

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,073 Member
    Becca beautiful strawberries!

    Mia way to go!

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
    Wow, Mia... very well done, you look amazing!

    WOAH! ditto!!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
    HOME AND OFF TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    Blasting you all with Oregon Strawberries!!!!!.....

    Can you just go ahead and blast a basketful of those beauties here to Oklahoma City? And thank you :)
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member

    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Lisa, you are showing how young you are. There are many of us in here that learned to type on manuals.

    Mia, I had to laugh about the indirect communication style. DH used to say, “I just love those open-ended questions!” Like, are you going to the basement soon? LOL

    DrKatie, sorry you are under the weather. There are a lot of us that can say, “I’m not a very patient patient.” ill.gif Feel better soon.

    Terri, don’t make me slap you again! Now remember the planks and tell me to do the same. And the other nice thing is that they can be done in any room. You were dancing to a good song and how nice that the RA did not slow down your dancing.

    Yannie, sorry you didn’t get any rain that you needed. We finally got some tonight. Yea badday.gif I’m pleased to say that I am happy with my life, too. It is so nice to be able to say that when we look around and see people right on our street, that appear so unhappy.

    Carol NC, it sounds like you are doing great. I’m sure the ice water to the crotch wasn’t the funniest thing to ever happen to you, but it did make me giggle. *sorry* I’m glad you are able to manage the pain meds and have a couple stuck back for “if and when”. It is wonderful that your deductible is met and now you can save so much on your meds. Congrats. Keep getting better every day. ((Hugs))

    Mia, your pictures are wonderful. How proud you must be. You look absolutely marvelous!!!

    DrKatie, yes it’s bad enough to have to endure the torture from the DR, but to have to pay for it too. At least you are getting it taken care of.

    Pip, have fun on your days off and especially the Vegas part. When do you return to work?

    Sweet dreams my friends. Wishing you health and happiness.

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    DamitJanit wrote: »
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Lilian, yes the smoke has made it to SC. Wild isn’t it? You and I are at almost the same place, weight wise. I just got down to 177 after staying in one spot for 3 weeks. Just for fun, wanna see who can lose more in July?? fence.gif I need something to get me more motivated to move, move, move my lazy *kitten*.

    Myrtle Beach, SC

    YOU BET!!! Let's go for down 5 in July!! What shall we do? Walk....

    West Central Saskatchewan
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,147 Member
    Vicki- have fun jumping rope! That really is a fun activity for kids.

    DJ -yes tomorrow is move in day at 5 PM. We are moving into the cabin so we can rip the carpet out of the house and bug bomb it overnight. Then over the weekend we will paint the inside. We have plans for the Fourth of July with friends. So we will start painting on Sunday. Enjoy your soup!

    Yannie-jannie - glad you were able to sleep. I was up all night and when I did sleep had really weird dreams. I think it's because of the move.

    Carol - it sounds like you are making progress! Pretty soon you will be back to normal.

    Mia- you look amazing! Awesome transformation!

    JanetM- happy holiday! Good for you getting out and running! How old are you that you called yourself an old lady? I still feel 20 something in my head!

    Barbie- I hope we only have to rent for a few days. I really want to paint and clean so DH can breath when we move in. She had cats and DH is allergic with asthma.

    Michele - I am sorry that your DS treats you like that. I wonder if it is the generation of entitlement where everything revolves around them.

    Becca- great pic of hubby in his kilt. I was thinking of the movie with Mel Gibson.

    Drkatiebug- I hope you feel better really soon!

    Pip - have a safe trip!

    All ready for the last day at our house and the first night at our new one tomorrow! Now for sure I will be up all night!

