

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Fantastic Mia! :)
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Way to go Mia, I love seeing pics of a whole new person emerging. Fantastic job.
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    edited July 2015
    Thursday was SO interesting pooped 8 times and NEEDED to stay near home. Oh my these juices/ smoothies doing their trick to be sure
    Friday and 1325 calories;
    Breakfast - Mango salsa smoothie and black coffee
    After weights - protein shake
    Lunch - pumpkin soup
    Afternoon - Blackberry pop smoothie
    Diner - chicken and veg sweat and sour
    Supper - Vitarium hot chocolate

    JJ's Bikini boot-camp II
    JJ's Circuit B
    walk dog (maybe near home lol)

    Vitarium hot chocolate contains NO sugar and is only 9 calories, my bed time treat

    Weight going DOWN

    Lesley in Tasmania

  • JanetMMcC
    JanetMMcC Posts: 410 Member
    I woke at 6:15, got in 15 mins of freewriting and then went out to walk & run. Got in 8 minutes running, a personal old-lady best. Dam' good thing I got out, because I've been sitting ever since. Busy day. And it turned out it was supposed to be my July 4 holiday. So I'm off next 2 days, work Sunday, and then will have Monday off.

    terri in MilWS - I donno if wrist replacements are possible, since they have a bunch more bones than knees and hips. I seem to remember reading that wrists have 13 bones. Nope. Memory fail. Eight bones in the wrist. Still, a lot of 'em in a small space. Ankles only have 3 bones.
    The chili sounds yummy.
    Congrats on the handbike!

    Mia - Great loss! Congrats! Your goals look excellent.

    Andrea in LI,NY - I also work a lot and don't always get to 10K. Can you walk in place during work phone calls? I got in a thousand or so doing that the other day. I also got in more than 1K between combing hair (it's long), brushing teeth and my shower. Waking up at 6:15 and getting out on the street by 7:30 let me get in 25 minutes. I still have nearly 4k to go. May not make it, since once Larry picks me up we have to go to pick up an a/c, and there's 100 pounds of another a/c in the front hall, unless Larry's moved it in pieces. Which he shouldn't do anyway, because he's still recovering from lumbar fusion 4 months ago.

    Vicki - you can't do more'n you can do. <hugs>

    Jane from IL - sorry about the arthritis. Hope your mom does better soon.

    Sara AZ - just listen to your elders. ;-) Yeah, I got to 145 with WW, then slacked off and gained it all back and more. Got back down within spitting distancen of 150 by cutting out white carbs (which, of course, included candy and such), but the last 15 are hard work.

    Cat in Ga: good goals. I've been using a Fitbit .. Force? It doesn't have it written on itself. It thinks a lot of things are stairs, and sometimes shows me taking steps in my sleep, but seems generally to do OK.

    Penny at the Pole - great pix! Sounds like a great time, too. I should be so clear and succinct with my goals!

    Yvonne - I generally log coffee, even decaf, and definitely do when I have skim milk powder in it. Caffeine's OK to log for liquid. I don't have the links, but posted them last month.

    Katie - welcome! The pool sounds like a wonderful carrot. There's a gym in walking distance from my house, but it doesn't have a pool. Best of luck for a fit and healthy 60! I didn't start in on this until 63.

    Carol/Peach: Cheering for your husband. :) And for you.

    Lenora - I like the smiles goal!

    Katla - I have river otter envy!

    Becca - very cool blingtree! I love the little lights. And ... it looks as if you could still take the jewelry off and wear it?
    And a fine-looking Scotsman your man is.

    Sue in WA: congrats and good goals.

    barbiecat - happy Canada day!

    Welcome, Tessarac!

    Michele in NC - <hugs> about your son's sudden about-face. That is majorly tough.

    Eugenia - the walk-run route sounds wonderful!

    Beth in WNY - Yaaay! about your son's weight loss appt.

    Gayle in ID - do you have a name for that hypnosis app?

    Joyce IND - that's a definite improvement between your husband and you. Yaaay!

    Kate - cool recipe!

    MN Mary - yaaay that you can rent!

    tuliplor - welcome! Good goals. Ten pounds is a lot. Good luck!

