

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    168 new posts… every week or so this happens to me… I think I am not committed enough, but really working full time plus and keep up on this forum is 2 full time jobs…

    I’ll read a bit answer a bit and share a bit and hope that is good.

    Pip – love the pic! Kirby is really a hottie.

    Linda in Calif – you might want to look up wank and wanker in the urban dictionary

    Lesley – hope you are feeling ok.

    Welcome – newbies!!!

    Cheri – I love the pic and that you and hubby had a conversation with a positive outcome!

    Heather – sorry to hear your wales friend is doing so badly… Ok, I give.. blood pudding? Sounds revolting..I should google it.

    Sweet vs bitter – I lean sweet also, and am thankful that I have gotten better with a year plus of MFP – I made a breakfast baked French toast casserole today for company (knew it was a bad choice- but did it anyway) and it was way way too sweet…. Company loved it…

    Coffee – black.. or with non-fat steamed milk…. Or black tea… always – but only decafe…so glad I never had to change that.

    Michele – you said you were fixing corn on the cob and it reminded me that my corn has been waiting for me in the microwave for 4 hours… opps!

    Ok I read and commented for an hour… and now it is time for bed… the weekend is busy, next week is my final week of cooking camp – advanced baking and so I need to get ready, and a ton of embroidery to be done…

    July Goals:
    Walk everyday –try to hit 180 miles
    1 plank every day and log here – goal more then 19 - 7
    Log everyday –
    Eat mindfully-
    Weekly fun things –
    W1 – Mom is here for the 4th, and we are going out to dinner –her treat!
    W2 – a new smart phone, my business paid off, a visit from an out of state friend
    Kim from N. California
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Mary, WOW, you have had some of your plants longer than some people have spouses. have fun on your trip.

    Sharon, it is not easy to give yourself a Fleet's enema. If I were giving one to a patient in the hopspital, they would be laying down lying on their left side and then asked to stay laying that way for about 20 minutes to let the Fleets medicine do their job. I had to give one to myself one time when I was having a sigmoidospy and tehn be nervous all the way to the hospital. But I guess it was OK.

    Sylvia, can you do a review of that hotel on Expedia.com. When I booked a hotel through them, they sent me an email about a week later asking for a review.

    Chris, one of my favorite quilts that I have made was one made out of old jeans. It is actually called a stadium quilt since it is to be used while you are at a ball game. You use old jeans, or any kind of leftover clothing that is heavy. I used my Dad's old housecoat and his Dicky brand work pants and then some of my Mom's ugly skorts and some denim shirts of mine. I made one for my niece and took off the pockets and then incorporated them into the quilt for things like gloves, or anything else you have at a ball game. You use upholstery fabric on the back and put no batting in it since the denim and upholstery fabric is thick. It sure is warm. Well I guess my favorite is the first one I made. It was for a twin size bed, very basic and a thin batting. I don't have a headboard on my bed and I have it hung on the wall for a headboard. I can't tell you how many times I have gone super crazy doing counted cross stitch, got sick and tired of it so I sold it all only to buy it all again and go crazy again.

    Pip, so this lady was outside on the streets????!!!!! Happy birthday Kirby, did he get any free food or drinks just for wearing his sash?

    Terri, Milwaukee, ana verage of 117 when he was only 6? WOW. You must have known way early how talented he was. My lowest was 13. When we had our winning season on the league I started out with a 79 and ended up with an average of 120 and got women's most improved. Haven't bowled since then. I thought i should leave it in glory!

    Mia, what a great idea to be a bari partner. You will be great.

    Lesley, before my sister started her chemo for her breast cancer she went to a professional wig shop and got a real nice wig that looked very close to her then hairstyle. So she went to her hairstylist who took her into a back room and completely shaved her hair completely off and put her wig on for her. So my sister was able to walk out with her head held high that she looked good, pretty much normal. Plus she never wanted her church family to see her go through the loosing hair thing. Now then she ruined it by giving her wig 'hair cuts'. She would put it on wrong and then think the bangs were uneven so she would cut them.

