

  • njamyb50
    njamyb50 Posts: 1 Member
    I am just starting on this trail, so appreciate the motivation and support

    I will hop in with my goals for July
    1. workout 45 mins day.
    2. drink 8 -10 glasses of water per day.
    3. be more consistent with journaling
    4. 40/30/30 - watch my carbs!

    I have 10 pounds to go!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,748 Member
    stats for the day:
    walk hotel 2 store, back w/hvy backpack - 1hr 43min 48sec, 3.7amph, 6.4mi = 407cal
    jog- 27.38min, 8.49av.pace, 6.8amph, 6.6-9.0speed, 5k = 331c
    walk hotel to cesears, cosmopolitan - 48.09min, 3.4mi = 264c
    total cal = 1002

    thank you all so much for the compliments, i really do mean it. today was overcast so the heat wasn't as direct if you know what i mean. it was windy too, kirby stayed under an umbrella and went to the local walgreens to get me a bottle of wine and water. we are at the room and he's having a pizza that he heard about from a place at the cosmopolitan. he says it's good. i'm not a pizza fan so i am having leftowver nachos.

    again, i thank you with all my heart for the compliments, love you all
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,526 Member
    edited July 2015
    Katla - yes they are several thousand people displaced because of the fires,

    Margaret - beautiful astilbe. I tried to grow one... but I think my hubby gave it a shot of roundup... I should never let him do the weed spraying! :(

    Did all the yard work today, mowed grass, trimmed with the wiper snipper, weeded and watered garden.... 15,000 steps and very tired.

    Good night everyone

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,402 Member
    From many pages back, thoughts that arose -
    MIA = why is drinking iced tea an issue? are you using real sugar? i switched to herbal tea plain.
    LISA - if you do any beading, please put up a picture, i'm trying to learn how to do beaded earrings off the internet youtube
    PENNY - where you live is so incredibly gorgeous!!!
    DJ - thank you for the jokes, am sending them on to others, so funny!
    TERRI - please, oh please put up a pic of your creations, they sound so pretty, please share

    kindof jogged 10 miles this am and survived. that means there is a possibility of doing a 1/2 marathon next year.

    someone please figure out a way for it to be legal for me to use a stungun or cattle prod or ? on a certain idiot male who does NOT comprehend that complaints and criticism simply don't improve anything.

    good night all
    LInda in Calif
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited July 2015
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    Only partly caught up on page 14… will sleep and check in tomorrow..

    Sue – I did not know morning glory was poisonous…

    Beth – happy Belated birthday!!!

    Pip – you and dh re-define packing light!!!

    Penny – “Which brings us back to your sweet-pea scented home. I must admit to a bit of sweet-peaness envy...
    (Sorry, couldn't resist.)” Did you hear me laughing!!!! Beautiful flowers

    Lisa – what a beautiful sunrise.

    Sylvia – Great NSV on the bracelet fitting and good shopping award for the deal!

    Alison – we have to find a way to get you a real holiday – with no one screaming at you, no swearing, no crap!

    Bathing suits and yo-yo dieting - so I have never had a 2 piece bathing suit, my mom made my bathing suits (and underwear) and they were always “appropriate” one piece – wide straps, and a skirt. I did have a team suit when I swam on a team, and it was an ugly but traditional one piece. I never really yo-yo’d as an adult I have only done 2 diets before now, lost weight each time and put it back on each time.. I have mostly been on a slow rise in weight, a few pounds each year…

    Vicki – how tough for you and your boss, others tragedies that remind us of our own tragedy seem doubly hard. You feel bad all over again, but also feel bad for feeling bad, as this is someone else’s tragedy.

    July Goals:
    Walk everyday –try to hit 180 miles
    1 plank every day and log here – goal more then 19 - 2
    Log everyday –
    Eat mindfully-
    Weekly fun things –
    W1 – Mom is here for the 4th, and we are going out to dinner –her treat!

    Kim from N. California
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning! I'm awake so thought I would use some of the time to catch up.

