

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Good Morning my friends!
    Back from our trip to Chicago late last night. Had a wonderful time with our two children. Always hard no matter what age they are to leave them.
    Up 2 pounds this morning but not worried as it is back to my normal routine and they will be gone before the week is done. Always hard being away from home on the sleeping, eating and exercising front.
    Sending my prayers and thoughts to all in need this week. Some of you have very compelling stories. As women we are survivors.
    Will check back in later. Have a wonderful Monday!
    Cheri :)<3
  • KateKyi
    KateKyi Posts: 106 Member
    Hi Ladies
    Welcome to the new people. Glad to see you all.
    Ive had my first Edamame (mature soybeans) as part of my try new foods. I must say I really love them. They look like a broad bean, come in short pods. When you remove the pod, they have the same outer shell on the bean as the broad bean. They taste like a nutty sweet pea and are as green as peas. They are delicious and I would recommend them to anyone.
    The mosquito bites are looking a bit nasty, going to go get the doctor to check them out. Its probably me and I think I must be allergic to them. I know diabetics have problems healing so its best to get them checked out. Still hasnt put me off my bike rides. Should be a 4 x's bike week.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,765 Member
    Nancy and Miriam ... Thank you for sharing ... Such difficult and heartbreaking stories. Will pray that God is not yet done ...

    Got on the scale this morning ... Have pulled up my bootstraps... And I'm moving forward.

    Have a good day ladies!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited June 2015
    Lisa, thanks I'll copy that and give it a try. Until recently I have been able to eat sweets and was disappointed. I kept telling everyone wish they made me sick so I wouldn't eat them. Maybe I'm getting my wish, but it wasn't much fun. Thanks for the tips.

    Also woke with a horrible headache, due to eating a ll that sugar I'm not accustomed to. It's going away now, on my second cup of coffee :)
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,146 Member
    Good morning ladies! I am going to mow the lawn one last time before we move. It takes 3 hours and 15,000 steps. I count that as my exercise!

    Nancy- I am glad that you were able to get out of that situation. It is heartbreaking that your daughter has not reconciled with you. At least you know that she is in God's hands. Thanks for sharing your life.

    Joyce- it sounds like you have a lot to do before the weekend. You are going to have so much fun!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Nancy, how horrible that you went through the meat grinder like that. I had some similar experiences with my horrible first husband but am now married to a wonderful, kind, gentle man who has never even raised his voice to me in the 23 years I've been with him. I never thought I deserved this kind of man, but apparently he did. :)

    My ex had no interest in his son at all while he was growing up, but years later my son tracked him down and he told him lies about me, and said that I refused to let him visit and moved around so he couldn't find us. Not true. My son believed it for years until he found out for himself what a big liar he was. I didn't see my son or the grandkids for six years. Maybe there is still hope for you too.

    Yesterday hubby drove me over to Joplin for a clay club meeting, then we went shopping for some dress shirts, some window blinds, and a computer printer. Got the shirts and the blinds, but not the printer.

    Today we have to get the estimate on repairing the van. I hope they can fix it quickly. But to be honest, I'm a little scared to drive. I'm supposed to watch the kids for a while so my son can take care of some legal paperwork, so I'm planning to walk them over to the library. Tonight DGD#2 goes to her first gymnastics class. I think she should enjoy it because she loves to jump around. She is 8 and can't sit still for a minute.

    Well, I'm off to walk my steps. Have a great day!


  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited June 2015
    Pip love the poem.

    Nancy in awe of your courage to leave such an abusive situation. That he used your daughter to punish you again confirms what a *** fill in the blank with whatever word or words you deem right. Sometimes the only way to save yourself is to walk away. You did the right thing. He is not entitled to take away your peace of mind. Someday your daughter will understand you really had no choice. He is the one who took your choices away. I hope you are able to treat yourself with kindness to help yourself heal from such a trauma. Thank you for sharing your story with us. ((((with love)))).

