Fit For Future Families - May 2011



  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Katy- It is end of the school year enjoy with the coworkers. Ok maybe not the best advise but a week of celebrating won't totally derail everything as long as you get back on track next week and we have ALL summer to get super fit :o) Chin up, don't feel like a failure we need to celebrate a great year!

    AFM- I made it to the gym :smile: Thanks to the exchange student wanting to go tonight, since I had to drive him it made sense to workout too. Only 30 minutes, but 30 minutes better than sitting on the couch.
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    thanks to everyone. Congrats to those who participated in the relay! Awesome job! Wow Kim, that's amazing!

    @ Katy - chin up honey. tomorrow will be a better day. *hugs*
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Stephanie, love the pic, you look beautiful

    Carina, I’ll check out the link later tonight, but good luck none the less

    Kim, I think changing up your workout is a great idea! And if I may suggest adding some strength training in there (I know its not always fun) I think that would help you too. As for what I’m doing during the 2www, well…. I’m working, a lot! But I still manage to think about it constantly!

    Congrats Luki, that is an amazing accomplishment! I have no idea what my body age would be, but I think it’d be higher than 28!

    Jalara, so happy to hear you like the work! And FC for you this month, I hope all you needed was to take a break from the meds!

    Katy, don’t worry too much about the weigh in, it’ll just drive you crazy, instead try to be motivated by this (if you can, I know it’s easier said than done). Hugs!

    AFM, Ok so I need your advice on two things. The first, is TTC related. So everyone knows I had my IUI Monday, but what is weirding me out is that my temp hasn’t risen yet! I’m still getting low temps, is this something I should be worried about or exited about?
    The second this is relating to my personal/work life, the supervisor here lives near me and so we use the same public transit for our commute. We used to have similar shifts and so take the bus together, but when I changed departments I had asked to switch my shift to an earlier one to avoid him. He’s a real chauvinist, and divulges way to many things to me about his personal life that I don’t want to hear (because I still need to work with him and doing so without an ounce of respect is HARD). Now I’m a pretty blunt person, so I’ve come out and told him this exactly the way I said it to you guys, but he somehow didn’t get the hint (I should say he’s not the smartest person either). So now he moved over into my department and he tells me that he’s switching his shift to the earlier one & how fun it’ll be to commute together again! I thought my face expression was enough of an answer (cause I didn’t sensor myself, I was clearly not happy) to that but apparently not! What do I do? I don’t want to switch to a later shift because I actually like getting home earlier, and this is the earliest shift allowed. Urghhh…. Why he have to go and screw up such a good thing!

    Baby dust to all!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Ashley-- I have no idea about the temp stuff. Best of luck though. It would be driving me crazy. In another month or two, perhaps. As for the co-worker, some people just don't really pick up on those things, do they? Well, you can either be really blunt with him, get an ipod and tell him that you really just want your commute to be "you-time", or take pity on the socially-inept creature and try to figure out how to make the commute thing work for you both. Good luck with that.

    AFM--I was down .6 today! Wahoo--after no movement for months that feels really good. I hope I don't completely screw it up over Memorial day weekend and can keep it up. Another bit of good news: AF showed up with a vengance today. I talked with my nurse, and she said that I should treat today as Day 1, and figure that last Sat was early spotting-- so it gave me time to try to get the HSG scheduled for this month, instead of having to wait. Kinda like a do-over, if you will. So, I'm scheduled for it next Friday. We still may have to put off the treatment cycle another month because of my hubby's trip, but at least I can go ahead and get this blasted test out of the way and checked off the list!

    Hope everyone has a good weekend--for those of you celebrating Memorial Day, I hope it is a good one. We are having a cookout at our house for our family. And will be spending the rest of the weekend doing various little house projects to get ready for it. Haha.
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    @ Ashley, how often does the bus run? could you catch an earlier connection? like 15 min or so? I would probably talk to him again, once last time, being as clear, as you can, staying with facts and how you feel. "I am not comfortable with this kind of topic." etc. or like Kah said
    tell him that you really just want your commute to be "you-time"

    if he doesn't get it, could you talk to a supervisor and request that his shift switch not be approved?

    good luck, let us know what happens. situations like this are never easy. *hugs*
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hiya ladies!!

