Heavier girls trying to loose weight



  • gocarla
    gocarla Posts: 2
    I'm in too! I don't even know if I am doing this right. I have never posted to a BB i am two weeks new to this program. Have not eaten this much in years Am trying to eat as close to my allotment according to the program. I need to loose 60lbs but immediate goal is to get below 200 soon. When am I going to start seeing results? I am very uncomfortable physically and mentally with eating this much. Also where can I read about how the program works. I can't find any FAQ's that address my issues.
  • kristalm74
    kristalm74 Posts: 5
    I am so game!! I'm glad to read that there are so many like me on here!! I have over 75lbs to get to my ideal goal weight, but ideally I have 50lbs to get to my pre-pregnancy weight! Gotta love having kids and not losing that weight!!! I am also thrilled that there are people on here that need as much motivation as I do to actually do something!! I too need as much motivation as I can get to do something about this!! I've been trying for a week now due to having my son 6 weeks ago, now it's my turn to get going and get me back!!!

    Add me as a friend, I could us the great motivators and be one too! :O)
  • kimgriff
    kimgriff Posts: 14
    Count me in too! I have at least 50 lbs to lose and can use all the help I can get. I say at least 50 lbs because that's my goal, but if I lose more, it's a bonus!

    I've just started this journey but am determined to be successful at it.
  • MizzDoc
    MizzDoc Posts: 493 Member
    The only downside is that by the end of the programme I'm supposed to do 5k (3 miles) in a half hour. I'm nowhere near as fast as this, more like 40mins. I'm not too bothered by my time at the moment, will jut build it up.

    Indeed you will. The forums over at Couch to 5K (http://c25k.cze.dk/index.php) have TONS of threads that address running for time versus distance and feedback from people that experience the same thing as you!
  • MizzDoc
    MizzDoc Posts: 493 Member
    ive been thinking of maybe doing some squats for core strength .. any ideaaSS?

    I too have been pondering squats lately. When I get half way through my C25K, I will do the 200 Squats plan. http://www.twohundredsquats.com
  • jwizzle12
    jwizzle12 Posts: 4
    I'm in! I have about 50 lbs to lose. We can do it!!
  • Jamie_Schwartz
    I'm with you! I've got 100+ pounds to lose myself and could certainly use some motivation.
  • olov2010
    olov2010 Posts: 1
    Count me in!! Started my fitness pal journey today.... need as much motivation as possible. I want to lose over 50lbs :)
  • Jamie_Schwartz
    I've heard that 1-2 pounds a week is average, and anything more than that, it's easier to put the weight back on... not sure if that's totally true or not though. I know I've been happy with that amount every week!

    I've also heard this is average 1-2 pounds per week. Some weeks I've lost more but when I lose at this rate, my weight doesn't tend to come back on as fast if I suddenly eat something I shouldn't.
  • Nomoreplus_sizes
    Nomoreplus_sizes Posts: 97 Member
    So this will be more than just a "bump" post.

    I've noticed since I've moved to Cali, where I walk more just to get around that I have to work harder to lose weight. My body's mostly adjusted to me walking an average of 10 miles a week (and that's probably a lowball average, I know for a fact I walked at least 15 week because I had to go to SF) that working out 30 minutes here and there just won't cut it. So I'm trying to do cardio for 60 minutes at least 5x a week. Which I gotta tell ya, the adjustment periods been hard. I still am tired when I come home at the end of the day especially when I'm in a hilly area. Not like "end of a workout tired" but just a regular tired. I've been doing Leslie Sansone's Walk off the pounds on the days I have go out a lot since it's relatively low impact.
  • lelliebugh
    lelliebugh Posts: 340 Member
    Hey ladies. I hope you are all having a great day. I have a challenge for us all... instead of trying for that close parking spot, park further away. Stand on one foot while brushing your teeth. Instead of taking an elevator take the stairs. If you need to get something to a coworker go to them and not stay at ur desk if you can. All these things add up to more calories burned. this is our time. Im checking into a healthier life. How about you?
  • abzbargs
    abzbargs Posts: 100 Member
    mizzdoc I'll have a look at the couch to 5k forums, thanks.

    Nomoreplus_sizes, interesting what you're saying. I also think that the fitter you become, the harder you have to work out. My resting heart rate has come down to a healthy range, which is great, but means I have to work harder to get the heart pumping and therefore to enter the fat burning zone. Or so i beleive, but i am no expert being new to all this. I must say I am in awe of your weight loss so far, amazing!
  • Nomoreplus_sizes
    Nomoreplus_sizes Posts: 97 Member
    Hey ladies. I hope you are all having a great day. I have a challenge for us all... instead of trying for that close parking spot, park further away. Stand on one foot while brushing your teeth. Instead of taking an elevator take the stairs. If you need to get something to a coworker go to them and not stay at ur desk if you can. All these things add up to more calories burned. this is our time. Im checking into a healthier life. How about you?

    @Lelliebugh That's a really great tip! For us city dwellers, try stopping at the stop before your "regular stop" and walking to your destination. I do that and I think the little bit helps.

    @abzbargs I guess that's why the experts say you have to switch it up every now and again and have a "palette of fitness choices" (that's what my old aquarobic teacher used to say). Thanks so much for the compliment!

  • soonskinny01
    Hi my name is Monica and I am new here I can over from another program and I am so with you. If any of you guys want to add me as a friend, that would be great. Soonskinny01 is my user name. I am trying to lose 85+ pounds.
  • ktc33
    ktc33 Posts: 249 Member
    Hey ladies. I hope you are all having a great day. I have a challenge for us all... instead of trying for that close parking spot, park further away. Stand on one foot while brushing your teeth. Instead of taking an elevator take the stairs. If you need to get something to a coworker go to them and not stay at ur desk if you can. All these things add up to more calories burned. this is our time. Im checking into a healthier life. How about you?

    I try to take the stairs as much as possible at work, but I need to remember to park farther away when I go places. I'll have to attempt the brushing my teeth while standing on one foot. Thanks for the great tips!
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    I'm in. 70 lbs to start with, then I'll worry about that silly bmi thing...
  • elsapm
    elsapm Posts: 51 Member
    Feel free to add me! I am all for a great support system!
  • elsapm
    elsapm Posts: 51 Member
    p.s. Count me in too...about 60 pounds to lose over here! :)
  • grangell12
    grangell12 Posts: 8 Member
    can I join too???? I have at least 80 lbs to lose and have just started!! I need all the motivation and support I can get so please feel free to add me as a friend!!!
  • vanessadcampanelli
    hey guys adding on to the tips given earlier... you can

    a) wear high heels every day (great for toning those legs and buttox)

    b) everymorning before you have breakfast drink 1 cup of water chilled to boost up that metabolism ...

    c) do 20 jumping jacks, run in place for 30 seconds, do 20 push ups, run in place for 30 seconds, do 20 sit ups, run in place for 30 seconds, and do this 3x to start every morning before anything else and after that glass of water

    d) laugh .... 20 mins of laughter in a day can burn 100 calories....

    works for me.. might work for you

    ps: love the brushing the teeth and standing on one leg.. phenomenal!!!gonna try that one tonight :)
