200+ Summer Meltdown!



  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    Karen - Glad to hear that you and your family are safe.

    Kerry - I do like spin class, but didn't make it to the gym yesterday. I'm having some TOM problems that do not go well with sitting on an itty bitty bike seat for 45-60 mins. I know I need to pull myself out of this blahness, but it just feels more physical than mental. I know excuses, excuses.

    Kendal - Glad to hear you are still getting your cardio in!

    Lacey & Amy - Thanks for the suggestions and I've looked at my diet. I'm wondering if I need some red meat, haven't had any for awhile. I usually have a huge craving for it during my TOM and that seems to help. I just haven't this week. Probably sounds dumb, but it does seem to work.

    Lacey - Gaiam does sell fingerless gloves with sticky pads for yoga. http://www.gaiam.com/product/super+grippy+yoga+gloves.do I've seen them at Target as well. As for not taking your own advice, I'm guilty as well.

    Hallie - YES!! Sometimes it's a good thing I'm speaking with people over the phone so they don't get hurt by my death glare.

    Jenn - There are several yoga positions I can't get into because of flab, but I've noticed a significant improvement in my flexibility just in a few weeks. You should give it a try.

    Nava - I'm sorry to hear you are probably going to have surgery, but it sounds like the doctor is good. Some don't cover all the less invasive solution before going directly to the knife. I know it can be extremely scary, but if can relieve your symptoms, or at least some of them, it can definitely be worth it. My wife had have brain surgery last year and was ready to put it off, but almost all of her symptoms were relieved and now says she would do it again without a second thought. Do you know how soon he wants to do surgery?

    Annette - ROFL = Rolling On the Floor Laughing. Memorial Day is a US holiday dedicated to the memory of those individuals that have given their lives for our country. As for the cravings, I'm not sure how severe they are and how clean you are eating on your good days, but I've found that there are some things I just have to give myself on a regular basis or I will be in trouble. I LOVE my chocolate and the occasional dessert. When I first started eating healthy, I cut those things entirely. Big mistake! I now allow myself a little bit of chocolate or small/low-cal dessert each day, i.e. low cal chocolate pudding cup (60 cal), no sugar added ice cream sandwich (100-140 cal). If I'm craving chips I try to find some healthier chips (i.e. air baked) and make sure I measure/count out a serving and put the bag away before I eat them. Obviously, this is more difficult to do if you have problems with binging (if this is the case, I would recommend seeking advice from others with more experience with that particular problem). Remember that this is a lifestyle change, events come up and who doesn't want a piece of their own birthday cake? Just be smart about it, savor a few bites of something REALLY good over a ton of not-so-good-tasting stuff. If you like to bake, try finding healthy substitutions and/or recipes. Those are my two cents!

    Check-in for Thursday... 2054 cal burned / 1372 cal consumed / 682 cal deficit - No exercise, overslept and didn't eat my final meal of the day either. I'm still not feeling 100%. I'm off the next three nights, so I'm hoping to take care of myself, re-group, and go back at it next week. Not a whole lot else going on. Have a great Friday!

    Edit: Are there any other night-shifters on this thread? If so, how do you count your calories? Midnight - midnight or from when you wake in the afternoon/evening to when you go to sleep in the morning/afternoon?
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Annette- I second what Katie said. :smile: Glad you got your signature working

    Nava- sounds like you have a GREAT doctor, especially since he already looked at what your insurance would cover.

    Katie- My suggestion is midnight-midnight logging because mfp resets cals every night and it would be confusing to try to keep a running total if it gets reset in the middle. Unless there is some setting you can change so it won't reset in the middle of your day.

    I found the strength to push through yogaX last night. I was so proud of me. I even attempted the half twisting crescent moon crazy poses.....though I have to admit I skipped parts of the vinyasas (I'd just do the upward and downward dogs, then go into runners pose, skipping plank and the part where you lift your leg and swing it through). Oh yeah, I also completely skipped crane last night.

