

  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    @coastalpath I’m really sorry you are struggling. If you can, try and carve a few minutes out of each day to look after yourself, whether its some deep breathing/meditation, exercise, a solitary cup of coffee. It is also important that you acknowledge your stress and feelings, don’t squash them away because others think you should. Everything you think and feel is valid to you.

    I’m going to check out the fitbit thread in a moment. I’m having a bit of a sucky morning at work.

    Totally randomly, as I drove back from Devon last night, I planned what I might have for my wedding reception. Partly inspired by this thread and partly by a comedienne that was on radio 4 (don’t judge) yesterday. Bear in mind my relationship structure means I will never get married, but still, I planned it…

    So I’d have an afternoon tea, catered by my favourite Torquay café, with made to order sandwiches (guests choose from a small list of fillings); bread is home made white or granary. A variety of home made scones, with cherry, or ginger, or white choc chips in. Lots of different fruit jams. And huge bowls of clotted cream. There may also be cinnamon toast. And lots of different cakes, like Victoria sponge, lemon drizzle, chocolate brownie. All served with either tea, coffee (from starbucks) or something sparkling, probably Prosecco or Asti (I’m actually a cherry lambrini kind of girl). Set to a background of string quartet music.

    And for evening meal I’d have a Chinese buffet, in the style of the Mongolian barbecue restaurant chain (do they have those in the states?) basically, you take your bowl, choose your meat/veg/noodles/cooking sauce, and they cook it on a flat top stove while you wait.

    It will be held in a marquee, on the cliff tops, near where I live (in Devon).

    I spent nearly 200 miles planning this. I have no idea what I’d be wearing, nor what the ceremony would be like.

    You and I should get married. I plan the ceremony and the dress. You plan the food.

    Although I want mine on the beach in East Hampton where my mom lives and to rent a house and just throw a big party as I have mentioned before. So we might need to be like Becky Bloomwood (confessions of a shopaholic for those who don't get the reference ) and have 2 weddings.

    You guys could have a french fry, ice cream, Pop-Tart, Cheesecake, & cupcake bar. The cupcake bar could be where you you can pick whichever icing, cake flavor, & decorations you want.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    @orangesmartie thanks for the idea of the Zombies Run App! I did the first mission in my living room just jogging in place so I could earn some more calories to eat a Pop-tart ice cream sammich.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    @coastalpath I’m really sorry you are struggling. If you can, try and carve a few minutes out of each day to look after yourself, whether its some deep breathing/meditation, exercise, a solitary cup of coffee. It is also important that you acknowledge your stress and feelings, don’t squash them away because others think you should. Everything you think and feel is valid to you.

    I’m going to check out the fitbit thread in a moment. I’m having a bit of a sucky morning at work.

    Totally randomly, as I drove back from Devon last night, I planned what I might have for my wedding reception. Partly inspired by this thread and partly by a comedienne that was on radio 4 (don’t judge) yesterday. Bear in mind my relationship structure means I will never get married, but still, I planned it…

    So I’d have an afternoon tea, catered by my favourite Torquay café, with made to order sandwiches (guests choose from a small list of fillings); bread is home made white or granary. A variety of home made scones, with cherry, or ginger, or white choc chips in. Lots of different fruit jams. And huge bowls of clotted cream. There may also be cinnamon toast. And lots of different cakes, like Victoria sponge, lemon drizzle, chocolate brownie. All served with either tea, coffee (from starbucks) or something sparkling, probably Prosecco or Asti (I’m actually a cherry lambrini kind of girl). Set to a background of string quartet music.

    And for evening meal I’d have a Chinese buffet, in the style of the Mongolian barbecue restaurant chain (do they have those in the states?) basically, you take your bowl, choose your meat/veg/noodles/cooking sauce, and they cook it on a flat top stove while you wait.

    It will be held in a marquee, on the cliff tops, near where I live (in Devon).

    I spent nearly 200 miles planning this. I have no idea what I’d be wearing, nor what the ceremony would be like.

    You and I should get married. I plan the ceremony and the dress. You plan the food.

    Although I want mine on the beach in East Hampton where my mom lives and to rent a house and just throw a big party as I have mentioned before. So we might need to be like Becky Bloomwood (confessions of a shopaholic for those who don't get the reference ) and have 2 weddings.

    You guys could have a french fry, ice cream, Pop-Tart, Cheesecake, & cupcake bar. The cupcake bar could be where you you can pick whichever icing, cake flavor, & decorations you want.

    ...and a gelato cart.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    At one of our local grocery stores they have a cow on the front of the milk display and the cow moos at you every time you walk by it. I hate that cow. I turned around the other day and said to it.
    " I know right!! But I am working on it so back off!!
    There were 2 elderly ladies standing they and I am sure they were ready to call someone to take me away!

