

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Just marking my spot. June was pretty good weight wise. I managed to get back to my most recent low. Now if I can move it down a few more lbs in July.

    I'm fighting a horrendous cough right now. When I exhale I sound like a squeaky door that needs oiling. I called the doctor for an appointment, but my doctor is out of town until Monday. His partner is supposed to review my chart and call in a prescription at some point today. What a drag! I don't feel all that bad, a little tired and achy behind the eyes, but the cough and squeaky sound are kind of scary. I may end up going to urgent care if necessary. I'm not a very patient patient.

    Welcome to all the newbies.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Found this on Psychology Today, for all of y’all struggling with family and extended family relationships.
    A mature 55-year-old is selective about relationships and priorities, able to focus his or her social life around people who are rewarding, and gently move away from those who are not. This person begins to focus more on experiences and other people than on things as sources of meaning and pleasure. He or she sees setbacks as opportunities for growth and change. —Karl Pillemer, professor of human development at Cornell University
    smiley-devil03.gifI removed all the emotional vampires from my life some while back. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done, but on this side of it, it’s a very peaceful place to be. I’m so sorry for the pain that fills your voices when you talk of sons, daughters, DILs, SILs, FILs that hurt you or still are hurting you, and I hope you can find your peace, as well.
    Lisa H in West Texas

    Thanks for the quote Lisa. After many, many, many years of discord between my mother and myself I had to pull away. This has been the most difficult thing for me to do as I felt that it made me a "bad" daughter. I was allowing her behavior (or lack thereof) to defeat me emotionally and mentally. She is a very angry sad person and that has nothing to do with me but was always directed at others. My other siblings (2 sisters and 2 brothers) seem to be able to take it from her but I could not and cannot. This is not the relationship I ever dreamed of having with my mother but it is what she makes it and I had to step away. I on the other hand have a loving and open relationship with my son and daughter and will not make those mistakes with them. My daughter considers me her best friend and I love that! At some point you have to let go of the bad and embrace only that which is good in your life.

    Cheri (Fairlawn, Ohio)
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Thursday ! ! !

    Penny – beautiful pictures (as always) and nice story. What a great family!

    Yvonne – I put creamer in my coffee, so I log it as food but not water. I do log ice tea as water, and I usually sweeten with splenda or agave nectar. I rarely drink pop, but I would log that as food but not water.

    Tess – I love your goals. I am all about baby-steps. I would rather see you succeed, and continue to give and get support from everyone here.

    Michele – So sorry about your Bryan. My daughter goes through phases like that, but never “forever”. I hope he comes to his senses soon. I know you did your best to raise him right, and at some point they just start making their own decisions, and too often it hurts us. Please accept my HUG ! ! !

    Kathi – Congrats on the weight loss, and the swim challenge. Getting old is NOT for sissies, you are so correct. Keep doing what you can and what you enjoy.

    Kate – Keep up that positive energy. I hope I catch it from you. I am always looking for more.

    Gail – Please share the self-hypnosis app. I would be interested in getting rid of my sleeping pill, if that is possible. And about losing weight, too? Double bonus.

    Joyce – Thanks for sharing about your DH and his trouble. You are so loving and caring, and he is a lucky man. Also so funny about the fitbit on laundry night.

    Sharon – Congrats on wasting (re: enjoying) your relaxation time. We as wives, mothers, ladies, etc, tend to take care of everyone before ourselves, and when we start making positive changes for ourselves, the insecure men will take that as being selfish, yet consider their own similar behavior to be acceptable, if not expected. Take Care Of You ! ! ! I am proud of you. Fingers crossed, hugs, and prayers for your DH tests.

    Allison – Hugs! Enjoy ! ! !

    Lisa – Your pimp comment made me laugh. Thanks!

    Carol/Peach – Congrats on DH joining MFP. Being in the “same book” will certainly help everyone. I am envious.

    Katla – Hugs for your friend and family.

    It is so unseasonable cold here that I seriously was shivering and kept moving last night at baseball. The average temp was only 61f, which is typical for April, not July.

