July 2015 Running Challenge



  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    7/1 - took the 0-fer today after taking my wife to the ER at midnight, I slept in :/
    7/2 - 5 miles on a perfect morning for a run in DSM...you all should be jealous!
    7/3 - 4 miles
    7/4 - 7 miles, visiting in-laws, partial "trail run" through road construction
    7/5 - rest day
    7/6 - 3.1 miles; planned for 5 but got completely washed out by huge rain
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    7/1: 6.5 miles

    I'm really digging the new Saucony Ride 8s I bought on Tuesday. I've run 17 miles in them so far, and I'm loving the plushier shoe. They will definitely be a good shoe for longer distances, but I'll stick to Kinvaras for the 4-6 milers, I think.


    Love the Rides! I had the 4 when I first started working out / losing weight. More recently have had 6 and am now running on 7. I alternate between Rides, Brooks Ghost and Asics Cumulus...to keep from getting stale.
  • Runningmischka
    Runningmischka Posts: 386 Member
    @skippygirlsmom I admire you for running on a dreadmill in these conditions... I have to literally convince myself to run inside my perfect, brand new, well-equipped, perfectly air-conditioned wonderful sports center. Nope nope nope- outside runs is where Im happy. But a run is a run!!!
  • southernyogini
    southernyogini Posts: 55 Member
    Checking in! exercise.png[\img]
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    @skippygirlsmom - just read your hotel dreadmill story! Too funny...I have so been there. Did you at least have music?
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    I have to say it's been comical so far. The mill is actually a really nice one has it's own personal TV or music stations, I think somewhere there must be a port for headphones, but I didn't look since I had my nano with me. So many buttons, I just want to say start and run. Love the mountains here, here is a running trail at the bottom of them I need to go there one night after work and run.

    This is the view standing outside my hotel, that highway is route 10.. busy busy area.

    elp.jpg 58.4K
  • KOW75
    KOW75 Posts: 92 Member
  • toriraeh
    toriraeh Posts: 105 Member
    I want to thank everyone for their support so far! All the nice things you've had to say have been so helpful and seeing everyone's successes has been really inspiring. Keep up the awesome job, guys!!

    Week 4 Day 2 of C25K. Listened to some good music to get me through that last really rough five minutes, but I made it!

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    July 1 - rest
    July 2 - 3.75 run/walk combo
    July 3 - 5 miles
    July 4 - 5.76 miles
    July 5 - walked 5 miles in morning to scout out a place to do long run. Then walked another 6 all around the city.
    July 6 - rest


    @skippygirlsmom - oh gosh, you are dedicated! Sounds awful and I'm sure it didn't smell good in there with 80 degrees!
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    edited July 2015
    7/2 - 2.34 miles
    7/4 - 6.1 miles
    7/6 - 2.94 miles

  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    toriraeh wrote: »
    I want to thank everyone for their support so far! All the nice things you've had to say have been so helpful and seeing everyone's successes has been really inspiring. Keep up the awesome job, guys!!

    Week 4 Day 2 of C25K. Listened to some good music to get me through that last really rough five minutes, but I made it!

    @toriraeh, there are probably going to be times you hate running. Times you wonder why in the heck you're out there, why you're putting yourself through the pain, struggle and misery. I've found that those are the times that are key for me to take a step forward. If you can bear down and get through those struggles, you may surprise yourself with what you can do and what you can handle, and that will give you more strength and confidence, not just in running but in other aspects of life.

    I look forward to reading about more of your successes!

  • tdbernrd
    tdbernrd Posts: 510 Member


    7/1--glute exercises only
    7/2--1.7(treadmill PT) & calf stretches
    7/3--glute exercises only
    7/4--1.78(first outside run) & glute exercises(spelling corrected. yeesh.)
    7/6--2.2(treadmill) & glute exercises
  • LittlePinkShotgun
    LittlePinkShotgun Posts: 101 Member
    July 1 - rest
    July 2 - 5
    July 3 - 10.5
    July 4 - rest
    July 5 - 14.3
    July 6 - 5.2

    Total - 35
  • bbandme
    bbandme Posts: 90 Member
    Did 1.5 miles on the treadmill tonight before kettlebell class, another bit ticked off the target :smile:

  • truelight_photo_craig
    truelight_photo_craig Posts: 347 Member
    Adding 5k today...