    Have a good night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,383 Member
    Barbie thank you for starting July off!
    Allison wishing you FUN.
    Blast those strawberries over here too...
    dH is trying to start stop smoking, starting a new job on Monday about an hour drive away. He's mad that I will be gone next week working at camp. (Glad I will be gone as folks are much more positive there!!)
    My clothes are all loosening, stuff that hadn't worn due to tightness isn't anymore, so incredible.
    My DD is having drama with her MIL, with whom they live, prayers needed in hopes of a good resolution, please. She blew up on father's day and slapped her, yelling on and on.
    I love to read everyone's posts, there are so many so quickly. You inspire me!

    Linda in Calif
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Gale in ID: I am not a Biggest Loser fan. It irritates me that they focus on competition and somebody has to lose or be eliminated, even if they’re doing the work and making progress. It makes good television, I guess, but I think it is mean. :devil:

    Janet & Carey-Edmonton: I use a stationary bike frequently, and never pound my knees, which was a big problem when I tried using a treadmill. :flowerforyou:

    Janet: DH wanted the junk food dinner. He didn’t get junk. :bigsmile:

    Teri: Sending prayers for your coworker’s sister. I hope there is a good outcome for her after surgery, and I hope your coworker has support to help her handle this stressful time. :flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: Thanks for your sympathy. My friend is in my prayers as she faces this change in her life. She is blessed with good adult kids who will be there for her, a loving extended family and many friends who are caring. It will be hard, but she’ll make it. :broken_heart::heart:

    Carol: I know how good it is to meet the insurance deductible for medicine. DH usually makes it by March and I never do. I’m a “cheap date” and grateful for that. :laugh:

    Mia: WOW! Congratulations on your excellent progress. :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Lesley: Congratulations on the scale moving downward! WTG! :bigsmile:

    Tullplor: Welcome! One day down and a lifetime to go. Stick around here to give and get support. :flowerforyou:

    Today DD is 36. :heart: She called to tell me about her day, and what she bought for her birthday gift from us. We put money in her bank account, and it often goes to pay bills, but this time she used our gift to get herself some needed clothes & a nice haircut. I’m so happy for that. :bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    July Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
    Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is cooler today! In the 80’s which is our normal, a bit high for me, but I can cope! And Camp is over for 8 days, I have next week off then one more week and I am done for the summer. I love teaching and the money is good (very good actually) but the hours are killer and so is the being “on” front and center for hours on end is hard, this week was media week – so we had photographers and camera men/women in the kitchen everyday.. They do this every year and 90% of the time all the photos end up on the cutting room floor.

    So the embroidery machines are going while I type – I am trying to get a bunch done, my mom is coming for the weekend (Friday noon- Sunday noon) and while she understands that I have to work while she is here, it is nice to not feel under the gun. Meals should be ok, she is taking me out on Friday night and I will BBQ shrimp and corn on the cob for the 4th, with fresh strawberries for dessert… Our town has legal fireworks, which is a great fund raiser for the local non-profits and a nightmare from my point of view – especially with the drought. We rarely get through the holiday without a fire or two in my town, and I have a dry hillside just across the road from me, couple of summers ago it caught and we evacuated… But the neighbors will buy “safe and sane” fireworks from the local charities and also go to China town in San Francisco and get the wild and crazy ones, and set them off mixed in with the “ok” ones and the police/fire can’t figure out who has what.. it’s a zoo! I love going to firework shows but don’t feel like I can leave the house and dog, when home is like a war zone with the kabooms and the lights…

    Mary – I have NO or very little will power… I gained 4 lbs this week… I keep my meals right, log as best as I can, and clean my act up completely as soon as camp is over, I have gained 3-4lbs each week of camp and lost it within 3 days… so I’m calling it a wash… Good news on the rental!!

    Sharon – Wasting time ???????? Did the counselor say anything???

    Kate – great attitude! That is what will make it work long term.