    Miriam ((((withlove)))) for you too.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 392 Member
    So sad to read of the broken family situations...hugs to all of you! As women we are taught that family is the most important thing and it is heartbreaking to lose any part of our families, whether temporarily or permanently. Also hard to wait out a bad situation till things turn around. I am also doing the waiting game with a situation, and some days are better than others. We all need more kindness in this world!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    @exermom - SLUTS is acronym for Southern Ladies Under Tremendous Stress. I'm definite GRITS; today is the first time in a long that I have felt like 'SLUTS'. LOL!

    @Margaretturk - Thanks for the picture of the flamingo. I don't have one quite like that; or else I have forgotten and it has been overrun by my overgrown flower bed. For some reason, this Spring, I have had absolutely no desire for any plant or flower to take care of. Lipstick plant has been moved (several times) trying to find somewhere it will be happy in; but, not sure it isn't being as 'fickle' as possible to make me miserable about flowers. It has bloomed but very floppy looking. Only watering it once a week; too heavy to take down from its spot out on the desk far enough back that it won't get any direct sun. It's been in the high 80's, low 90's; bringing it inside only is probably too cool (sometimes outright cold).

    Today I feel like $#*T - I'm sure that is some acronym for something. Too sick at my stomach to think about it. Shaky as well. Have not felt this way since I started my Medical Weight Loss plan. I know it is because for the past few days I have not even eaten my very low caloric intake. Calling nurse this AM. Head aches but not a migraine (yet). Will take something for both and go back to bed for a while. Not sure I slept well last night due to something unpleasant my son and husband had to do yesterday evening. I think it upset every woman/girl in the house. I wanted to cry that such a young, sweet animal had to be 'put down' because of injuries and apparently abandoned by mother. Youngest son, Wildlife Biologist, said that sometimes 'nature' is cruel; sometimes 'intervention' is worse. Son let out his dog for her business and she went right to it; and broke its hip trying to 'play', I guess she thought it was another young dog.

    I drank my protein shake after my 2 cups of coffee, this AM, then ate a piece of (burnt) toast hoping it would settle my stomach. Nothing has helped, so I have taken out something from the freezer to eat at lunch. Actually I know that a bowl of cereal and milk will help. Might give in and do it anyway.

    OMG, Kathie Lee and Hoda are talking about what some women name their breasts. I just call my 'getting in my way' sometimes. I'm apparently that 1 in 4 women in my family who hasn't or won't have breast cancer. Thankful; but, now, being that 'statistic' after seeing 2 sisters (both survivors) and mother [surely] since her ovarian cancer spread (prior to her death of other thing(s)) going through it still doesn't make me feel that great when I do my monthly exam of them. GYN doesn't seem 'alarmed' that they hurt and/or itch several days out of the month. I am just a bit of a worrier. SLUTS!

    Well, goodbye for now ... calling nurse before going back to bed.
  • KateKyi
    KateKyi Posts: 106 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Margaret ... I did not know that about the lions ... We have 1 lion so I guess that means we're half paid off! Which is about right....

    Me neither! I have always heard that you paint your front door red when you get the mortgage paid off.

    My door is pillar box red,firetruck red,Bus red, red red...trying to think of something that is US and red lol. In the UK we use red a lot. My car is the same colour. Because I love red red. I dont like maroon reds it has to be specifically red red ah I know Tomato red. Sadly my house is still mortgaged.
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Peach – Sending virtual hugs to you. Cleaning out the family home can be very hard.

    True confessions time. I moved into my house 20 years ago. I had a large stack of boxes that I had never gotten around to unpacking. This stack took up most of the room I use for my computer. Then my Mom needed more care than she got in her own home so about 8 years ago we moved Mom out of her house. More boxes and stacks of stuff which went into my library. Then 3 years ago we decided to repair walls and paint half of the house. More stacks of boxes into the guest bedroom. Also, over the years as I got stuff that I couldn’t immediately find a home for it was added to the piles. Result – 3 rooms in my home piled high with stuff shut behind doors because I didn’t want anyone to see the state the rooms were in.