    Sylvia, congrats on doing your long hike to the top. It is a sight to behold when you finally get to the top. I remember the camp I used to work at during summers in North Carolina. We had one day off and I would usually be found at the top of one of the mountains. It wasn't big but was the largest there. Good for you that you just waited for the snake to slither away although you would have gotten a lot of cardio running!

    JanetMMcC, thanks for all the links for gift ideas. My son in law is quite the geek and finds lot of things to do on the internet. So they make their own crystal and many other things.She has a chemistry set with a micro scope and lots of things like bugs and other things to look at plus a lot of empty slides for her to make her own.

    Janetr, boy you sure do have bad sinus infections! Hope you catch it before it gets to bad.

    Michele, I have had to look a these new cars owners manuals to see how to connect up the new fangled tire jacks.

    It has not rained today!!!! We were way over our average rain in June and so far are over for the entire month of July. Some of the towns are flooding but so far Evansville is good.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Gilly139
    Gilly139 Posts: 67 Member
    Many Happy Returns to Kirby - are you sure you have got his age correct???? He looks so young - lucky him.

    Janet - that does not sound good, hope you are feeling a lot better soon (((hugs)))

    Heather - well done on getting so many words down, and enjoy your time in London with pals.

    Hope everyone else has a wonderful weekend and enjoys whatever they are doing. I am about to leave to catch all the buses, trains and tubes that I need to make the journey to Wolverhampton via London and Birmingham. I will not be able to post again until wednesday and I quite expect it will take me another couple of days to catch up :wink:

    Gilly, Suffolk UK
  • KateKyi
    KateKyi Posts: 106 Member
    Its interesting about the comments on the showgirl. I thought she looks beautiful. I do not understand people who would think otherwise. Especially those who are in faith. God made Adam and Eve naked in the garden it was mans shame that made people cover up. Why would they get upset about other naked people? Not wanting a debate about it just a thought to provoke thinking.
  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
    I got in 16,927 steps today. It's after 1am but I wanted to get suit cases all packed and organize because I'm driving home tomorrow and we are leaving very early to avoid the desert heat.

    Carol in NC hope you have a pain free day today.

    DJ my walking shoes in Vegas are Nike flip flops :D to hot to put shoes on these feet here; think spontaneous combustion. Lol

    Pip HB to Kirby! He's so darn cute girlfriend! What, Elvis wasn't available for the birthday picture? Just kidding. The show girl picture is perfect and classic Vegas.

    Wishing you all a productive successful day tomorrow. If it's a rest day then wishing you peace to be able to enjoy it. For those traveling, wishing you safe travels.

    Since I'm rambling now going to say Goodnight. Gotta sleep now. This girl is pooped out and ready to be home.

    Rosie soon to back in So Cal (yahoo)
  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Last night when I went to bed I was freezing so I wore a winter night gown to bed. Was cold the entire time, so got up at 4:00 am and got another blanket and put on top of me, I already had a blanket and light weight summer quilt on me. Finally slept then til about 7:15. Got up not feeling too bad so I went to water aerobics. About two hours after I got home I got really sick, tried to pass out and called Jack to come in from his shop. I got hot and sweaty and clammy. Jack came in the house and made me lay down and put a cold cloth on my head. Soon after I was cold again. He covered me and I did doze off a bit. I think I may be getting one of my infamous July sinus infections. Ugh! I have some prescription antibiotic ointment for my nostrils so I used that this evening, I hope it heads off a full blown sinus infection. Hopefully I sleep well tonight and feel better in the morning.

    We have a great group here, so busy and motivated. Sleep well my friends. See less of you in the morning. :)

    Janetr OKC

    Janet how are you today? Has this happened to you before with sinus infections? I get sinus infection but never feel like passing out, keep a check on it and please let us know how your doing.

  • sandiedee1912
    sandiedee1912 Posts: 1 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi All
    Like Jean in Georgia I am new to this site. I have had a Fit Bit for two months.
    July Goals.
    10,000 steps daily
    1300 calories per day
    30 mins strength training exercise My daughter is getting married in Oct and I want to look slim and fit for her big day. As well as doing it all for my daughter I am doing it for me. I am 65 this Dec and i want to travel in retirement so I need to be healthy and a lot fitter than I am. I wish you all well and hope to catch up with all on here at leaset once a week. Good luck to you all with your goals

    Sandra from Australia. :-)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,004 Member
    :) This thread is meant to be encouraging, not discouraging, so read what you can, respond to many or a few, enjoy what you read and don't stress if you don't read it like a textbook before a quiz.

