

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    csofled wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    i just remembered peeps, i gotta try on my bathing suit to make sure it fits or may need to buy another (might be too big).. yes, it is a 2 piece, wouldn't wear one around here but in a place where i am not known? NO PROBLEM. what happens is that i fake confidence in my body, thinking i look sooo hot when inside myself i REALLY don't think that but the strangers don't know, i fake it pretty good.

    Isn't it funny how we feel that way about wearing a swimsuit if no one knows you! And I always pick out someone on the beach or at the pool who I think is "bigger" than me as my defense! The mental games we play. :)


    I used to do that a lot when I lost a lot of weight, I think I still do because I don't see myself as skinny as other people tell me that I am even though I see the size of clothes that i'm wearing, that STILL doesn't confirm anything for me.

    I so regret ever criticizing myself about my weight when I was a smaller size back in the day. I always "see" myself as bigger than I am and I don't know if that will ever change. It's all a mental game I guess.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
    miakoda40 wrote: »
    janetr7476 – At one of my support group meetings I heard a statistic that 85% of the bariatric patients who follow up on all of their post-operative appointments and attend support group meetings do not regain their lost weight. I think the support and encouragement I get from this group is every bit as good as my monthly bariatric support group. I intend to take advantage of every “tool” that will increase my odds of success.

    HELP!!! I just purchased not one, but two (yikes!) chocolate bars from the vending machine. I got back to my desk and before I opened one I realized that I did this just because I am frustrated with a work problem. I could fit one candy bar into my eating plan for today, but I don’t really want one it was just an old mindless habit rearing its ugly head. Its taking me way longer than 28 days to change this long standing (maybe 55 year old?) habit. Well, the candy bars are now safely tucked away in a desk drawer. Perhaps I should give some thought to giving them away.

    Mia in MI

    June goal - log food every day
    Word of the month – persevere

    open the candy wrapper and throw it in the trash
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    OMG!! I just took the longevity test and gave it my answers from 16 months ago – age came out as 76. Then I gave it my answers for today. Age came out as 92. What a difference losing weight and upping the exercise can make.

    Now if THAT doesn’t keep me away from the candy bars, nothing will.

    Mia in MI

    June goal - log food every day
    Word of the month – persevere

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited June 2015
    Mia - standing in line at WalMart last night, long day, still had a 45-minute drive home, KNOWing that sugar makes me deathly ill and has for ten years, the candy STILL calls to me. You are not alone in the temptation... and I've thrown so much away over the years after one bite or two, simply to try to make the voices shut up. When in reality, nothing makes them shut up except time, distance and distraction... Realized it was probably triggered by the lady that brought scones and cookies to the writers' workshop last night, insisting that they were "organic," and therefore "healthy." There is no world in which chocolate chip cookies are healthy, they just aren't. Not for me. So I didn't.

    Proud of you for not diving in immediately... and Pip's got it right, open the wrappers before you pitch them in the trash can, and pour water or something wet on them immediately, even so. I fished more than one unopened bit of candy out of a trashcan on my worst days.

    And giving them away just hands the problem to someone else, who may be dealing with the same problem and just not said anything. Not fair.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    OK, time for true confessions. (This could pass for one of the jokes of the day. :D )

    I was so upset about the mold issue in the studio that I refused to go in there this morning. So, after hubby finished with his class for the day we went up to the studio together. We blocked off the gallery with plastic taped to the doorway and blocked off the door to the studio the same way. Then, hubby, wearing his dress shirt and pants and my best respirator, ripped down the shower board behind the sink. NO MOLD! At least not much. He ripped the front panel off the sink and found just a little bit more. We had moved my computer up into the gallery, so I was sitting in there doing some drafting and hubby was searching everywhere for the source of the smell. Then hubby called out "guess what I found?" It was a moldy apple that had fallen down behind my desk. Hardly recognizeable as an apple, it was so big and furry.

    Oopsie! My bad!

    At least the darned sink is that much closer to being removed. The gallery part of the building used to be several things, but most recently a Mexican Grocery Store. The best renters I ever had, by far. They installed a stainless steel, three-bowl sink, in the area across from what is now my office, but their plumbing skills left something to be desired. Now that we can see how it was done, it's clear that it has to come out. The drain is pvc pipe empting into a funnel stuck into a toilet flange. I kid you not. It had a solid panel across the front, so we never knew. We are having a plumber come next week to combine two the gas meters into one, so we will have him take it out. I want to put it in the back though, to replace the sink I'm using in the studio. This one is a much better sink.