    That cow does seem pretty obnoxious. Maybe they were thinking you go girl :). I wonder what they would've said back in the day?
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    Ladies and gentlemen of the confessions thread, a moment of hush if you will, I have an announcement to make.

    <drum roll>

    This afternoon, in the car park of a slightly up market grocery store, outside a ubiquitous coffee house chain, @girldownsouth and I met up. In honour of this thread, we did not partake of frothy expensive refreshments, but instead meandered many miles along the river, in idyllic English countryside (beside the motorway).

    We (well I did anyway) had a lovely walk in the sunshine, getting to know a new friend. We do intend to do it again.

    I thank you for your attention. Here endeth the announcement. Please return to your regularly scheduled confessions.
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    Ladies and gentlemen of the confessions thread, a moment of hush if you will, I have an announcement to make.

    <drum roll>

    This afternoon, in the car park of a slightly up market grocery store, outside a ubiquitous coffee house chain, @girldownsouth and I met up. In honour of this thread, we did not partake of frothy expensive refreshments, but instead meandered many miles along the river, in idyllic English countryside (beside the motorway).

    We (well I did anyway) had a lovely walk in the sunshine, getting to know a new friend. We do intend to do it again.

    I thank you for your attention. Here endeth the announcement. Please return to your regularly scheduled confessions.

    So cool. I confess I am totally jealous but happy for you guys!! :smiley:
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I cried a lot this afternoon....a LOT

    I am not gonna lie, grief bacon for the win! Perhaps during the week when I can just ignore the phone it won't be so bad....

    Things have relaxed for now in intensity, but no resolution.......

    My fitbit is charging now and seemed to be counting once I charged it a bit, so fingers crossed that it is ok.....weird that it did not warn me with an email before dying, but just gonna hope its a fluke at this point....

    Did anyone see the second part of my left at the bar story? Someone (sorry, can't remember who), asked if I was there for a long time, so I told the rest of what happened, but it got trapped at the bottom of a page and it took me a bit to find it, so I am wondering if anyone actually saw it or not......

    P.S. - then I have a DEAD spider, which is not much better.....what do you suggest I do with that??

    I saw the second part and I would have super mad at my friend as well. Girls are supposed to look out for each other

    As for the spider I would vacuum that sucker up. Oh yes I would

    That's the agreement I have with ALL spiders that come into the house. They can live in the house, but they have to survive the vacuum cleaner. If they survive the vacuum cleaner, then they have to LIVE in the vacuum cleaner for the rest of their days or be revacuumed.

    For all you cat lovers on this thread, don't your cats hunt spiders? I am not a cat person, but every once in awhile a make an agreement with our barn cats that they can have a reprieve in our house if they promise to catch all of the spiders.

    My cat Shade eats spiders...she caught a Texas Yellow Garden spider and she killed and was ripping it apart yesterday...

    This is what they look like:


    That is not a spider. That is a prop in a horror story. Or a dinosaur. My sanity would not survive if that showed up in my house.

    I would throw the keys at it and leave as it would now own the house.

    There's a funny picture I like that says "I found a spider in my house today so I got a tissue and very carefully burned the house down"

  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    @coastalpath I’m really sorry you are struggling. If you can, try and carve a few minutes out of each day to look after yourself, whether its some deep breathing/meditation, exercise, a solitary cup of coffee. It is also important that you acknowledge your stress and feelings, don’t squash them away because others think you should. Everything you think and feel is valid to you.

    I’m going to check out the fitbit thread in a moment. I’m having a bit of a sucky morning at work.

    Totally randomly, as I drove back from Devon last night, I planned what I might have for my wedding reception. Partly inspired by this thread and partly by a comedienne that was on radio 4 (don’t judge) yesterday. Bear in mind my relationship structure means I will never get married, but still, I planned it…

    So I’d have an afternoon tea, catered by my favourite Torquay café, with made to order sandwiches (guests choose from a small list of fillings); bread is home made white or granary. A variety of home made scones, with cherry, or ginger, or white choc chips in. Lots of different fruit jams. And huge bowls of clotted cream. There may also be cinnamon toast. And lots of different cakes, like Victoria sponge, lemon drizzle, chocolate brownie. All served with either tea, coffee (from starbucks) or something sparkling, probably Prosecco or Asti (I’m actually a cherry lambrini kind of girl). Set to a background of string quartet music.

    And for evening meal I’d have a Chinese buffet, in the style of the Mongolian barbecue restaurant chain (do they have those in the states?) basically, you take your bowl, choose your meat/veg/noodles/cooking sauce, and they cook it on a flat top stove while you wait.

    It will be held in a marquee, on the cliff tops, near where I live (in Devon).