    :) We're headed out at 6AM to an all day event with a lot of sitting and a two hour drive each way so I'm headed out now to walk the dogs and try to get as close to my daily step goal as possible.

    <3 Barbie
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    italy10548 wrote: »
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Last night when I went to bed I was freezing so I wore a winter night gown to bed. Was cold the entire time, so got up at 4:00 am and got another blanket and put on top of me, I already had a blanket and light weight summer quilt on me. Finally slept then til about 7:15. Got up not feeling too bad so I went to water aerobics. About two hours after I got home I got really sick, tried to pass out and called Jack to come in from his shop. I got hot and sweaty and clammy. Jack came in the house and made me lay down and put a cold cloth on my head. Soon after I was cold again. He covered me and I did doze off a bit. I think I may be getting one of my infamous July sinus infections. Ugh! I have some prescription antibiotic ointment for my nostrils so I used that this evening, I hope it heads off a full blown sinus infection. Hopefully I sleep well tonight and feel better in the morning.

    We have a great group here, so busy and motivated. Sleep well my friends. See less of you in the morning. :)

    Janetr OKC

    Janet how are you today? Has this happened to you before with sinus infections? I get sinus infection but never feel like passing out, keep a check on it and please let us know how your doing.


    Thanks, Rosie, I have done this before but not for over four years. I was kinda of surprised this time. My blood pressure drops very low. No one can figure out why. Last time they had me go to the ER, They ran several tests, did a Ct scan, later had me have an MRI of my head, They found no problems. I do feel better this morning but did not sleep as well as I would have liked. I will probably just take it easy for the weekend and continue with the antibiotics. If not better by Monday, I'll make an appointment with the doctor.

    Thanks to all for the sweet comments, hugs and "chicken soup". How can I help but feel better? :)
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Happy Saturday!

    I skimmed the posts and can't believe all I somehow miss even though I'm trying to keep up.
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hello friends

    Skimming posts and enjoying being back in contact. I am suffering with severe sciatica. Not sleeping. Really not myself. Been trying a new chiropractor. Now that I'm at my sisters just doing my back exercises. So much pain. Weight is up too.

    Pip - so glad you and your honey are having such a great time! Tell him happy B-day! Missed the news about "wanking". Tell me more.

    I love all of you. My main goal for July is to check in with you each day. I may not respond much but you'll know I'm here.

    TN Toni coming to you from KS for now
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Pip, in case you are keeping score...I enjoyed the showgirl picture. That Kirby is a hoot! No wonder you make such a great couple.

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hello to all the newbies, and welcome!

    Hey, Pip, I wasn't sweating the pic, but then, I like guys who are being guys, and if I had her body, I'd be showing it to SOMEbody, I'm sure. Happy birthday to Kirby, and I think it's a great sign of yours and Kirby's trust in each other that you thought it was funny enough to post it... and it is SO Vegas, Rosie had that one right.

    As Barbie says, this place is meant to encourage, not discourage. Can we all please stop apologizing for not keeping up with every single post? I love reading everything that's happening, and love the fact that many of you respond to me, as well as many others, but I had to give up on long responses early--I only do them when I have tons of time. We know and care about each other a lot, but no one has the time to answer every single post every day...

    JanetMMC - thanks for the limerick!

    Katla - thanks for the equation of the points in that lecture for bariatric patients to anyone who loses weight. I think we tend to think we're different because the weight loss happens so fast. In reality, anyone who musters the strength to lose a lot of weight over whatever period changes the dynamics of all their relationships; you're absolutely right. And I think the reason we're all here and continue to be here is because we're making that commitment that is necessary to change our lives in very deep ways.

    Ok, picture me hopping off my lecture podium... :blush:

    A weekend stretches out in front of me with no plans for anything... going to enjoy it while I can.