    Tuliplor – welcome

    Lisa – “emotional vampires” is such a good label! And one I had not heard before…

    Janetr – so 2 8 hour days? Joyce or Sylvia said $20 but I am in California and that is not enough… my guess is while you aren’t going to make much if you divide it by the hour, I would think you could get $60 for generic or $80-100 for custom… and custom could be plus an amount for supplies if the request was a higher cost style… At least in this area… the challenge is to get the word out.. and I can’t remember if you are in a bigger city area or a more rural area.

    Katla – my thoughts with you and your friend…

    Heather and others UK-ers – so I am curious about online food shopping we have it here, there is a large (to me) delivery charge, but do you buy fruits/veggies/ seafood/meat that way or just dry goods/frozen items… I will go to the store with an idea in the fruit and veggie area, but if the berrys look yuck, I’ll trade out for peaches…or whatever, but online they send you exactly what you ask for? Right???

    Lisa – I had a portable featherweight Olivia typewriter in college, and I typed my papers and hundreds of other folks, paid some bills, traded some and actually made more money typing papers one semester than my roommate did turning tricks… We were POOR, but laughed!

    Terri – thinking of your co-worker

    Carol – another silver lining to having surgery!!! Lower med bills….

    Mia – Oh my goodness, I would not have recognized you! Amazing!!! Great job

    Michele – I have plenty of candy recipes without a thermometer. Could your work out top be one with a “shelf bra” it is a built in bra, with no underwire or cup, kinda like a light weight sports bra?

    June goals:
    Walk every day 180 miles for the month (in May I did 175… thought maybe a higher goal would be good) OK- NOT SO GOOD, 149MILES, BUT 3 DAYS WITHOUT MY FITBIT,SO NO MILEAGE COUNTED….
    NEW – 1 plank every day – and log them here – 19 WELL…. COULD HAVE DONE BETTER
    Log everyday - FAIL, MISSED 17 DAYS – WHERE IS MY BRAIN…
    do 2 fun things every week - LOVE THIS…
    week 1 – no traditional fun – but working hard to get all embroidery jobs done, clean up clutter inside and out, so that my doggy sitter will not have that to deal with, and the house will look nice when I get home.
    Week 2 – Seattle seeing my Godson graduate from college
    Week 3 – taught Intermediate baking camp every morning, and beginning baking every afternoon.
    Week 4 – teaching a new class – Candy! This is a challenge but a good one, and had gourmet at my house.

    July Goals:
    Walk everyday –try to hit 180 miles
    1 plank every day and log here – goal more then 19 - 1
    Log everyday –
    Eat mindfully-
    Weekly fun things –

    Kim from N. California
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I think I stopped taking notes about 4 pages ago!!! Sorry, you guys are just to interesting and I read and don't stop and take notes.

    Sharon, Wasting time drinking coffee outside with your flowers???? I take it that this is a comment your husband made. Well does he ever go tinker out in the garage, channel surf, or read the newspaper in the bathroom even though he is done with his business. Does he linger over his first cup of coffee in the morning? Life is to be enjoyed. Hope the barium enema is OK tomorrow. I had one ordered for me one time and just couldn't do it. It was to painful. Oh, those technicians were mad at me. No one wants to have an iliostomy, hope it can be reversed. How long has he had it?

    Your friend wrote Best Exotic Marigold Hotel???? Wow, you have great friends. Bet she enjoys the royalties. I looked it up on Wikipedia and it says the movie was based on the book Those foolish things written by your friend.

    Mary, how exciting. You are finally going to be in that relaxing cottage looking house! Have fun painting.

    Lori, yes you can do it!!! Disney World is worth it but more than that, you are worth it. That is our trip planeed for 2016, hopefully we will get it done.

    Miriam, I didn't know about your Masters degree. Do you ever catch yourself analyzing us!!!!

    Mia, WOW!!!!! How drastic a change. You look wonderful. It even looks like you had to get smaller glasses. It almost looks like your smaller you is holding the bigger you's hand like 'we can do this'.

    Becca, oh Becca. You do not know what you are doing to me right now!

