Heavier girls trying to loose weight



  • MizzDoc
    MizzDoc Posts: 493 Member

    I'm really enjoying running now, I'm not very fast but enjoy the peace and time to myself. I NEVER thought I'd be able to run or enjoy it. For anyone who is tempted I would recommend the couch to 5K plan. I followed it and the first day could not run for a minute, now I can run for 3 miles (40 minutes). It only took me 8 weeks to get there too.

    Kudos! I just finished Week 1 of C25K (for the second time) and will move on to Week 2 next week. I never thought I would "jog/run" EVER but I must say with just the two weeks alone I feel a difference in my body and my attitude toward running in general. I pray I can make it to Week 8! :tongue:
  • hislight
    hislight Posts: 15
    I am New to this, like since the past 2 hrs NEW! So, would like to try this, as I have approx 62.6 lbs to lose! I have lost about 27 lbs since last August & found that the reasons (2) I was successful was because of Prayer & doing the weight loss with others as Accountability/Encouraging Partners!! Let's see if we can get Healthy TOGETHER!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • hislight
    hislight Posts: 15
    That is just AWESOME!! Good for you!! Where do you get the info on couch to 5k? Just google maybe? I will try it, but will be looking to see if you answer as well. Keep up the GREAT work!!
  • KristalDawnO
    KristalDawnO Posts: 154 Member
    http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml Couch 2 5k website

    Ah...this is my second time doing it as well! It's a great workout and makes running so much more doable!

    I have about 100 more pounds to lose.
  • saavequeen
    saavequeen Posts: 1
    Hi, I just started using this application. I have never counted calories before in my life...I hope I can make it work, I have to loose at least 70lbs. Good luck to all of you! Please share what is working for you :D
  • TheOnlyMe
    TheOnlyMe Posts: 23
    I'm in too, I am currently 15st 6lbs (216lbs) and am aiming for:

    Goal 1: 12st 7lbs (175lbs) = 41lbs to go!
    Goal 2: 10st (140lbs) = 76lbs to go!!
    Goal 3: 8st 10lbs (122lbs) = 94lbs to go!!!

    I only set the 3rd coz I thought one day it would be cool to say I have lost 50% of my weight (started at 17st 6lbs/ 244lbs) lol. I can sat I am now half the person I was teehee!!

  • ktc33
    ktc33 Posts: 249 Member
    I have a great app on my iphone for C25K. It alarms when it is time to switch from running to walking. I really like it!
  • linz_83
    linz_83 Posts: 45
    thanks for the link. . but it didn't work. :cry: I'd like more info on this as well.

    A big Pat on the Back to all that worked out on Saturday!!
    I might if it wasnt pouring and I had an at home contraption. hubby said NO MORE cuz I never used them (except to dry clothes)
    I have been doing zumba with some girlfriends and It is SOO fun! I really like the workout, you sweat your butte off but you are not weak in the knees later. I am also doing good ol walking around the block and riding bikes with the kiddos.
    I am afraid to run. never really have ran. CAN fat ppl run?

    Well we went to dinner tonight and the calories were on the menu! It was the neatest thing! so I got the tortilla soup and mexican salad and I knew exactly what I was getting.
    I watched Jamie Olivers food revolution last night. . .anyone seen that? It was sooo sad to see how unhealthy kids are eating today.
    This is my #1 reason for getting healthy. . my kids! how can we say to be fit and active if we are not!
    I am off to google couch to 5k :happy:
  • MizzDoc
    MizzDoc Posts: 493 Member
    That is just AWESOME!! Good for you!! Where do you get the info on couch to 5k? Just google maybe? I will try it, but will be looking to see if you answer as well. Keep up the GREAT work!!

    Try this site for more information on C25K: http://www.c25k.com/. Also has the treadmill version of this program, in case running outside is not something you want to do right now!
  • I would love to also! Im new here my name is Valere :)
  • kirianna55
    kirianna55 Posts: 459 Member
    Add me, I still have 70 pounds to lose. I want people to help me stay on track and me do the same for them.
  • keke48
    keke48 Posts: 12 Member
    Hello my name is keke48 I also want to lose 100 pound I just started about a month ago and so far I have lost 23 pounds in 10 weeks this site is nice I like it because it help me see what I ate and it let me if I over done it so the next day i will try and do better
    i am so happy that you came to the site because I know it will help you to and maybe we can help each other so if you feel like you can help me let know I also have high BP so need to watch the salt thank you and good luck. :smile:
  • hey guys... soooo dont we all love the weekends.. the time where we eat a lil... humm more than we usually dooo on the weekdayss...

    i did fairly well today .. did have a bit of "junk" but limited myself and didnt over do it... hope the scale doesnt go up now:S... gonna try and be better tomorrow.. i did do 1 hr cardio soo the cals burned there "700cals" was awesome cuz it helped me stay on track with everything i ate...

    i didnt know that vegetables had sooo many calories!!! arg! haha but they are still healthy for you, and i try to eat as many as possible.. I've noticed that i am going over my protein intake.. .2nd day now... don't know why ... but does that make much of a difference???
  • Hootsmamma
    Hootsmamma Posts: 254 Member
    What do you all do as excercise daily?