    Yall remember about a month ago when I beat my brother in a race outside? I had taken my shoes off because they were slick bottomed and ran on the sidewalk....yeah, I still have foot pain after my runs because of it. But I'm too stubborn to go to the doctor about it. I just started training for the Warrior Dash and I don't want to have to wear a boot or something for the next 6 weeks. I'm thinking its something like a hairline fracture...who knows though. If it still hurts at the end of August I will go get it looked at. lol
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    Weigh in for this week - 223. Only lost one pound but I'll take it given my "slip up" weekend last weekend. Oh, and my work has started an 8 week Biggest Loser challenge, and I'm super excited. I thought it was funny because the co-worker that is organizing it looked at me and said "You have to start at your weight now, not what you started at." Lol. I wouldn't cheat, but it put a smile on my face that my weight loss is noticeable. :happy:

    Sorry I've been failing again at replying to everyone. I seem to go through waves of being able to and not but I'll try to get to everyone soon!
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Annette-I have that problem sometimes, if I completely deny myself everything. Like Katie said, I have to allow myself a little bit of "not so good" foods here & there. The longer I go, the less of it I want, so it's a progression. Eventually, I hope I won't want it at all! But for now, I try to find "healthier" versions or recipes of what I'm craving. I even read an article once (I have NO idea where anymore) about when satisfying a craving, you get the food. You look at it. Study it. Smell it. Take a small bite. Chew it. Concentrate on texture/flavor, swallow. Then wait. Think about how that bite made you feel. Make it like a 2-3 minute process for EACH bite. Sometimes, by the end of 1-2 bites...I'm good & the craving is gone & I can put away the rest. Sometimes...I eat it all. But it's getting more to the put it away than it used to be!

    Crystal-but you had a LOSS, even with a slip-up! So that's just awesome anyway! I was lucky enough that my Biggest Loser challenge at work is what got me started! LOL! So all of that "easy" beginning weight is what won me $50 Amazon card!

    Kendall-yay for pusing though yoga! And don't wait to get it looked at. Yes, maybe a boot, but if you wait...could be worse, then your Warrior Dash will have to wait even longer!

    Nava-sorry to hear surgery, but hopefully it will get things on track for you! I was on website yesterday that had articles on the side of it about diets for people with thyroid issues & foods that actually make it worse (broccoli being one of them). Really surprised me. It was on LivingStrong.com but I don't remember the name of the article.

    Katie-my hubby works 3rd on Thur-Sun nights. He was counting ALL of Thursday til he went to bed Friday AM as a day, which always made it hard for him to stick to his calories, as there was an extra 2 meals in there for him. I finalyy got him to count it as food eaten on that date...counts on that date in the diary. So if after midnight...new diary! It was the only way he was staying under, b/c on Monday...he had next to no calories, b/c he was only counting lunch & dinner...so he'd "binge" on snacks, saying he had extra! And Sunday was hard b/c he wakes up for church, so he eats an acutal lunch...so the date thing is all that kept it right for him.

    Suzie-feel better soon & lots of liquids will help with fever & flushing out your body! :o)

    228 even this morning on the scale! Not a big loss, but a loss! I'll take it! :o) Let's see how well I "behave" this weekend on water, b/c I swear, I don't eat worse, I just drink less water, so on Monday..up! Tuesday, when I've had my day before at a desk w/my thermos...down! Blah! Ok, work time, seriously!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    ugh. My high school latin teacher still hasn't responded to my email. And I know he's been on facebook cause he's posted since I sent it to him. I found an online translator that says "Sum Fortis" means "to be strong" and "EGO sum validus" means "I am strong." FML. The internet is great and all, but I need something concrete to figure this out. I think "fortis" is the word I want though:

    fortis -e physically , [strong, powerful, robust]; morally, [brave, courageous, steadfast]
    validus -a -um [strong , powerful; healthy, well; mighty, influential]; of medicines, [efficacious]

    and this translations comes from a site that is run by the Univ of Notre Dame. it also says that "sum" means "to be." The thing I remember about latin is the last part of the word tells you what the noun should be.

