Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 892 Member
    HI, I haven't been on here for a long time. Life is really busy these last few months. Anyway, I'm so excited today as I've lost 2.4 lbs. this week (even with a big 'Canada Day' celebration)! for a total of: 28 lbs. I'm thrilled as I thought I wouldn't lose anything this week. Still a lot to go, but it's working, slowly but steadily. Yay!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited July 2015
    Happy Canada Day (yesterday) to @Melwillbehealthy, @Tanya949 and any other fellow Canadians.

    @Mel~Congrats on the loss, slow and steady wins this race.

    @RobinsEgg~Wecome back!

    @tootsanderson~Good to see you posting! How are the kiddos?

    @Tracy~I’m so sorry for the troubles with the in-laws and that your vacation to CO was cut short.

    Just a fly-by, I’ve been working 10-12 hour days all week to finish up financials so I can take Monday off. I leave tomorrow for my long weekend in CO for parents surprise 50th Anniversary celebration—looking forward to a weekend with my family. Hope to leave work by 2pm today so I can pick something up at vitamin store and finish packing. Early flight tomorrow.

    Have a happy and safe July 4th weekend!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Happy Canada Day to all our Canadians friends, hope you have a great celebration.

    Mel-Great to see you back and congrats on the weight loss.

    Toots - It is great to see you again. How are the kids adjusting to life in the US? I believe there is a thread on here about lapband surgery. If not, look up Andrea Beatty, she had that that type of surgery. I have not had it, so not much help there. I do know that the process is long but the help they provide along the way is suppose to be good.

    Kelley- Have a great weekend with your parent and the 50th anniversary celebration.

    tracy- I hope you can resolve the issues with your MIL and figure out why they don't spend more time at your house during their trip.

    Robin- Your vacation sounds fantastic and I am glad you enjoyed every minute of it. You certainly deserved a great trip.

    Goinstd- I hope things calm down with your husband and that he starts sleeping through the night. I am worried about the same issues when my dad comes home.

    Welcome to all the new people, you will build relationships here by posting often and getting to know us. We are here to support each other, offer advice and suggestions along with encouragement or a kick in the butt when needed.

    Yesterday, I enjoyed a day on the water with a friend from high school. We went kayaking and paddle boarding. I tried paddle boarding for the first and loved it. The best was that I did not fall in or off the board. I will do that again. Kayaking was fun as well. This time it was easier to get out of the kayak since we launched from a beach into a nice quiet creek.

    Today, I am wishing that I am not getting sick because my throat has been sore today. I have a 5K race on Saturday that I want to run. If my throat is sore then that will affect my performance and ability to run. The run will be for run but I still want to post a good time with a new running stride.

    My dad is schedule to come home next Friday. So hopefully the transition will go well. He still needs to learn how to navigate the steps to get into the house but my brother put up a 2nd railing so that should help.

    Due to my throat being sore, I did enjoy a chocolate milkshake after my workout. Not only did it taste good but it made my throat feel better.

    I hope everyone has a great day and a wonderful 4th of July weekend.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    cblue315 wrote: »
    @tootsanderson - Welcome back! How are the kids?
    They're awesome! Finn's medical needs turned out to be quite extreme. But things are finally settling down. B)
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    RobinsEgg wrote: »
    Gonna go to Estes Park with another friend on 7/10 to 7/16 or so....might hang out with a 3rd friend who had to cancel for work reasons - we still have to talk it out. that would be at her house by North Platte... so thats something to look forward to.

    That sounds super fun. Estes Park is gorgeous! If you are into that kind of thing, the hotel where Stephen King wrote "The Shining" is there. It's a beautiful hotel either way.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    tlh0407 wrote: »
    @Toots…Hello! Settling into your new routine with the kids?

    Yes, it's been really hard. An uphill battle with Finn's health. We've been back and forth all over the country to see specialists and try to get a better picture of his real condition. But I think we're getting into a good routine now. I'm homeschooling two of the older kids next year, on older will be going to middle school and two are in elementary. Getting there!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Thanks @kah68 and @Lauriek70
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @toots-- welcome back!!! Glad to hear you are getting into a routine with the kids.

