

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    @DJ Myrtle Beach, SC - Take care of your back. Hope it gets better quickly and is just a fluke and not the dancing. Maybe some stretches before and after the dancing? Sleep well.

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2015
    Annr wrote: »
    Ok newsflash!!! I am CRANKY! Gained 3 lbs, and I know I am to blame! Rec'd some big @$$ chocolate chips from the food bank, and used them to make cookies from heaven, but feeling like I have back-tracked so much! And yes all my sentences end in a !!
    Plan of Attack~
    -Eat more cleaner, less cans and boxes, more cooking, dicing and chopping!
    -Drink more water
    -get up earlier and WALK
    -Exercise like a WOMAN WITH A MISSION!
    -Eat first then fix for others, if I am hungry.

    So I feel jealousy, anger, tired, and I want to follow thru with things. I am all talk and no action these days. I need to walk the walk. Ok ranting and whining over. Phew!

    Becca by the Beach that is a #1 class VENTER.

    Ok, did you get it all out? Good job. Now put all that frustration into a nice long walk in the morning and curse those nasty cookies every step of the way. I have a wonderful sign on my fridge that reads "Exercising would be a lot more rewarding if I could actually hear the calories scream as I'm burning them". Picture that in your mind, smile as you go. You've got this. We believe in you. (((hugs)))

    Janetr7476 OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    @Linda/IA - "I know that I have never "wanked" on an escalator, but in my younger days, I may have drunk myself to Bolivia. Does that require a passport?"

    Oh yes, passport definitely required. Someone will need to know where to "mail" you home. :)
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2015
    As of today, 33 day of "honest" logging on MFP (even if I had to go back and add to it the next morning). Today I went to an hour water aerobic class, we had a substitute teacher and she literally worked our tushies off. Later in the day I rode the stationary bike for 30minutes. My husband is wondering what the heck has gotten into me. I'm loving it, have muscles that I didn't know lived here anymore and bones that I was sure had "jelled" years ago. What a trip. Thank you all for the motivation and encouragement. If I get to my goal by the time I go to the bariatric surgeon, July 20, I think I'll go for 5# increments at a time and see if I can go a bit lower. Sleeping much better too. I'm hyped :)

    Janetr7476 OKC
  • metallaxi
    metallaxi Posts: 17 Member
    Good moning all
    31 days today on MFP. Stable weight, but continue with my plan to see what happens

    Evangelia from the Greek islands
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Annr wrote: »
    Ok newsflash!!! I am CRANKY! Gained 3 lbs, and I know I am to blame! Rec'd some big @$$ chocolate chips from the food bank, and used them to make cookies from heaven, but feeling like I have back-tracked so much! And yes all my sentences end in a !!
    Plan of Attack~
    -Eat more cleaner, less cans and boxes, more cooking, dicing and chopping!
    -Drink more water
    -get up earlier and WALK
    -Exercise like a WOMAN WITH A MISSION!
    -Eat first then fix for others, if I am hungry.

    So I feel jealousy, anger, tired, and I want to follow thru with things. I am all talk and no action these days. I need to walk the walk. Ok ranting and whining over. Phew!

    Becca by the Beach that is a #1 class VENTER.

    Ok, did you get it all out? Good job. Now put all that frustration into a nice long walk in the morning and curse those nasty cookies every step of the way. I have a wonderful sign on my fridge that reads "Exercising would be a lot more rewarding if I could actually hear the calories scream as I'm burning them". Picture that in your mind, smile as you go. You've got this. We believe in you. (((hugs)))

    Janetr7476 OKC

    THAT is an AWESOME QUOTE!!!! I have some hard cardboard mats that I have spray painted with chalkboard paint....THAT will be in my kitchen by tomorrow!!! Thanks for putting my setback into proper perspective....right on the FRONTAL LOBE of my BRAIN :smiley: Becca
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    quote from Barbiecat: "Becca, success is inspirational and disaster is inspirational, so your cookie disaster has inspired you to stay on track and be a woman on a mission....this journey is a matter of life and death."

    The important thing is that I am paying attention, and learning from this caloric enhanced hiccup! Thanks Barbiecat for lacing it with a bit of seriousness....its very true, this IS about life or death.