    oohhhh I just found a website that will give me a translation (with proper punctuation, an mp3 of how to correctly pronounce it and a couple suggestions for how to draw a tattoo) for $30. (with a 24 hour turn around time)

    or I could just get them to translate it for $20.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Annette, I'm totally with you on the eating like crap thing. For me its a "I was good all week, now it's the weekend WOOHOO!" mentality and I totally need to get over it. The only tip I can give is that if you really want something bad, a great option is to share with someone. BF and I will sometimes get a crazy craving for mexican food, but we always order one thing and split it. It's way satisfying in the end because both of us know we didn't do as badly as we could have, and we also don't feel disgustingly full at the end. Also, ditto on what Karen and Katie said. If I want chocolate, I'll buy a bar and eat two squares. For me, it's gummy candy that's my weakness, so I'll eat one or two a day and it lasts forever.

    Katie and Kendal, he totally seemed like a good doctor. Referred to him by my endocrinologist. I think I will be going through with it, not sure when though. My June is a bit of a mess with travel for work, so I may see if there's any way he can do it in the first week of June, I'll be better in time to give training on June 9th, then at the end of the month, I'm scheduled to go to the UK to do an audit... or in the alternative I could just wait till July.

    Karen, I'm going to have to find that article! That's interesting about broccoli. I hate the stuff, funny enough. (I just rhymed) The only form in which broccoli is acceptable to me is in broccoli rice casserole. I managed to figure out a healthy way to make it with brown rice and laughing cow cheese, but if it's bad for me, perhaps I should stay away!

    Kendal, go have your foot looked at! Foot injuries are not to be messed with. I've never had one, but I know from coworkers and aunts, and best friend's moms that if they're not treated right, they could become a reoccurring problem.

    Weigh-in for today is 219.2! Yay, the teens! I guess TOM got over it and decided to let me lose some weight this week. That being said, I'm going to try super hard to log more of a loss over the weekend. Holiday weekends are always difficult, and we already have one appointment for grilling with some friends, but that's the easy part.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hi all! I weighing in today at 198 (that's a 0.2 pound loss but I'm on my TOM so any loss is a good one). I've been busy all day with running errands and cooking so this is the first time I've gotten to sit down all day. One of my errands was buying a new pair of jeans and guess who bought a pair of size 12 Levi's that fit perfectly????? That would be ME!!!! :bigsmile:

    Nava: Weekends are super tough for me too! We've got a BBQ on Sunday and I kind of don't know what the food is going to be like. I know that I'm bringing fruit salsa and brownies as well as some veggie burgers for the grill, I'm crossing my fingers that I can keep everything reasonable.

    Kendal: That's cool that you can get it translated for you for $20. I'd do that if you're itchin' to get inked soon. I also agree with Nava that you should get your foot checked out. I got a severe case of plantar fasciitis in my left foot a year and a half ago and it STILL hasn't gone away. It's better but not gone. Get yourself checked out!!!

    Karen: Congrats on the loss this week!

    Crystal: Congrats on your loss too!

    Katie: I've never thought of the logging challenges that those on the night shift have to deal with. I think I'd got from midnight to midnight as that's how MFP keeps track of the days.

    Annette: I think I agree with the other ladies that you have to allow yourself a bit of what you're craving so that you can avoid bingeing on sweets.

    Lacey: I never really found that my legs were sore after the leg workout. No idea why. It's definitely hard, I just never got sore.

    Suzie: feel better!

