
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,016 Member

    Is this the life or what!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,016 Member
  • slcinwa
    slcinwa Posts: 4 Member
    In in the Seattle area and just found this forum. Looking forward to learning from all of you. :)
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Bump to say happy fourth of July! sTay safe!
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,858 Member
    Happy 4th of July. I am working today 6-4:30 and then going to our minister's for a cookout and fireworks. I will be so glad when this is over as my dogs do not like going outside. We had a good time with the children and grandchildren Thursday night. I did good on eating as I was feeding my DGGS. I did learn that jumping rope is not as easy and I remembered. First I was cutting the jump ropes out of the package and the box cutter slipped and I cut my thumb pretty good. It sure is sore. So I have to work on jumping rope, who would of thought it would be so hard. Yesterday DGD and I went over to Hastings to get our nails done. I made the appointment 2 weeks ago and when we got there the lady was not working. Another lady tried calling her and got no answer. She did call me later and said she was sorry and wanted to know if I could come back last evening. I said no as I had our CMA meetingand then she wanted me to come today and I explained I am working. So I did make another appointment for the 17th. But my nails are bad and the stuff is peeling off. So by the 17th I could have short nails and if so I will cancel. DGD and I went shopping for the birthday present for DGGS as his birthday party is tomorrow, he will be one.. Enjoied spending the time with DGD.

    Carol--glad to hear you are doing more each day. Congrates on the savings for your meds the rest of the year. I understand even 20 can make a big diffence sometimes on the budget.

    Mia--WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! You Rock!!

    Mary--Hope all is going well with your move and your cleaning and painting.

    Linda CA--Sending prayers for DD and her living problems.

    Cheri--Hugs and we are here for you. just let us know what we can do.


    Heather--beautiful flowers, thanks for sharing, they are my favorite color.

    Well ladies time to finish up somethings and get ready to go home. Have a cookout at the minster's this evening, but not sure I am going as have a bad headache. Been a tough day here at work. My big boss's SIL shot himself this morning and they bought him in. They have a little girl almost 2 years old. Not sure of all the details but feel bad for them. Brings back alot of the feelings when my son died.
    Take care ladies. Stay safe.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    p6ojvbaa6ep6.jpg Joyce, here is Myrtle Beach on the Fourth of July. We pick one of the less crowded areas of the beach.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    Just a quick check in -

    Happy 4th of July to all my American friends - party on!!

    Cleaned house today, and made salad ...now off to DS#2 house - who is a happy 27 today. Try and stay in line with the food..... Feeling a little stuffed or maybe it is water logged. We had a little shower here last night and the heat and humidity today are bad. And so is the smoke.

    Take care everyone
    Will check in later tonight

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    PIP ......Nice Legs!!! And a very handsome man you hang with B)
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :) Happy Independence Day to my American MFP friends. I hope your day is fabulous.

    Cheri - I love how you describe your hubby's good qualities. My DH makes me laugh too, he is such a ham. I don't know how he comes up with some of that stuff. His mom is the same (and still is at 91), so it runs in the family.

    Beth - Happy Birthday.

    Miriam - No need to feel you are expected to respond to everyone's post. I have times that I don't respond at all due to time constraints or because there are so many posts. Just by dropping in helps everyone know your support of us and also our support for you. Just writing about your day is often very helpful in this journey. I am so glad you are part of our group.

    Pip - Fun pictures. I don't have to tell you to have a blast, because I know you will ;) (Michele has the right question: Is Vegas ready for Pip?)

    Penny at the Pole - Ah the flowers. I LOVE them. Thanks for letting us enjoy them from a distance.

    Sue - I am glad that you settling in nicely. What a nice neighbor!

    Today is not as hot, but it is back to "too warm for Renny" day tomorrow :p I took advantage of the slightly more pleasant temperature this morning to bike to the grocery store. Laundry hanging out on the line now, drying nicely in the breeze and sunshine.

    Yesterday I all of a sudden was missing my mom. The emotion just came over me while driving home. Funny how that happens.

    <3 Renny
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,016 Member
    I know how to pick em
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,193 Member
    Liilian our skies are hazy because of the wildfires you are experiencing. If it is this bad here it must be so much worse for you. Hope they end soon.

    Grits and sluts They had a picture in the paper today of two pink flamingoes with black armbands in honor of Featherstone's death, the man who created the pink flamingo lawn ornaments. I tried to get it to copy here but was unsuccessful Thought of you.

    :Heart MNMargaret
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Independence Day my Friends ! ! !

    I was hoping to have time this weekend to check in, read, and respond. But we have been staying VERY busy. I have not heard from my co-worker about his sister yet. But I did hear from MY sister who had exploratory bladder surgery, and was told she has pre-cancerous cells that were biopsied. We have bladder cancer 2 different directions on our Dad's side of the family, so we are praying that the Doctor told her the truth, and that he got it all.

