Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    Just an update to say that I am starting week 3 of my step challenge. I've made goal every day so far. (Week one--13k per day, Week 2-- 14k per day) Today was very busy at work so I got over 10k alone there, then came home and cut my grass which gave me the rest. I'm up to 15k per day now, I currently have taken 16,474 steps today, day one. I still cringe at the 17-20k weeks coming up.

    Yesterday I went kayaking, we were on the water for over 10 hours. I was so sore last night and my wrists continue to ache today. I go for an EMG tomorrow to see how severe my carpal tunnel syndrome is... fingers on my left hand are tingling now as I type, and the pain in my hand kept me up last night. The funny thing is that my wrists don't tingle/go numb any more when I kayak like they did when I first started last year. But they sure do ache after. :(

    @Kaye ... wonderful pics of you and your family.
    @Laurie ... sorry to hear about your dad once again. Hope you get some rest.
    @Robin... I had no idea there was so much to see and do in Omaha. I pictured Omaha Nebraska as a bunch of little towns between miles and miles of farmland. (probably got that from TV or movies) I enjoyed your pics.
    @Skinny... I'm in Ontario, Canada... about 7-8 hrs from Chicago. I'll keep that event on my radar. Who knows..
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    @lauriek70 - I can sure feel your pain about not getting enough sleep. Even when DH goes to sleep early I lay there for hours with thoughts racing through my head. Today I came to work and I hope to be able to make it every day, but I am so tired I can only sit and stare cross-eyed at the computer. Medicare is dragging their feet on everything, and I haven't been able to do any of the calling or running around I need to do to follow up on the other leads y'all gave me. I try to talk to DH about someone coming to help get things done and he's dragging his feet, wants to get things done HIS way, or not at all. Grr. Well, no time for personals, just wanted to ck in. Quiet weekend at home caring for DH, didn't even watch the White House fireworks, which are always spectacular, esp. on a big screen tv. <sigh>. However, we did watch 2 movies this weekend, Chappie (ok) and The Kingsmen (awesome). So that's something.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I am still here and thanks for the all the well wishes. I did sleep a little longer last night and getting ready for bed again tonight. Dad is doing better but still in the hospital, he will return to the rehab center upon his release. This does not make him happy but he still needs to work on his walking.

    Karen- I would love to come to Chicago for the 5K race. That would be so much fun.

    Hope everyone has a good week.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie, tanya, and lori-- I will keep an eye out for when registration opens for the Shamrock shuffle. Once everyone knows who's coming, I can start looking for hotels near Grant Park. It will be so exciting if you guys can make it out for the race. :)

    @tracy (goins)--sending good thoughts your way.

    @tanya-- I'm so impressed with all of your activity, especially considering the injuries you're dealing with. Would love it if you can make it out next March!

    @niki-- I'm also holding on by the skin of my teeth, but am glad the scale isn't going up considering my food choices. Today was the worst day yet. Impromptu party at a friend's to visit with another friend who was in from NJ. Haven't seen him in at least 20 years, and I ate and drank to many calories at the party. To top it off, I didn't even walk gunner today b/c the skies opened up just as I was planning to take him.

    Tomorrow I will do better.

    July Goals:

    Run another 8k (Thanksgiving 2014 8k = 56:49, NYE 2014 8k = 57:47, 1/25 = 55:41; 2/28=55:15, 3/29 = 59:15; 5/9 = 59:16; 6/22 = 59:10)

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--gardening DONE
    Mon--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Tues--walk gunner+ gym
    Wed--walk gunner + PT
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--walk gunner + PT
    Sat--walk gunner + gym

    2015 Mantra = Just 15 minutes
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Does anyone have a Magic Bullet ... or a Ninja ,,, a blender would also work ...

    I made the most wonderful fruit slush/loose sorbet type dessert tonight that I just had to share. I don't use any added sweeteners in my fruit .... So this was ... 1/2 cup frozen raspberries, 1/2 frozen banana, 1 cup very cold water (from the fridge) all wirred together. So good and refreshing. Just the thing to top of a dinner on a muggy evening.


  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    RobinsEgg wrote: »

    here's some pix from Sedona - cabin, patio (we put up birdfeeders) and the mountains

  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    tlh0407 wrote: »
    Lori...Emma is 100% Native. Mostly Lakota Sioux but has some Chippewa and Cherokee in her too. She's known she's Native American her whole life and have talked about basic things. Sometimes she wants to be white like the rest of us, but sometimes she's glad she's "special."

    We've always said we'd let her take the lead on how much she wants to embrace her heritage. Michael's aunt was a teacher on a reservation and bought her a star quilt. We have things in place that if she wants to become a tribe member when she's older, she can. For now, we are encouraging her to read and learn what she wants. There is a major pow-wow in Bismarck in September of each year. Last year, when we asked, she showed no interest, but this year she wants to take in the festivities.