    Two years ago we cleaned the public parts of the house and our bedroom for our annual party. I declared that the areas that had been cleared would stay cleared and we could not pile stuff up as we were accustomed to doing. This was a declaration I had made every year that we had the party, but this time it stuck. Cleaning the house for the party this year was a breeze as all I had to do was vacuum, dust and clean the bathrooms. It was such a joy I decided to tackle the guest room this year. Starting in May I hired someone to come over for 2 hours each week to help move/empty/refill boxes and generally keep me on track. This has worked better than I had hoped. I was going to be happy if I got one room cleaned out this year. The guest room was done in 4 weeks. This past Saturday we finished the last of the stuff in the computer room. I still have lots of boxes that I don’t quite know what to do with the contents, but there are much fewer of them and they are all labeled so I know what is in them.

    The next step is the library. I dread this room because it is mostly stuff from my parents’ home. I know this room is a ticking time bomb filled with emotions and it will be much harder to take a stand that things must go. I’m going to deliberately take a 2 week break from clearing rooms before I start to tackle this one.

    I am amazed at how much lighter I feel as I see stuff leaving the house. As I'm losing weight I'm losing the clutter. I know I have a long way to go before everything either has a place it belongs or leaves the house, but I am delighted at how far I have come in just 2 months. I have downgraded my mental image of myself as a hoarder and now see myself as a packrat. LOL!

    Note to self: If I ever am in need of a new husband, #2 must not be a packrat. 2 packrats living together makes for very cluttered living.

    Mia in MI

    June goal - log food every day
    Word of the month – persevere

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,618 Member
    morning peeps -

    mollywhippet - glad to hear you and the kids are safe after that wreck

    godmom- yeah, you don't want to piss a mexican off, least of all this one lolol.

    janetr - thanks :0) i don't write much anymore, don't know why. eating 1 potato chip isn't gonna kill you, but when you start hittin on the whole bag, well... uh.. that's another story.

    charm4u = you are a strong woman to have survived that. we should swap stories. my #1 husband was my abuser and alcoholic. had a loaded gun (cocked it) to my head while he was driving down a country road while he was royally drunk. all he needed was to hit a bump or "accidentally" pull the trigger. mom dis-owned me for 12 years because of him and the situation. guess it wasn't my time.

    gawworth - nice to have support on the food front w/family.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,146 Member
    Grits- sorry for your loss. (((hugs)))

    Sylvia- it is hard to get over a traumatic experience. I still won't drive in a snow storm. But I do drive now.

    5,000 steps in from mowing so far. Taking a little break.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Dana, Central Indiana – Welcome! I was so glad to see that 2 years after your divorce you are the happiest you have ever been. I have a friend who has been married for 26 years, stay-at-home wife the entire time (because her husband wanted it that way), 58 years old and her husband announced 3 months ago that he doesn’t want to be married any more. She didn’t see it coming and is a basket case. I’m trying my best to be supportive. I know she has a long way to go before she realizes she is better off without him, but she is not yet ready to hear that and/or believe it. It is my sincere hope that one day emotionally she will be where you are. Any hints on things you wish your friends had said or had not said when you were first hit with the divorce request?

    And yes, you can do this!

    DeeDee in gorgeous NC – Once upon a time I was having an asthma attack before it was diagnosed as asthma so I was sitting in my doctor’s office trying to figure out what the heck was wrong with me. I described the feeling as “I feel like my 13lb cat is sitting on my chest.” The doctor just looked at me in a puzzled manner. I totally get how you feel when your dog sits on you.

    Grits – Someone a few pages back had a wonderful explanation of calorie deficit. Basically, your DGD would look up her BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) or her RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate) for her goal weight. That would be the number of calories her body would use if she did no exercise and were that weight. If she sets her calories at that count and continues to exercise, she should lose weight at a reasonable rate. If she exercises a lot she might want to eat some of those exercise calories. I set a calories limit in MFP as well as a percentage of macro nutrients to make sure I eat a balanced diet. She might want to do the same.