    JanetM in NO, Pecking Quickly to Record Some Things.

    up thru page 5
  • tuliplor
    tuliplor Posts: 51 Member
    I forgot to tell you my name. Lori from West Virginia. I started my "food changes" today. Had a pretty good day staying under my calories. Very low carbs and sugar. One day down! LOL
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,007 Member
    :) MN Mary, we've had to rent back the house we sold on more than one occasion while waiting for some slowdown on the new one...it felt a bit uncertain for us....we've not been in the position of renting the one we're moving into.

    smiley-happy026.gif All is going well here in spite of unusually hot weather
    22,000 steps
    two line dance classes
    three hours of dog walking

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Mia.........WOW!!! Just WOW!!!! You look fab-u-lous!!!!

    To the person who asked about what we drink........I drink decaf tea or ice water at home and I do count it toward my cup per day goal. I drink decaf coffee when I'm eating out. I don't use sugar in either tea or coffee. I do have one cup of hot chocolate per day mid-afternoon made with Silk almond/coconut blend and have a scant t. of sugar in that. I count 8oz. of skim milk at breakfast to cover what I put in the decaf coffee/ tea all day.

    I did have a bit of nausea yesterday, probably caused by having the hot chocolate and going out and being active in 90+ temps. so had a can of ginger ale over ice..........first soda in ages, but it did help the nausea.


  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,401 Member
    Did 1-1/4 hr of Jillian Michael's Killer Buns and Thighs DVD. I'm really enjoying her less and less. The plan for tomorrow is to do a HiLo Recharge DVD

    Later this morning Vince and I will go to the post office (he's shipping a train), then the bank, I'll take some of the pineapple cake to Lynette. Vince tried the cake last night and said "this tastes weird". Well, the recipe called for cream cheese but I knew if I told him there was cream cheese in it he'd never eat it so I told him there was pineapple (which is true) and cake mix (which is also true). I tried a bit today and, really, it's the cake mix that more gives it the "funky" taste. Ha, ha, I've made cakes from scratch now when he gets one with a cake mix in it, it tastes "funny" to him. Then I'd like to stop at this restaurant. See, they have a 50's theme. I have a bicycle that must be 50-60 years old. I want to ask them if they'd want it for a decoration. I just feel bad giving it to the Salvation Army. Update: Lynette wasn't in her office so I brought the cake home, put it in the freezer. We'll probably go to the post office next week so I'll give it to her then. The girl I spoke to at the restaurant said she'd have to talk to the owner and will get back to me about the bike

    Renny - now don't work too hard! I really do wish I could get some kind of iPod for the water where I can download a workout. I would like to have someone "pushing" me. I can find a shuffle for underwater, but that's not the same. I did find one iPod for underwater but it was $9,000. No way will I spend that much money. Hey, I'm the one who returned the bathing suit I bought for $20 and then turned around and bought it for $10.

    Carol in NC - I'm just so happy that you're posting and letting us know how things are going with you. I can just see you with ice water on you...so funny...but not to you. A good shower makes you feel like a different person

    Mary from MN - I haven't seen my son in 2 years, the last time I spoke to him was in March. It's just so heartwrenching, if at least he would communicate! I'm so sorry your husband's dd is treating you and him that way. I know what it's like not to get a call on Mother's or Father's Day. Didn't get one, not that I expected it. Back in March when I spoke to him (only because I was there, not because he wanted to speak to me) he said "I'll call you next weekend". I knew it would never happen, and it hasn't. Next week is his anniversary so I will send him something. Wonderful that you can start renting!

    pip - I agree totally with what janetr said to you. Win lots of money (you CAN share, you know) and party, party, party.

    Joyce - I've used frozen fruit in my yogurt, too. What I found was that as the fruit defrosted, because it had been frozen there was water in the fruit, all of that "juice" went into the yogurt and helped to give it a good taste.

    Welcome everyone new! This is a wonderful place to be

    Joyce - the size of your heart never ceases to amaze me

    Kim - I've never made candy. Guess it's because you need to use a thermometer and I don't have one.

    Sharon - so glad to hear that the counseling is going well. Has your husband ever had a barium enema?

    kate - I have found that I like to have some frozen grapes instead of ice cream. I haven't had any ice cream this summer. When I am looking for something cool and refreshing, I have frozen grapes. The other thing I do is take a 32oz container of plain greek yogurt, a 12oz container of frozen oj concentrate, thaw the concentrate but don't reconstitute it. Mix the two together and pour into a pop mold. Makes great ice pops and not high in calories.