    The inflammation in my wrist is spreading this time, so I have stiffness in my elbow all the way down to the outside 3 fingers. This is not unusual, so I will keep stretching and icing, and in a few days to a week, the RA will choose a different joint or set of joints to attack. As long as I keep my sleep routine, I will continue to move as much as I can. Since I only have a slight flare in my left hip, I can still walk and ride a bike, so that is good. I really need to get back into the habit of doing my planks, since they can be done on my elbows and not cause arm/hand/wrist pain. Someone slap me upside the head so I remember to put those planks back into my routine. . . . Thanks for that slap !

    Tomorrow is my yearly physical. My Doctor, although several hundred miles from where we moved from, is a family friend, so we get pretty chatty. She is always supportive about my weight, and has positive things to say about how to get it back under control, and full of suggestions. She is into the paleo diet, which helps with my RA as well, but I only use it as a guide (more protein, fewer complex carbs, etc.)

    Then Saturday I am helping my Dad's company with a presentation at the Parade. We put signs on 4 new cars/SUVs/trucks, and drive some Veterans. My sister's eldest Granddaughter helps hand out candy. I will either help DS carry the banner, or sit in the back of one of the trucks and make sure the girls have full candy buckets, or drive one of the vehicles. I won't know until everyone else arrives. I hope I get to carry the banner, because I will get some steps in. I think the route is a little over a mile.

    Norton is now permanently installed on my laptop, and I will have access to it this weekend, so I will try to keep up over the weekend.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Update - One of my co-workers has a sister having emergency brain surgery, so she is leaving soon to be with her, which means I only get a 30 minute lunch, which in turn means I have time to eat but not work-out. So, I will have to stay a little late and get back on the bike after work. She would love hugs and prayers in her time of fear and need.

    Thanks! Terri
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Terri - I'm holding your co-worker in my heart. I hope all goes well for her sister.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited July 2015
    Katla- I am so sorry to hear about your friend's DH. (((hugs))) for you and your friend.

    Terri - i'm sorry for the pain you are going through with RA I know the best thing they say is to keep moving and you are doing a wonderful job at that.

    Have a great day everyone!
    Mary from Minnesota
  • SharonK247
    SharonK247 Posts: 3 Member
    Im here for July. Was happy with the good start I made in June and yesterday was my first bike ride where I actually felt strong and was able to attach the hills. As long as I keep track of what I eat I stay on a healthy path, for me logging is key as exercise comes easily. This month I will have some traveling so that is always a challenge but Im focused and no what to do. Have a great July 4th weekend everyone.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Mia, panic attacks are really scary for the person having them, but are also very treatable. The best approach is a combination of SSRI antidepressants AND cognitive therapy. Cognitive therapy is basically catching yourself thinking irrational thoughts, and rebutting (arguing) them. It also is helpful in depression. It is really important for a person to avoid marijuana - it can trigger the onset of panic attacks in someone genetically prone but can also trigger individual attacks. Often the person having attacks is thinking things like "My heart is racing, I am going to die!" or "I cannot catch my breath!" Over time they can start thinking "I had a panic attack at the grocery store- if I go there again I will have another attack." That is when they start avoiding situations and their life becomes constricted. When having a panic attack, the person can try to take big deep breaths, consciously try to rela>< their muscles, and use some visual imagery to go to a safe, calm place in their mind. They need to be reminding themselves that this is just a panic attack and they are not dying, it will end soon, and it is just an uncomfortable feeling that they can get through. It is rough. They often feel like they are having a heart attack, the symptoms are that severe. But once someone knows that it is panic disorder, they can learn to talk themselves down. In the longterm, also learning some basic meditation is helpful.

    I have a masters in rehabilitation counseling, specializing in psychiatric issues. I have had panic attacks. I worked on a research project in the genetics of panic disorder, interviewing over 300 people, and my son has panic disorder.