    Victoria: I NEVER knew I was supposed to rub my scar!!! Thank you, thank you for that info! My cardio-thoracic surgeon just told me to leave it alone and it'd heal nicely (of course, this is the same dude who cut me at a bit of an angle so the massive line I'll have down the middle of my boobs for the rest of my life isn't even a straight up and down line - I know that's a lame thing to be concerned with but it was the first thing I noticed once the drugs backed off enough for me to be upright). The part of the scar that lives under the middle of my bra flattened out and lightened up (I guess cuz my bra was rubbing it all the time) but the part between my boobs is horrid! Thank you!!!!!!!
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Has anyone ever wanted to punch someone in the face multiple times? Yep, that's how I'm feeling now!

    Yes. Totally. 100%. I however have got to the completely irrational and immature level of wanting to nutpunch people. Even if they don't have nuts.

    LOL - Lacey, you are describing what I commonly refer to as punching a chick in the taco. :laugh: Mean and a little abrasive? Yup. I like it.

    Weighing in today at 192.4 - down 1.2 from last week, which rocks. Since Chris has started using MFP like 2 weeks ago he has lost 10 pounds... 6 last week and 4 this week. I'm a little jealous. I miss those big loss weeks early on.

    I rolled my butt out of bed at 5 this morning to do yoga. I REALLY wanted to sleep. I got up into wheel (ahem, Amy) for the second time which felt awesome, but I can't hold it the whole time. And Lacey I totally agree, I love the way plough feels, but I HATE looking at my stomach. That's the one exercise I do not want Chris to see me doing, because I'm sure I just look awful and fat doing it.

    I also went for a run last night... did 2.1 miles straight running (IN THE RAIN!) and then did a couple of speed bursts to get me home, total of 2.6 miles. I think Chris is thinking I have totally lost my mind, but I am totally going to do the Detroit 1/2 marathon. I can't stop thinking about it, so now if I don't do it, I will have already failed. Now I just gotta take the leap and register. (insert superawkwardnervousface here)

    Nava, that stinks that surgery is in your future, but it sounds like the Dr. really knew what he was talking about and is looking out for your best interest. I'm sure everything will go well and thank goodness for good insurance! And your BF is right, scars ARE bad@ss.

    Kendal, (p.s. I am SO sorry for consistently spelling your name with two "Ls" on the end. I suck.) I have a a friend who is basically a genius and taught Latin at Michigan State while she was in grad school. I just sent her a text asking her to properly translate "I am strong." I will get back to you when I hear from her. And way to go on rocking out yoga at 9:30 last night, AND getting all the way through it. You are a superstar. How's Mr. Reunion? Oh and you should definitely go to the doctor for your foot. I dealt with tendonitis in my right ankle to the point that I could hardly walk before I went to see and orthopedic surgeon. They got me a walking cast (a boot while I totally spray painted red and gold to look like Iron Man - it is awesome) and I wore that for 8 weeks. Every now and then from running the pain will flare up again, and if I ice it and wear the boot for even a day or so, it totally works it out.

    Karen, I feel ya on drinking less water over the weekend! I've gotten a lot better about it because I got a water bottle that I love - its a CamelBak better bottle with the bite valve on it. It seriously is like a bottle for grown ups. Plus mine is navy blue with birch trees and birds and snow on it. It rocks. So now that I have it, I drink way more water simply because I like having it with me.

    Crystal, yay on the loss and good luck at the Biggest Loser challenge at work! You'll do great! Work just asked me if I would be our store's Wellness Captain, so now I'm in charge of implementing all of the better health initiatives in the store. I'm thinking about getting pedometers for everyone so we can track miles walked as a group and have a map for walking across the United States, and then I can give tidbits on places we "stop" at along the way.

    Katie, I'm sorry to hear that you are still not feeling all that awesome. Hopefully TOM wraps up and things can get back on track!