    I spent nearly 200 miles planning this. I have no idea what I’d be wearing, nor what the ceremony would be like.

    You and I should get married. I plan the ceremony and the dress. You plan the food.

    Although I want mine on the beach in East Hampton where my mom lives and to rent a house and just throw a big party as I have mentioned before. So we might need to be like Becky Bloomwood (confessions of a shopaholic for those who don't get the reference ) and have 2 weddings.

    We are a match made in heaven! I'd love a beach wedding.

    We should have 2 weddings, I'll cater them, ceremonies and outfits ate your department.

    Don't judge, fantasy weddings are all I will ever have ;)
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    oh and @pofoster21 Patricia- he's not my type either but he writes all his own music and his voice is AMAZING. Melt worthy...makes him much more easier on the eyes. But I have the ultimate sexy Englishman already so no worries there!

    Ummm....confession: we don't think he's that special over here...

  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    KrisiAnnH wrote: »
    Confession; I overate for dinner today. I'm still within my calories because I've had light meals the rest of the day, but I made way more veg and pasta sauce than I needed, but I just hate wasting food.

    On a more positive note, I went for my trial shift today and I got the job! It's only kitchen work but I'm super excited to have something to do over the summer :) And I finally got round to finding a new pair of shorts (mine are a bit big on me) and I've gone down a size! :)

    Yay! congrats on the job!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    My confession from Friday... I got really drunk on beer that was not labeled "lite", got home, crawled into bed, and ordered pizza, then made my boyfriend stay up until the pizza came and hand deliver it to me in bed. I'm not a nice drunk, very bossy, no fun, shocked he hasn't left me yet.

    I'm not the nicest drunk in the world every so often either- another reason I've quit!

    How is the not drinking going?

    Really well thank you!! Going on 7 months now and honestly the more time goes by te easier for me it gets! Plus I have bad nightmares and flashbacks from some not so good times that help keep me away from it :)

    That is amazing!! Good for you!! I really mean that. :)

    Thank you! :) This thread is a big motivator for me! Everyone has been so supportive and it means so much!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Ladies and gentlemen of the confessions thread, a moment of hush if you will, I have an announcement to make.

    <drum roll>

    This afternoon, in the car park of a slightly up market grocery store, outside a ubiquitous coffee house chain, @girldownsouth and I met up. In honour of this thread, we did not partake of frothy expensive refreshments, but instead meandered many miles along the river, in idyllic English countryside (beside the motorway).

    We (well I did anyway) had a lovely walk in the sunshine, getting to know a new friend. We do intend to do it again.

    I thank you for your attention. Here endeth the announcement. Please return to your regularly scheduled confessions.

    Aww JEALOUS!!!! So happy y'all were able to meet how cool is that?!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    oh and @pofoster21 Patricia- he's not my type either but he writes all his own music and his voice is AMAZING. Melt worthy...makes him much more easier on the eyes. But I have the ultimate sexy Englishman already so no worries there!

    Ummm....confession: we don't think he's that special over here...

    I just love his voice!
  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    edited June 2015
    OK, let's see how my multiple quote thing works...
    ShibaEars wrote: »

    I would throw the keys at it and leave as it would now own the house.

    There's a funny picture I like that says "I found a spider in my house today so I got a tissue and very carefully burned the house down"

    Yes, all of this.
    KrisiAnnH wrote: »
    Confession; I overate for dinner today. I'm still within my calories because I've had light meals the rest of the day, but I made way more veg and pasta sauce than I needed, but I just hate wasting food.

    On a more positive note, I went for my trial shift today and I got the job! It's only kitchen work but I'm super excited to have something to do over the summer :) And I finally got round to finding a new pair of shorts (mine are a bit big on me) and I've gone down a size! :)

    Wahoo! Congrats :)
    Ladies and gentlemen of the confessions thread, a moment of hush if you will, I have an announcement to make.

    <drum roll>

    This afternoon, in the car park of a slightly up market grocery store, outside a ubiquitous coffee house chain, @girldownsouth and I met up. In honour of this thread, we did not partake of frothy expensive refreshments, but instead meandered many miles along the river, in idyllic English countryside (beside the motorway).

    We (well I did anyway) had a lovely walk in the sunshine, getting to know a new friend. We do intend to do it again.

    I thank you for your attention. Here endeth the announcement. Please return to your regularly scheduled confessions.

    How fun!

    ETA: Success!
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    @Coastalpath and @xLoveLikeWinterx, I am so sorry that you both are struggling with some tough situations right now!! Hugs to you both!! <3
  • KrisiAnnH
    KrisiAnnH Posts: 352 Member
    @kelly_c_77 @ShibaEars @ythannah

    Thanks guys! :) Is it weird that the first thing I thought when I fit into the shorts was 'I cant wait to tell everyone on the thread'. I think it's because you guys understand it's quite a big thing to achieve a goal, whereas a lot of my friends would just be like 'meh, clothes' haha
  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    Ladies and gentlemen of the confessions thread, a moment of hush if you will, I have an announcement to make.