    Carol NC, I know that a bucket of ice in your crotch wasn't funny but I was kid of laughing. You will to some day. Sounds like you are doing better.

    My husband was trying to think of the name of a fish. Wonder if any of you fish experts can help. He swears there is a fish called a heron. I told him and showed him proof of what a heron really is. So is the a fish that has a name similar to a heron?

    Well even though our appointment was quick today it was a good one. He is back on his medicine that he took himself off as a trial since diarrhea is listed as a side effect. They also ordered and 8 week dose of good old Prednisone. He starts out with a pretty big dose and decreases every two weeks. Wen, that's the physician assistant's name is says that this sometimes puts a person in remission. What a glorious thought. Then they talked about an actual medicine for the ulcerative colitis and he will go on Remicaid. The drug company has a program called Remistart and the c0-pay is only $5. Yep, $5. I googled it and the key word there is start. It is for new patients and the program is only a year and from what I am reading the year started about 6 months ago. So he may only have 6 months of this really cheap price. But if it shows him how good it can make him feel I think he will be OK in paying a large amount for it. Of course by then we will have him on a better insurance policy. The office is making arrangements and will get back with us within the next 2 weeks. It is an IV and I don't think he will like that but life is life.

    We went to Sams club to pick up his prescription for the Prednisone and they didn't have enough for the full prescription so they gave him 14 tablets and said they will have more in on Monday. Let's see, the dose is 4 tablets a day, there are 4 days between now and Monday. 4x4=16. They five us 14 tablets. Something wrong here. So we had to go back, it was hard enough finding a parking place during the day, now we go back and people are off work on this holiday weekend. So now we have enough to last us a full week.

    House is vacuumed and dusted, kids bed is all clean. Tomorrow I will finish the kitchen and bathroom. Yep, the bathroom. I told Christina that she needed to talk to the girls about incontinence so they won't be surprised if Grandpa doesn't make it. Tough talk. Grandpas are supposed to be strong, tough men.

    Love you all, nite, nite, Joyce Indiana
  • KateKyi
    KateKyi Posts: 106 Member
    edited July 2015
    Mia in MI You look beautiful and well done for loosing your other person. I will get there one day.

    Lori West Virgina Welcome aboard. I started just over 3 weeks ago. Week 2 is hard, if you wobble a bit, dont stress about it, just jump right back on track. Your life time of bad habits will take time to convert into good ones. Its ok to tell family and friends No thanks when they offer you food. You are the person in control over what you eat. If you are going out to a restaurant try to pre look at their menu and work out what is best for you. The best day of exercise is the day you dont want to do it because you feel great afterwards.
    Tell us some more about yourself, we all love to hear anything and everything about each other.

    Tried Basa fish for the first time yesterday, it was delicious. Flesh was like cod but totally different taste. Tasted like Basa lol.

    Joyce Indiana The only Heron like named fish I could find is the Heronia isonycterina fish. Might this be the one your husband was talking about. Fresh water fish found in the Amazon River basin: Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. (Ifs its on the internet I can find most things :) )

    Annr I knew of the black watch tartan didnt know there was a brown one too. The brown does look a lot like the black watch obviously its brown instead of black. Your strawberries are too big for me, I like mine dainty and small and full of flavour (plus you get more in the bowl for the same weight)

    Kim from N. California We can buy anything and everything online. Fresh, frozen,chilled. You can specify if you want substitutes if they do not have the product you wanted. If they substitute you can say no thanks when its delivered. If the produce is near the sell by date, you can also hand those back and get refunds. If they do not look up to the standard you expect you can hand them back. Depending on how you look at it, I prefer to shop online because its easier to control the budget but not easy to pick up bargains. There are online offers but you dont get the reduced prices due to being cleared off the shelves. Most companies will deliver in a chilled /refrigerated van/truck and is packed in long baskets. You can ask for bags or not, to be "greener" I do not use bags.

