on the silent treatment.
    Cheri (who has been there and is feeling your pain.)

    Thanks, Cheri. I swear I've often wondered if he has high-functioning Asperger's. That sounds terrible, doesn't it. But I used to think it was me.

    anywya, thanks for letting me vent. I'll get over it; I always do.

    Jen in CA

    My husband has high-functioning mild Aspergers. NO it does not sound terrible. It explained SO MANY THINGS in our relationship. He was blown away by the diagnosis and went through a period of "mourning" the person he always thought he was and it was hard to watch. It made such a difference in his relationship with me and the kids. We would not be where we are today if that diagnosis had not been made. Mind you this came about because we were in therapy with our daughter and son who both have their own diagnosis'
    We have all come a long way!

    I always got over it too but I always felt that I was the one who created these issues.


    Our DGS has autism and so many of his mannerisms and ways are just like my DH. So, although he has never been diagnosed, I feel relatively certain that DH is on the spectrum. Learning about autistic behaviors through my DGS has made it easier for me to deal with DH's idiosyncrasies and obsessiveness and to not take things personally.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    Did an hour of HIIT on the elliptical today. The plan for tomorrow is to do the ASAP Sculpt DVD.

    - ROTF...too tired

    - do you remember when MFP would have something under your photo that said something like "member since...." I know that I've been here for quite a while, not sure how long, tho. Can you still find out that info? Already had 106oz of water and it's about 3:30

    Kim - I don't know how you manage a week of baking cakes etc. I guess that's because I admit it, I'm "addicted" to raw cookie dough. But I bet that after a while you lose interest in it. Maybe that's what I should do. I remember back in the day when I worked in a fast food place, the french fries and hamburgers were free, so I totally pigged out. Today I don't care if I never go in a fast food place. What a great goal...adding that plank in there

    The float for the pool that I use totally deflated yesterday. So today we blew up the other one that I have. They're made in China so they aren't real sturdy. A friend is going to sell me her float, we'll see how that works. My float you are in the water some, hers you aren't. But I'm thinking that maybe I can just put a wet towel on the float and it won't be that bad.

    I don't remember who it was but there was someone who was mentioning about how their (was it?) boss took a piece of the terriyaki tofu without even asking. I'm going to ask again, how do you eat the terriyaki tofu? Do you put it in a salad? Do you have it like a side dish? Please answer me.

    - better not bring Kirby here to NC or he might not go back to Washington...just sayin'. you DO have a lovely smile.

    JanetMMc or anyone else - do you have a recipe for sweet potato fries where the sweet potatoes aren't mushy? I don't want them deep fried, but they seem to get mushy in the oven. Whenever I make something, I ALWAYS freeze individual portions. It also makes less work for me. Love your cheer to terri. That was so sweet how you made Sheldon feel so good

    - a kitten with its mouth glued shut? I'm horrified. thank goodness your daughter was able to get some of it off so that poor thing didn't starve

    After exercised went to WalMart, Vince needed milk. Wanted to get this Yopa yogurt, it's nice in that it's a small container (I just don't put the topping on). Well, they had a Twix topping and a Snickers topping. I don't like Snickers so I got that one. Both are just vanilla yogurt. Came home and had some breakfast then went in the pool. I do hope that the Y will help me get a kickboard. See, I bought these weights from them thinking that I'd use them. Well, I've never once used them, they're still in the original package. But now my kickboard is really showing its age. I really need a new one. The company that makes the weights won't exchange it for me since I didn't buy it from them but from the Y. I guess if worse comes to worse, I'll sell it myself. But I do need a new kickboard. The day before yesterday I saw online that one was $8, I went to order it yesterday and it's $11.

    - welcome back!!!! Good for you not gaining weight while away

    A friend of Jess' and her hubby (I think it may be exhubby) and son are coming here for 2 nights. They want to move to NC. It seems that the son doesn't like to sleep in a strange room, (he's about 8 or 9) Well...whatever. They're supposed to be looking for an apt but I have no idea what their itinerary is. Jess said that she really doesn't trust this ex (or whatever he is). Personally, I think she's being a bit overlycautious. He's the brother of Zac and I'm sure there's some bad blood between her and Zac which I think is probably translating to the brother.