    @laurie-- hope your dad's transition home goes smoothly. When I was in MI earlier in the week, there was a man paddle-boarding. It looks really fun; I would also like to try it someday. Crossing my fingers that you aren't getting sick-summer colds stink.

    @kelley-- have a great visit with family! My parents will have their 50th next June--not sure if they want a party or a trip; I suppose they need to decide pretty soon so we can start planning for it.

    @tracy (tlh)-- sorry for your MIL issues. Hope you get it talked out with her.

    @robin-- wonderful to see you back too! glad you had a nice vacation and are looking forward to some upcoming visits with friends. I actually did NOTHING school related this whole week and trying not to feel too guilty about it. Next week I need to get back at it though. Still have lots of organizing of files and need to prep for the new prep I'm teaching next year (Public Speaking). I did get another cortisone shot for my shoulder and PT is helping. Trying not to get my hopes up though b/c I've been through the "Yay, it's getting better!" phase only to have it worsen again. We'll see.

    @ushkii-- sounds like a great camping trip. We also made smores while in MI--we used chili dark chocolate and it was delicious!

    @lori-- great picture!!

    @tanya-- how are those steps going??

    Hello to everyone else!! Welcome to the newlings!!

    AFM--It's been a whirlwind of a week for me. After spending last Fri-Sun in Lake Geneva doing the trail 5k, DH and I headed to South Haven, MI for an overnight trip Mon-Tues. My sister was renting a house for the week and invited us to hang out with her and her boyfriend. It was a little rainy when we arrived, but the weather cleared and we got to go for a walk along the lake before dinner in town. Afterwards, we built a fire and made smores. DH and I got back Tues afternoon, then Wed a friend and I drove to Monmouth, IL (almost in Iowa) to attend a wake--our friend's father passed away. We spent the night there and got home Thursday about 1 pm. Then I had to catch a 4 pm train to downtown Chicago to run another 5k.

    You would think with all of that traveling--and the crappy food and lack of exercise that went along with it--that I would have had a terrible race last night. Nope. I ended up with a 5k PR of 35:25! My previous PR was 35:59, so that was over half a minute improvement. Needless to say, I was very happy with my time. :smile:

    On the flip side, my weight is up again so I really need to buckle down with nutrition. I have no travel or big events scheduled in July. A couple of barbecues and a wedding shower, but I can plan for those much better than when we're on the road every day. This is my month to push myself to move the scale down into the 170s.

    Haven't set up any July challenges. I think it will just be to cut overall net calories by about 100/day. The only way I can do that is to exercise more and make healthier food choices. I will also run another 8k since that seems to be helping my overall pace.

    Run another 8k (Thanksgiving 2014 8k = 56:49, NYE 2014 8k = 57:47, 1/25 = 55:41; 2/28=55:15, 3/29 = 59:15; 5/9 = 59:16; 6/22 = 59:10)

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE
    Mon--rest day (travel)
    Tues--rest day (travel)
    Wed--rest day (travel)
    Thurs--5k DONE
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--gym or run outside

    2015 Mantra = Just 15 minutes
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Here are some pictures.

    My friend and I finishing the trail run on Sunday:


    My DH and I in MI:


  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I have party pictures to post. I know it's been explained before, but will someone please explain it to me. :/
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    RobinsEgg wrote: »
    - well you have your friends easy peasy right here but you have to remember the name of this discussion and your posting will show up on your home page - you can click on your posting and it will bring you right back. Another tip is to go to the FAQ page and read and read. Very helpful.

    Welcome back @Robin/Ellen, so glad you vacation break was a happy one.

    I've quoted from your post for something that doesn't work for me ... hoped you might have some insight. My preferences do say to post to my newsfeed when I post a reply on the message boards, but it doesn't work. The only posts I see on my newsfeed are those that I've posted (I don't keep 'friends' on MFP) or the new posts that MFP is pushing to our newsfeed. Got any suggestions? Anyone?

