

  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    edited July 2015
    peleroja wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »

    Thank you @Susieq_1994 for explaining speculoos!! Heaven in my mouth!! ❤️

    I think I could eat half a jar of that a day quite happily, if I didn't care about my body. It is SO GOOD. I've never figured out what to put it on besides a spoon though :lol:

    So true.

    Evil, calorie-blasting tip (I gave this tip way, way, way earlier in the thread and I'm pretty sure it was quiksylver who said she hated me for it... ;)):

    - Graham crackers or digestive biscuits
    - Softened cream cheese, a bit of sugar, vanilla, and a bit of sweetened condensed milk if you have any on hand. Mix well until soft.
    - Spread crackers with some cookie butter and use the cream cheese mixture as a dip. Instant cheesecake! ;)
    - Proceed to pig out and hate me forever.

    I don't think that kind of eating is in the cards for me, but it does sound good.

    It just occurred to me that it would be great on crisp green apples though, what with the cinnamon and all.

    That's what I've been putting it on! Except I ate it with pink lady apples :)
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Happy to have you back @riderfangal !!
    @Tubbs216 your new picture is pretty!!
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    Thinking about me as a little kid inspired me to dig these out:
    Past the bald-blob stage but I don't have any of those on my phone unfortunately, haha.
    Anyone have any of themselves?
    What a cutie pie!! I might have some old pictures of me on Facebook. Maybe I can figure out how to get them on here...
    If you right-click them and save the image url, you can just paste it in here like this:
    [ img ] [/ img ]
    but without any spaces.
    You're close! I think I can fix it. Here's @kecmw25:
    You did! How did you fix it? How old are those pictures huh?
    You were like a little doll! And speaking of dolls, I had a similar huge Raggedy Ann too. Kind of scary now, but it's funny how that stuff looks different to us now.
    Aww, thanks! I posted them to show someone how I looked at that age since I post so many pictures of my daughter on Facebook. Confession: I'm one of those moms :)
    I don't think you looked like a blob at all, you were adorable!!
    I love your avatar... need to look at that one. The Hey, you...don't give up, OK?
    I think that is great.

    I was going to make the same comment. Love that avatar!
    P.s. –I hope your knee is okay!

    @Italian_Buju thank you for sharing that. I'm pretty sure I have some tendencies, I do the repeated checking of my bag, I always used to eat all of one thing on my plate, although I have mostly managed now to stop doing that. I actually have a lot of weird things with food, which watching tv discovered a lot were things people with anorexia do, so I'm not sure how come I'm the size I am! I think a lot of mine are checking and ordering things, that I don't really realise I do. My mum knows if I've been round while she's out because if there's a pile of coins on the side it'll have been stacked in height order.
    I think most people have some tendencies that can be considered OCD like.....the main difference is the focus and obsession in doing the task. It is odd though that so many people can have tendencies like that.
    That worries me about the anorexia tendencies, have you talked to someone about that??
    No, I haven't, it's things like eating food in certain orders, and knowing the calories in everything. I can't remember the others, just remember when I watched it realised almost all of them were things I do. But I've never even made it to my goal weight (or even halfway!), so I don't really think it's something to worry about. Although I think that was probably when I started trying not to eat all my food in order.

    I have a lot of food I have to eat in a certain order too. Then there are things like pizza where I have to take all the toppings/cheese off and eat the crust first. Then I eat all the toppings last. I get frustrated because I do this every time and sometimes I just think I need to eat like a normal person. Haha

    I am exactly the same way with pizza and now I notice my son does the same thing haha
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    @Italian_Buju thank you so much for sharing this.

    i'm a hoarder. which i always have to quantify with "not like the ppl on the tv shows." they should have a hoarders show where the person has 30 jars of tomato sauce, 20 boxes of pasta, 100 rolls of paper towels, 120 rolls of tp, etc. etc.

    but as long as i keep my place relatively clean, instead of having a problem, i'm just a Super Couponer!
    Interesting you say that. When I've watched the show Extreme Couponers (NO JUDGEMENT!) I've thought to myself "They're just really organised hoarders".

    My sister has confided to me that she has hoarding tendencies. She buys things like school supplies because the sale at Staples was 'too good not to'. All her kids are long out of school, so she ends up donating them to schools in less affluent areas. She does the same with craft supplies. We have an 'arrangement' that I'll be the one to sort out her craft room if she dies.
    I sent her this:

  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Happy to have you back @riderfangal !!
    @Tubbs216 your new picture is pretty!!

  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @Tubbs216 your new picture is pretty!!
    Thanks! Hogwarts challenge is over now, so I needed something new. It's a picture of some cookies I made a while ago.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    hnsaunde wrote: »
    May not be appropriate for @Susieq_1994!