    Pip - I am so freaking jealous! Way too much baggy wrinkly skin to EVER consider wearing anything like that!!

    Thanks for all of the well-wishes. Mostly had a better day today. My daughter left this morning for VA for a day-trip to attend a college Methodist fellowship reunion. She was an hour late getting home (about 30 mins ago) which is one reason I am awake. I'm sure I will get to hear all about it tomorrow.

    I suppose I'd better try to sleep again.

    Carol in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well, all my kids of all ages are gone and the house is quiet once again. During our fireworks last night Little cat did hide under my dresser but came out easily, while definitely telling me all about what she heard.

    Janetm, You were able to say no to that red velvet cake!!! That is a NSV in my book. Glad you could have fun although it wasn't your cup of tea. My SIL knew where the exit was, it was just closed to due the Ohio River flooding. And then in downtown Louisville they had closures due to construction. Finally oldest grand daughter asks them if Siri could help. So daughter pulled out her iPad and asked Siri and it got them right on the interstate! I must admit, I have never asked Siri for directions before.

    Turk, the school is right across the street from us. That's why we built out house here. So we see a lot. I guess each city can write their own rules about how long in the evening. We will have to put up with fire works until after July 9th.

    Allison, welcome back.Sorry it wasn't everything you were hoping for. And then to go home and put of with the same old stuff. To bad he didn't learn anything from your absence.

    lisa,I love your snowflake. I bought 6 at a Christmas craft show one year. It didn't come with anything to hang it with so I just place it on there.

    Pip, you are pretty high up in altitude there in your room. Update, read you are one the 22 floor. Dear logical, intelligent husband of mine doesn't like anything above 3rd floor. He is afraid that in the event of a fire, all that stuff on fire will crash down on him.

    Grits, I also have sinus infection a lot. I went to an Eye, Ears and throat doctor once and he said my infections are different than others. I hope I can get this right, my nursing is rusty. Most peoples sinus infections are aroebic and are prescribed medicines like Ampicillin. Mine, and my daughters are anaroebic infections and he always orders Cleocin for us. Cleocin and Prednisone work wonders. Have you ever used a netti pot(spelling?)? They sound awful gross to me but my SIL swears by it. As far as using my CPAP, I have no idea how in the world I can use it while I can't breathe through my nose, but I do.

    Mary, Minnesota, Sounds wonder where you live. You are finally partially in your new home. YEAH!

    Linda IA, I have a FitBit flex now which I use in the water fine but when I had just the regular one, I just put it in a zip lock bag, squeezed as much air as I could out of the bag so it wouldn't show under my clothing and either put it in my swimsuit boob section or in my bra. I never got wet and worked fine. As far as it picking up steps, I had to keep it in my pocket. With my Flex, I have to take it out of my bracelet holder and put it in my pocket for it to pick up anything onmy bike. And the bracelet is so hard to put back on. So I usually just leave it on my wrist. I know I did the 10 mile ride. If it is going to help me lose weight or gain tone, showing up on my fit it is not going to help one way or another. I got along without it before and feel it isn't necessary to have those steps or calories burned show up.

    Terri, we used to go to Boston Market when we would visit our daughter in college. Then when my youngest and I flew to Philadelphia to see her husband, now ex, before he was deployed to Iraq we saw one and was so excited. It was in a college area of town and i guess the taste of the food wasn't that important. By the way, Philadelphia is not the city of brotherly love!

    Sylvia, even if your son doesn't get any back child support back, it will be on record how much she owes and will bite her one day.