    Annette, your garden sounds pretty awesome, I'm super jealous. I think we have all been there on wanting to binge on crappy food after eating well. Its in our nature to want to reward ourselves, and in this case the logical reward is to eat the food you are craving. I agree with everyone else - don't take out stuff that you can't live without, just eat less and not as often. I still drink Diet Coke a couple times a week, and still let myself have the other things that I love like beer or wine or cream cheese, I just eat them in moderation! Then again, I think its different for everyone - you gotta figure out what works for you.

    Melissa, I love how many Michiganders we have on this thread! Glad to have you! Where abouts in Detroit are you? I'm in Lansing, and really love the Tigers so we try to get down there a couple times during the summer. Haven't yet this year.

    Lacey, there are some moves in the p90x legs/back workout that kick my butt, like single leg wall squats or sneaky lunges (only because Tony makes you do so effing many of them), but I'm not overwhelmed with pain on the majority of it. How was ab raper (lol) this time around? I still have a hard time with crunchy frog, mostly because my hip flexors are always super tight and it just HURTS.

    Suzie, GET WELL SOON! :flowerforyou:

    Victoria, good luck with the garage sale! I have never done one because it seems like so much work!

    Jenn, yay for end of school coming up! That's exciting! Do you have big summer plans?

    Amy, heck yeah you're sporting size 12 Levi's! That is super super awesome news, and you totally deserve it. When are you starting Insanity Asylum? Next week? I'm excited to hear about it!

    Ok, I'm caught up! Now off to do some work I suppose. Its supposed to be rainy and crappy here this weekend so apparently we won't be doing any fun outdoor activites... I'm bummed about that, I really wanted a big awesome bike ride.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    ok ok, you ladies have convinced me to go see a doctor....now which doctor do I see? A podiatrist cause its my foot or an orthopaedist cause I think its the bone?
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Check in for yesterday: 3053 burned/2142/911 deficit. I think its a bit on the burn side, but the decific is still good even if i subtract 10%. I'm not having a sugary snack at night any more...mostly because the protein shake and dinner and WAY enough...but I notice this week I am hungry when I get out of bed. I never used to get that. Maybe its because I'm trying to eat more often and smaller meals through out the day too? Anyways, I've been eating a graham cracker and pb in the morning on the way to work to quench the hunger!

    Kendal - from running, or falling twice this winter in those Jambu shoes or something my right foot and ankle and effed up. I think its a tendon thing, I can feel it in the middle of my foot, up my ankle and it is highly uncomfortable. I was watching Deadliest Catch this week and one fisherman basically said the same symptoms and he couldn't barely walk. It ended his career...so I am right there with you on needing to go to the dr but not wanting to go because I just started this freaking P90x. SIgh... Id say Podiatrist.

    Kerry - ab raper is better. When the frog thing comes up I don't lift my legs off the ground yet. I am to the point now that I can lift them a bit but not much. And that straight leg sit up v up thing? I'm only doing the sit up part.. but I've got the 30 degree thing going. Can't do 25 of them, but its a progression right?

    Nava and Amy - I had a trachiotomy when I was 2, so I've got a scar at the base of my neck that is about an inch and a half long across my throat. I feel ya on the scar. It doesn't bother me, I've had it almost all of my life...but most people are afraid to ask what it was from, as if I'd had my ****ing throat slit by someone or somthing. LOL.

    I wish I had more time to respond to everyone, but I can't right now. I've got massive amounts of work to do today, so its my goal not to get back on here until 11. That is two hours. It will be dreadful.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Nava-yay for the teens!

    Amy-size 12's!! Woo hoo!! *happy dance*

    Kerry-awesome loss! And the running...wow! I keep telling myself to get up early & exercise...then I sleep til my kids wake me up (not that 630 is late mind you)! I love my thermos...I drink more out of it than I did water bottles...when I remember the darn thing! I call it mom-i-tis. The more kids you have, the more memory power they suck out of you...and I have 3...so yeah, forget it!