    Sharon You go take your time with those flowers, its good for your health. If he has a problem with it, tell him its the time you spend thinking about all the nasty things you could do to him but don't because you have your coffee time.

    Welcome to all the new ladies

    Needs to start taking better notes of who says what when responding lol
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    I should be in bed but am not.

    Penny- Thanks, coffee with my flowers or out in Nature absolutely recharges my batteries and makes me a much nicer person.

    Thanks to everyone else for the support of my morning coffee ritual. Also, thanks for the well wishes for DH's test . I am hoping everything shows up good. I have to say that yesterday I would have gladly volunteered to shove a tube up his a**.

    Alison - I am glad that you are taking a well deserved break.

    Heather - Oh dear! Where is that cheese safe? They better hurry.

    Carey - I saw the water guns at Costco but I would feel like a traitor if I bought there.

    Terri - Will you be wearing a tiara while carrying the banner? Sending hugs and prayers to your friend. Such a scary situation.

    janetr - The stationary bike will be kinder to your joints than the treadmill.

    Mia - Transformation becomes you.

    Coffee this morning was with my flowers in the front. I sat on my little blue bench (surprised it can take the weight) beside my Rose of Sharon from my friend, Sharon. The resident jack rabbit startled and went hopping down the street.
    Jeez , had to give someone a verbal warning today not to be changing their breaks because we do them for a reason. Some days it is like babysitting.
    Fun for today was cuddling with my DGD and a surprise hug from DGS. They have become fewer and further apart as he gets older. DGD gave Gramps a lesson on how to keep from getting more wrinkly. Lol. DGS talked to me about music and books. And then......he came and sat in the same chair as me for a minute or two. This old heart was so happy.
    Trying to keep my fruit and veggies up and my carbs down. I used to not eat carbs after 2 or 3 in the afternoon and that seemed to work for me.
    -Sharon in Lethbridge ( hot and hotter here today)
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited July 2015
    ydailey wrote: »
    Mia, that's amazing - the difference in your face is profound. You look fabulous!
    -Yvonne in TX
    Mia, I both agree and disagree with Yvonne. Your face is still the same nice face, just a lot thinner. Way to go! :flowerforyou:
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    My husband was trying to think of the name of a fish. Wonder if any of you fish experts can help. He swears there is a fish called a heron. I told him and showed him proof of what a heron really is. So is the a fish that has a name similar to a heron?
    Joyce - How about herring? Pickled herring is an important part of a real Swedish smörgåsbord.

    I'm a bit behind schedule today because I had a really good night's sleep, which included letting myself sleep two extra hours in the morning. I'll check in again later when day has moved on to time zones where more of us live.

    /Penny at the Pole
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    Just a quick good morning,don't want to use much data on my phone.chilly morning at the lake but beautiful...poor Dsil is sick as a dog she drove 5 1/2 hrs up here and flopped in to bed..fever chills the whole shebang.. Ta ta for now :)
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Kim N California wrote - "Janetr – so 2 8 hour days? Joyce or Sylvia said $20 but I am in California and that is not enough… my guess is while you aren’t going to make much if you divide it by the hour, I would think you could get $60 for generic or $80-100 for custom… and custom could be plus an amount for supplies if the request was a higher cost style… At least in this area… the challenge is to get the word out.. and I can’t remember if you are in a bigger city area or a more rural area

    More like 8 -10 hours total. I do calculate that I have average of $20-22 in materials in each tree. Most of my friends in our area, Oklahoma City, said they would gladly pay $40-45 for them. Thanks for your input. Very helpful.

    @Katla - I used the stationary bike for 45 minutes yesterday with no adverse effects. I'm a happy camper. :)
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,945 Member
    Good morning my friends! The yucky tea was successful in giving me a pretty good night's sleep. It's pouring down rain this morning, which gave me a sneezing fit, which surprisingly made me feel better. I think the antibiotic is working, too. Cough is not as frequent and squeaking in lungs is better.