    Alison - you deserve to sit at the beach. Have a great time

    CynthiaT - I didn't even realize that autocorrect made the extremepump into extremelump! I keep an old sweater in the trunk of my car specifically for places where the a/c is too cold (sometimes grocery stores, I know this one theater is always cold)

    Does anyone know what this is called? I'm looking for workout tops (full length, not sports bras) that have the "piece" in front (whatever that's called) that keep the girls in line. I have one that's 90% cotton and 10% spandex which I really love. Unfortunately, that one doesn't have the manufacturer on the label or else I'd certainly google it. Anyone help?

    katla - I'm so sorry for your friend. It's good that she has family nearby. Happy birthday to your dd

    Carey - as far as my son is concerned, I try to tell myself that he's been brainwashed. That's about the only way I can account for his change in behavior. He did tell Denise that he'd skype with her one day. She was so very excited, she took her iPad to work with her, she wanted to show him where she worked. He never got on. She called us to tell us how very disappointed she was. It's sad to know that I'll never see any grandchildren (if there are any) and I probably won't even know about them.

    Lisa - oh, I remember those manual typewriters. asdfg;lkjh. We had two electrics. I still have my old typing textbook. As I recall, when I graduated high school, I was typing something like 130wpm. I'm probably not doing that now. "The old gray fox jumped over the lazy dog" Oh, yea, those Selectrics with the ball...brings back memories.

    Katie - go to urgent care if you must. Get better fast.

    terri - thanks so much for the hug. I feel I did raise him right. I raised him so that he's independent enough to live in another country (I'm trying to rationalize to myself here). Vince and I were always so very proud of him, when he was in college he rented a house, had all the utilities in his name. He worked in the IT department, he was always in the gifted programs. What happened? I don't know. Now he never ceases to disappoint us. Well, I still light a candle for him in church. I may not be with him, but God is. Consider yourself slapped. Good luck at your physical. I go for mine in October. Prayers for your co-worker's family

    Miriam - FIL's neighbor was a psyhologist and felt that he was having panic attacks. I remember one time he had me tell the ambulanace that he couldn't breathe (not true) so that they would come and take him to the hosp. immediately. To this day, I regret lying to them. What if they put him above someone else who really needed the ambulance just because I told them he couldn't breathe (even tho that wasn't true, he just wanted them to come to the house asap to take him to the hospital). FIL didn't think he was having panic attacks, I don't know if Vince believed it or not. I know that I did.

    Christina - what is a NuStep machine? It looks like a recumbant bike, is it?

    ydaily - for some reason I keep thinking that today is Friday. That's not normal for me, I usually can remember what day it is (I use my exercise as the reference point) but I can't seem to get it out of my head today that it isn't Friday

    Gail - oh, yes, share that app. I can use it.

    janetr - I never thought about how men and women weigh themselves, but you're so right

    DJ - tell me about how it can be a real challenge to keep weight off when traveling. When we go to the condo, we're lucky in that I have control over what we have to eat. But it can be so hard when you have to go out. I can't even BEGIN to tell you how many times we've been to Disney when the kids were young. FIL and MIL used to get a discount because they were FL residents, but no more.

    terri - good for you dancing!

    mia - AWESOME pics

    Bev - where in NC are you?

    Lori - one day to the start of a new you. That's the way to start. We all started one day and just continued.

    Michele in NC
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Annr - Thank you and WOOZERS your tree is gorgeous. I got my idea from the internet and trees that looked like yours. I'm not that creative, but I'm going to make a large one soon as one of my nieces has some very special very old pieces that she send home with me and asked me to put together in a tree for her. I will use your pic as my inspiration. Its absolutely gorgeous and thanks for sharing with us.

    Is it mounted on black velvet, and what is the size? Thanks for the help!