    We have 5 acres of property that the weeds have gotten the better of us on. So I spend a lot of time raking and wheel-barrowing (considered general gardening) to burn off calories. In addition, we have a Stationary bike and a Wii. We just bought the 30 Shred and Zumba, both of which I plan to start this week. Eventually I would like to incorperate weight lifting in to my workout routine esp. since my husband has a Smith Machine (Indoor Home gym) and has volunteered to help me learn.
  • Ley2ndtry
    Ley2ndtry Posts: 136
    I do the C25K too, i havent moved onto week 2 yet because we lost our internet for 2 months and i couldnt download week two and then my running shoes fell apart !!

    taking delivery of some new running trainers on tuesday so i can get back into it :)

    Currently I do Jillian Michaels 30 day shred (i've done up to 4 days before and then stopped, this time i'm on day 3 today and determined to make it to day 30) and I do 30 mins on the exercise bike every day.

    I also walk normally daily - about 4 miles or so pushing the buggy with a 2 year old strapped to my back, though as i was on hols last 2 weeks i havnt done this in a while.

    I do have the EA sports active for the wii which i love but havent cracked out in a long time - i need to be fitter to do it well i find.

    I only started up the exercise and controlled eating on thursday and thats the first time since jan, managed to loose 2lbs thsi week :)
  • binglebell
    binglebell Posts: 29
    Hey! I do JM's 30 day shred and LOVE the fact that on day 11 I nearly died doing 2 push ups but now on day 8, I can do 15 consecutively! I'm also doing the couch to 5k, biking (although have discovered that the bicycle seat was originally an implement of torture! New seat required asap) and I'm doing the wii fit + on days I don't get to go outside. Loving this new lifestyle and after just 13 days, I can feel a massive difference.... 2nd MFP weigh day tomorrow, so let's hope the scales reflect the effort. Am keeping note of my inches too as have found in the past that on a week where my weight loss may be lower than I would have hoped, I've had a good inch loss which keeps me going. Really want to start Zumba, can anyone tell me which is the best format for Zumba Wii, Xbox or Dvd? Thanks :smile:
  • i only train on my elliptical as i dont have much time to do anything else, and its the only cardio machine i have at home.. i started with 30 mins, and yesterday was able to do an hour...

    ive been thinking of maybe doing some squats for core strength .. any ideaaSS?
  • Amber393
    Amber393 Posts: 472 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Nice to see so many friendly smiling faces.

    This weekend hasn't been to bad so far. Have weighed in already. Lost 2.6 lbs since starting on over here which woo! Go me. That makes me happy. Wonder if the 3 hours of cleaning house had anything to do with it? By cleaning I mean omg this hurts to move after I was done cleaning but it was worth it to get the soon to be step-daughter's room back in order and she's spending the night well should say spent the night. It's nice having her over. Today it's gunna be seeing Kung Fu Panda 2 with her and the boyfriend.

    As far as exercising starting p90x today. It'll be tonight before bed since everyone but me is still asleep but may go for a walk around the block in a bit and also want to start doing Zumba! Looked at some videos of it online and looks fun. :-D I like fun when it comes to exercising. LOL. P90x might not be so much fun but it is much needed I think and whatever doesn't kill me just makes me stronger.

  • I'm in, Fairly new to the site I've been tracking my food and excersize for a couple of weeks. I have alot of weight to go but I'm down 18 since may 2nd :)
  • abzbargs
    abzbargs Posts: 100 Member
    Sorry for the delay in responding, I'm on UK time. The couch to 5k i have used was the PODRUNNER INTERVALS, google and you'll find it. I dowloaded the podcasts to my phone. With this, it plays fast music, then beeps and music slows down. You jog on the fast ones and slow down on the slower ones. The music isn't really my style but it saves me having to look at my watch. The only downside is that by the end of the programme I'm supposed to do 5k (3 miles) in a half hour. I'm nowhere near as fast as this, more like 40mins. I'm not too bothered by my time at the moment, will jut build it up.

    One recommendation i would make is to follow the programme. I ran 4 or 5 times a week with it, which i was fine with, but then after the end of the programme i went out and ran for 6 miles (10k) with only a short break of walking. I was sooo pleased with myself, and felt no pain at all. HOWEVER a week later my legs were in agony and i couldn't run for 2 weeks. Not worth it. I'm back to the 40 mins runs and intend on sticking to them for a few months before i download the 5k to 10k programme. Good luck!