Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - May Challenge!!



  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Hey ladies. Haven't had time to read all your posts yet but I just wanted to message quickly.

    Yesterday's race was filled with very conflicting emotions. I was happy to be running it with Tyler and sharing in this aspect of my life with him, but I definitely felt as though the whole experience was much less fulfilling personally than it would have been if I had run alone. The entire time we were running all I wanted to do was take off and run at my own pace - I wasn't breathing hard, I didn't feel tired, I didn't feel like I was pushing. I never once had a moment when I wanted to slow down or stop. I just kept thinking "you can do better than this. You are wasting so much potential." I know that it was important for him to have me run alongside him but it definitely felt like a wasted opportunity for me...

    I know how much of a whiner I sound like but I guess it's just conflating what were already really mixed feelings about my running progress. I already feel like I'm not training as hard as I could be so the race just felt like I really fell short of the mark. We were 3 mins slower than the goal I had set for us, and a full 12 mins slower than my PR. And yes - I know - we finished so I should be happy, but I'm just not. I'm not happy with it at all. In training together on our last long run we ran at around a 11:00 pace, which was slow for me but I could deal with it, and that's what I was expecting yesterday, but instead we ran around 11:33. Even slower! It was so frustrating :ohwell: And I know that I shouldn't feel so much frustration and resentment and should just enjoy that we could do it together, but I just cant help it... So I'm going to go out for a run today, try and be productive and get some stuff ready for the week, and hopefully get back into a more positive head space.

    I'm really struggling with body image right now, to make matters worse. I am feeling very flabby and like my body is gaining fat and losing muscle. I can see the difference in my shape, and although my size isn't changing I know that my body fat % has gone up. It's frustrating but I know that it goes hand in hand with letting my diet and fitness take a back burner for a few months. I need to get back into it, pronto. It's been really messing with my head that I feel so gross and out-of-shape and simultaneously have so much trouble finding clothing that fits my body. The last few days I've been shopping and struggled to find even a single item that doesn't gape....

    Allie - You're welcome, lady! :happy: I wish you luck in trying to get into a cleaner eating regimen! Although I definitely don't eat entirely clean on any given day, it certainly directs my eating habits and I know that I feel healthier doing it.

    To the rest of you, I'll get back to you when I can. Best of luck today and enjoy your Sunday!
    Meag :heart:
  • fatty2fabby
    fatty2fabby Posts: 415 Member
    love this group! cant wait to start in june! x
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Mariam-thanks girl...I will play it by ear on the shred!! CONGRATS again on your super NSV!!! that is awesome, and you look great! :happy:

    Meag-first of all girly...take a breather!!! It is awesome that you and Ty can go for runs togethor...but I am sure that he would understand if you wanted to run ahead to beat your PR!! Just talk to him about it!! Did you figure out a workout schedule that you will be happy with when you start this job?? I would make that a top priority, as you seem to be extremely bummed about your body situation right now!! You have to remember that, besides being super busy these past few also had an injury that prevented you from running/working out like you had been!! You should be very pleased that you did not have a WEIGHT gain, and you need to move on!!! You are getting back on the right path, and no damage that has been done is irreversible...just remember that!! Other than that, you rock as usual so don't be down on yourself and don't stress!! :flowerforyou:

    fatty2fabby-welcome to the group!! can't wait to see your June goals on the new list!!

    AFM-T-2 to go!! woot woot!!! I got in another great workout today (30min turbo jam-fat blaster and my tricep routine) for a total burn of 356 cals!! alright!! great food picked out for the last 3 days until my WI and super nervous but excited at the same time!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Ok Well I am back but haven't got the energy or motivation to post much. I got in a really, really good run today (3.2mi in 29:19) and boy did I need it. I just ran and ran without stopping and had my HR way, way up. I was pushing and I really needed it, mentally. I ran 1.6miles and turned around and my watch read 15:45, which implies that I ran the second half pretty speedily. When I got to the end I was hauling *kitten* and my HRM read 185 BPM. Felt fab.

    Thanks for the pep-talk Tara. I know I am being a major debbie downer and I need to give myself a break. I really do wish I felt better about myself. It seems to be a constant rollercoaster for me. I'll go a while feeling really positive about my progress, my fitness and my food choices (my weight isn't really an issue anymore) and then I'll have a few stressful or negative days and I'll be right back to feeling like an epic failure again. It's an awful cycle and I know i need to just pick myself up and get out of it again.