    Linda in California, looser clothes is the absolute best feeling in the world. I'm sorry about all the family drama.

    What is this about a bucket of ice and Carol? What did I miss in skimming?

    Mary, good luck with moving day.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    @Joyce Indiana - My husband was trying to think of the name of a fish. Wonder if any of you fish experts can help. He swears there is a fish called a heron. I told him and showed him proof of what a heron really is. So is the a fish that has a name similar to a heron?

    There are herring fish.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    Mia - wonderful photos! You could wear a tighter top now to show off your new figure! :flowerforyou:

    Kim - some people do worry about buying fresh food, but I have never had a problem with the supermarket I use. We get free delivery over £60. This time I got £24 off £120 as well as lots of offers. It's worth it even if you just buy groceries and dry goods, because it saves lugging around boring stuff and you can concentrate on perishables. I tend to buy the same things each time so it's quick to do as I have saved orders I can just quickly tick. The food I buy is always fresh and good. I feel very lucky we can do this. My son tells me the stores make a loss on the deliveries. I'm not surprised as it's all picked out by hand and I get my ham hand carved, fresly cut salmon etc.

    Did all my P.O. stuff this morning before the heat got going. Also got a new battery fitted in my watch and bought croissants and pain chocolat for my guests next week from my favourite baker. I still haven't filled in the leasehold information form, but there's no rush. Got to also send in electric certificates, radon gas and flood forms and other nonsense. I am allergic to forms, which is why I've never worked in an office. :sad:

    Heat will be getting up this pm. My rheumatism is playing up in my left leg so I think rain might be on its way. Will check the forecast before I water the garden. My poor mint which was in a pot on the patio has burst right out of the pot! Shards of pot just lying there.

    Yanniejannie and DJ - I am saying this with my fingers firmly crossed and touching my wooden head, but this is definitely the happiest and best time of my life. Meeting my DH was the turning point for me, but also just growing into myself and accepting myself has been key. I am also much better at boundaries, as Lisa pointed out. Long may it continue! I can count at least four periods of my life which were characterised by severe depression or other mental distress, including when I was 8-9 years old, as I am writing about at the moment.

    Love to all. Hope those with pains and illnesses soon get better. Alison - stay away from DSIL! We don't want you catching anything for your holiday. <3

    Heather UK
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Joyce in Indiana. Rehabilitation Counseling is slightly different than Mental Health Counseling, although with a few more courses and supervised practicum I could have gotten a MH Counseling license. Rehab Counseling helps people with disabilities get back to working/ living a good life. I am a strong believer that people with mental illnesses can still live a "normal" life and contribute to society. So this type of counseling focuses on that by doing things like helping people figure out a job that they can do AND enjoy, help with finding housing if necessary, help with finding hobbies they like and ways to accommodate their disabilities. The sad thing is that people with mental illnesses that are doing well NEVER tell anyone about their mental illness. So society has this image of people with a mental illness as homeless bums talking to themselves on the street corner. What I have seen from a lifetime of working with people with mental health issues is that the ones that do well avoid or moderate their alcohol drinking, avoid all street drugs, and don't have childhood trauma or neglect issues or PTSD. What that tells me is that it is the substance abuse that prevents many people from living good lives, and we need to figure out better ways to treat that (AA is only 10% effective). And we need to do a better job of addressing trauma/ neglect issues both in treatment and in our society. Getting off my soapbox>< now. No, I don't analyze folks here. It is too chaotic to focus on one person in this venue. Now if I wanted to go through and pull out all of one person's posts, compile them and read them together, I could probably analyze them but why would I want to do that? I do catch myself thinking about people I know and where they fall on the symptom continuum. It can help in knowing how to relate better to them, like the folks on here that have husbands with Asbergers. You don't e><pect someone like that to relate on an emotional level- they really can't. So you focus on concrete things with them. And find your emotional support from someone else.