    Kendal-I think I hit & miss on the L's in your name! Sorry!! I'll try to remember that it's just one! :-( I'd say a podiatrist would be best. They'll know the bones OF the foot pretty well too. Is type of Dr my stepmom goes to for her stress fractures (dress shoes on concrete floors for 12+ years...not good!).

    Victoria-good luck with yard sale! Reminds me that our church is having one on the 11th...and I don't have my stuff sorted...eek!

    Lacey-maybe a protein-ish (that a word?) snack before bed. You still get your snack, don't have AM munchies, and might get closer to that protein count every day! (I like almonds, though lots of cals!)

    Nava/Amy-I have my own scars...one right on top of the other, but I'm afraid nobody's ever gonna see them. B/C I don't care if I get a six pack & have a 25 in waist...no bikini for me! (Not like that'll happen, but you get the point). I had both Aaron & Melodie by C-section. And a vertical cut at that...so from just below the belly button is a straight line down...that just as it became a thin white line...got cut open again! Yay! Thus another reason I'll NEVER have a six pack anyway! ROFL!

    And it's SLOW here. We're caught up...paperwork stack is kinda low. Thank goodness I go home in 2 hours, but I get to find BUSY work! Ick!! I don't want to sort through reports as old as I am!! (No, I'm not kidding, they were written the year I was born!!) Well, at least there's a 3 day weekend after this. Then the boss will be off next week, then my 4 day weekend for my bubby (Aaron is bubby, just FYI). Yes, I'm typing random things, b/c the boss is at lunch & I REALLY don't want to sort through that crap!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    The sun is pseudo shining enough through my tiny window in my office that I am finding it hard to work. Really its grey clouds that are bright from the sun behind them, but its just enough to play tricks on me. I'm b-o-r-e-d.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    thanks for the advice ladies. I tried to call the podiatrist (3-4 times) and I kept getting the receptionist's voicemail so I called my regular doctor and scheduled an appointment with them for next week. They have an xray machine in their office so at least it'll be a start. I've never actually seen my primary doctor, I've only ever seen the nurse practioner and I love her. She's cool.
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Kendal, awesome that you are going to see your doctor... that was where I started with my foot, and she referred me to the orthopedic guys. Oh and I got a text back from my friend... she said "Fortis sum" would be best. I trust her implicitly, but I completely understand if you want a second opinion.

    It seems like there a couple of us who desperately do not want to be at work right now. Karen, I WISH my pile was super small, but alas, it just keeps getting bigger, and yet here I sit, reading up on stuff on here.

    Lacey, heck yeah its progression on ab raper! I couldn't do the complete v up roll ups when I started either, and now I can totally do all 25. I also when I started had to keep my feet on the ground during mason twist... now I do 20 with my feet up, 10 with my feet down, and 20 with my feet up. Good times!
  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    hey all

    im going to weigh in at 194lbs...
    my goal is 2lbs a week.. Y classes start up again on the 6th...

    my kids are officialy on summer break... and god help ME... its only day one and im ab out to kill the oldest...
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Kerry-the piles of daily work are what we catch up on. Technically, we're YEARS behind on entering dispositions & sending them to the state, but we're trying to get rid of some stuff, so we're shredding misdemeanor offenses from before 199..something. Which means going through them by hand. I did August of 1978 today....in 40 minutes. We WON'T get caught up that much next week. It's Click-It-or-Ticket time in KY, so EXTRA citations....and a holiday weekend...so I expect to have a huge pile. It was a rare break to get to do busy work. We used to get to it every week, but about a year ago, we had a girl quit & they decided not to replace her....so what 4 people used to do...now it's 3. FUN!!

    Kendal-glad you've at least made the appt. Sometimes your DR can get you into the specialist so much faster than you can get in yourself anyway. :o)

    MrsM...we have 3 more days of school...then I'm sure my kids will be on that same list. The oldest b/c he will want to be back in school. LOL! He's asked his Grannie (my mom) to assign him "homework" over the summer. So she's bought him a workbook to work on...and he'll actually do it! Weird kid, I know!