    On the agenda for tomorrow - First real day of work! And then I'll race home, make some dinner, and then I'm going to try out a new class at night - Aqua Boot Camp. I need to make use of the speedo I bought! Hoping this class will be a good recovery after my runs this weekend and still a decent workout. I guess we'll see! Heard its pretty intense for an aquafit class :happy:

    Finger's crossed that work goes well tomorrow. I will update you all at night when I get home and get things sorted out. Should be back to logging food again this week - and so is my mom! She's on MFP now (no Pals yet, though, just doing it all solo) and I hope she has a lot of success with it. So that's news! Now I just have to hope she doesn't see all the complaining I do about her on here :laugh: Awkwardddd....

    Have a great end to your weekend ladies. Much love :heart: And get those goals ready! June 1st is fast approaching!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Meag-Good luck on your first day tomorrow!!! Have fun at the aqua fit class...I hear they can be pretty challenging workouts!! And I know you are a strong, successful woman...and I know that you know it as well!! we all have days where we just aren't feelin it, but I have complete faith that you will get back to your "positive Paula" self in no time at all!! :happy:
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    I am running out of the house so I dont have much time but I had to stop and say good morning!~!~!~!

    ~Meag.... Ive been thinking about you!~! I didnt know if youstarted today or tomorrow, but I have a feeling that everything is going to be perfect and awesome!~!~! You are going to do great! And even more, I know you are going to find something awesome to wear, and even if you dont think you look like a rockstar... every one else will see how great you are!~!~!

    ~ Tara and Allie.... AHHHH...... Im freaking out for you guys!~! Not in a bad way, in a good way. Yous guys are gonna do GREAT!~! Dont you worry!~!~!

    ME ME ME.... I want to Blog later today, Its been FOREVER. But I wanted to share with you all that today Is a special day for me. It is def not an AA Tradition but I have 100 days Sober today!~!~!!~!~!~!!~!!~!! First of all its a 100 days, (a number I will proudly be sharing with pouds lost by Tara shortly!~!) and its a tradition that I heard about when I was little that stuck with me. When a Korean child is born the 100th day of life is celebrated becasue the child has made it through the hardest time of life, the time of highest infant mortality rates.... So I thought that was pretty fitting for drunks as well!~! I made it through the hardest 100 days of sobriety, the first 100!~!~! And I have to thank each and everyone of you that listend to me, gave me advice, prayed for me or even just gave me a second thought along the way. Thank you all for being here, I truely owe you all so much!~!

    Have a Great Memorial Monday.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Kandace-CONGRATS on your 100 days of sobriety!!! that is awesome...and you are doing great!! keep up the hard work and dedication and soon all of your goals will be accomplished!!
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Just a quick update! I am pretty much going to vomit at crossfit tonight... sucks to be the new girl at crossfit for this workout...

    For time:
    Run 1 mile
    100 pull ups
    200 push ups
    300 squats
    Run 1 mile

    OMG there will be most likely be vomit... my goal is to just finish it! Slight freak out... will keep you all posted
  • shelsab
    shelsab Posts: 138 Member
    wow! well june is here in 2 days and I feel like I have been on a vacation for the past 2 weeks!!! SOoo bad. But I have really been on vacation for only a week. I watched what I was eating and just concentrated on moderation. Went to a wedding in California and it was beautiful and fun, but so much driving...ugh. Next time, we fly!! I also didn't get in too many workouts like I wanted.
    From what I was reading, everyone looks like they are ready for JUNE!! I know I am! Have a good rest of Memorial weekend!

  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Running out to the gym before I lose my motivation... Just wanted to post to address this:
    Just a quick update! I am pretty much going to vomit at crossfit tonight... sucks to be the new girl at crossfit for this workout...