    My two grand daughters are so different although they deeply love each other and you can frequently see the 8 year old sitting on the 13 year olds lap while watching TV. The 13 year old, soon will be 14, is now a typical teenager. Not excited about school starting, frequently has this look of how long do I have to stay in the company of these adults. I would rather be on my phone texting my friends. The 8 year old will hug anyone and start up a conversation about anything with anyone she can find to listen to her. While she was here she was working on developing several products using sticks, rubber bands and a propeller. I really need to find some kind of kit all about engineering or science for her birthday. Give her a rock and she will try to see what is is made of and why it looks different than the next rock. She would have a hey day in Michele's pool side. Both of them love to read books but if Ellie sees a Disney movie, she will immediately right as much of it as can remember an illustrate it. I particularly love her Rapunzel. She is so creative. I really look forward to seeing how they grow up and who they become. the little one in church this morning saw the children stand up and leave this morning after the offering was taken up. So what does Ellie do? She has only been there twice. So she just gets up and follows them and introduces herself and that I am her grandma. I talked to the Children's church leader after church and she completely participated with no hesitation. Just love them both to pieces. I feel so sorry for my sister. She had two children of which she calls them both an only child because they were so far apart, 8 years! Tome that's not far apart. The first, a son, is the one who lives here and sees them when needed like holidays. Her younger, a daughter, is so petrified of a pelvic exam she says she will never have children. She is now 34 and married to a blind, since birth, man who really doesn't do much at all. They live on his SSI and her part time job money. OK, I am done venting. Put that over in the pile. Oh BTW, I think it's getting pretty big, need to start putting in another corner now.

    Nite, nite, Joyce Indiana

  • KateKyi
    KateKyi Posts: 106 Member
    @LInda in Calif Love to see the beading you are doing, do you have the link? After you find a legal way for the cattle prod, can I borrow it from you. I have one of those male idiots too. Why do some men not feel compassion and only have facts they spout at you lol. At least mine apologies, I just wish he didn't do it in the first place.

    Despite having a wobbly weekend over eat my 1lb goal and not my 2lb goal, I am determined to get back to my 2lb goal calories. Meals all planned for today. Bike riding tonight.

    Happy Monday ladies
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Should have started reading much faster but I'm at page 14 so maybe can catch up tomorrow.

    Pip - I love the bright and cheerful swimsuit. You have such dedication, exercising while on vacation. I can only hope that I will do that too.

    Heather - Next year sweet peas will be planted here.

    Janet in NO - Thanks for the limericks.

    Chamblisk - If you are like me it is always a good day when the DC decide to spend it with me.

    Teri - Oh my, you poor thing!! "Forced" to drive a Chevy Colorado. Are you okay after that ordeal?

    Lillian - Are you getting much smoke? I have friends around Winnipeg that say they are getting a lot of smoke there.

    It was a busy Sunday. First, I had to work today (hate working Sundays),then DH wanted a drive in the country. DS barbequed the chicken wings and I did the go alongs. Supper was delicious. We took Chico to a nearby lake and it was a gorgeous walk. I so enjoyed listening to the songbirds. Then it was out to our friend's farm to check on everything. We stopped at the grocery store .

    We are trying to decide what to do with our vacation. We have crossed off quite a few destinations because of forest fires. DH really wanted to fish at Canoe Lake in Northern Saskatchewan but that's a no go.
    Saturday , we again had the DGC. DD was face painting at Settler Days in Coaldale. The Candy parade was quite short but the kids still ended up with a bag of candy each. We took them to the activities which at first was quite a shmozzle as there were 2 people co-ordinating and they definitely had differing ideas. I ended up doing line control, etc for the girls because the volunteers didn't show up for that duty (not as exciting as some). People can be so rude even when everything is free to them. One gentleman (using the term loosely) informed me that I was "stealing a childhood experience away from my kids" and that I was a cheat and a liar. This was all because I told him he couldn't go ahead in the line. We had a wrist band system with the times clearly printed. What a prince! Then there was the lady that went after my 12 yr. old DGS and said that she had stood in line for 40 minutes and he had refused to give her wrist bands. Wonder what line she stood in.
    Friday I took the DGC to Home and they both enjoyed it. Hard to find a movie that a 5yr old girl and her much older brother both enjoy.
    Should have been in bed hours ago
    Sharon in Lethbridge (Grateful we got a good rain last night)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,833 Member
    Morning my friends~
    had a good long sleep last night.. needed it... well after Steve came to look what he needs to do for the floor next weekend, we went to Wallingford about 20 minutes away and got the new range hood and extra stuff for the floor..
    the range hood that we put it, is faulty and we need to remove it and send the serial number sticker back to the company for a refund..
    it is muggy here and it is back to work today..
    My friends Patty and Marc were very happy with my job of taking care of there garden.. they said everything was sooo lush... so happy about that...
    next vacation wont be until December.. which is a bummer,but what can ya do?
  • justdenise1
    justdenise1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, just found this site and still thinking what my goals should be, will get up and running with goals, etc. later today when I have thought about it. Great to see so many people who are up and running for July, hope to join you all soon.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,379 Member
    Sharon - good job I wasn't doing line control!!!! I have a violent streak! :laugh:

    Joyce - I love your shining love for your DGDs. <3

    Tina - Woke up this morning at 4 am feeling a bit sad DS#1 wasn't coming. :cry: Didn't want to lie there agitating myself about it all, so decamped to my study and read for an hour and a half. Then slept until 7.45 which is really late for me. DH had slready got up and made the tea, which is my job! :laugh:
    I'm reading a book about one of my great passions (apart from food! ) which is the origins of early man and their spread across the globe. I adore anything anthropology/biology/archaeology. Lap it up. I also loooove a good biography. :love:

    Michele - The jam is a traditional one with equal sugar to fruit. As I hardly ever eat jam it isn't my problem. DH has it occasionally, but it's mainly for guests. That amount will last us well over a year, if not longer.

    Quiet day today with no son. :cry: There's a suspicious silence from my friend who is meant to be coming on Wednesday. :s:* I hope all that is ok. :ohwell: Nor have I heard from the people we are supposed to be meeting up in London on Saturday. :sad: Well, if it all goes pear shaped I will just get on with my book.

    JanetM - I would LOVE to find a publisher for my memoir, but I think the chances are not much above zero. You have made me think I might send it to a few just to see what the response is like. My old agent only deals with children's books, of which I had a lot published. Meanwhile I am just concentrating on getting 'black on white'. Have missed this morning's slot now, so will write this pm instead. I have written easier memories the last couple of days and will today. Darker stuff later this week when my potential visitor has gone. I still don't know how to open the discussion with my children. :ohwell:

    Must get in touch with my brother (again!) to arrange a meet up. Do people not want to see me?????? :sad:

    Barbie - I will try to remember "Don't take things personally". :ohwell:

    Love Heather in slightly cooler Hampshire UK
  • Gilly139
    Gilly139 Posts: 67 Member
    edited July 2015
    Poop - I agree with Sylvia and I have never worn a suit like that either, and you look so good in it!

    Joyce - aren't grandchildren wonderful? I am looking forward to going up to Wolverhampton to see my eldest granddaughter's prize giving ceremony at her school next week. It is her last year at this school. The two others are at the same school and will be participating in a play I believe.
    I have been so busy enjoying having the newest and littlest grandchild on my doorstep (nearly). I am making the most of seeing him as the others were such a long way away I only got to see them three or four times a year. When they were tiny, by they time they had got used to who we were and that we had come to just see them, it was nearly time for us to leave again. Then we had to go through the whole process again the next time.

    Although I have managed to read all posts, I have not taken any notes, just know that I am with you all every step of the way, (even if I am not doing enough actual steps myself). I have not even had time to go swimming :-(

    By the way, Congratulations to all the US peeps on 4th of July and the women winning the football.

    Gilly, Suffolk UK
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    @exermom - guess it was because I got my Mother' skin. My Mother had beautiful skin, no wrinkles even at 86 when she died. None over my tummy at all and yes, I feel blessed even though I gained 40 - 50 lbs with each child. I was terribly underweight each time I got pregnant. Finally, my weight is going down; and tummy going down, too - still no stretch marks from being 'mildly obese' according to my MD's records.
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited July 2015
    Happy Monday to those for whom it matters, and just happy thoughts for those for whom it's another day.