    David Burns, The New Mood Therapy, an older book is very helpful in learning how to use cognitive therapy without seeing a mental health professional since so many people won't do that because of stigma. There are other books on the market teaching cognitive therapy, but his was the first and what I used to learn it.
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Terri - Hugs and Prayers for your coworker and her sister prayer-smiley-emoticon.png
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Thanks Miriam. That is very helpful. I think my friend would be open to reading a book to help her through these attacks. I will suggest that to her as well as the other things you have mentioned.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    I just did my 30 min. on my stationery bike and my knees are ok so far. I'm excited, I can do this whenever I want. Found out last night that 30 min. on the bike burns many more calories than the 30 min, @2.5 mph, on the treadmill. Thanks Pip, I had not used the startionery bike in quite a while and "forgot" it was sitting here. Ha, oh what tricks we play on ourselves in our own minds. :smile: I will add it into the 3-4 x week water aerobics.
  • HSDramamom
    HSDramamom Posts: 44 Member
    Having just joined the YMCA near us, my daughter and I just yesterday discovered the NuStep machine. We both used them and felt they were giving us good workouts and my feet and back weren't hurting. As we were walking away, one of the trainers was helping a man in a wheelchair make his way up to one of the machines, preparing to help him get on it. I immediately thought (without saying it to my teenage daughter), "I wonder if these are meant only for the older people with more physical disabilities." :/ It discouraged me a bit because I then thought, "Maybe it isn't a very effective machine for getting more fit and losing weight."

    I came home and did a little research. The website initially presents the machine with lots of senior citizens, medical recommendations, and references to senior living facilities. But as I dug a little more, I found that the machine is quite effective for even the younger crowd. It provides low impact cardio, :) which is exactly what I want--at least until I found out what's going on with my back and foot.

    Have any of you used NuStep and found it beneficial? I plan to use it regularly.


    July Goals:

    Log food daily
    Attend 3-4 Fitness classes at the YMCA each week
    Walk for at least 30 minutes at a moderate to fast rate 4-5 times per week
    Lose 5 pounds by August 1

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    edited July 2015
    Thanks Miriam that was indeed helpful information. My son has panic disorder and it is exactly as you describe. His first one was around puberty. He was at the theater with his youth group and we got a phone call asking to come pick him up. He didn't go into another theater until many years later. Another episode was at the gym in college and again he avoided that scenario for many years. With the correct medication and CBT he has made great strides in his life.
    I was introduced to David Burns' book The New Mood Therapy many years ago while in graduate school. Still have my original copy and refer to it on occasion when dealing with my husband and his Asperger's.


    Miriam you are a phenomenal woman :)<3 and I am so glad to have "met" you and truly appreciate all that you share of your life with us.

  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Hm, are we sure today isn't Monday? I overslept and had to hit the ground running so I didn't get around to eating breakfast. That's VERY unusual, as I am normally good about getting a decent breakfast. My husband often forgets, or tells me he isn't "awake enough to be hungry." I look at him like he's crazy, because I wake up ready to eat.

    Today I have to take a couple of hours off from work so I can run to the storage unit and look for our life vests (mine and the dog's) for kayaking tomorrow. Maybe I'll be able to fit the exercycle in the car while I'm at it! I've been doing DailyBurn and the workouts are great but their calorie estimates are pure fantasy. I'm going to try reporting 75% of the DB estimates, and adding more cardio in my routine to burn some serious calories. Give me a book and I can sit on the exercycle for an hour.

    July Goals:
    1. Track on MFP every day.
    2. Get the exercise machines set up and step up the cardio.
    3. Unpack my office.
    4. Clear out the storage unit we filled up while moving (lift that box! tote that bale!).
    5. Start saving/shopping for a better bike.
    6. Get fitted for a sports bra.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,321 Member
    edited July 2015
    Janetr - you might find a rower good too. You need to have a look at good form to use it, (trainer, U tube) but it sure burns up those cals! I also like the elliptical. My knees used to be awful, especially the left one which first went pearshaped when I was 16. I had loads of investigations, but no diagnosis. A few years ago in desperation I paid to visit a sports physio and she told me my patella was not running true in the groove. Apparently this is quite common. The answer is to strengthen the muscles around the knee. I do daily knee exercises and the stationary biking is a great help. Mine is recumbent to support my back. I have built up the resistance over the years. It is still not perfect but 200% better than it was. :D