    DD, DSIL, and granddaughter will be here at the end of the month. Possibly the four-year-old grandson as well, but we won't know until the custody hearing on July 23. Long story, but it got postponed from last month, pretty much due to ex-son-in-law's crapweasel manipulation of the system. Fingers crossed for a good outcome.

    Last week of August is flying up to Montana for a week for my best friend's daughter's wedding. That's who the quilt is for, and I'm in that stage where you can see massive changes every time I work on it. Very satisfying. More pictures soon.

    Actually set up goals for what I wanted to accomplish weight-wise by the wedding, but then I realized it just puts pressure on me that isn't useful... It's time to get myself to the more long-term mindset of losing at the rate my body wants to lose, but without pressure to lose specific amounts in specific timeframes. If it takes me a year to lose the rest of what I want to lose, or two or three, that's OK. I'm changing my life--and it doesn't have to be instantaneous.

    Not easy for me--I'm an "I want what I want and I want it right now!" kind of person. But that attitude is part of what got me fat, pushed me into having surgery, and then had me regaining weight the last seven years. Now that I've given myself a good start, it's time to get a little less twitchy about the whole thing. Keep logging, keep my calories below my burn rate, keep running in order to have a burn rate, keep the things that work, drop the things that don't.

    Also dropped my goal for a specific word-count by day because it was stressing me out--and diminishing the quality of my writing. And Heather in the UK, proud of you for continuing on at a great rate.

    Speaking of writing, my op-ed article next week will be about a compliment my husband passed on to me from the senior pilot who flies the owners back and forth from all over Texas to the ranch. They passed me while I was out running yesterday, and DH told him I was running over four miles a day, which is a pretty good accomplishment for 54 years old and just starting this year. The pilot said: "She looks d*mn good for 54!"

    Well, a) my husband got it wrong, I'm 55, and b) anytime a compliment has "for" at the end, it gets a little sideways. Made for a nice, tidy 800 words, so can't complain too much. :wink: Just holding onto the first four words, and letting the rest go... :neutral:

    Anyway, here are my revised July goals:

    July goals
    • Weigh less at the end of July than I did at the end of June.
    • Run farther and faster than I did at the end of June
    • Keep my calories under my burn level each day.
    • Start my core work - crunches in particular.
    • Write each day.

    Lisa in sunny West Texas

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,526 Member
    Well.....I got up early to check in on everyone to see what has happened all week. I see everyone is doing fine. It has been a hectic week. Working on Fridays just puts a kink in my itinerary!!! Getting home late from work really messes things up.... no time to finish logging my meals..... JUST YUKKIE!! So...today ....well...... still blanketed in smoke from the fires so probably not going outside too much. Will need to water the garden and the planters, they have only had a quick drink all week. It is supposed to be +32 today and there is rain in the forecast, I am not going to get excited about the rain, they have forecasted it before and it hasn't shown up yet.

    Mary – I love irises and I would be taking mine with me too, and my lilies. And my peonies, because they all came from my mom’s house.

    Miriam – yes it feels good to get out and play in the dirt.

    Thank you everyone for thinking about us in this dry, hot and burning province. Believe it or not the forecast for the area is rain every day for the next week. Hopefully the thunderstorms forecast for today don’t start more fires.  There are 618 fires burning in the province as of last night. The largest fire is 142000 hectares (340000 acres) It will be a really sad trip when I go up through Pinehouse and out to La Ronge this fall. The landscape will be soooo different. 13,000 people have been displaced because of the fires and the smoke.

    Thank you to New Zealand and Australia for sending firefighters.

    Mia – When our son lived at home he would ask the telemarketers a whole lot of questions. Because they are not allowed to hang up. He would ask if they liked their job…. Where they lived … told them how annoying they were…. Actually funny!! Lately we have had our own number calling us ( we don’t answer it) … not sure how that happens – obviously we answered some telemarketer!!

    I have managed to get lots of steps in so far this month. Trips to the fax machine, photocopier, water cooler and then bathroom. Yes, I do get my work done and work!!

    So now I am caught up, it took an hour and a half, off to get my second cup of coffee and check out what is happening elsewhere in the world.

    Take care everyone and have a good weekend.