    Confession: I found out last night that a friend I used to work with has just been charged with second-degree murder of his wife, who has been missing since November. I'm having a hard time and am absolutely shocked, and still don't really believe it, even though the police quotes say he's been concealing the body at his home for the past 8 months. It just doesn't seem to compute at all against the person I remember.

    HOLY! That's crazy...I would have a hard time believing it too! That's insane!

    We must live in the same province, @hnsaunde. The murdered woman was a friend of a friend and my Facebook is blowing up this morning about this. From what I've read, you're not the only one who would never have suspected him...but I guess that's the thing about the kind of person who can do something like this, right? There's usually a personality disorder involved that means the person is a very, very good liar and a master manipulator.
    Wow, that's not far from me. I hadn't heard about it but just read the local news. How awful.

    Yeah, it was very much a shock to the arts community when she went missing, and now... I didn't know her personally but because I know more than one person who did I've been reading a lot about it and it is so, so sad and horrible.
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Thank you @Susieq_1994 for explaining speculoos!! Heaven in my mouth!! ❤️
    I think this is one thing I probably don't need to know any more about!

    Agreed! Did you make the cookies in your new profile pic? They are beautiful.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Thank you @Susieq_1994 for explaining speculoos!! Heaven in my mouth!! ❤️
    I think this is one thing I probably don't need to know any more about!

    Agreed! Did you make the cookies in your new profile pic? They are beautiful.
    Yes I did, thank you!
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Update on Skye: We didn't go to the vet today because she is seeming much better. She ate quite a bit of wet food along with a bit of her regular dry food. She had a lot more energy today too...she was up and walking around, following us from room to room and even played a little with my son's toys like she does on a normal day. Still keeping a close eye on her and will probably get her in for a check up this week just to be on the safe side...but I'm feeing much better about things as of now! :)

    I think that's a good idea, @Glinda1971!
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Thanks @Susieq_1994!
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Thank you @Glinda1971, @Tubbs216, @kellyjellybellyjelly, and @Italian_Buju! I just posted my results over in the Batcave. Final steps were 46,241 and mileage was 24.03. My hips are kind of sore from it so today I will take it easy.
    Oh and I also got some extra sleep which I have been trying to do... almost 8 hours last night!!!! That's crazy for me!

    That is so awesome! You definitely earned your July 4th foods yesterday:D.
    Well, thank you! And I DEFINITELY treated myself!!
    I also wanted to tell you that my Walmart FINALLY had Sam's Choice Coffee & Donuts ice cream that wasn't expired...and all I have to say is YUM!!

    Kelly I forgot to tell you that I bought Coffee & Donuts from my Wal-Mart a few weeks ago in June & it was expired in April. I didn't even think to check the expiration date until I bought some from the Grocery Outlet on Thursday & remembered you saying about your store. I still ate it & if I see anymore expired when I go back to that particular Wal-Mart I'll let someone know.

    That's so weird...I wonder if it's a regular thing for their ice, they don't sell as much of their brand or just don't keep up with checking the dates and removing them?

    Great to hear that Skye is doing a bit better.

    I am not sure if they don't sell enough of that particular flavor or if the workers just slack at checking expiration dates? I think it is a combination of both because I just bought some ice cream a few weeks ago & it had expiration dates in 2016. It is scary to think how long that has been sitting on the shelf to be expired.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Good morning all :)

    Thank you so much for your kind and supportive words, and the kicks up the backside, they are all very much appreciated. It has meant an absolute lot to me to have that support.

    Today I have left my pity party behind, and woken in a much more positive state of mind, with an absolute determination that I am going to Conquer that mountain. Training begins anew this week, and I will organise to go again and climb it. I'll do it in the day time, with no time constraints, but I will do it.

    And I am going to start marathon training so that I can go meet POF in nashville next year.

    Please don't be offended if I haven't replied to every comment or post personally, there is an overwhelming amount, but I have read every single thing that has been said.

    I am glad you're seeing the positive in your amazing feat & even attempting to climb a mountain. Awesome job on starting to marathon train & retraining to kick that mountain's butt the next time you climb it.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Thank you @Glinda1971, @Tubbs216, @kellyjellybellyjelly, and @Italian_Buju! I just posted my results over in the Batcave. Final steps were 46,241 and mileage was 24.03. My hips are kind of sore from it so today I will take it easy.
    Oh and I also got some extra sleep which I have been trying to do... almost 8 hours last night!!!! That's crazy for me!

    That is an amazing step count. I’m actually really jealous!