    So, I hope you are all having a good laugh. Hubby was laughing so hard he was nearly in tears. It's a good thing he's a sweetheart.

    Later, ladies.

  • kariliz2
    kariliz2 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone, Just getting started here and looking for a supportive group. Maybe I found you! I've put off managing my eating habits, AMOUNTS for way too long and it is showing big time. Open to any suggestions for using the tools on this site.
    Start with goals for the rest of June:
    - Post here every day
    - Log food
    - No sugar (it justs sets everything else off)
    - Average 63,000 steps per week (I've been around 50k)
    - 1/2 hour of physical therapy exercises 5 days a week or more
    Here we go!
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    KateKyi wrote: »
    I bought some frozen Edamame. No clue as to how to eat them. Do you eat the pod or just shell them? Its part of my try new veg to see what I like.
    They will probably have directions on the bag but I microwave them frozen in a bit of water for about 5 minutes. I don't put anything on them, just eat the pods. I find them filling and like to make some to eat while watching TV, keeps my hands busy.
    Chris in MA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    Terri - I feel for you with your daughter. My elder son has put on so much weight with his last depression. It was a shock to see him when I went up to Nottingham. :cry: But like everyone says, they have to WANT it for themselves. My son knows everything there is to know about nutrition and exercise. He is a double award winning triathlon coach. You are a wonderful example - that's about as much as you can do, sadly. At some point something will click with her like it did for all of us. :flowerforyou:
    Heather UK
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,094 Member
    Sylvia glad it was a simple fix.

    Terri I agree it is hard to watch your daughter. Maybe she could find a support group in her age group. Also agree something has to click for her to make the change.

    Still catching up on yard work. I definitely got my exercise today.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
    OK, time for true confessions. (This could pass for one of the jokes of the day. :D )

    I was so upset about the mold issue in the studio that I refused to go in there this morning. So, after hubby finished with his class for the day we went up to the studio together. We blocked off the gallery with plastic taped to the doorway and blocked off the door to the studio the same way. Then, hubby, wearing his dress shirt and pants and my best respirator, ripped down the shower board behind the sink. NO MOLD! At least not much. He ripped the front panel off the sink and found just a little bit more. We had moved my computer up into the gallery, so I was sitting in there doing some drafting and hubby was searching everywhere for the source of the smell. Then hubby called out "guess what I found?" It was a moldy apple that had fallen down behind my desk. Hardly recognizeable as an apple, it was so big and furry.

    Oopsie! My bad!

    At least the darned sink is that much closer to being removed. The gallery part of the building used to be several things, but most recently a Mexican Grocery Store. The best renters I ever had, by far. They installed a stainless steel, three-bowl sink, in the area across from what is now my office, but their plumbing skills left something to be desired. Now that we can see how it was done, it's clear that it has to come out. The drain is pvc pipe empting into a funnel stuck into a toilet flange. I kid you not. It had a solid panel across the front, so we never knew. We are having a plumber come next week to combine two the gas meters into one, so we will have him take it out. I want to put it in the back though, to replace the sink I'm using in the studio. This one is a much better sink.

    So, I hope you are all having a good laugh. Hubby was laughing so hard he was nearly in tears. It's a good thing he's a sweetheart.

    Later, ladies.


    that's because we Mexicans ROCK!!! roflmfao on the "oopsieeee"
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good evening! I am almost ready to call my work day finished--yippee!! When I finish typing this, I am going to put on my sneakers and go upstairs to walk laps around the youth room. (They have a huge room with some couches in a semi circle so there is plenty of room for me to walk the perimeter of the room.)

    For those of you who don't like the Fitbit Flex bands, check out the new bands on Amazon. I am currently wearing a really cute band that has owls on it. I also have ordered one with a sunflower and a "fancy" one that has an "elegant" pattern in the black.

    I go to the orthopedist in the morning to get the results of my MRI. Thank you to everyone who has been so supportive. Sometimes it gets to me so I apologize for the whining!

    Happy birthday to those of you celebrating birthdays! I've read in bits and pieces today and can't remember who said what. :blush:

    I rode the bike on the trainer last night for twenty minutes. Dang, but that gets my heart rate up so much more than walking does--and I walk fast! Of course, my "sit" bones are unhappy with me today.

    The temp was supposed to get to 101 F today--NOT my favorite season, even though it's not technically summer, yet.

    I hope all of you have a great evening!

    Carol in NC
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Welcome to everyone new... the more the merrier!

