

  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
    edited July 2015
    Cute suit Pip. Enjoy >:)
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Must of been something in the air way back when. My fav Aunt asked for any jewelry I no longer used.Gave her several necklaces,a bracelet & quite a few earings. Had to be 40 yrs ago,maybe longer. Anyway,sent pics to DDs last Fall.....so now to share with you.Pat

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    edited July 2015
    i washed them, they came out clean. i am taking some summer dresses that i have, 2 pairs of shorts and running/exercise stuff, i am going to pack a light sweater for the inside of the places we go into. no flip flops for me, taking my monkey feet as usual, took them last time we were there. i'm used to them, don't wear tennis shoes. we will be walking to the hotel from the airport. i don't have rubbing thigh issues. actually, the heat is why we are going. i LOVE it.. him not as much...
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Went to see BnL in hospital; they are not 'thinking' it was a heart attack. He is in great pain, but as DH says, he whines about not feeling good all the time as it is - so who is to say how he really feels. They have him pretty doped up on morphine, will run more tests, I guess sometime over the weekend. DH could hardly wait to get 'out of there' but, hospitals give him the 'willies' as it is on a good day. Lord help me if he ever has to be admitted again. He was there about 10 years ago, this weekend with kidney stones he could not pass. And again for a stint to be put in; and came home the next day.

    My nose is running to beat the band and every time I look down, it is like turning on a faucet. You'd think the antibiotics I am taking for another reason would help ... they aren't.

    Went out to eat; went over my C/I; but, I am not caring too much - it was a 'treat'; saved 1/2 to eat tomorrow. Will need to drink a lot of water tomorrow, too. Potato skins were salted. I had forgotten this restaurant does it that way.
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    New laptop arrived today....Now I just have to acclimate myself on using it!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited July 2015
    Caught up reading; heading for bed as I have a 5:00am wake up to go set up and volunteer at a race......so.....hello and g'nite all. Oh, and Happy 4th of July to the other Americans......the rest of you lovely ladies, have a great weekend. Poop..........win BIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,896 Member
    My goodness this chatty bunch gets ahead of me so fast! I am going to have to become a speed reader. I am feeling really good. A neighbor with a compact tractor came over today and for the price of gas and a minimal fee for his time cleared a large area of our property of brush and vines. He opened the trails to the compost pile and the pond and to our second driveway. He also mowed our very large yard and the front pasture. We still cannot put the horses out there as part of the fence is down and there is morning glory growing on the front part of the fence. Morning glory is poisonous to horses and many other grazing animals.

    I have been spending a part of each morning working in the yard and I can tell it. My butt and legs are sore, also my shoulders but I got all of the area around the gazebo with the weed whacker and cleared the stone area around the stone BBQ. Firepit and planters left to clear. My daughter also found some blueberry bushes buried in the weeds near where we park the horse trailers. Between us we have cleared the weeds around them and have been watering them. I think all six will probably make it but only four berries this year. Next year if they are taken care of we should have a crop.

    MN Mary - glad you finally got things settled with the house, have moved and are able to get going. We are still dealing with the previous owner because they were to have all of their stuff moved 7 days after closing and although the house was empty and we could move in there is still a lot of crap on the property that they have not yet cleared out. There is still stuff in the barn, the riding arena and in an old mobile home. They also still have their camper here as the hydraulics don't work and he can't get it on his pickup.

    Pip - Cute suit! Have a wonderful time.

    Barbie - This is late but thanks again for keeping us going.

    Katla - The kitty made the move much better than I thought she might. We tried a sedative but she refused to take it so went without. We put her in a medium-sized kennel in the back seat of the pickup. She had a small litterbox and a cushion from home and seemed quite content. We let her loose in the hotel room at night. The only time she complained was when we did a long days drive and did not stop at dark. She seemed to have figured out that we would stop then and she would be let out. She seemed to enjoy exploring the hotel rooms and spent a lot of time on the window sills looking out. The horse came later on June 12 and she was thoroughly tired of being in the trailer but she came through with flying colors and has settled in nicely with her new buddies even though my daughter's arab mare is bossy.

    Christine - NuStep is a good way to exercise both arms and legs without a lot of stress on joints. I worked in rehab at a large hospital and the PTs used it alot. It is basically a recumbent stepper and the resistance can be adjusted as you go. You can do intervals on it or keep track of how many steps per minute you do. Both seat and arm levers are adjustable and you should have someone show you the best settings for you.

    Everybody take care and I will try to keep up now that I am more settled here in WA. Sue
  • Ithinkicanwinwinsulin
    Hi I am in for new challenges of July..computer crashed so i am starting from scratch on this one, made it through 14 days on a soft food diet before my colonoscopy, now i am so happy to return to raw fruit raw veggies, lots of H2o,, will be advancing from a 4 wheel walker to a wheel chair but already have upper body work outs plan I can still walk to the park 1/2 to 1 mile then my legs give out so now with wheelchair i can push my way home still head held high with walking half the way, upper body yoga and tai chi , going more vegan too..my new goals for July...if i can survive cancer and now survive diabetes nerve damage in my legs i am half way there..thanks for letting me post.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    Goals for July:

    Walk Mondays and Fridays 1 hr
    Lap swim Tues and Thurs/40 mins hard.
    continue logging 1200 calories
    drink at least 2.5 liters daily
    In bed no later than 10pm
    Read a book every week
    love myself...