    Hi all, I am very sorry to report that I did not achieve my mountain climb. I was turned back by the event team at 800 metres/3 miles up on medical/safety grounds.
    Essentially, I did not have the mental/emotional reserves I needed to make it through the toughest part of the terrain, and physical exertion meant that I randomly kept falling over. Even while standing still.
    The climb/terrain in itself was horrendous. Huge big uneven boulders to be climbed over the entire way meant that no stride or rhythm could be set or achieved. However. I made it through the first check Point ahead of schedule, but faltered on the way to the second.
    I could make some more excuses. Such as the strain of being in the dark and having to keep head down so I could light my next step, or the difficulty in doing some bits alone, or that I did not enjoy a single step I took on that mountain, but I won't. It was a challenge that is beyond my current capabilities.
    In my heart of hearts, I can honestly say that I did everything I could in training and preparing for this challenge, until this last week, where personal events took over.
    The thought of all of you here, and letting you down kept me going for a long way and I apologise for letting you down.
    If you made a donation, you can apply for a refund via the justgiving website.

    You didn’t let anyone here down I’m sure. It sounds like it was a tough climb and you should just be proud of yourself for attempting it. It’s something I’ve never tried or even thought about trying so give yourself some credit. Maybe if you keep training you’ll be able to do more next time. I hope you are feeling okay. (HUGS)
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    @Susieq_1994 I hope you're feeling better soon!
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    Hi all, I am very sorry to report that I did not achieve my mountain climb. I was turned back by the event team at 800 metres/3 miles up on medical/safety grounds.

    Essentially, I did not have the mental/emotional reserves I needed to make it through the toughest part of the terrain, and physical exertion meant that I randomly kept falling over. Even while standing still.

    The climb/terrain in itself was horrendous. Huge big uneven boulders to be climbed over the entire way meant that no stride or rhythm could be set or achieved. However. I made it through the first check Point ahead of schedule, but faltered on the way to the second.

    I could make some more excuses. Such as the strain of being in the dark and having to keep head down so I could light my next step, or the difficulty in doing some bits alone, or that I did not enjoy a single step I took on that mountain, but I won't. It was a challenge that is beyond my current capabilities.

    In my heart of hearts, I can honestly say that I did everything I could in training and preparing for this challenge, until this last week, where personal events took over.

    The thought of all of you here, and letting you down kept me going for a long way and I apologise for letting you down.

    If you made a donation, you can apply for a refund via the justgiving website.

    I think you are amazing for making it as far as you did. A lot of people couldn't do what you did, and most wouldn't even attempt it. I don't think you let anyone down, and I'm hoping nobody asks for their money back. It is still for a great cause, and the money can still be used.

    Just because it's beyond your current capabilities doesn't mean you can't do it in the future!
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    Hi everyone!!! I'm surprised that there are so many pages to catch up on. I'm currently working on it. :)

    I had a good birthday. I actually got a swimming suit and swam for the first time in a LONG time. I swam Friday and Saturday before the storms rolled in. I got to see fireworks Thursday, Friday and Saturday (I love fireworks). I was able to eat bbq, s'mores and had a lot of fun. I'm sad it is over.

    My boyfriend did hang out with me from Thursday to Sunday. We got along well. Last night we decided to take a break and he is going to work on himself. I think it is a good thing. I finally think he understands how hurt my heart was/is. I'm feeling better at least.

    Sounds like an awesome holiday weekend!
    hnsaunde wrote: »
    May not be appropriate for @Susieq_1994!

    Confession: I found out last night that a friend I used to work with has just been charged with second-degree murder of his wife, who has been missing since November. I'm having a hard time and am absolutely shocked, and still don't really believe it, even though the police quotes say he's been concealing the body at his home for the past 8 months. It just doesn't seem to compute at all against the person I remember.

    Wow that is nuts! Where in the world was he concealing the body for that long? After watching a special about Ted Bundy a few weeks ago it was interesting to learn that mystery author Ann Rule & him were once coworkers.
    My weekend was great! My daughter came to visit on Friday, and she's not leaving until tomorrow. I'm making her go to the doctor in the morning. She's so depressed, I think she's cried about 25% of every day she's been here. It hurts my heart.

    We had BBQ pork steaks and fried potatoes on Friday evening, and a pot roast and homemade dumplings yesterday and brownies with ice cream. Yeah, I made some of the favorite comfort foods. We had fireworks at home Friday night and last night, and saw the fireworks in Nashville on the 4th. Also, we all drank too much that day. Ugh.

    Aw sorry to hear about your daughter.

    Sounds like you had a day of yummy food & fun.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    I cheated on Saturday oh how I cheated. I didn't even watch what I was eating and ended up over 2500 calories for the day. I felt absolutely horrible but it didn't make me stop because I at reeses pieces after. I absolutely wanted to puke when I got home.

    I confess today I binged majorly. I ate tons of ice cream, chips, & snacky snacks. Tomorrow is a new day & I will get up & try better tomorrow.