    Well ... Today is the national celebration for Independence Day so government buildings and banks are closed. Lots of people get this day off at work also. I think one of the best July 4th celebrations I ever attended was when my son, who was a teenager at the time, and I went to Niagara Falls Ontario to the Skylon Tower for dinner in their revolving restaurant and then went up to the observation deck to watch the fireworks from the American side all up and down the Niagara River and along the near parts of the shoreline of Lakes Ontario and Erie. We couldn't hear anything but we could see the sky light up for at least 8 communities. It really did look like bombs were going off all along the border line. Very memorable, indelibly so.

    No other personals today ... just stopped in to record my meals and was glad to spot that Robin is back.

    Hope everyone enjoys this weekend. Will catch back up on my Monday check-in.
    follow-through .... Niki
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @tih - so excited for you to be in the 250's - now if you lose your MIL you'll be a whole lot lighter - LOL
    @Kah - your vacations always sound so cool - I think its the build up of excitement as you post. So sorry to hear about your continued achilles problem. Just one question - why would you stop wearing the boot for now? I'd be wearing it constantly for fear I'd mess up before the trip and ruin my own fun! Now I'm known for being quite nervous tho - I think you have a lot more self confidence! Great attitude about the surgery - long recovery time but sounds like yo could shave off time there too!

    Lots of us will be in Colorado this season, we should have planned something there!

    @Tanya - you are showing great fortitude with your walking plan! Our stubborn brains are sometimes our younger child inside just being a brat and saying "I dont wanna" at least thats what mine says (LOL)
    When I read you walked in a downpour of rain I just knew you had whipped that kid inside you!!!! Incredible inner strength. Don't sweat that one Diet Pepsi. Maybe try once a week switching to a big bottle of Vitamin Water. I tried that on vacation and my gosh it made me feel super human (shows how lacking I was in vitamins and how the altitude and extra sweat was depleting me) I also drink one diet pepsi or caffeine-free soda in the evening - I even use a squirt of cherry flavored water additive in the soda to make it more flavorful. But we need a little vice now and then while we work on finding things to compensate for them.
    Keep up the walking - you are an incredibly strong person!

    @Goins - Tracy - I hope you have found a resource in your community. If not put your best friend on that task. You might just be too emotional for asking for help - sometimes I'm that way. I'm so proud of your progress - its not easy but you've come so far despite having so many reasons not to try -congrats on seeing your thighs!

    well this is me catching up - I am on yesterdays page and I can't go forward so will just post this and post again.

    @Morgori - gosh, I missed your posts and a lot of reasons to go out and see things!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @toots - welcome back. Glad to hear your kids are doing as well to be homeschooled and that Finn has seen the specialists he needed - that would never had happened without your intervention. How is your hubbie doing? How are you doing?

    You mention GI surgery? I have had 2 friends with 2 diff types of it. After -Neither ever increased their activity and they both have huge abdomens and skinny legs - a lot like they looked before, and both luv malts and milkshakes and still abuse food. So, its all in what your personal discipline is like and if you change it permanently.

    @Skinny - um, darlin' what do you need to lose and where? To me your capris are too baggy, I saw NO butt, you look like a million bucks, and if you lost 10 lbs, you'd lose you boobies... that's all I can say!!!! Gorgeous pictures!

    @Laurie - hope your sore throat is better. 2 sore throat remedies. the first is very tiny amount of baking soda in 4 oz.warm water and gargle - if it tastes too strong its too much baking soda.
    The second one I got from reading about opera singers - a big swig of olive oil. Well that tastes bad to me, a Nebraska girl. I take a half oz. of corn oil (much blander and rinse my mouth then swallow. (With my mouth problems I have tried everything) Most oil we imbibe doesnt stay in the mouth long enough to lubricate it or the throat and it really helps it. I can tell every few weeks I have to do this, a couple of times a day until my mouth feels normal again. Not enough fat in my diet.Kinda weird, but desperation prompted me to try and dog-gone it, it helped!

    Hope things go well for you and mom and your dad when he comes home.
    Rock the waters!