    Machelle - how great that it was just scar tissue! Stay away from the foods that you shouldn't eat, that's an order

    - I've heard that about the potato takeing away the salt, just never tried it myself. I have no idea how long it takes or what. Let me know if you do try it

    mia - how scary that torado and everything else! Glad you're safe and sound

    - never thought of swimming (not really) burning more calories....sure makes sense

    Heather - enjoy those grandchildren!

    Nancy in TX
    - I've found that I have some silken tofu with unsweetened cocoa in it. Being unsweetened, that really takes away cravings. I've also made myself a BIG salad and used just vinegar on it. The sour helps, too. Just have these things ready for when a ravenous urge strikes.

    - dogs are some amazing animals, if they are trained correctly.

    - welcome! Cool name! Muscadine wine is big around here. Come in when you can. Pretty soon you'll fine that you miss not coming in

    Meg - I tell you, at first we didn't think the blowdryer would work. But finally we decided "well, what do we have to lose?" And it did work, even if it was temporarily at least we got some temporary relief. I had always heard how good water aerobics was. I remember taking them when I was pg with Jess. then when I got older I gave it a try. Someone said "you'll be sweating in the water" and I thought "yea, sure". Boy, did I ever sweat! One nice thing about water aerobics is that you don't feel like you're working.....until the next day. And I can't get over how much water I drink in class!

    - you WILL get thru this, stress and all. And you'll be stronger for it. It's good that you know that we'll all be with you.

    Jen - if your hubby is anything like mine, he's probably upset that he gave you what he thought you'd like (the white d/w) and then you told him you didn't like it. To be honest, when we first got the tile for the wall from the spa to the pool, at first I didn't like it. Vince was quite upset with me because we had spent so much money. But you know something? Now I am ever so grateful that I got what I got. I like the little "pattern". Give it time, you might very well come to like the white d/w. I have a feeling that stainless steel appliances are a fad right now.

    Michele in NC
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    csofled wrote: »
    csofled wrote: »
    Part of the problem was unbeknownst to us he had Aspergers. That explained so much of his behavior. Also the therapist worked out something with me to say to him when he turned on the silent treatment.
    Cheri (who has been there and is feeling your pain.)

    Thanks, Cheri. I swear I've often wondered if he has high-functioning Asperger's. That sounds terrible, doesn't it. But I used to think it was me.

    anywya, thanks for letting me vent. I'll get over it; I always do.

    Jen in CA

    My husband has high-functioning mild Aspergers. NO it does not sound terrible. It explained SO MANY THINGS in our relationship. He was blown away by the diagnosis and went through a period of "mourning" the person he always thought he was and it was hard to watch. It made such a difference in his relationship with me and the kids. We would not be where we are today if that diagnosis had not been made. Mind you this came about because we were in therapy with our daughter and son who both have their own diagnosis'
    We have all come a long way!

    I always got over it too but I always felt that I was the one who created these issues.


    Our DGS has autism and so many of his mannerisms and ways are just like my DH. So, although he has never been diagnosed, I feel relatively certain that DH is on the spectrum. Learning about autistic behaviors through my DGS has made it easier for me to deal with DH's idiosyncrasies and obsessiveness and to not take things personally.

    It was the "DH's idiosyncrasies and obsessiveness" that I learned not to take personally too.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Vicki G - I love going for a ride! Can't do that this year, my DH still doesn't have all the feelings back in his hand since he cut his wrist with his chainsaw last Labor Day weekend. I had to stop over eating but I do it knowing that I am but just couldn't/didn't stop. I started my own 35 day challenge.

    Meg - is it usually too hot there to walk? We are only in the mid 70"s here I won't complain about that. What a sad story about the dad.

    Michele in NC- my DH sells food for a living. He said Simplot makes the best sweet potato fries. They use a particular potato, not known, and they remove some of the moisture first before they cut and flash freeze them. Then you would deep fry them. I don't know if you can do that at home. But we have not had any better.