    Mia - - My DDIL is a Harley Street clinical psychologist, specializing in CBT. She has written six short books, aimed at the general reader, one of which is THIS BOOK WILL MAKE YOU CALM. I think it is great and you can "work" it, with exercises to help you. It is available on Amazon and Kindle. Her name is Dr Jessamy Hibberd. :flowerforyou:

    Heather UK
  • stm712015
    stm712015 Posts: 138 Member
    edited July 2015
    Wow - I've been reading through the comments on this thread and you're all so supportive of one another. Truly a kind group! Glad I found you. If anyone would like to be "friends" please don't hesitate to send me a request. I'd love to build my support network.

    Day 2 and feeling great! Didn't have any cravings until right before going to sleep, but powered through and woke up not feeling bloated for the first time in ages. Also, I'm sore today from yesterday's stairs and walking which really made me smile. Time to wake these muscles up!

    Struggled not to weigh myself this morning - I get too obsessive about the scale when I diet. Boy was it hard to ignore my curiosity. Today I'll take "before" pictures and do my "before" measurements - eek!

    Hope you all have a great day!

    Sara from Arizona
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Janetr - you might find a rower good too. You need to have a look at good form to use it, (trainer, U tube) but it sure burns up those cals! I also like the elliptical. My knees used to be awful, especially the left one which first went pearshaped when I was 16. I had loads of investigations, but no diagnosis. A few years ago in desperation I paid to visit a sports physio and she told me my patella was not running true in the groove. Apparently this is quite common. The answer is to strengthen the muscles around the knee. I do daily knee exercises and the stationary biking is a great help. Mine is recumbent to support my back. I have built up the resistance over the years. It is still not perfect but 200% better than it was. :D

    Mia - - My DDIL is a Harley Street clinical psychologist, specializing in CBT. She has written six short books, aimed at the general reader, one of which is THIS BOOK WILL MAKE YOU CALM. I think it is great and you can "work" it, with exercises to help you. It is available on Amazon and Kindle. Her name is Dr Jessamy Hibberd. :flowerforyou:

    Heather UK

    Thanks, Heather, I used to have a rower but have not used one in years and years. I am a member of the YMCA, I guess I just need to get off my backside and go check out the exercise room. So far all I've done at the Y is the Water Aerobics and Yoga a few times. Thanks for the info.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy thurs.Love the pics.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2015

    "Struggled not to weigh myself this morning - I get too obsessive about the scale when I diet. Boy was it hard to ignore my curiosity. Today I'll take "before" pictures and do my "before" measurements - eek!"

    Sara from Arizona[/quote]

    Good job for day one!! I have a horrible time not getting on the scale, sometimes I want to jump on it several times daily. I retain fluid quite badly and can up or down three pounds in a day for no reason, then I'm down all day and so tempted to eat everything in sight. I play a game with myself about not getting on the scale every morning. I also "run" to the kitchen and get that first cup of coffee, cuz heaven forbid I weigh after I have put an additional ounce in my body. :)
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,081 Member
    edited July 2015
    Miriam is it nice enough that you can get outside for 15-20 minutes a day? Low Vit D can contribute to depression. Although it is hard to force yourself to exercise. Exercise is also a natural antidepressant.

    Mia I agree with what Miriam said. For me trying to figure out a way to take deep slow breaths when a panic attack occurs is key. Again like Miriam said if you friend could practice meditation techniques before an attack occurs she would know what that means. When I had one once they had me breath into a paper bag to slow my breathing down. It has been over 15 years since I had one. I do believe it was the learning of meditative techniques that turned the corner for me.

    drkatiebug glad you are taking care of cough so it doesn't become more serious.

    Cheri good for you knowing your limits.

    Terri hope your pain starts to diminish. Prayers for coworkers sister.