    I just woke up.....LOL For me, that's unheard of to wake up at noon. It's usually no later than 7am. I was having a dream that my family was on the run (DH, me and our two kids) and we lived in a trailer that attached to a mansion and built all kinds of tunnels in the house in the tropics. Weird!! We outsmarted the bad guys and at some point my mom, dad and siblings, nieces & nephews joined us. Very strange....since there are no kids, nieces and nephews yet and it reflected in my dream that they all had blurry faces.

    Last night was an okay night but I think we definitely use our Swiss Chalet in town too much....Swiss Chalet is a rotisserie chicken place and the food is relatively healthy. So I pull up to the speaker and ask for a quesadilla - they don't do it at the drive thru cause it gets mushy. Fine, we got chicken on kaiser, and pulled up. The person at the speaker was a guy and he apologized at the window then this other lady came up to the window and says to my hubs (who usually picks up dinner). "Hey Pat, you didn't come inside tonight...." LOL Then proceeds to chat up a storm with DH.. So I thought maybe they were coworkers (you know that kind of conversation) until it dawns on me that she sees him so often when he picks up food ...... LOL

    Ash - I would approach your supervisor and give the reasons to not have his shift switched. I believe that it can still be considered harassment that they would have to deal with if they switched the shift and so they will be disinclined to do it. If you've already been blunt with him about it, he shouldn't be surprised that you make the request. As for the temping, personally, I'd be worried too...Mine have been like that this month too....Wait until Day 8.......And see what they have to say
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Ashley- I agree with Pam. I'd talk to my boss about the situation. You shouldn't feel uncomfortable around coworker even after hours. Or go the route of Saying you need personal time on the bus and put in head phones.
    Well I have been eating complete crap yesterday and today! I'm craving everything and anything I see. So goes to say this week weighin will be horrible! I mean seriously I ate a chilli dog for breakfast! Oh goodness, but it was soooo good! I'll try to get back on track tomorrow.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    2011 SW: 241.8

    Week 14: 231.9 lbs (-4.9lbs)
    Week 15: 232.5 lbs (+0.6lbs)
    Week 16: 233.7 lbs (+1.2lbs)
    Week 17: 230.8 lbs (-2.9lbs)
    Week 18: 228.2 lbs (-2.6lbs)
    Week 19: 227.7 lbs (-0.5lbs)
    Week 20: 226.0 lbs (-1.7lbs)
    Week 21: 230.1 lbs (+4.1lbs)
    Week 22: 232.0 lbs (+1.9lbs)

    I don't want to make excuses, but I was doing the muscle relaxant thing all weekend because of my back and that always makes me a) retain water and b) eat like a mad person. I'm also guessing AF is just around the corner (not from my temps, which are all over the place, but from dates). I'm hoping that the temping is wrong and that I'm still good to go, but still :(

    Busy day today and my first meeting is in 40 minutes and I have a 45 minute drive into the office!!!
  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Memorial Day here in the US. I made it through the weekend in great shape, first we did active stuff like walking through an outdoor gardens area and a cave, and swimming, then all the meals we were invited had some healthy options, so I readjusted the portions that I took (i.e. more salad, less spaghetti). I'm more worried about today, I think we're going to a potluck this afternoon and after turning down homemade desserts all weekend, I'm craving now. Just a taste, right?!

    Anyway, good progress on the weigh in front. Also, I did ok with balancing my eating throughout the day during the week, it really helped with not having blood sugar spikes. Mini-goal for this week is definitely upping the water intake. I'm doing about 5 glasses or so a day (+ whatever else I drink: diet coke, tea, milk). I'm a diet coke junkie, but I think if I switch out some of the meals to water instead I think I can up my overall water number.