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan

    July goals:
    Walk 120 miles, 20 days over 10000 steps (45 miles and 5/20 days)
    Finish company taxes and purge office filing cabinet – procrastinating really well on this one
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited July 2015
    Good morning, all,

    poop..........Add me to the vote of those not offended by the showgirl pic........... done in fun and in the spirit of Vegas ..........and SOOOOOOOOOOOO much a poopish pic! I have loved being part of your trip.

    Lisa..........In the two and a half years I've been coming here to post, participants have been commenting on how "behind" they are (and apologizing)...........my humble guess is that it ain't gonna change! It's a shock to log on and find 300 unread posts when you don't want to miss a thing happening in your beloved friend's lives. If I worked, I would never keep up and my hat is off and major kudos freely given to those who do work and manage to contribute as they do. I know that, for me personally, it's impossible to reply to everyone but I do feel bad if I can't at least read what they have taken the time to share. My advice to anyone (especially newbies) is to just comment on anything that catches your eye; once you do get a feel for the thread and get to "know" the various regulars, it's like any discussion, there are going to be some subjects you more readily relate to and/or find more comfortable discussing.

    Lillian.......Hoping your fires are under control and OUT shortly. Will keep you in my thoughts.

    Toni............May your pain ease; will also be thinking of you.

    I'd also like to echo the reminder to pretty, pretty please add your name and location (specific or general as you like) to each and every post...............easily confused here, to say nothing of overwhelmed and need all the "help" I can get to keep you all straight!!!!

    Hope everyone is having a fabulous stress-free calorie-burning weekend!
    mid-Atlantic...........off to start ironing

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Paula, welcome. I’m right down the coast from you in SC. This is a wonderful place for support and information. Come often and post when you’d like. Tell us a bit more about yourself to help us get to know you. We are happy to have you.

    Carey, you are so right about conflicting information. And that doesn’t just apply to sweeteners but to any and everything. I have come to the conclusion that I don’t have to avoid anything (coffee, fat, cokes, etc) if I do use moderation as my guide. I have pretty much cut out diet cokes except for on occasion, just because I can. I have cut coffee to 1 cup a day. Because I can. At this point I’m not willing to give up my iced tea and it has artificial sweeteners in it. It’s like one of our ladies says, “Pick your bad”. We all have to do what works for us, but I love hearing from all of you here as to your experiences.

    Sylvia, I think it says a lot about how far you’ve come, too, that you love your walks. I am not as bad about a mirror as you are, but know what you mean about the sheets of loose skin. smiley-scared003.gif Yikes, where did that come from? Then I realize that was all full of FAT. And would I rather have sacks of loose flapping skin or bulges of fat all over my body? We should look at that gross skin and be thankful that we were able to relieve it of its former contents. I think we are wonderful for getting to this point and I just hope our bodies will eventually absorb some of it just like it did after we had children.(I can dream can’t I?????)

    Janetr, I hope it’s a one day illness and you awake feeling back to normal. It sounds like it just hit you so fast. Sending healing thoughts. My DH woke up during the night not feeling well. Was up a couple of times and at one point thought he would throw up. Had aching joints and just not feeling well at all, but no heart attach symptoms. (That is always a concern with his history.) He has gone back to bed for a while and I pray that he wakes up feeling back to normal.

    Michele NC, does your pool water get too hot by the end of summer? I hope Ken gets to feeling better. I’d have called roadside assistance even if I could find where the jack went. Lol When I asked about the coffeecake pan, it’s because even at the bakery I see them that have been baked in loaf pans, Bundt pans and anything that will give it the height. But yes, a 9 X 13 seems unlikely. As long as it tastes good, who cares? I’m glad you asked about the Color Run because I’m not familiar with that either.

    G, you aren’t required to comment back but we do enjoy hearing about what is going on with you and your journey. Just post when you can and want to. Good for you in the scale moving in the right direction.

    Yannie, sorry about your elderly friend passing away. You are good to keep everyone informed.

    Gilly, I hope you have a safe trip.

    Sandra, welcome. You will find this a very supportive group, so come often.