    AFM - up till 5 am - then to bed, slept til 3 pm. Bad habit I thought I had cured. Made me so mad!!!!! I was reading stuff on the computer. Will need to set up some kind of auto-Off function for this puppy! That wasted the whole day for me!!!!
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    My July Goals:

    80 ounces of water a day
    30 minutes of outside activity daily for 5 days
    prepare my meals instead of ordering/eating out
    limit computer time to less than 4 hours a day
    Sleep in bed, not on the couch
    housework for at least 2 hours daily for 5 days
  • Coachlepley
    Coachlepley Posts: 2 Member
    RobinsEgg wrote: »
    Hello Everyone!

    Welcome to our discussion. We are a great community - both men and women
    - and provide excellent support and motivation for your personal weight
    loss journey.

    This is not a group. This is an ongoing discussion of support and motivation and you can easily participate. There is no "joining" to do. Just post a comment! happy That's all it takes. Go to the last - most current page (600 and counting)and write a comment - whatever you feel like saying, and click the REPLY button. You will be welcomed by other people posting and hopefully you will return often. I try to send a welcoming message within a week of your first post.

    After posting, you can find your way back by checking your "COMMUNITY"
    tab, then on the "MY DISCUSSIONS" listing, and all the DISCUSSIONS you
    have posted to will show up. If you click on the STAR to the right of the
    DISCUSSIONS, that selects them as your favorites. Then you can click on
    the Titles of the DISCUSSIONS and doing that will return you to the most
    current posting on the DISCUSSIONS thread.

    GOALS and IDEAS for daily posts (Not mandatory)

    Monday - Check In (how are you doing? Had any successes or struggles this week-end?)

    Tuesday - Goals (do you have any Goals you want to update us?)

    Wednesday - Wishes (what do you wish? It can be weight related or not, can be realistic or not)

    Thursday - Truth (got anything you need to fess up to or get off your chest?)

    Friday - Fitness (what are you doing to get fit? How are you preparing for weekend eating?

    Saturday - Success (what have you accomplished; focus on the positive of the week, NSV=non scale victories)

    Sunday - Sharing (tell us a little about yourself....update your personal life)

    Welcome to each and every one of you as you start this journey - Robin

  • Coachlepley
    Coachlepley Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I really want to lose weight so I'm reaching out for some support. I have been eating right and exercising for three days now. I know I have a long way to go but I fell good about my decision. I look forward to reading others stories. Thanks for your help.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @niki-- great goals! I may need to copy a few of yours. Definitely should limit my computer time, and don't even get me started on how often I fall asleep on the couch.

    @robin-- you're so sweet about my pics. You can't tell in either photo, but I still have fairly chunky arms. Also still have an unwanted inner-tube around my midriff; however, it's great to hear that I've gotten good at camouflaging it. I do worry about losing the "twins"; I've gone from a healthy D to a small C, but I honestly don't think I've much more to lose there.

    AFM-- I think I mentioned a couple of months ago that Gunner put a paw through my living room sheers? Well, I finally got the right length and color to replace the damaged one, so spent today taking down all of the drapes, cleaning them, cleaning the bay window, and re-hanging the clean curtains. Since I had the vacuum out to suck up all the cobwebs, I also gave the couch a once over. I then used the left-over bucket of murphy's oil soap (I used it to clean the bay window woodwork) to wipe down all of the living room tables and spot clean some of the high-traffic areas of the hardwood floors. All in all a pretty productive day.

    Tonight, I'm catching up on some TV while Gunner freaks out about the fireworks. Our town's big show isn't until tomorrow night, but he can hear the neighboring town's show, plus all of the smaller stuff people are blowing off. I gave him 2 of his tranqs, but they aren't doing much. I guess tomorrow we will go with 3. Vet said up to 4 for his weight.

    Run another 8k (Thanksgiving 2014 8k = 56:49, NYE 2014 8k = 57:47, 1/25 = 55:41; 2/28=55:15, 3/29 = 59:15; 5/9 = 59:16; 6/22 = 59:10)

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE
    Mon--rest day (travel)
    Tues--rest day (travel)
    Wed--rest day (travel)
    Thurs--5k DONE
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--gym or run outside

    2015 Mantra = Just 15 minutes
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    If this works it is a picture of me with my wedding dress at the party.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    My favorite picture of DH and me.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    With all 7 of our children.