    SW: 211 (March 2011)

    Calendar week 19: 193.6
    Calendar week 20: 189.8 (-3.8)
    Calendar week 21: 189.2 (-0.6)
    Calendar week 22: 187.4 (-1.8)

    Thinking good thoughts for all of you this week!

    Ashley, good luck with the job situation. If you end up having to do the commute thing with him, here's my suggestion. Bring an mp3 player or a book and tell him that you're studying for something and you can't talk. Even if you have to make something up, like learning a new language or taking a grad school entrance exam. Anything that gets you a seat by yourself and no conversation. Also, don't worry about the temping. I just have never felt that was reliable. I know it's hard to wait for when you can take a test, but sometimes that's just the best way. FC!!!

    Karen, glad that you're scheduled for the HSG. My word of advice, take some pain meds (tylenol, advil, whatever) about a 1/2 hour before the procedure. The cramping is pretty awful, and the drugs definitely help take the edge off. The nurse technician actually recommended it to me when they called to give me the details when I had it done. Also, if they let you look at the x-ray screen, it is really cool to see the dye stuff go through your fallopian tubes.

    Pam, weird dream. Anyone know anything about dream interpreting? Not me! You've had a crazy couple of weeks too, so don't worry about detouring a little. You'll be back on track in no time!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Hey everyone! Happy Monday to all and Happy Memorial day to those in the U.S.
    So just to give you guys a quick update, my temps are starting to rise (7dpiui) and FF seems to have indicated a cover line that just happens to be lower than it has been in previous months (the cover line is usually at 36.4ish and this month it’s at 36.4) so it seems like my temp has been relatively low all month but I only really noticed it after the IUI. So I hope this means all is well, because I googled the alternatives and I don’t like em!
    Things on the work front aren’t so great, he did switch his shift and is all happy about leaving earlier with me. I’m hoping that because we have another co-worker that I usually take the bus with me, they will entertain each other and I can be left alone. But in order to not take the same bus, I arranged with my boss to let me stay in an extra half hour late so that I have that extra time during my lunch so that I can workout with another co-worker. This is only 2-3 times a week though. Oh and thanks for the suggestion Steph, but I’ve already tried it. I’ve gotten on the bus, sat at the other end with my earphones on and was reading a book yet he’d come over and start talking! It didn’t seem to matter to him that I kept reading with my earphones, he seems to just like listening to himself talk! At this point I’m going to dodge him as much as possible and tell him I want a quiet commute (lol, cant even pretend he’ll listen to me on that one) and in a month or so I’ll speak to my boss and tell her its unbearable and that I need a different shift.
    Congrats to all those that loss! Keep going to all those that either gained or stayed the same. It’s my third week in a row at the same:ohwell:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    What a gorgeous day out there right night - it's supposed to hit 40C here today.....but that's fine for one day :)

    I have to admit to not being so engaged since my trip....I've had back issues and pains but I've been trying to stay around the right cal intake and am starting to up my water.

    Hoping to re-engage next week. Hopefully all I need is to take a bit of a breather :) I think part of it is because I wanted to be around 225 when I got pregnant and I'm around my brain is shutting off :) This week we're definitely going swimming though and then Saturday is my big gardening day (it'll be about 5 hours of gardening). My inlaws arrive in a few weeks so there are some renos to do, etc. I'm not worried about a lack of exercise, that's for sure!

    Hope everyone is having a good day!!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Hi all--hope those of you celebrating had a good Memorial Day. We did--hosted a cookout at our house. It was SO HOT outside, and I think our air conditioner is broken for all the good it is doing. Ugh. We may have to get a window unit to survive till we can get it looked at/fixed. It was also my brother's birthday, so I made these really cute hamburger cupcakes that I saw online. So cute. So good. I had to send the rest of them to work with my husband so I don't eat them all. Calorie count went out the window yesterday--I was eating and drinking anything cold in front of me just trying to stay cool. I usually try not to drink my calories--except for milk, but yesterday, it was water, lemonade, iced tea, whatever I could find. It was HOT. Thank goodness we had a sprinkler for the kids. (And some of the adults--haha!) I"m sure I sweated some of the calories out, but I doubt all of them.