    Michele in NC – Thanks for your words to Alison. They were exactly what I was thinking when I read her post. For many years I was fat and heathy. Size does not indicate state of health.

    Where in NC do you live? If you’d feel better about not giving specifics in a public forum but are willing to chat about specifics one-on-one, kindly send me a friend request and we can chat behind the scenes. I am giving serious consideration to NC as a state to retire to and am curious about your area’s weather, bug status, economic status, medical facilities, etc.

    Alison – I was very glad to read that you let DH know he hurt your feelings. He needs to learn that you are his ally and he cannot take his frustrations out on you.

    Margaret and Drkatiebug – I had not heard about either the lion or red door. I have the red door. Now to see how DH feels about a lion guarding the front porch.

    OK. Page 90 just finished. It was my last page when I started reading it and now I see we’ve hit page 92. I’ll stop here for a bit and come back later.

    [ Mia in MI
    June goal - log food every day
    Word of the month – persevere

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member

    Just back from water aerobics. When I was leaving the young instructor said to me what are you doing besides water aerobics, I said nothing. She said really, I can really tell you've lost weight. I told her I had got back on my eating program. She said I like it when you're in class you have so much energy, I think it motivates the others. I told her thanks, I'm here to work. It so made my day!!!!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited June 2015
    Mia - way to go, just keep at it and it will happen.

    Janetr OKC
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Mary, we are all with you on every box you move and every step you take.

    Janetr, you missed your change for a minute of fame??? LOL As I recall, didn’t you say that you didn’t see the actual wreck? I laugh sometimes at the things our local new will put on just to have something. And don’t you hate it when those potato chips sneak silently into our mouths. And they are pretty much right, that ya can’t eat just one. stop.gif

    Nancy, so glad you got away from that situation even if it meant losing your daughter. No one should have to go through that.

    Joyce, sorry you didn’t sleep well last night. Hopefully you can sleep better when you are busy with your company. You enjoy them while they are there.

    Heather, yes I’m watching you and keeping you company, but don’t know why you didn’t sleep last night? smiley-sleep012.gif Let’s have a great day.

    Allison, it does sound like chaos at work. I know you will keep ‘em straight. They are so lucky to have you.

    Janetr, glad the headache is getting better. I have joked about wishing sugar would do that to me also. The truth is, I don’t really eat that much sugar unless it’s on a starch and I try to stay away from those. (I do miss my cinnamon rolls)

    Mary, I think (know) I’d count mowing the lawn as my exercise, too. Just don’t overdo because I’m right with you until this move is over. ((Hugs))

    Sylvia, I know what you mean about being a little scared to drive. I think that is pretty normal after an accident. It just makes you punchy for a while. Hopefully it will pass quickly since you have to drive the Grands so much.

    Mia, congrats on getting done what you have accomplished! Now you are at the point that some year, you can say, “we haven’t even opened this box in “x” years, so it can go in the trash”. I know the last room will be more difficult, but you can do it. Glad you and the house are feeling lighter all the time.

    Pip, so glad it wasn’t your time. We like having you here!!!

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    It’s a beautiful day in SC. The humidity is noticeably lower today which makes all the difference, and the temperature is back down to normal. I am concerned about all the dry places throughout the country with fireworks on the Fourth of July. It is so easy to start a grass fire when things are extra dry. We don’t really have any plans for the Fourth but I hope those of you that do, have a wonderful and safe day.
    I wish us all a healthy and happy week ahead.