    Well, Aaron lost his baseball game, but he's OK with that. To him, it's all about getting to play! I hope he keeps that attitude! He's told me he wants to try football in the fall. Eek, that just scares me! But I guess he's gotta pick for himself! Ahh, now to enjoy my quiet. The boys went with Momaw & Popaw...Melodie is asleep....I hear my bathtub & candles calling my name! TTYL!!
  • innerexp
    innerexp Posts: 32 Member
    Amy, thanks so much for the feedback on the fitness games- greatly appreciated!

    I hope everyone has a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend!

  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    Hey everyone. So I weighed in today.... lost a whopping .2! so, this means that I am STILL at 229. Will it ever go away?? lol!! It is annoying, but then again I do not work out a whole lot, so I cant complain. I need to bust my *kitten* more. I need some motivation...... Better luck next week for me!
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    Has anyone ever wanted to punch someone in the face multiple times? Yep, that's how I'm feeling now!

    Yes. Totally. 100%. I however have got to the completely irrational and immature level of wanting to nutpunch people. Even if they don't have nuts.

    LOL - Lacey, you are describing what I commonly refer to as punching a chick in the taco. :laugh: Mean and a little abrasive? Yup. I like it.

    Weighing in today at 192.4 - down 1.2 from last week, which rocks. Since Chris has started using MFP like 2 weeks ago he has lost 10 pounds... 6 last week and 4 this week. I'm a little jealous. I miss those big loss weeks early on.

    I rolled my butt out of bed at 5 this morning to do yoga. I REALLY wanted to sleep. I got up into wheel (ahem, Amy) for the second time which felt awesome, but I can't hold it the whole time. And Lacey I totally agree, I love the way plough feels, but I HATE looking at my stomach. That's the one exercise I do not want Chris to see me doing, because I'm sure I just look awful and fat doing it.

    I also went for a run last night... did 2.1 miles straight running (IN THE RAIN!) and then did a couple of speed bursts to get me home, total of 2.6 miles. I think Chris is thinking I have totally lost my mind, but I am totally going to do the Detroit 1/2 marathon. I can't stop thinking about it, so now if I don't do it, I will have already failed. Now I just gotta take the leap and register. (insert superawkwardnervousface here)

    Nava, that stinks that surgery is in your future, but it sounds like the Dr. really knew what he was talking about and is looking out for your best interest. I'm sure everything will go well and thank goodness for good insurance! And your BF is right, scars ARE bad@ss.

    Kendal, (p.s. I am SO sorry for consistently spelling your name with two "Ls" on the end. I suck.) I have a a friend who is basically a genius and taught Latin at Michigan State while she was in grad school. I just sent her a text asking her to properly translate "I am strong." I will get back to you when I hear from her. And way to go on rocking out yoga at 9:30 last night, AND getting all the way through it. You are a superstar. How's Mr. Reunion? Oh and you should definitely go to the doctor for your foot. I dealt with tendonitis in my right ankle to the point that I could hardly walk before I went to see and orthopedic surgeon. They got me a walking cast (a boot while I totally spray painted red and gold to look like Iron Man - it is awesome) and I wore that for 8 weeks. Every now and then from running the pain will flare up again, and if I ice it and wear the boot for even a day or so, it totally works it out.

    Karen, I feel ya on drinking less water over the weekend! I've gotten a lot better about it because I got a water bottle that I love - its a CamelBak better bottle with the bite valve on it. It seriously is like a bottle for grown ups. Plus mine is navy blue with birch trees and birds and snow on it. It rocks. So now that I have it, I drink way more water simply because I like having it with me.

    Crystal, yay on the loss and good luck at the Biggest Loser challenge at work! You'll do great! Work just asked me if I would be our store's Wellness Captain, so now I'm in charge of implementing all of the better health initiatives in the store. I'm thinking about getting pedometers for everyone so we can track miles walked as a group and have a map for walking across the United States, and then I can give tidbits on places we "stop" at along the way.