    I'm Blackfoot and a tiny bit Inuit. I wish I knew how to access more resources for tracing my family and the customs. I love that you are offering her that.

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    A good day and I am catching up on my sleep so no napping today. I did make it to a step and sculpting class this morning and that was a good workout with very confusing steps. Then this afternoon with the heat I went for a 3.5 mile walk with a friend. It was a good walk through a local park so it was shady in places which helped.

    Goals- I am still working on losing 10 pounds this summer, I want to get back to the 180's and stay there. I did see a positive sign this afternoon as the scale dropped to 195 today. I just hope it stays there or goes lower. Tonight I need to figure out my exercise plan for the next month or at least a couple of weeks so I can stay on track.

    I hope everyone has a good week.
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    Awesome @LaurieK70 - you can do it! You are so active it will probably just take a little tweaking on your diet to do it. Good job!
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Good evening all.
    Came here to dump a bit of a load, thanks for being here for me once again.

    I am tired, sore, over worked, under appreciated and just not in a good place.
    Sister is on vacation for a few days and I am at the store alone. Did a huge amount of paperwork today so that felt good. Did not get much sewing done the last couple of days.
    Hubby is being his usual charming self and I am rather tired of it all. Getting closer to just packing a bag and walking out. Leave everything behind except my clothes.
    I just would love to have people in my life who will pull their own weight. Clean up after themselves, pay their own way, do their laundry. You get the picture.

    Did a great workout today and feel really good about that. I have not had much time to do any training. I am still feeling pretty good about the race on Sunday. I am pretty certian I will be OK with whatever happens. My race buddy dropped out. I am going anyway. Weigh in - I was up 2 pounds.

    @tootsanderson - Do you know which Blackfoot and Inuit tribes you are from? You can contact the tribes and they may be able to help you find records. I found a great deal of information on Once you start filling in your family tree you would be amazed at what you can find.
    As far as customs go when I visited the Museum of the American Indian I was amazed at what is out there. And that was the small branch museum. Someday I want to go to the big one in D.C..

    @tlh0407 - Pow Wows are great for cultural exposure. I wish my parents had done more of that when I was younger. But my father was raised on the reservation and wanted to do all he could to escape. All of the tribes in Emma's lineage have an active culture, museums, tribal centers and gatherings are all available.

    @skinnyjeanzbound - Just letting you know. I know is is a small chance for you to make it to the race Sunday. But I wanted to let you know that immediatly after the race I have to drive to Eagle River with a friend. So I will not be sticking around post race.

    @NK1112 - I have a machine called a Yonannanas. Put in frozen bananas and any other frozen fruit and it comes out with the consistency of soft serve ice cream. It is heavenly but way too many carbs for me. So I do not really use it very often. I did use it almost daily when I did Weight Watchers because fruit is free there. Maybe that is why I stopped losing then.

    @tanya949 - I love your step challenge. You are doing so very well. Keep up the good work.

    My goal for the rest of this week is to try to find something positive about my life every day.

    Love to all,
    Lori <3
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @lori-- Sorry you are stressed and feeling under-appreciated. I know you've been actively working to improve your relationship with your husband, so it must be frustrating when he reverts back to the old behaviors. Thanks for letting me know about your after-race plans. It's doubtful I will make it, but I'll PM if I can make it.

    @laurie-- Awesome that you are seeing the scale move down! My only progress thus far is that today I finished off the chocolate ice cream I bought at Trader Joe's on Saturday, so at least it will no longer tempt me. :0 Fortunately, I also bought some healthier all-fruit popsicles, so that will be my "ice cream" from this point forward.

    AFM--The weather was beautiful today, so I took gunner for a long walk and then ran 2.6 miles outside. My mapmyrun app wasn't working properly though b/c it said I finished the run in less than 22 minutes. When I looked at the splits, it said I completed my first mile in under 6 minutes-HA! In my wildest dreams. It clocked my 2nd mile in just under 9 minutes--also not probable. The pace for the last .6 was in the 11 minute range with is probably correct. Not sure what was wrong with it.

    I also got the rest of the patio weeded and a bit of one of the garden beds. Still a lot to be done though.