    Janetr OKC

    Aw thanks...the picture is really simple. I would first collect the jewelry. I have earrings as the "points" of the tree, and then small necklaces (broken shiny ones) for the garland. As you can tell, the earrings match on each side somewhat, which looks pretty. The inner jewelry is gaudy pendants, and the most shiny stuff. We then positioned the holes where the string of lights go from there. The picture is just a lowgrade particle board, with a green velvet. Just cut the holes in the fabric and fold around the holes, gluing it with that tacky glue spray. The lights are kind of fitted using glue too...then we started just gluing the jewelry around the lights. My Mom and I did mine together, and she was really OCD about it all...but there is beauty in perfection right? We cut off all the clip-on part of the earrings. My favorite earrings are the round pearl with the little pearls around them. My Grandmas dressy ones.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Annr wrote: »
    heehee....my husband is kilted on a Ladies site...hahahaha...he was really excited to get it in the mail from Scotland though. They did a really great job. This is one of 3 kilts he owns. He wants to get one for every day of the week!

    My grandfathter, my Dad's father, came to the U.S. from Scotland all alone when he was about 12. His sisters later sent him. and us, many things from Scotland. They are special treasures for us.

    Be sure to tell your hubby that all the "phat chat ladies" collectively whistled at those knees :)

    heehee.....Once when he wore his kilt at one of the many historical re-inactment events at Fort Stevens near us, a man walking behind us was telling his son that my husband was wearing a skirt. My husband, (with a friendly gleem in his eye of course) turned around and said, "I KILL't the Laaaast man that caaaalled it a skert!!!! Then turned back and continued walking....put HIM in his place. My son was home on leave and said under his breath..."Was wondering how long Dad was going to let that comment go". heeheee!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,753 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 11.48min, 14.9 amph, 2.9mi = 105c
    ski machine- 30min, 20-30resistance, 5-10incline, 1.38mi = 239c
    ride gym 2 wk- 53.17min, 12.7amph, 11.2mi = 421c
    ride wk 2 tan- 58.41min, 11.2amph, 11mi = 519c
    ride tan 2 wk- 5.57min, 10.2amph, 1mi = 98c
    total cal 1382
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Some of you have asked about my husbands kilt. The bag in front of the kilt is called a sporran and it is just a bag to hold items. The kilt is a called a BROWN WATCH...which is the Clan Brown's military version. My husband has his Scottish roots on his Mothers side. The Clan Brown is an obscure clan....kind of like if you wish to fade into society you become a Smith or a Jones....well many became Browns. Maybe tonight I will find his Renaissance Kilt pic...which is ten yards of wool, hand pleated then he would lay down on it as it was all organized on the grass, and belt himself in it. I would tell all the ladies in our encampment when the KILT TIME would be, because there is nothing as entertaining as watching a man in a long chamise flowing shirt getting dressed. Think of the movie "Rob Roy" with Liem Neeson....
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    My doctor's partner called me in a prescription for an antibiotic. I asked my pharmacist for a recommendation for something to suppress the cough so I could sleep. She recommended this tea. I'm trying to get it down now. Pretty yucky! Hopefully the antibiotic will knock out the bronchitis. He told me to go to urgent care if I don't think I'm getting better. I hate being sick on a holiday. The house is not to my liking for my sister's visit, but I'll get it done tomorrow.

    Mia, you are an amazing rock star!

    Carol, so glad you are posting and doing okay.

    In addition to all this mess, I had a dermatologist appointment today that I did not cancel. She cut a growth off the side of my face that just sprang up out of nowhere to look gross and attacked my forehead with q-tips of dry ice and some kind of torture needle thing. I have to go back in three weeks to endure it again. Hopefully my skin will look much better after that. The checkup and surgery are covered under insurance, but I get to pay out of pocket for the torture, because it's considered cosmetic. Fun times in my life today!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Lori from West Virginia - Way to go on your first day, that how it's done, one day at a time!!! Welcome aboard.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited July 2015
    my Coastie pals...
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    grrrr I forgot how to post pics again....sheeesh...
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Blasting you all with Oregon Strawberries!!!!!.....
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member

    This is a great book, if you want to simplify your eating. It talks about eating from one bowl, a bowl that speaks to you, a bowl for each meal. To not mix your foods, but to eat them individually, so you know the foods that agree with you and the ones that don't. It talks about creating a time for yourself to sit, eat from your bowl and be grateful, not distracted. It is a nice exercise, but I could not do it all the time. It also talks about searching for what you wish to eat, to forrage in your own kitchen to find that one food that you wish. Not food you settle for, but the thing that you crave.