    My goal today is to read more of my NROLFW book & try not to binge anymore today.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »

    Thank you @Susieq_1994 for explaining speculoos!! Heaven in my mouth!! ❤️

    I think I could eat half a jar of that a day quite happily, if I didn't care about my body. It is SO GOOD. I've never figured out what to put it on besides a spoon though :lol:

    I've never tried the Trader Joe's version but I have ate the Lotus Biscoff spreads & usually I'll put it on a rice cake or eat it on a tortilla wrap & nuke it so it's soft. I also do that with Jif Nutella Spreads & then add ice cream on it.
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    I cheated on Saturday oh how I cheated. I didn't even watch what I was eating and ended up over 2500 calories for the day. I felt absolutely horrible but it didn't make me stop because I at reeses pieces after. I absolutely wanted to puke when I got home.

    I confess today I binged majorly. I ate tons of ice cream, chips, & snacky snacks. Tomorrow is a new day & I will get up & try better tomorrow.

    My goal today is to read more of my NROLFW book & try not to binge anymore today.

    Here is hoping you will finish strong today and carry that into tomorrow
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    Thinking about me as a little kid inspired me to dig these out:
    Past the bald-blob stage but I don't have any of those on my phone unfortunately, haha.
    Anyone have any of themselves?
    What a cutie pie!! I might have some old pictures of me on Facebook. Maybe I can figure out how to get them on here...
    If you right-click them and save the image url, you can just paste it in here like this:
    [ img ] [/ img ]
    but without any spaces.
    You're close! I think I can fix it. Here's @kecmw25:
    You did! How did you fix it? How old are those pictures huh?
    You were like a little doll! And speaking of dolls, I had a similar huge Raggedy Ann too. Kind of scary now, but it's funny how that stuff looks different to us now.
    Aww, thanks! I posted them to show someone how I looked at that age since I post so many pictures of my daughter on Facebook. Confession: I'm one of those moms :)
    I don't think you looked like a blob at all, you were adorable!!
    I love your avatar... need to look at that one. The Hey, you...don't give up, OK?
    I think that is great.

    I was going to make the same comment. Love that avatar!
    P.s. –I hope your knee is okay!

    @Italian_Buju thank you for sharing that. I'm pretty sure I have some tendencies, I do the repeated checking of my bag, I always used to eat all of one thing on my plate, although I have mostly managed now to stop doing that. I actually have a lot of weird things with food, which watching tv discovered a lot were things people with anorexia do, so I'm not sure how come I'm the size I am! I think a lot of mine are checking and ordering things, that I don't really realise I do. My mum knows if I've been round while she's out because if there's a pile of coins on the side it'll have been stacked in height order.
    I think most people have some tendencies that can be considered OCD like.....the main difference is the focus and obsession in doing the task. It is odd though that so many people can have tendencies like that.
    That worries me about the anorexia tendencies, have you talked to someone about that??
    No, I haven't, it's things like eating food in certain orders, and knowing the calories in everything. I can't remember the others, just remember when I watched it realised almost all of them were things I do. But I've never even made it to my goal weight (or even halfway!), so I don't really think it's something to worry about. Although I think that was probably when I started trying not to eat all my food in order.

    I have a lot of food I have to eat in a certain order too. Then there are things like pizza where I have to take all the toppings/cheese off and eat the crust first. Then I eat all the toppings last. I get frustrated because I do this every time and sometimes I just think I need to eat like a normal person. Haha

    I am exactly the same way with pizza and now I notice my son does the same thing haha

    That would be four of us then! I do the same.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    I forgot one other reason this attempt is being more successful:
    I have this super great community of supportive friends cheering me on.
    Yes you do! I am hoping this will also help me this time around!

    I think it might and I hope it does.

    Thanks for the positive thoughts, everyone. :) Unfortunately, I'm still going downhill--my leg function is now impaired and I can't walk or stand too well at the moment, but luckily I'm still able to (somewhat) get around so far.
    I was thinking earlier of how I could possibly explain the definition of an FND flare-up to you guys, and while any full description would be pretty lengthy, right now I'm at the point where I look like a sober person trying to walk on a drunk person's legs. ;)

    Oh no. I’m sorry that you are having problems. I hope you feel better soon.

    KylerJaye wrote: »
    AND I made my first talenti purchase today!

    I got my first one last Sunday. I got the Southern Butter Pecan and I liked it. What did you get?
    Sorry to hear about the crazy guy and meh guy…

    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    I confess that I usually eat the roll or most of the roll of a cheeseburger first & pizza I usually eat the cheese first.
    I scrape my toppings off my pizza and eat them separate from the crust.

    Twins :) I’m not alone!