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good night, all!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
    nite ppeeepps
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Whew! The kids were at our house for FOUR hours, and I'm totally exhausted. We just got back from taking them home. But we all had a really good time. I mentioned that we forgot about DGS's tball practice last night, well, today I went to the Dollar store and bought a cheap plastic bat and ball, and a package of cardboard bases. And at a thrift store I bought two more baseball gloves - all for a dollar a piece. So, we were in the driveway playing "baseball" for two hours after dinner. It was so much fun! They laughed so hard! Me and grandpa were the pitcher and fielder and the kids were the batters. When I took them to the apartment DGS gave me the biggest hug! And he never wants to hug me. He hugs his dad and grandpa, but never me. But tonight he did. So, I'm a happy camper.

    I made orange chicken and brown rice for dinner and they loved it - after they added salt to theirs. And we had the best antelope we've had so far this season. Too bad the light in the kitchen is burned out. I can't clean up the mess till tomorrow. ;)

    My hubby and I met on a blind date in 1992, orchestrated by one of my friends and one of his. We met for lunch and I went home and told my son that he was the nicest person I had ever met in my life, but I doubted he would ever call me again. (I was fat at the time.). But he did call. I was dumbfounded. We went to the symphony in Kansas City for our first real date. I moved in with him in 1994, and we got married on New Year's Eve in 1996. He is by far the best thing that ever happened to me.

    Well, I'm going to get ready for bed. Have a great evening.


  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    edited June 2015
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    OMG 700+ posts since I was here last, I have too much going on! But still alive and thinking of you all.

    Yes - it gets to be like that. A bit overwhelming. Whenever you can, pop in and say hi Kim. No obligation.

  • metallaxi
    metallaxi Posts: 17 Member
    Hello everybody
    16 days of being monitoring my food and exercise with MFP and started to understand how to plan better for my desired results, still having trouble eating the right amount of protein.
    Anyway I shall figure that out. Wed morning now I am getting ready for my early jog/walk for one hour+ with boxing and MMA training in the afternoon. I usually have two workouts daily.
    have a nice day all of you inspiring ladies
    Evangelia from the Greek Islands
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    G'nite; Morpheus is calling...........

    Sylvia........Glad you had such a great evening and got such a big hug. antelope?

    I've often thought DH was outside the norm socially. He is a good guy, never misses work. Zero bad habits, would never cheat....I'd bet my last dollar on that. He's generous, doesn't try to direct my life, and we don't fight but he has absolutely no interest in any kind of social life with anyone; I truly was surprised when he attended DD's h.s. and college graduations. I've made my own life.........and I quite like it!!! It works for us. Met and married in 1981.

    Sweet dreams all,
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    edited June 2015
    Michele - I do not know when that feature was changed that said member since....(and then the year). I thought it was helpful. I also have a hard time finding my own posts back. There used to be a history shown on my profile page. Makes me a little sad. I am always thankful when someone mentions my name on something I said. It helps me remember wth I have been telling people :D

    DH and I took a road trip day away from home. He played golf and I read a book and took pictures of beautiful scenery. I have an e-reader for travelling, but like actual books better. I try to get books from the local library and read mostly non-fiction.

    I had a protein smoothie for breakfast this morning, keeping in mind I would have lunch and dinner out. I had a club sandwich and side salad for lunch and a spinach salad for dinner. So, altogether should not be so bad calorie wise, and also not outside the realm of what I want to eat. Drinks was water only.

    Heather - I agree that it is so much tougher when you're out. After returning home I always look forward to routine.

    Machelle - I am so happy that it was just scar tissue! How sad to miss your sister. I have 2 sisters and love them dearly. They live across the ocean in the Netherlands while I live on the West Coast of Canada.

    I enjoyed hearing about how couples have met. Blind dates, internet, etc. DH and I met when I was not quite 16 and he was 17. We will be married 45 years this year.

    Tomorrow I am trying out a new yoga class, same instructor. I have really taken to yoga and incorporate the stretches and poses often to relieve pain and stress.