    I know that my quality of life will improve. My knees will stop aching, my belly will wear a smile on the inside, instead of on the outside. My goal is to be willowy, and walk thru this world with grace. That is my mantra. Now I have to lead my body to make the decisions that will make that mantra happen.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Lisa, it seems like you really know your body and your diet. I just wish my sister in law had stuck to the plan when she had her surgery. She stuck to it so well at first and looked fantastic. Then she got a divorce, stopped taking supplements and correct food and became a skeleton with bed sores. They had to reverse her surgery and she ballooned up to twice what she was before.

    Penny, you look fantastic, just 'faaaabulous'. I'm like the others, I have never been to something as formal as a states dinner.

    Yvonne, I was told that every so many years that you have to reregister for the no call list. But I think these computer scam guys have my number and will continue to call.

    Carol, Ga, I think when Mom died, we all got something like $50 after everything was paid off. I ave used old clothing before in my quilting. So no telling why some one might buy hemmed up clothes.

    Miriam, your grandmother was a hoot! How in the world was she able to put the one single but humongous boob in both cups?

    Allison, will insurance pay for you to see a dietician regarding your specific needs/ I am sure there is a forum like this one somewhere? I did find this http://forums.homedialysis.org/threads/842-Low-phosphate-and-Nocturnal

    DJ, my DBIL (some times the D is not for dear) doctor gave him a big shot in his butt and a prescription for an oral and a nasal antibiotic. So I hope he is covered.

    Terri, Milwaukee, my husband once told me that he wasn't aware that you had to wash your hair when you bathed. They came form a very poor family and pretty much everyone had to use the same bath water. His Mom even bathed the kids up until high school! That's just bad!!! So eventually his dad told him he had to wash his hair. They just used Dial soap. His Dad is 1/2 Cherokee and to his death had a very thick head of jet black hair and he always thought the Dial soap was the key to keeping his hair thick. No wodner he didn't have a date in high school!!!

    Pip, I missed your comment but have found enough references to it now. I think I know why everyone here thought it was just Pip being Pip!

    Lenora, my brother was a lifer in the Navy. He was on a nuclear sub and the two teams would be in rotation about every 4 months. As a lifer, he was used to a very regimented life and so when he would be off the sub, he would go home and expect that very regimented life. Then 4 months later it's back to Mom being both parents. No wonder their 2 sons were a holy terror.

    Michele, thanks for the reminder about the picture frame. Yes, that frame was fun to all of us. I think we got it at a Hallmark store. Quite a lot of the clothes I get at Christopher and Banks are 'lay flat to dry'. Drives me crazy. I don't have the courage to put them on a delicate dry cycle. And since most of these are my winter sweaters, I have no idea how long it would take them to dry.

    tuliplor, how yummy looking! Send some over to the rest of us.

    Evangalina, good to hear from you. I have thought about you with all the things we have been hearing about Greece right now

    I do eat an occasional frozen meal at times. I like the WW Smart choice. My carbohydrate level is set at 45 gm/meal so I have to really watch for that.I have found about 3 that I can work into my diet. Since the only other carbohydrate I have for lunch is an apple it is workable. The sodium is OK since my doctor wants me at about 2300 mg/day of which I rarely make. Well tonight I tried frozen pineapple tidbits with my yogurt. I made the mistake of just freezing the individual cup which has the juice in it. I tried to freeze the concoction after I mixed it up but I guess one hour wasn't enough. Plus I pulsed it to long so it was more like a smoothie and didn't have the little bits of pineapple in it. But it was still good. As I was eating it I tried to think of other fruits I could put in with the pineapple but that would really put my carb level to high.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Quick check-in before I pack the car and drive to town to pick up my husband at the airport. We leave for the US tomorrow. I've thoroughly enjoyed the discussion of hostas and all the pictures. I tried to plant some here but they didn't survive the second winter. I'll try again when the area around the house is more settled and I've prepared a proper bed for them.

    I woke up to a gloriously sunny day. Out on the blue, blue fjord a southbound cruise vessel was shining like a bride, all white. Of course I thought of Heather. (Because of the cruise, not the bridal whiteness.)