    Pipster - Good on you for wearing that bikini--you look amazing and deserve every compliment. I look best laying down as well, but have to tuck a few things over and under, and keep my elbows at my sides to keep the ladies from sliding right off each side... :wink:

    Thank you to everyone for the compliments on finishing the 5K. I was wondering this morning why I keep running, as my knees were pretty painful when I woke up. But then I remembered they hurt every morning before I started running as well. The difference is simply a matter of how painful, not how often. They're going to hurt anyway--and every single pound I take off takes four pounds of impact off my knees. Got to love force multipliers. And anti-inflammatories.

    Thanks as well for the comments on the quilt - and to Linda in California, there's a site Beading Daily where you can learn lots of stuff on beading... I'm going to add some to my thread snowflakes, I think, but found building bracelets out of beads to be fiddly and annoying. :) I can be a crotchety crafter. I'm OK with that.

    And someone asked if I machine quilt or hand quilt. When I began 30 years ago, I hand pieced and hand quilted... Now I'm purely machine. I do not (yet) free motion quilt. I haven't practiced enough to feel that my stitches look good. What I do now is use the patterned stitches on my Brother in creative ways to enhance the pieced panels.

    I bought the quilting Brother machine that I use with the first quilted item I sold a year ago - the stained-glass purse that I put up an image for last month, I think. I find myself hesitant to say charged my husband's boss $400 for it as a gift for his wife. Funny that we devalue our craft work. I designed it, I built it one piece at a time, but feel I overcharged, when I put a lot of my time into creating it. I was making more than $50 an hour when I was laid off at Cisco Systems two years ago... and put more than 8 hours into that purse, plus materials. It was definitely worth it to him, he paid without a moment's hesitation.

    Have to think about that some more.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    @jmkmomm - yes, I've tried a Nettie pot; and for some reason, I won't work on my right side of my nose; I have a deviated septum - which was something I was either born with or broke my nose at a later time and don't remember it. What do you mean by aerobic and anaerobic sinus infections? Mine start with a runny, drippy nose and I can take something like Alka Seltzer which will dry up my nose; but, then it goes directly to my chest and I try using OTC Musinex with Expectorant (with little help, other than my ears begin to stop up and I hack like a smoking truck driver - which makes my chest hurt. Usually, MD will give me Tessonlon Pearls which will soothe the coughing so I can get to sleep. Sat up in my chair until I finally fell asleep with my mask of my Cpap turned so that it would blow the air over my nose; but not having mask over my nose. DH work me up when he got ready to go to bed, saying if I stayed in chair in the position I was in, my neck would be hurting me by morning. The Musinex has only made me hack up some bloody yucky stuff and my ears feel stopped up. Calling MD this morning after running a low-grade fever all weekend. DDnL and the DGDs came over when they got back from beach trip and when they came in - I did not go into the kitchen area. I had to listen to what they said about staying with friends over the weekend from the den. Three more weeks till our DGDs' trip to St. Augustine, FL and then about another 3 more weeks till our trip to Louisiana to visit DYS and his family. I've just got to start feeling much better by then.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    I love reading everyone's posts! I am still struggling with depression and not feeling up to doing much but it is getting slowly better. I love that there are readers on this site- it is getting so hard to find readers. That is my biggest passion- reading. I don't think I would have survived my childhood without escaping in to books!

    Janetr- your joke reminded me of a person I met when I was in college. This man was a full professor of mathematics at the University of Chicago (one of the best schools in the country) at the age of 22. Really a genius. He did not know how to reconstitute orange juice. Totally helpless in anything not mathematics.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Lenora- aerobic bacteria thrive in o><ygen. Anaerobic bacteria thrive without o><ygen. Just two different types of bacteria that are only killed by certain antibiotics.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    I love reading myself. I had to really look for the 2.25 strength that my MD said I needed for reading. Most place skip from 2.00 to 2.50 (either too weak or too strong) after having both cataracts taken off eyes. Surprisingly, I have been able to find them at the Dollar stores.