    Toni, sending good wishes for you to feel better soon. I have suffered from sciatica for years and it just makes everything else in life, dull by comparison. Get better really soon!!! ((((Hugs))))

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I hope we all have a great weekend, filled with happiness and good health. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • stoogeswoman
    stoogeswoman Posts: 25 Member
    HI everyone! I'm a little late to the party but I just rejoined MFP last week. And I am over 50 so I qualify! My only resolution at this point is to keep tracking daily - and to go back and read the rest of this thread! Thanks! o:)
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    I don't think it does any good to try to go back and read every post; I start with today (and if there is something, such as a picture I want to find) because doing so only keeps you that much harder to find. I cannot believe that anybody was upset by the picture Pip made with her husband and the entertainer in Las Vegas - that is just a part of that city's entertainment. Oh to be young, beautiful, and have that kind of body. You see so much worse going to New Orleans during Mardi Gras with the drunks hanging over the balconies with girls pulling up their shirts and showing their tits hanging out; and more.

    To all who have asked - I'm feeling so much better now. The cough syrup MD wrote worked like a charm; but, I also took some lemon juice in honey (did not add the whiskey) and that also (during the day) helped keep me from coughing up my insides.

    BnL home from hospital - still don't know what the diagnoses is - he mentioned to DH something about thyroid, and is on antibiotic. Makes no sense whatsoever; but, he is still recuperating and I doubt he'll ever come back to work for DH. He is still telling DH about what all they have done - loss of appetite apparently, too. Still complaining of the feeling of having an elephant sitting on his chest. Go figure! I doubt he'll go back for his recheck to be honest with you; but, I might be surprised. It's been a week since he has gotten out of hospital. He used to go to the hospital in Albany at the MCLB; but, I think he now goes to a VA hospital in the area for his MD visits

    Hi to all the newbies, too! o:)
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Hey, my friends. Just checking in. I had a coughing fit this morning, so my DH insisted I go to the doctor. I got a shot in my butt and an inhaler. I'm ready to kick this bronchitis to the curb.

    Oh, and I saw the first signs of the skin peeling on the top of my foot today, but just a little bit. The anticipation continues on the Baby Foot!

    @drkatiebug - I can feel for you - having bronchitis sort of sux; especially when you cough and hack and feel like you are coughing up body parts. The gave me a steroid shot and a Rx for the coughing (at night). Tastes pretty good and know why it is a 'controlled substance'. I've been using honey and lemon (but without the whiskey) during the day to calm my daytime hacking. Even still I'm planning on getting into the pool for exercise today.

    @nccarolb - what did you do to your shoulder? Sounds so much worse than a rotator cuff injury since I had mine done laprascopely (sp?) and only had 3 bandages to cover the holes and maybe 1 stitch or 2 on each. Then had to go back a few months later due to reinjuring it - just right after finishing my PT. First time, the MD said there was nothing wrong, even though I could not lift my arm without shooting pain; but, he wanted to schedule surgery the next week. I wasn't ready to do it and put it off; when I did finally decide to go through with it, he then said that the diagnosis he had put in my records did not warrant surgery. That gave me pause for ever going back to him and I asked for my records and picked them up and took them to my GP and asked him to consult with a different Orthopedist. He took one look at the x-rays and said 'something is going on' and the 'new' Orthopedist took x-rays from a totally different angle and said it was my rotator cuff; he had also done some x-rays (or a CT Scan) with dye and it showed that I had definitely pulled the muscles. He did the surgery and I stayed overnight because my BP had been dropping and spiking. The next day he was surprised when I told him the 'pain was gone' He gave me the pictures of it and there was a chip on the head of the bone that went into the socket. He had also told me that PT would have never made the pain go away or me regaining the use of my arm (right). Since I am an artist - more than anything I needed the use of the arm. Second time, repair due to having a seizure and hitting my head and shoulder on the deck railing as I dropped to the floor. It will take several weeks for it to get better, just do all the exercising they tell you to do. Several times a day - so you can get the relief as quickly as possible.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,526 Member
    Yeah. Potatoe patch weeded so going for a walk before it gets any hotter. +25 C. with a breeze and only 9:15 a.m. The breeze is moving the smoke. ☺