    There are some posts I want to respond to but I don't have time just now. I'll be back as soon as I have a chance.

    This thread is addictive!
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    On page 25 but am no longer understanding what I am reading.
    Mary - I'm sure the 11 yr old can help you with the music/ipod

    Penny- Unorthodox? Maybe, but I like your boquet

    Carey - Sounds like your reunion was a good time.

    Heather - You looked great for the tea dance. The fascinator is well.....fascinating.

    Lillian - Thanks for the info. I think I will just stay out of Northern Saskatchewan.

    Talk to you all tomorrow
    - Sharon
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,753 Member
    Good Morning my friends~
    slept pretty well, but up at 2:30 :# on my unpaid day off mind you.. and alot of stuff to do today...have a load of laundry in the wash.. have to grocery shop, going to check the davita website for recipes for myself.... have to stop at Lowes again.... call the boneheads at designer appliances to see if I can get my money back.. there is no serial number on the range hood we had installed and took out again. so will have to have a go around with that..
    then both dogs to the vet,one for annual check up,one for rabies shot I think and poor Homer I think has an ear infection he keeps shaking his head and trying to itch his right ear..
    Pip~ you and Kirby look like your having a ball.. but Holy Heaven's to Betsy I couldn't justify spending that kind of money on water or drinks... but I guess that is just me I am cheap :p But you both deserve that and more...
    well off to look at recipes ... wish me luck
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Since my depression reared its ugly head, I had not done much more than the bare essentials this past week. Well, yesterday at physical therapy it showed. My therapist always has me start off on the NuStep, five minutes at hardness level 8, since he wants me to build muscle without using the joints too much. I could barely do it and could barely stand afterwards! THAT should help motivate me to get moving again!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2015
    Lagopus wrote: »
    Quick check-in before I pack the car and drive to town to pick up my husband at the airport. We leave for the US tomorrow. I've thoroughly enjoyed the discussion of hostas and all the pictures. I tried to plant some here but they didn't survive the second winter. I'll try again when the area around the house is more settled and I've prepared a proper bed for them.

    I woke up to a gloriously sunny day. Out on the blue, blue fjord a southbound cruise vessel was shining like a bride, all white. Of course I thought of Heather. (Because of the cruise, not the bridal whiteness.)

    There are some posts I want to respond to but I don't have time just now. I'll be back as soon as I have a chance.

    This thread is addictive!

    Have a safe and wonderful trip. I totally agree, this thread is addictive. We all have thoroughly enjoyed your pictures and informative tales of your home. How long will you be in the states?

    Janetr OKC
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Good Morning my friends~
    slept pretty well, but up at 2:30 :# on my unpaid day off mind you.. and alot of stuff to do today...have a load of laundry in the wash.. have to grocery shop, going to check the davita website for recipes for myself.... have to stop at Lowes again.... call the boneheads at designer appliances to see if I can get my money back.. there is no serial number on the range hood we had installed and took out again. so will have to have a go around with that..
    then both dogs to the vet,one for annual check up,one for rabies shot I think and poor Homer I think has an ear infection he keeps shaking his head and trying to itch his right ear..
    Pip~ you and Kirby look like your having a ball.. but Holy Heaven's to Betsy I couldn't justify spending that kind of money on water or drinks... but I guess that is just me I am cheap :p But you both deserve that and more...
    well off to look at recipes ... wish me luck

    @grandmallie - Ear mites will also make a dog shake his head. We always put some rubbing alcohol in our dog's ears and then squished his ear together to loosen up the mites; then take a cotton ball and clean out his ears. Mites show up as looking like 'dirty ears'. They drive a dog wild because no amount of 'scratching' relieves them. It is a monthly (sometimes 2x) to get them where they are not bothered by them. Some dogs (such as hound dogs or being in that class) are more susceptible to them because their ears hang down. But, all dogs have this issue - mites look for a nice warm spot and inside of their ears is just that. When you take your pets to the Vet; he or she can show you how to clean your pet's ears out. I don't go so far as using a Q-tip in their ears, I let the Vet do that cleaning part; but, keep them as clean as possible between visits.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Walking at the big indoor track was wonderful yesterday. Not only did they not kick us out, they came out and welcomed us! They could not have been nicer. The building manager told us that once school starts the hours of community members will be from 9-11 am, but now in the summer nobody is using it so they don't mind when we come in. The track is some special kind of rubber stuff that feels great to walk on.