    <drum roll>

    This afternoon, in the car park of a slightly up market grocery store, outside a ubiquitous coffee house chain, @girldownsouth and I met up. In honour of this thread, we did not partake of frothy expensive refreshments, but instead meandered many miles along the river, in idyllic English countryside (beside the motorway).

    We (well I did anyway) had a lovely walk in the sunshine, getting to know a new friend. We do intend to do it again.

    I thank you for your attention. Here endeth the announcement. Please return to your regularly scheduled confessions.

    Seems fairly fitting amongst all this talk of online dating that our Internet meet up was great tonight!

    We both smashed our step goals and I've even picked up a bit of a tan :)
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Alright, I'm now reduced to taking notes so I can respond to posts.... @Coastalpath , @raelynnsmama52512 , @FroggyBug and @xLoveLikeWinterx , I'm so sorry you gals are going through such rough patches right now. :'( In true fix-it style, I wish I had solutions or helpful advice... but all I've got is empathy.

    And @susieqhusband, the bad-hair llama lady also requests that you provide your wife with a Fitbit! Heck, look at the money she's already saved you on all that live-in staff that she doesn't want (and, no, I didn't know that was the norm).

    Most of the time I really enjoy driving. I wouldn't put up with being told I couldn't drive because of my gender. Good thing I live in North America!

    LOL at the live-in staff part. :p

    Preventing women from driving has NO basis in Islam, honestly. The excuse they use is that "women will use the driving to go to places that are forbidden and do forbidden things." Seriously?! Putting a woman in the car with an unrelated male driver IS actually forbidden in Islam, and that's supposed to be a better solution somehow than letting a woman drive her OWN car?

    I don't think it's the government's job to "discipline" women as to where they can drive--That's up to their fathers, up to an agreement between their husbands and them about where they can't go (does that even make sense, though? "Wife, please don't go hang out with random men, okay?"). And who's to say that GUYS don't drive to "forbidden places and do forbidden things"? I hate everything about this so-called justification. -_-

    Star fact: As a form of protest, a Saudi Arabian lady living in Emirates who holds an international driver's license tried to drive through the border into Saudi Arabia, and was prevented. When she insisted that it was her right to enter her home country, the government magically made her "disappear". When another female friend drove to the border to bring her fresh clothing and a toothbrush and such, she "disappeared" as well. One month later, some news surfaced that they were being tried IN A TERRORISM COURT, and then later on were released and pardoned after THREE MONTHS OF IMPRISONMENT. Yes, seriously.

    The story about those women terrifies me and makes me realize that I really take my freedoms here for granted!

    You and me both. I was much less annoyed at the usual traffic nonsense on my drive home after work today. Hey, nobody forbids me to drive or imprisons me for doing so... what's a little rush hour irritation in comparison?
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    NSV - my waist is smaller than it has been in years. 1.5 inches to go to be at my pre-pregnancy waist size (which I was last at 17-18 years ago.) :wink:
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    At one of our local grocery stores they have a cow on the front of the milk display and the cow moos at you every time you walk by it. I hate that cow. I turned around the other day and said to it.
    " I know right!! But I am working on it so back off!!
    There were 2 elderly ladies standing they and I am sure they were ready to call someone to take me away!

    Ha! That's awesome :)

    @riderfangal I've been reading your username as riderangle since the beginning of the thread...until I've been replying to you :blush:

    LOL the riders are my favourite football team. I am actually somewhat obsessed lol. Truth be told I wanted to name my son Ryder but my ex was having no part of that

    I probably missed it in previous pages, but @riderfangal you had a date on Saturday, right? How did it go?

    He was very nice but no spark. On the surface we should have meshed completely but nothing. I was thinking maybe its just me in my heart I am not sure I am ready or wiling to enter into any relationship. Still it was nice to enjoy some adult conversation. :)

    It happens. But at least you got a nice evening out!

    I dated a guy that, "on paper", should've been a perfect match for me, but there was no spark with him either. I've also wondered if it's me not being willing to be in a relationship, but I want a spark, darn it!

    (psssst... I'm post-stalking you :p )

    In my experience, do not settle for anything less than "the spark". That's what will carry you through the rough patches, and keep you working out stuff when you'd really much rather throttle him.

    I stayed in a relationship for much too long because he was the "good on paper" guy who should have been my match made in heaven. Nah. Now I'm with the guy who would seem to be the "least likely prospect" (until you realize we are actually two peas in a pod, beneath the demographics) and we've got all the spark.