  • briebee7
    briebee7 Posts: 224 Member
    Congrats to all that raced this weekend and even to those that got in runs!

    DATE ... MILES
    7/1 ... 5
    7/2 ... 5.5
    7/4 ... 10
    7/5 ... 10
    7/6 ... 2

    32.5 done/150 goal

    I did a 10 miler by myself early Saturday morning and then my mom asked me to run wither her on Sunday. I had a full day and told her I would run with her if we started at 5:45am. My equally crazy mom agreed! She must have really wanted to run with me. ;) It was fun though.
  • punkrockgoth
    punkrockgoth Posts: 534 Member
    Setting the goal of 20 miles this month.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,400 Member
    @briebee7 - wow back to back 10's! It is so great that you can run with your mom but I am not sure I could handle 2 10 mile runs!
    @bbandme - every little bit counts!
    @tdbernrd - glad to see you back running a little!
    @toriraeh - you are doing great! Keep at it with you C25K! Like @7lenny7 says, some days will be tough but stick with it and you will be amazed at what you can accomplish.
    @karllundy - glad you were able to get a few miles in before the rain got you!
    @HonuNui - sorry to see you have not been feeling well! Glad you were feeling better to get in a short run though!
    @skippygirlsmom - I have been chuckling all morning over your experience getting to and in El Paso! I have never been to El Paso but I am pretty sure I have run in that hotel gym... maybe in So Carolina :)

    I took the pup out for a nice long (4 mile) walk last night and as we were coming home I stepped wrong on the uneven sidewalk and tweaked my knee (there is a reason I don't run on the sidewalks!). This is the same knee I have a torn meniscus. It hasn't bothered me in over 2 years but just in case I iced it last night and it felt ok this morning. So I went for an early run figuring I would stop if it hurt. It didn't hurt and all was fine until I got up after working at my desk a bit. Now it is stiff and sore when I walk so I am back to icing again and will probably have to take a couple of extra rest days. I have agility class with the pup tonight which will be interesting if I can't run with him.

    07/01.....0.00.......0.00 - Rest
    07/02.....7.20.......7.20 - +Strength training
    07/03.....6.28.....13.48 - Easy
    07/05.....0.00.....25.66 - +4mile dog walk
    07/06.....5.54.....31.20 - +Agility

  • Runningmischka
    Runningmischka Posts: 386 Member
    I just realized my previous posts had June dates, not July. New mommy brain? :D


    7/1 = 5 miles
    7/2 = 6 miles @ 6 weeks postpartum!
    7/3 = weight training in the morning, 4 miles stroller walk
    7/4 = Rest day, holiday dinner with the family and a very cranky baby. Add a dog terrified by the fireworks, shaking, panting and salivating on my bed, and you get the whole picture of my 4th of July night. Breath in…Breath out…
    7/5 = 4 miles, hot and humid, but I needed it for my sanity.
    7/6 = 3 miles. Super hot, humid, yucky but an outside run it was!

    Now, who is excited for the US women's soccer win last night??? Go USA!
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    karllundy wrote: »
    7/1: 6.5 miles

    I'm really digging the new Saucony Ride 8s I bought on Tuesday. I've run 17 miles in them so far, and I'm loving the plushier shoe. They will definitely be a good shoe for longer distances, but I'll stick to Kinvaras for the 4-6 milers, I think.


    Love the Rides! I had the 4 when I first started working out / losing weight. More recently have had 6 and am now running on 7. I alternate between Rides, Brooks Ghost and Asics Cumulus...to keep from getting stale.

    I wish I could switch brands like that! But Saucony seems to be the only shoes that fit my feet in the toe box width and along the arches. Asics and Brooks make some really great (and pretty...) shoes.