    You've chosen excellent goals this month. I like the last one best. My mom thought self love was selfish. She was wrong. We need to love ourselves to be healthy and complete, and also in order to be able to love others.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    edited July 2015
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    forgot to mention that i weighed myself this morning and i am 2 lbs under my goal weight, SOOOO if i am going to allow myself to gain 5 lbs and not worry, that means i'll only have 3 lbs to loose hahaha!!!

    Awesome news!!! and that is a very nice bathing suit. I am sure you will look stunning in it.

    Isn't there a song about itsy bitsy teeny weeny ...oh ya.... yellow poke a dot bikini ...

  • mom216
    mom216 Posts: 287 Member
    Hello All!

    Barbie - thank you for the thread.

    July goals

    continue drinking 6-8 glasses of water per day
    be consistent with logging stats -food, work-outs, & failures
    get a heart rate monitor that actually works - I have 3 !@#$%!!!!! that don't work properly
    walk over the Woodrow Wilson Bridge 4 times B)
    get rid of all the clothes that don't fit, need repairs etc. and wear only the clothes that I love!
    I will find 1 new (non food) way to pamper myself!
    I will try 1 new healthy recipe per week!

    A dear friend says this often at church gatherings:

    Please keep that in your hearts!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well it's 9 PM here which is way early for me to post. Please forgive me that I just read everyone's posts and haven't made any comments. Promise i'll do better, may take me until Sunday night but I will post more. Daughter called and they got lost. My SIL is from Louisville, Ky and that's where they got lost. He isn't willing to admit it yet but he may never live this one down! Apparently the camp that the girls were at is in an area he wasn't familiar with and getting from the camp into Louisville was strange to him. So about the time they were supposed to be here, they were 82 miles away. So I decided to read early. I have called Sky Zone and decided on a time for us all to go there. We can go and just watch them have fun, was afraid we would have to pay. We went and bought fireworks today. We were hoping the kids would get here early enough tonight we could put off our own tonight and then go down to the river tomorrow night. This made our decision though. If we had gone to our amusement park we always go to every year, we would have spent about $300. So we spent about $100 on fireworks, bought them a nice pool for them to take home. So by the time they go home Sunday we will have spent the $300 or more.

    Thanks so much to Penny and others that solved Charlie's dilema of what fish he was thinking of.

    Well, my arms are ready now to have grand children in my arms!

    nite, nite, Joyce, Indiana
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sue: It is good to know you’re settled in WA and the kitty did so well on the trip. It is good that your horse handled the journey well & is settling in with her new companions. I hope the former owners of your new place come and get their stuff promptly. :flowerforyou:

    We took our dog to the Veterinarian’s “Hotel” and ran into our neighbors and an old friend. The neighbors were taking their dogs in for the same reason we did; our neighborhood is too loud for dogs on the Fourth of July. The fireworks for our town are set off right in front of our homes and they are loud and scary for dogs. The old friend was there to get medical care for his elderly dog. It was good to see him.

    Now we’re ready for the celebration tomorrow.

    Happy Fourth of July!

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    July Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    Enjoying pictures of jewelry trees, swimsuits, sweet peas.

    I went to see Woman in Gold. It has been out for quite a while. It has been on my list to see. Glad I did. I enjoy art and history. It was very well acted by Helen Miram and Ryan Reyolds.

    Hope you are enjoying the holiday weekend.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    We saw Woman in Gold also and really enjoyed it. Today we watched The Hundred-Foot Journey. I had read the book and enjoyed it. The movie turned out well. Just gave the dog her melatonin to calm down over the fireworks. More tomorrow night and the next I am sure.

    We took a walk this morning when it was cooler out on the Ohio Towpath which was nice. Did some shopping not knowing what is closed tomorrow. Went to late lunch at TGI Fridays as husband had a BOGO dinner coupon. He went out and watered the lawn and flowers with Miracle Gro and then we watched the movie. Nice day overall.

    Happy 4th to all of you wonderful women!smiley-dance008.gif

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did 1-1/4 hr of a Hi Lo Remix DVD today. The plan for tomorrow is to do a 30 minute cardio cafe and Chris Frietag Drop It In 30 DVD for a total of about an hour.

    Becca - I love reading all about the kilt, the story of that boy and everything. Thanks <scarcastic> for the strawberry pic. They're gorgeous. Would do great dipped in chocolate. Blast some of those strawberries to NC while you're blasting. ROTF @ your bathing suit

    Linda - wonderful that the clothes are fitting you. Feels good, huh?