    Tuesday Goals:
    I have a few for the week--
    1. Bathroom floor cleaned and tile sealed (still)
    2. Backyard flower bed weeded, edged, and plant some new flowers
    3. Go to Ulta to pick up shampoo/conditioner
    4. Clean wood cabinets/surfaces in kitchen
    5. Drop off clothes to GW

    July Goals:

    Run another 8k (Thanksgiving 2014 8k = 56:49, NYE 2014 8k = 57:47, 1/25 = 55:41; 2/28=55:15, 3/29 = 59:15; 5/9 = 59:16; 6/22 = 59:10)

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--gardening DONE
    Mon--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + run outside DONE
    Wed--walk gunner + PT
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--walk gunner + PT
    Sat--walk gunner + gym

    2015 Mantra = Just 15 minutes
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    Hi all - early morning post, just making it to bed. Have appts until late in the day today so will have to take another unpaid day off. I thank God my manager is very flexible and kind.
    Am posting from my iPhone so no personals. Goals for this week:

    Wed. - walk 1 hr. Shouldn't be a problem with all the appts. Do resistance band exercises 30 min. Get some sleep!
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    Dang iPhone! Cut off half my post!

    Thurs - Sat goals: make it to work all 3 days. Walk 30 minutes. Elliptical at gym 15 minutes. At or below cal goals w/out eating exercise calories.
    Sun. - get some sleep!

    Have appt w/ PC Dr. on 21st - goal is to be at or below 197 by then (40 lb loss) - only 3 lbs to go!
    Tracy (TX)
  • beedeezer
    beedeezer Posts: 7 Member
    Wednesday wish! I wish my fiance didnt have to live so far away for work
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Wednesday wish. That everyone here finds a moment of peace and happiness today.
    Love to all,
    Lori <3
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    I have had a couple Cherry tomatoes and a Big Boy is ripe today so maybe a BLT tomorrow? The little garden is starting to put out!
    I have been not eating well, many extra serving and lately popcorn is my weakness. I am going to weigh Friday to see the damage but in the mean time going to try to start walking if my calf will not act up again.

    just a short note to keep my place, so Glad you are all here and echo some of my trials and joys.
  • beedeezer
    beedeezer Posts: 7 Member
    Thursday - something off my chest day - im glad a certain someone quit work! Nice lady but bad to work with. And Im disappointed i wont be able to rest on my holiday end of july. Its going to be crap ill be working with my man. Itll be really hard to eat well. No electricity. No shower. Thunder box for a toilet. (Google it if you must - awful things ). Its either love or insanity!
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    I didn't plan on a run today, but that's what I did on the 2nd half of my walk. My lungs protested at first, then I got into a good rhythm and my legs started to tire. I'm sure its all in my head... I was having that inner battle between stop and go. In the end I ran more than I had planned, so that's good. One thing is that my feet don't hurt when I run, but when I walk the balls of my feet hurt, it's especially hard at work climbing stairs to people's door steps and the first steps after getting out of the car, which I do a lot.

    I had an EMG test done on my wrists yesterday and they confirmed (what I've known for over 15 years) that I have carpal tunnel syndrome (moderate in the left hand, mild in the right). My doc will get the results in about a week so I will have to decide (and not let him decide for me... I still need a new doc, ugh) what to do. I would like a cortisone shot to keep pain free for the summer(should last about 3-4 months) then have surgery to fix it after that... and if that falls about 2-3 weeks before Christmas I'd be off at THE busiest time of year for a postal employee.
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Thanks to all the well wishers on my marriage. I am in northern my state and really enjoying it so much. Jim and I garden almost everyday. At the farm I am restoring a perennial garden beat an old shed that I am slowly turning into a studio. I am hoping this will inspire me to start writing again. The weather here is nice and we've had lots of rain so all is green. Have been really sloppy about logging and planning but seem to be holding my own weight wise. I didn't realize how much depression contributed to overeating. However I need to get down to business about losing the extra weight I've been carrying for so long. My goal is to start a walk each day and to workout at least twice per week at curves. Hurt hip dancing butits doing better. Posts r so encoraging
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    I am so heartbroken today that I cannot stop crying, and I want to eat cake and ice cream until I pass out ... but alas, there is none of either in the house and I don't trust myself to drive to the store to get some ... so I'm sharing my pain with all the MFP posters on this thread because you are my friends.

    I was in the grocery store this afternoon when my cell phone rang ... it was my brother-in-law and I could hear that he sounded like he was fighting tears. Immediately I thought something bad had happened, at that it must be my sister he was calling about ... but no, he went on to tell me "I have very bad news, my son Michael, was in a bad car accident today and he is in Strong Memorial Hospital. They don't expect him to make it and are looking into honoring Mike's donor sponsorship. We'll call you when we have more news."

    My nephew was placed on life support until he became brain dead and then my sister called to tell me he was being taken into surgery to harvest what they could. This nephew was my sister's first child, he was 54 this past April. My sister and her husband had another son, who would have been 50 had he not passed away in 2004.

    I cannot image the pain my sister and brother-in-law, and their remaining children are experiencing today and will carry with them for the rest of their days. I know that I am completely devastasted. Today is also the birthday of my own granddaughter, who is 15 today.