    Katie, I'm sorry to hear that you are still not feeling all that awesome. Hopefully TOM wraps up and things can get back on track!

    Annette, your garden sounds pretty awesome, I'm super jealous. I think we have all been there on wanting to binge on crappy food after eating well. Its in our nature to want to reward ourselves, and in this case the logical reward is to eat the food you are craving. I agree with everyone else - don't take out stuff that you can't live without, just eat less and not as often. I still drink Diet Coke a couple times a week, and still let myself have the other things that I love like beer or wine or cream cheese, I just eat them in moderation! Then again, I think its different for everyone - you gotta figure out what works for you.

    Melissa, I love how many Michiganders we have on this thread! Glad to have you! Where abouts in Detroit are you? I'm in Lansing, and really love the Tigers so we try to get down there a couple times during the summer. Haven't yet this year.

    Lacey, there are some moves in the p90x legs/back workout that kick my butt, like single leg wall squats or sneaky lunges (only because Tony makes you do so effing many of them), but I'm not overwhelmed with pain on the majority of it. How was ab raper (lol) this time around? I still have a hard time with crunchy frog, mostly because my hip flexors are always super tight and it just HURTS.

    Suzie, GET WELL SOON! :flowerforyou:

    Victoria, good luck with the garage sale! I have never done one because it seems like so much work!

    Jenn, yay for end of school coming up! That's exciting! Do you have big summer plans?

    Amy, heck yeah you're sporting size 12 Levi's! That is super super awesome news, and you totally deserve it. When are you starting Insanity Asylum? Next week? I'm excited to hear about it!

    Ok, I'm caught up! Now off to do some work I suppose. Its supposed to be rainy and crappy here this weekend so apparently we won't be doing any fun outdoor activites... I'm bummed about that, I really wanted a big awesome bike ride.

    Hey... I live in Livonia, not sure if u know where thats at. Im just outside of Detroit. Also, I should add that I would also like to punch a few ppl in the face!!!!!!! lol!!! My kids dad would be at the top of my list!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    Hi all,

    Many thanks for the wishes. Cool to hear that you are rooting for me.. even though I still feeling measly... and am not being able to be there for you all:frown: FEVER NOT GONE YET!!!!!!:explode: I am resting a LOT & am getting tired... today started scrubbing all corners of my apartment caz I am getting tired of not living in clean quarters:frown: Though doing it in phases... I need even grocery basics as after my shower yesterday.. thought I would make a run.. only was too exhausted & crawled back into bed:sick: No milk, soy milk or almond milk in the house.. those are basics that I cannot survive without. I am planning to make it to the grocery store tomorrow.. if I have to crawl there:)

    BTW.. I am going to PASS on weigh in AGAIN:embarassed: caz I am refusing to get on the scale... no exercise, with low energy the urge for comfort foods is huge.. though due to sufficient healthy snacks I have been able to keep the comfort food monster at bay.

    Now to the Good news:bigsmile: NSV - I was feeling that the size of my thighs had gone down a bit.. so I decided to measure myself.. last time I did that was 3-4 weeks after joining MFP.. & I am down 9.5 inches.. all together... on each thigh 2.5 inches:smokin: Also, it highlighted the fact that I need to bring in more core & upper body exercises To really achieve an over all reduction. It was an uplifting news & makes my want to jump up ( as soon as I can shake this fever) & be back at exercising even more so now!!!!

    Achieved this because of you:flowerforyou: had it not been for the inspiration I get from seeing you live your lives with such commitment to becoming a healthier you... I would NEVER have even tried & persisted in this achievement. So HUGE THANKS to all of YOU:drinker:

    I am planning to come tomorrow & catch up with everyone.. but in case a few are not here.. have a FABULOUS WEEKEND:love: Suzie