    On the baby front--still waiting for Friday for the HSG--not looking forward to it. The scheduler told me to take ibuprofen before the procedure too, so you can be sure I'll be taking it. I"m a pain wussy, so we'll see how it goes. Hubby made his "deposit" for the analysis this morning, so we should get results on his boys soon, I guess. Have a good week everyone.
  • missionchick
    missionchick Posts: 12 Member
    It has been one crazy rollercoaster here for me. The last two weeks of school are always insane for me due to Yearbook distribution and all the finishing up stuff. It has been a little more stressful than normal with someone new living with us over the summer months. Our college student starts training for her job today at a local fast food joint so maybe she will be out of the house a little more and not so mopey/moody on my couch anymore. We did get to go to Atlanta this past weekend and get some furniture we had been eyeing at Ikea. My DH also got our grill put together and we had the most delicious steaks on it yesterday for memorial day. Looking forward to more healthy meals on it this summer. It is HOT!! Here - 95 degrees F today. I am hoping to loose some pounds on the way to the car in this heat to make up for my Mexican lunch. Two more half days of school and 1 more yearbook distribution to live through and I will count this school year as over! :happy: I didn't weigh in yesterday b/c my normal weigh in bible study was cancelled for the holiday. Hoping I maintained or lost, but not really sure. Definitely need to get a scale for home. Any suggestions?
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    Hi all, sounds toasty warm where most of you are! Wouldn't mind a bit of that over here!

    I am trying really hard to step up my exercise this week and even got up at 5am today to fit in a swim before work! Fingers crossed for some signs of AF this weekend - sounds odd I know but it would suggest a return of a regular cycle as my last lot of spotting was four weeks ago. Onthe downside, I have my main monthly weigh and measure this week so results might be a bit skewed.

    DH and I are treating ourselves to a day out in London on Friday but then I have to work all day Saturday so could be tricky fitting in all the exercise I would like to get done. I seem to have hit a plateau in weight loss so all I can think to do is step up the exercise. If I increase my calories I suspect I'll find it hard to go back down againm my self-control isn't that great!

    Good luck for Friday Karen!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Thankfully it cooled off tonight - it's supposed to be down to 9C tonight, which is a far cry from the 40C from yesterday.

    Missionchick - at least it's only for a bit and then you get a break :)
    Pixie - totally get the hoping for AF - I haven't been the greatest at charting this cycle with the trip and then the funky weather seems to have thrown me off. I am due in the next few days, so I hope so!!!

    I've been spending all my spare time in the backyard - I am getting quite the tan, but then I'm similarly bitten all over. This weekend is my big plant purchase weekend. I have a nursery we go to where all plants are $6 (including 1 year old trees and shrubs) so the savings are substantial enough to make up for the 2 hour drive there :P Plus I've invited a whole bunch of friends and family so it becomes and excursion and not just a trip to buy plants....LOL I'm hoping to keep it to 25 plants, but we'll have to see. I have found this year that I'm the one saying no to plants, DH seems to have caught the gardening bug :P We went to a friend's place today who is renovating their garden and picked up about 80 odd that's my chore for tomorrow...placing the rocks in the garden....good weight lifting....Bedtime. I've been a bear to wake up all week!!!
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    AF came on Monday. Keep forgetting to call OB to ask WTH is going on. :(

    busy with day care baby, might have another one. :) kids are almost out of school, ack! what am i gonna do with them all summer? :D
  • mustanggirl_2011
    mustanggirl_2011 Posts: 116 Member