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    I'm back now, after a very intense week with son and grandchildren visiting. I have tried to keep up with the reading but haven't had a chance to write anything. At the beginning of the week I started a notepad file but later on I didn't always have time even for that. Do please forgive me if I've missed commenting on anything important!
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    I love looking out over the pecan orchard and back to the llama pasture and seeing nothing but green. We spend most of our time in our Florida room so we can see the outdoors from inside. :)
    JanetR - Nice hearing about the view out your window! I thoroughly enjoy sitting by my own picture window and watching the birds/hares/ptarmigans/weasels and whatever else is out there. It's better than TV! I hope when too I'm old and decrepit to get out of the house I'll still have eyesight good enough to watch the show.
    The mural goes right around the room, including the doors. It truly is fabulous. It's called, if I remember, An Expedition in Search of Rare Meats. I love it in there because there is NO music and the waiters are good.
    Heather - I'm with you 100% on that. A dinner should be uninterrupted! At an intellectual level I can understand this new(ish) trend that the chef descends on the guests and gives a long lecture about each course. Okay, he or she put lots of effort into composing the meal, but come ON, get real! Can't they just leave us alone to talk about our own affairs? We can always ask to talk to the chef if we want to compliment him/her for something particularly delectable.
    Those of you with busy jobs and who travel a lot with little chance of a routine I really admire you if you can even lose an ounce. I would be a mess! I love my good routine days and it really works for me weight wise. If I am alone and kicked out of routine I REALLY struggle. [...] I'm ok with other people around to anchor me.
    Heather again - I also need routines. For me, "home" means four different places (not counting my parents' two homes, which also feel like home) and they are all totally different in terms of cooking gear, food availability, stress level, who else is around, and so on. It's a terrific struggle adapting my routines so they work in each home. Like you, I find that other people can help me in the struggle. Unfortunately, my subconscious still believes that calories you consume when nobody is watching don't count. smiley-rolleyes010.gif
    Speaking of delectable, your shrimp/garlic/chili orgy sounds absolutely divine! I firmly intend to replicate that meal first chance I get! However, living where I do, not far from Norway's prime shrimping grounds, I've become spoiled on FRESH shrimp. Hmm... Maybe I'll make an extra trip in to the nearest fishmonger, even though it's a two-hour drive.
    I made orange chicken and brown rice for dinner and they loved it - after they added salt to theirs. And we had the best antelope we've had so far this season.
    Sylvia - When I came to this it totally cracked me up. I had just read Heather's post about "An Expedition in Search of Rare Meats". A bit of antelope fit right in!

    Joyce - What an awful day you had back on the 24th (and described on the 25th), when your husband walked out on the restaurant where you'd planned what you wanted to eat. I appreciated the retort you thought of when your husband asked "Where do you want to go?" ("HMMM, maybe to court????") I would never be quick-witted enough even to think of something like that. I also admire that you were able to see past all your husband's current nastiness to the tough situation he's up against, and that might be causing it. You're a grown-up!

    Lenora - Great to hear that your nurse and MD are happy with your progress. Cutting the fat% and upping the muscle% is exactly what I want to do and I'm probably not the only one on this thread with that ambition... I bought myself a scales that measured BMI, fat%, muscle% and visceral fat. The first time I stepped on it I had the shock of my life: 23% muscle and 46% fat!!?? I thought there must be something wrong with it until my husband tried it and got a much lower fat% and much higher muscle%. Okay, he's a man and different proportions are to be expected, but still, the difference was big enough to convince me that it wasn't just that something wrong with the scales.

    Cheri - You wrote about your son "He isn't one to share and I don't want to push him too hard for info." My grown daughter is the same, so I can guess what you're going through. I'd like to know a bit more about what's going on in her life, but it is her life, not mine, and I respect that. So no pushing from me either. I hope you snapped up a few tidbits during your visit to Chicago.

    MNMargaret - Your line about standing by some flowers at the Como Park Conservatory in St. Paul threw me straight back into my childhood. I grew up in Minneapolis and one of my favorite excursions was to that conservatory. Ah, the humid scented air when you walked in through the door, the lily pond with goldfish swimming in it, and especially the grotto at the end of one wing, full of greenery dripping moisture down into the little pool with pennies and nickels shining on the bottom... It makes me want to be 8 years old again!