    Damit:Loved the alligator story..I think it was a joke...hope I'm right :laugh:

    Katla: Got started in Tai Chi based on a recommendation from an Occupational Therapist who said I might have trouble with yoga. I did a google search and found an international organization that had an office close to where I live(www.taoist.org). They have beginner classes starting at different times and the first one is free. I was looking for different ways to handle stress, get some mobility and it must be low impact because of all my joint issues. After the first lesson I slept for 6 hours...unheard of for me. I've been going ever since.

    LisaH: I thought the 34 long was VERY funny! I guess you need a frame of reference.

    Terri: I hope your daughter will follow thru. I have my fingers crossed for you.

    Sylvia: Huge sigh of relief...only an apple smiley-laughing024.gif

    June Goals:

    1. Do menu planning for June (complete)
    2. Eat 3 meals a day
    3. Log all meals
    4. Plan and Do one fun thing each week
    (W1: Hot stone massage and weekend of Tai Chi with friend...Oops that's 2 things...oh darn
    W2: Lunch with a friend, going away party for co-worker... 2 more...yay!
    W3: Pedicure and manicure, Tai Chi in the park. (I'm on a roll)
    5. Ride stationary bike 3 times a week for 30 minutes.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Lisa, I got the joke about the 34 longs. Hilarious! Mine were a 46C (overflowing and with an extender on the back) to a B cup (a little bit underfilled). I just measured myself yesterday and found I'm now a 36! Yippee!

    Does anybody here like Alfredo sauce? I love it but never eat it anymore for obvious reasons. But today I tried this recipe:


    It's not going to win any gourmet awards, but I thought it was pretty yummy. I made it with skim milk, unsalted chicken stock, and left out the extra salt. And used whole wheat rotini and basil and threw in frozen peas at the end. I LOVE the smell of garlic sautéing in olive oil! Will make it again for sure.

    All this talk about self perceptions really hits home got me. When I was a teenager, and anorexic, I just knew I was the biggest person in any room. My mind saw myself as huge. I used to cut off men's thermal underwear to wear under my clothes so my hip bones didn't stick out so much, but I still didn't see myself as small. When I went for my Air Force physical my recruiter brought a bag of bananas and a jug of chocolate milk and when I was sent out because I was under the minimum weight he made me eat all the bananas and drink the milk, then go weigh in again. I made it the second time. I couldn't eat bananas for years after that.

    When I really was the biggest person in the room though, I didn't see that either. I knew I was big, but it took photographs to show me just how big. Now that I'm somewhat smaller, I still have 30 pounds to go, I still don't see myself accurately. Sometimes I'm surprised when a photo seems to show me as a nice size, but sometimes I can look at the same photo and see a huge woman. My brain is screwed up something awful and probably always will be. So I'm trying to learn to pay attention to how I feel physically instead. It ain't easy.

    Well, hubby just got home, so it's time for Jeopardy. Have a great evening!

  • lonemaple
    lonemaple Posts: 82 Member
    All this talk about self perceptions really hits home got me. When I was a teenager, and anorexic, I just knew I was the biggest person in any room. My mind saw myself as huge. I used to cut off men's thermal underwear to wear under my clothes so my hip bones didn't stick out so much, but I still didn't see myself as small. When I went for my Air Force physical my recruiter brought a bag of bananas and a jug of chocolate milk and when I was sent out because I was under the minimum weight he made me eat all the bananas and drink the milk, then go weigh in again. I made it the second time. I couldn't eat bananas for years after that.

    When I really was the biggest person in the room though, I didn't see that either. I knew I was big, but it took photographs to show me just how big. Now that I'm somewhat smaller, I still have 30 pounds to go, I still don't see myself accurately. Sometimes I'm surprised when a photo seems to show me as a nice size, but sometimes I can look at the same photo and see a huge woman. My brain is screwed up something awful and probably always will be. So I'm trying to learn to pay attention to how I feel physically instead. It ain't easy.


    Hi Sylvia,

    I can totally relate to seeing myself differently than I actually am. Pictures often shock me. At this point I have about 50 lbs to lose. I like the idea of focusing on how you feel. I definitely feel better when eating healthy and moving more.

    Sondre, SF, PA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    a quick hidee ho to all.. the internet has been a little haphazard in the mornings.. so havent been able to get on, today was a crazy day at work.. and tomorrow morning I go to the kidney Dr...
    back not feeling so great right now...
    Pip~ remember send me a picture of your summer place..or a postcard!!!
    gonna go to bed... will check in hopefully in the a.m.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
    Lisa, I got the joke about the 34 longs. Hilarious! Mine were a 46C (overflowing and with an extender on the back) to a B cup (a little bit underfilled). I just measured myself yesterday and found I'm now a 36! Yippee!