    DH has been working, because he needs to fix the A/C in the offices of the "big wigs" while they are gone for a few days. DS and I were part of the Parade in the City where my Dad works. He carried the banner for the Dealership, while I was "forced" to drive a brand new Chevy Colorado. Then we all went to McDonalds and I had the Asian Grilled Chicken Salad and only used 1/2 of the low fat dressing. I want to get DS to the bowling alley tonight yet, to keep his game moving forward for next weekend. DH said 178 qualified for stepladder last year, so I'm confident he is a contender for this year.

    I might have to put my weight loss on hold for a week, unless there are some healthy foods that I am willing to eat that will increase my hemoglobin level. When I attempted to donate blood today I was only 12.3 and the minimum to donate is 12.4 !?!?! I plan on putting chia seeds on greek yogurt at least once per day, but if you have other yummy suggestions that don't include spinach please let me know. I have to limit my intake of spinach because it causes kidney stones in me.

    Time to get supper started so I can get DS to the bowling alley soon.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Small town Iowa, the parade goes right past my house. Many of the participants toss candy- my girls each got about three POUNDS of candy. I let them eat all they want today, then toss the rest. Not going up to the park for all those activities (barrel rides, pony rides, games) but will watch the fireworks tonight from the park.
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    I probably won't get caught up today. DH and I are leaving soon to go see some fireworks. Last time we went was about 3 years ago. We were talking about taking just blankets to sit on or bringing chairs. DH said he'd be comfortable with blankets. Last time we saw fireworks we took chairs because I knew I would not be able to get down to the ground and back up easily. Tonight we are leaving the chairs home. One more perk of losing weight comes to light. <grin>

    Mia in MI
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Hello ladies,

    Happy 4th to my fellow Americans! No plans for us tonight as our dogs are terrified of firecrackers, thunder, gun shots or any loud noises. Never know what the neighbors are planning on doing. Some years they have parties at their homes and set off noise-makers and some years they don't. We will hopefully enjoy a quiet early evening and get to spend some time in the hot tub before dark. Had a small thunderstorm just pass through and now the air is clear and humidity and temperature has been brought down to a refreshing level.

    Becca - can relate so well as we also don't have the inclination to venture out in the noise and crowds like we once did. Enjoy watching the birds at the feeders and the bluebirds feeding their babies. Beautiful strawberries!! :yum:

    Pip - great suit and I know you'll enjoy Vegas.

    Penny - those flowers are beautiful. Looks like you live in a wonderful place to visit...in the summer! :smile:

    Lisa - Great picture of the Elk. What a great way to start the day.

    Mary - Congratulations on your move. We also were able to do some changes to our home prior to moving in. Made it so much easier. Also, needed to have a fence installed before moving the dogs in so that was a big plus. Nice that your DH will be joining you on MFP. Mutual support and working together makes it easier.

    Mom216 - I have friends that walk the Woodrow Wilson Bridge once a year. They walk from the Maryland side to VA, stop for lunch, and then walk back. I think I will make this a goal, probably in the fall when the temps are a little cooler. :smile:

    Well, DH just stepped in the room to let me know dinner will be ready in 5 minutes. Time to get the dogs their dinner. We all like to eat together. :smiley: Will be back later to post my goals.

    Tina in Maryland

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Not a bad 1st week of the month:


    Cheri :)
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Well yesterday did NO traing but kept calories LOW and loved my 2 smoothies. Kept calories at 1543 too
    Sunday and woke to real HEAVY rain, dog is happy no drive in car or walk Cals at 1503
    Having Creamy spring green strawberry smoothie for lunch and sit by fire and watch TV and be a big SLUG


    Lesley in WET Tasmania
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Small town Iowa, the parade goes right past my house. Many of the participants toss candy- my girls each got about three POUNDS of candy. I let them eat all they want today, then toss the rest. Not going up to the park for all those activities (barrel rides, pony rides, games) but will watch the fireworks tonight from the park.

    Now that is a LOT of candy tossing! How wonderful that you have that Main Street USA feeling from your very own front porch. Enjoy the fireworks!

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Lestan48 wrote: »
    Well yesterday did NO traing but kept calories LOW and loved my 2 smoothies. Kept calories at 1543 too
    Sunday and woke to real HEAVY rain, dog is happy no drive in car or walk Cals at 1503
    Having Creamy spring green strawberry smoothie for lunch and sit by fire and watch TV and be a big SLUG


    Lesley in WET Tasmania

    Sometimes being a " big SLUG" is just what you need! :)<3 Your creamy spring green strawberry smoothie sounds delicious. Enjoy!