    Mary from Minnesota - You chimed in and asked if Margaret remembered the pony ride and the giant tortoise. Thanks for doing that, because I had forgotten! I can see the pony ride now, but only vaguely. My middle sister was the "horsey" one, so the pony ride was her thing. But that tortoise... Yes, yes! I also recollect the vending machines where you could pay a dollar or some other outrageous sum and watch through the glass dome while a plastic animal was molded right before your eyes! And does anyone remember the little roller-coaster there at Como Park? As I've mentioned before, I'm uncomfortable with heights and that tiny kiddy roller-coaster is the only one I've ever truly enjoyed.

    Back to MNMargaret - That yellow desk and its matching chair are exactly the same shape as a set my grandmother refurbished - it must be 50 years ago now, before Antiques Road Show made us aware of the value of the original finish. She did them up in black lacquer with gold trim. Beautiful! She also had a lot of other antiques that she left as they were, including a set of Hitchcock chairs with their original paint.

    Becca by the beach - Nice to hear about your wildlife - the elk and the eagles. Sounds almost like home!

    Sylvia - So sorry to hear about your van being totalled. Thank goodness nobody was hurt! The lives and health of all the people involved are what is most important. Even a brand new van is just "stuff".
    pipcd34 wrote: »

    An older pic of us when I was bigger
    Awww, Poop. Bigger or no, you sure look sweet! And don't think I don't notice the coordinated wardrobe the two of you are wearing... :wink:

    I'll get back later with an update on the grandkids' visit. Now it's nearly dinnertime ovah heeya.

    Penny at the Pole
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Mia in MI, I am in the same situation you are with the "stuff" from other people. When my great aunt died, I was the only one in the area, so I had to go clean out her apartment (she never had kids). So I ended up with a couple of bo><es (my >< is broken) of pictures and cards/ letters of hers. Then when my aunt died, I ended up with several more (she had only one child who was developmentally delayed). Then, when my cousin had to move in with me because he was no longer living on his own, I got all his "stuff". And I worked as a mental health advocate, and I have reams of information for that, even though I am no longer working. It is hard to toss training materials, etc. Before I took in the girls, I was able to confine all this to an unused room, but now it has spread all over my office area. And it is hard to deal with- so many decisions. These two wonderful women left no descendants, and I hate to just toss their photos, etc. but no one really is interested. My kids won't be interested when I am gone. So I know I need to do precisely what you are doing, but have not been able to make much headway! Maybe I will get some inspiration from you!
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    @Lagopus Cheri - You wrote about your son "He isn't one to share and I don't want to push him too hard for info." My grown daughter is the same, so I can guess what you're going through. I'd like to know a bit more about what's going on in her life, but it is her life, not mine, and I respect that. So no pushing from me either. I hope you snapped up a few tidbits during your visit to Chicago.

    Actually I was able to glean some information (in a round about way) about where he is in his health/fitness journey. He had purchased and was wearing a Fitbit Charge HR. I mentioned to him I was thinking of upgrading from my pocket pedometer to something more current and that would sync with MFP. He took out his phone and showed me how the Fitbit Charge HR linked to MFP and all the information I could use from wearing this type of fitness monitor. It was quite informative and he was happy with the results he was getting and seeing. This exchange gave me enough information that he was aware of his weight gain and that he had to do something about it. As a matter of fact we had to do some changes in our eating plans for the weekend do to our delay in arriving in Chicago and the weather. Our daughter does not like change when plans have been laid out for her(this is due to her disabilities). I asked her brother to call her and work something out. Turns out he was concerned that we all had enough calories in our daily amounts left for which type of restaurant we were choosing to go to! My daughter and I who are both MFP losers were like WHAT!? Good information was obtained this weekend and now the 3 of us are healthier weight and fitness journeys.

    It is sometimes difficult to remember that they are young adults out on their own now and don't necessarily want you "all up in their business". We call it love and concern for their well-being and they call it something else entirely. Fine line to walk in life.

    Cheri (in where else but rainy NE Ohio)