    Does anybody here like Alfredo sauce? I love it but never eat it anymore for obvious reasons. But today I tried this recipe:


    It's not going to win any gourmet awards, but I thought it was pretty yummy. I made it with skim milk, unsalted chicken stock, and left out the extra salt. And used whole wheat rotini and basil and threw in frozen peas at the end. I LOVE the smell of garlic sautéing in olive oil! Will make it again for sure.

    All this talk about self perceptions really hits home got me. When I was a teenager, and anorexic, I just knew I was the biggest person in any room. My mind saw myself as huge. I used to cut off men's thermal underwear to wear under my clothes so my hip bones didn't stick out so much, but I still didn't see myself as small. When I went for my Air Force physical my recruiter brought a bag of bananas and a jug of chocolate milk and when I was sent out because I was under the minimum weight he made me eat all the bananas and drink the milk, then go weigh in again. I made it the second time. I couldn't eat bananas for years after that.

    When I really was the biggest person in the room though, I didn't see that either. I knew I was big, but it took photographs to show me just how big. Now that I'm somewhat smaller, I still have 30 pounds to go, I still don't see myself accurately. Sometimes I'm surprised when a photo seems to show me as a nice size, but sometimes I can look at the same photo and see a huge woman. My brain is screwed up something awful and probably always will be. So I'm trying to learn to pay attention to how I feel physically instead. It ain't easy.

    Well, hubby just got home, so it's time for Jeopardy. Have a great evening!


    the part to be excited about is the cup not the width, u know that right?
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy birthday ladies.
    nice day,no rain for a change and 70`s.
    Hugs jane
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    Looks like I'm going to live to 101! Don't know if that's a good thing or not!

    Marci - welcome! Be sure to take your measurements. That's a more accurate measure of your accomplishment than a number on a scale. Come here for lots of motivation

    - that's horrible about your rental. Good for you calling your friend with cancer.

    - big congrats to you

    Poop - I need to get a new bathing suit for in our pool, but I'm going to wait until the end of the season when they're on sale. This one is wearing out, but really, no one sees me (except Vince). I usually wear a shirt on top, anyway, so no one can see where it's wearing out. I can tell, tho, that the shoulderstaps are stretched out.

    Went in the pool today, then did my exercises in the pool. I found a pair of water shoes that were Bryan's. He's not going to wear them and they fit me!!!! He also had this pair of rubber gloves with the fingertips cut out. Our concrete can get so hot and one exercise I like to hold onto the side of the pool, so I wore those and they fit, too.

    - your hubby and mine can vie for the title of fussiest eater. Mine is meat and potatoes, too. The only veges are carrots, corn, white potato, tomato (not hot except on pizza), lettuce. The only fruits are bananas, apples, pineapple.

    Machelle - welcome. Just jump on in. Boy, you are one tough cookie!

    Francine - welcome, come on in! Right above the little magnifying glass (which is next to the page numbers) you will find a star that you need to click on, it'll turn yellow. If you clicked on the star above it (next to the cog wheel), it will probably say that you don't have any bookmarks. Be sure to bookmark this site

    - yes, you shell the edamame. I usually get the shelled frozen edamame, saves time. One time I ate the pod and found it to be "woody"

    mia - definitely give those chocolate bars away -- and do it asap!!!!

    Agnes - welcome. As Barbie says: never, never, never give up. We'll always be here for ya

    terri - good for you making it on that bike. When I walked backwards, I could only go at 2mph. Forwards I usually can do at least 4mph. Maybe it was because there was this fear in me that I would fall off so that's why I went slower. I looked at the terriyaki tofu and then put it down since I didn't know much about it. Is the terriyaki just on the outside or all throughout. How's the sodium? For dd to give up white flour for one day may very well be tough. I know at first it was real tough for me. Maybe even start at one meal or part of one day? You are a great role model

    Kari - welcome! Log, log, and log some more. That's the best advice I can think to give you

    Carol in NC - I find that my heartrate goes up a lot more on the bike when I'm standing versus when I'm sitting. Well,that makes sense, the blood has to pump harder to get to the top of the body. The pool was 91. Almost didn't feel refreshing.

    Sylvia - one time I made an alfredo sauce with tofu. *I* thought it was pretty good. Thanks for the link

    Michele in NC
  • paulacapuciberg
    paulacapuciberg Posts: 1 Member
    Mypigeon frim Boston, MA.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Marking my spot to say I'm exhausted. Election year at Methodist Annual Conference is fun but long and tiring. And there are three more days of it!