    Shopping with hubby didn't amount to much. We went to the AAA store and got travel books and maps for our trip, then to Walmart to buy a new road atlas. It was raining cats and dogs, so we were reluctant to go in and out of very many places.

    Last night I did four loads of laundry, cleaned up a little and ran the dishwasher, so everything will be done when we get back. Except of course the clothes we take on the trip. I hate coming home to a mess. Hubby was no help cleaning up though. He just sat there watching his political shows on tv while I ran myself ragged. I started to get a little annoyed, but reminded myself how much other stuff he does to help me. The lady load of laundry is in the dryer now.

    I made some chicken breast in the crock pot overnight, and will shred it and put it in a container to take on the trip. I like to have that, so I can pull it out of the cooler and make a tiny sandwich (Kings Hawaiian Rolls) along the way and not have to get fast food. And I have lots of fruit to take, and some hard boiled eggs for my morning protein. Normally I snack on baby carrots, but the day I had my last colon blockage I had been eating lots of carrots and now I'm a little bit scared of them.

    Well, I need to get going. Have a great day!

  • jlann55
    jlann55 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm a newbie this is my 4th day here, just wanted to wish you all success in your journey and my goal is to keep on track with my food journal and move more, ... it's soggy and hot here in Ohio... Julie
  • tuliplor
    tuliplor Posts: 51 Member
    Good morning to everyone... I'm pretty excited because I've finished my first week of "the food changes" ..lol! I lost 3 pounds of my 10 pound goal. I have realized that now that if I kinda plan my food, I eat better. I still haven't gotten enough exercise, but I get up early and go to work...but I only have one more day this week and I'm off for awhile. "I'm a teacher that doesn't get her summers of. I go to training, and teach teachers. I like my job, but it does use up a lot of my summer. SO!! I'm not starving myself, but just figuring out better foods to eat. YOU ALL have been a great source of motivation. I try to at least check in every day...and when I see my name...TULIPLOR... "Lori" I get excited and I listen to your advice!! THANKS!! SO, off to work and I'll post more later!!
    WELCOME Julie from Ohio...I'm from WV...your neighbor!! We have been getting a crazy amount of rain too!! You can do this!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,961 Member
    jlann55 wrote: »
    I'm a newbie this is my 4th day here, just wanted to wish you all success in your journey and my goal is to keep on track with my food journal and move more, ... it's soggy and hot here in Ohio... Julie

    smiley-happy026.gifWelcome, Julie, you have come to the right place. Your goals are simple and achievable. Logging your food (every measured bite and swallow) and seeking opportunities to be active will be enhanced by coming back to this thread every day and becoming part of this supportive community of women. We never get tired of hearing about your journey.

    :) Barbie
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    edited July 2015
    Popping in to say hi to everyone!

    I'm loving retirement, but even with extra time, I still don't have time to keep up with this thread :'( .

    Know that I'm thinking of everyone and sending wishes for a happy healthy life!

    I've been to track and got my 5 miles in this morning and now it's off to coffee with a friend, maybe a little shopping and my closet is still calling me to clean it out :grumble:. I think I had more time when I worked :huh: :laugh:.

    Have a wonderful day ladies!

    DeeDee in steamy NC B)
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited July 2015
    Welcome to the newbies, this is such an amazing place to be...

    Morning, all... dawn breaks in West Texas on the next seven days that are moving us back toward normal for the desert in July. The forecast last night was Warm, Warm, Sunny, Sunny, Hot, Hot, Hot! :) 90s today climbing into the hundreds early next week. Running early mornings is pretty much the only way for a while... I'm OK with that, leaves the rest of the day free to accomplish things--once I stop sweating, er... glowing.