    Bye for now.
    Vancouver Island, BC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Thanks everyone for sharing your "how I met my hubby" stories. I have so enjoyed them and each one is so unique. I saw a sign just yesterday in a catalog that said "I love all love stories, but ours is my favorite". :) I too, after two previous tries, have the best guy in the world for me. Could not be happier. Thanks for sharing with us. I had a day of wanting to snack and nibble, didn't give in too badly. Logged what I did eat. Stayed within my calories but think I'll go to bed early and hope the munchies have gone away by morning light.

    Good nite all you courageous and successful ladies!!

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,653 Member
    So back again, mostly because it is only 8pm and that feels too early to go to bed. (ok that sounds bad, I really want to be with you but not as tired as I am) I am exhausted! So today in the morning class they made pink lemonade cookies, yeast rolls, biscuits, in the afternoon class they made sugar cookies, lemonade cookies, corn bread muffins… and I have made changes in how I handle the “snacking” so I cut a piece into 1 to 2 bite size and hand them out, we all taste and critique the item, then I give them zippy bags and everyone takes some home for their families. I give some leftovers to the office staff and to my assistant, and take home for me a VERY limited quantity. So today for example I took one biscuit and a cookie to go with my salad for dinner. I really don’t even try to log on these weeks, I am just so overwhelmed, but try to make good choices and have plenty of water.

    In the past everyone got a whole item to try, so I would end up eating 3 cookies just to critique each groups cookies…. Now I did it with ¾ of a cookie. Much better!

    But I do get a bit of exercise, this is a commercial kitchen and I walked 5 miles in the kitchen today, and carried 3 kitchen aid mixers, 25 lb bags of sugar and flour, and did miles of dishes, the kids clean too, but they never finish it all.

    Smiles a shower and bed…..

    June goals:
    Walk every day 180 miles for the month (in May I did 175… thought maybe a higher goal would be good) *** don’t know if I’ll get this I am at 110 miles,(6/23) but had 3 days with a un-charged fitbit and no way to fix that***
    NEW – 1 plank every day – and log them here – 18 – missed one just forgot!
    Log everyday
    Eat slower
    do 2 fun things every week -
    week 1 – no traditional fun – but working hard to get all embroidery jobs done, clean up clutter inside and out, so that my doggy sitter will not have that to deal with, and the house will look nice when I get home.
    Week 2 – Seattle seeing my Godson graduate from college
    Week 3 – teaching beginning baking and intermediate baking….

    Kim from N. California
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    I left my 2nd husband with the help of my DB and rented an apartment up north for the summer in the same town where DB lived. When viewing the apartment with the caretaker outside a car pulled up and a handsome gray haired man nicely dressed walked up and we were introduced. At the time he invaded my personal space. I found out he had just donated a kidney and I had just been trying to talk my DB into taking mine (diabetes) so we would talk about that after I moved in. He lived across the hall. I went outside and he was on his motorcycle giving rides to his DGsons. I said you should give me a ride sometime. The next Friday he was going I was coming he was dressed for a ride I said I thought you were going to give me a ride and he said go get ready...

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Evening ladies.....
    Finished hilling potatoes tonight... and still sweating.
    Off to the shower and then bed. Work tomorrow...

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    I left my 2nd husband with the help of my DB and rented an apartment up north for the summer in the same town where DB lived. When viewing the apartment with the caretaker outside a car pulled up and a handsome gray haired man nicely dressed walked up and we were introduced. At the time he invaded my personal space. I found out he had just donated a kidney and I had just been trying to talk my DB into taking mine (diabetes) so we would talk about that after I moved in. He lived across the hall. I went outside and he was on his motorcycle giving rides to his DGsons. I said you should give me a ride sometime. The next Friday he was going I was coming he was dressed for a ride I said I thought you were going to give me a ride and he said go get ready...

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota

    Love it, Mary. Thanks for sharing with us. We are all winners!!

  • jkdooley
    jkdooley Posts: 67 Member
    New to this group. Lost 30 pounds 15 to at age 57.