    Mary from MN - what I don't understand is why some kids feel entitlement but others don't.

    katla - I very seldome (fortunately) make my deductible, either. There have been lots of times when Vince has, tho. Happy birthday to dd

    kim - sounds like you have a lovely fourth planned. Good job on losing. The reason I need (well, really want) a full length workout shirt versus a sports bra is because one time I wore a sports bra to the Y and I was told that that was inappropriate attire. The only reason I really don't want to have to deal with a sports bra and a tank top is when we go away, that's just that much more clothing I have to take with me. Plus, I get so sweaty I don't want to rewear the tank top and I'm afraid that I won't have enough with me. I do have one that is 90% cotton and 10% spankex which I love. Yea, it has a "shelf bra", no underwire. I can't wear an underwire bra anyway, even tho I'm small on top. Those wires just dig into my chest so much that they're uncomfortable.

    Joyce - it would be so wonderful if your husband goes into remission. You must let us know how it goes. Wow $5! That's fantastic. Glad you got the prednisone. I remember when my father was sick and couldn't make it to the bathroom he wore a men's depends sort of diaper. Does Charlie? Because I would think it would be quite embarassing for him if he were to lose control in front of the kids. Like you say, grandpas are supposed to be real strong. This way, if he loses control, at least he can go to the bathroom.

    thistime - when you described the nostril breathing, it reminded me of something we do (or used to do) in my yoga class.

    Linda/Iowa - so glad you put in an appearance. Yes, this is a very supportive thread. You'll love it here. Tell us more about yourself

    Yvonne in TX and Carey - have fun!

    pip - I can't imagine looking for a smaller 2 piece. Actually, I can't imagine even looking for a two piece...lol Kudos to you. To be honest, I haven't checked into facebook yet today. I will look you up when I do, tho Really cute bathingsuit you got there. It was worth the price. How wonderful that you lost...and before your vacation! Just went to Facebook. Have a question, and I know this is a dumb one...but I don't see a "friend" button. How can we become friends?

    cory - dancing with ya

    Lisa TX - good luck in your race. You'll do just fine, I'm sure of it

    DramaMom - it looks like the difference between the recumbant bike and the NuStep is that the NuStep uses moveable arms. I would think that would give you a much better calorie burn. Now I wish we had one

    Welcome everyone new!!!!

    After exercising did a load of laundry, went to play mahjongg, then went to a new food store to check it out. truthfully, I wasn't real impressed. Everything is organic, I was surprised to see they didn't carry hulled barley (only pearled and hulled is less refined), they had some Laughing Cow cheese but not the cheddar, some other things that they didn't have. then stopped at SteinMart because I'd gotten a workout shirt there a while ago that I LOVE (it's a cotton/spandex blend, not poly/spandex), they had some shirts but only the ones with spaghetti straps. Looks like I need to look for a tank top with a bra shelf. Then went to the one Lowes to check out their renovations, not impressed at all. Stopped at another Lowes then home. Will make dinner in a few.

    DeeDee - the turtle is near completion. I have one coat of pain on the body (need 3), 2 coats of paint on the "blueberry" scales and then I need to touch up the toenails. Oh, and the lady there is going to paint the eyes so that they're real expressive. I can't go to ceramics Monday (I'm having mahjongg here then) but I can go Wed so I'll probably put the third coat of paint on the "blueberry" scales and the second coat on the body. Then next Monday I'll put the third coat of paint on the body, get it ready to be fired if I have time (if not, I'll do that Wednesday), and have them fire it Thurs. I've found that I have them fire it once without the clearcoat (oh, that's right, I don't need that with the type of paint that I'm using) and if it comes out streaky then I can repaint it, then have them fire it with the clearcoat on it. I did start on the ladybug, just marked where the spots will be. Bryan is communicating less and less with us. I know a while ago he asked that we send his mail to him because he was expecting some sort of credit card. To be honest, I'm getting things ready for his anniversary package, so I haven't sent it yet. Will probably send it sometime this week. If he wanted that credit card badly, you would have thought that he'd have emailed or called us to ask if we sent it. Guess it's not that important to him.

    Question --- do you think Vegas is ready for pip????????

    tere - what kind of laptop did you get?

    Sue in WA now - It's so good to know that everything went so well, better than expected, really.

    Going to the farmer's market tomorrow then to get my car checked over.

    Michele in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    exermom - i sent you a friend request on Facebook. gotta go to bed now, getting up really early to start walking and NO, vegas won't be ready for me but i'm coming anyway!

    nite peepheads
  • metallaxi
    metallaxi Posts: 17 Member
    Good morning to all co-achievers
    I had fun with last Sunday's run-walk of 10K as I ended up doubling it so 20K at 3 hours and 20 minutes
    my goals for July
    create a calorie deficit of 500-700 mainly due to exercise
    do two workouts per day
    include weights and kickboxing in my training
    lose 2 kilograms-4 pounds

    word of the month PATIENCE

    Evangelia from the Greek islands