    Joyce/IN - Thank you for the compliment on me knowing my body and what it needs. When I decided ten years ago that I was going to risk my life to have gastric bypass, I coped with the fear and stress the only way I knew how--by researching the process and why my body does what it does with food (as in wants it all the time and then hoards every calorie). One of the things the medical establishment is finally beginning to do is to call obesity a disorder because, at some point, our brains actually change to crave food in excess of what we actually need. They just haven't figured out why.

    I know what broke that part of my brain--but only in retrospect. I was trying to hide my body under a fat blanket to make myself safe from my abuser... then married my now-ex-husband, who wasn't truly into women. My fat blanket gave me the excuse I needed in order to stay and be neglected and ignored for 27 years. Once my abuser died (2004), I didn't need the protection any more, so was able to get the gastric bypass (nine months later, in 2005).

    But I still must deal with this brain that wants food from the moment I finish my first cup of coffee until I go to bed at night. The surgeons operated on my stomach, not on my head. I know now that I gain weight when I allow myself to stop being aware of what I'm eating--as in NOT tracking what goes in my mouth. My brain, on this particular subject is truly damaged--that's why I will usually enter my food in MFP while I'm eating it. I get why people enter ahead of time--but that would still give me permission to not be aware in the moment... so I enter in the moment.

    DJ - Damit, I got tickled when it made you sad that I'm not just "picky," but missing out on veggies. It's not pickiness--I am not a child saying "that's yucky!" Think of a taste, any taste, that grossed you out or made you gag. Triple that, and you have my reaction to vegetables. I don't miss them, because to me they truly taste horrible. And I have tried ALL of them, and do pretty much once a year or so again, as I'm married to a guy who loves veggies. In order to eat them, I have to add calories like butter and cheese to them in massive amounts, and I can still taste the nastiness underneath, so why do it?

    The only ones I will eat are the occasional roasted carrot, fresh mushrooms, which I love, and oddly enough, pickled beets--remember the purple, crinkle-cut things that we ate as kids? I actually crave those about once a year, but other than that, don't go looking for them. Fresh tomatoes are just little pink wagon-wheels filled with snot and seeds as far as I'm concerned, but I love tomato-based sauces with food. The worst taste to me of them all is green peppers, which is probably my husband's favorite flavor. I loved lettuce prior to the GBS, but ever since, lettuce and romaine simply get stuck, not a pleasant sensation at all... and the ticket to a couple hours of upchucking. Yet somehow, my husband still cooks for me, often separately. Must be love! :wink:

    It all has to do with my reactions to bitter vs. sweet foods... I know you ladies who avoid artificial sweeteners are going to flinch on this one, but in order to make coffee palatable for me, I use seven Splenda (sucralose) packets in a 16-oz cup. And one tablespoon of powdered cream. That makes a 30-calorie cup of coffee taste exactly like it smells to my admittedly odd taste buds. From conversations I've had with others, including my husband, that amount of Splenda makes coffee taste to me like one packet would make it taste to someone else--slightly sweet. Seriously--I'm brain damaged, and I know it.

    Being able to get something sweet enough for me to be able to recognize it as sweet, and do it without adding calories, has probably kept hundreds of pounds off of my frame... or you could make the argument that it continues to drive my urge for sweet tastes and I'd be better off without it. We all make choices... and at some point you decide what you can live with... :neutral:

    I also get a full panel of blood tests run every year to check ALL my major vitamin and mineral levels, as the surgery bypasses the part of your stomach that absorbs iron. I pass with flying colors most years, and when I don't, I add supplements to accommodate my needs--past years have seen me a bit low on iron, Vitamin A, and zinc... followups 60 days later show it corrected.

    Wow, that went on forever, sorry! I do not suggest in any way that anyone walk the same path I'm walking--we are individuals, and I respect your choices, as well. The biggest and best things I do for myself:
    • Know what I'm eating
    • Know why I'm eating it
    • If I won't eat something, I make sure I get that nutrition in some form, I don't just ignore it.
    • Adjusted my diet as well as my exercise to become something sustainable.
    • Remember, this is not a rehearsal--this is the rest of my life. It's not too much to ask to be able to stay in this place where I'm so happy. I matter.

    Lisa in West Texas