    For time:
    Run 1 mile
    100 pull ups
    200 push ups
    300 squats
    Run 1 mile

    OMG there will be most likely be vomit... my goal is to just finish it! Slight freak out... will keep you all posted

    This workout would also make me vomit. Just sayin.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Cait-good luck girl!! you are gonna kill it!! can't wait to hear how you did!! But I too would be fact I may just vomit after the first mile...seein as I haven't ran in 2 years!! :tongue:

    Alexis-glad you enjoyed your wedding in Cali! Way to be aware of your food choices while there :smile:

    AFM-Today is a rest day for me...but I did get in my ab routine!! I did NOT miss one single planned day of my cardio or my ab routines for the month...and when I finish out my arm routine tomorrow, I will have hit every single exercise goal for May!! ALRIGHT!!! I think that I have my June goals all planned out and ready to that's sweet! And Allie and I have only tomorrow morning to get through of the "NON weigh" challenge and then Wednesday it's on! :drinker:

    Remember only 2 days to go...I hope you all have come up with some great June goals!! :heart:
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Hello Lovelies!! :bigsmile:

    Meag - hope you had a wonderful 1st day at work!! I am sure you will settle in soon enough and become a part of their community in no time!

    Kandace - CONGRATS on the 100 days of sobriety!! :flowerforyou: That is such a huge accomplishment!!

    Alexis - I am not a fan of the drive from Cali to Utah either but the weather in Cali has been beautiful lately!!

    Tara - I am getting my June goals sorted out too!! I can't wait to see how you did without weigh in!!!

    AFM...still trying to settle into some sort of normalcy even though we haven't moved yet. I am trying to get into a routine now so that when I move, I won't be so thrown off track cause I will already have my routine down. I am already working out my June goals. I never made up May goals for fear that I would just let myself down but I also failed myself because I never had something to hold myself accountable to. I am thinking of staying away from the scale for the month of June anyone that takes on that challenge, let me know so that we can hold each other accountable.

    Also...I am slowly realizing that getting to the gym is unrealistic with my life changes that will be taking place so if I am going to get any workouts in, it will have to be done at home. So I have been thinking about Turbo Fire vs. Turbo Jam. I wanted to get you lovely ladies' opinions from those that have done both workouts, which would you recommend??? Any suggestions and reviews would be greatly appreciated.

    Hope you all had a great holiday weekend!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Bethany- Happy to hear that you are getting some June goals in order!! :) Also glad to hear that you are thinking of trying out the NON weighing challenge...I think it was a great way to get my mind back in the game...and I am pretty sure that Allie would agree?! I think that Megan and Mariam were considering trying this out as you may wanna hit em up and see who's with you?! I haven't tried the turbo fire (Allie has though!) but I have tried many, many turbo jam DVDs...and I love em!! I have 3 cardios, fat blaster, lower body, totally tubular, ab jam, and turbo sculpt and I truly love em all!!! they are great workouts with some pretty great burns!!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    last day in May. How did this happen so fast?????

    ~KanCrav~ Reach 143, Jog at least 3 times outside,follow WO schedule, incorporate Low GI foods into my diet.

    Ok, I think I did ok. I did hit 143, even though I hit it 2 weeks ago and thought I would go under, I guess it ok that I am still here!~!~! I have jogged outside WAY more than 3 times, I have even done intervals on most of me and Codys long walks. I started 30Day Shred and I am on day 2 of level 2, so I am going to count that as my Workout Schedule. I originally meant that I wanted to create a schedule and follow it, but 30DS works just as good. The point of a schedule was to keep me on a routine, and boy does Jillian do that well!~! As for the GI foods, I have made lentils a staple at my bbqs now!~! And I have been buying fruit acorrding to their GI level. Even though most fruit is low

    So over all I think I did pretty well. I dont know why I am not more proud of myself. As for June, I need to loose 8 pounds to make my goal of 135. I guess thats why I am not as excited as I would like to be. I have A LOT of work ahead of me. Im glad I am on level 2 of 30 DS cuz I am gonna need something to kick my butt into action!

    I hope everyone has a great day....
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Kandace-CONGRATS on hitting all of your May goals!!! 8lbs is do-able...but be warned...the closer that you get to goal the harder it is!! I am sure that JM will whip ya into shape, and that you will finish out June strong!! WTG girly :)
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Morning ladies! I'm late for work so just a quick check in. I'll be posting the new challenge tonight so keep your eyes peeled. As usual, I'll post the link here and on my newsfeed and i hope you all do the same! :bigsmile:

    Beth - I just saw this site today in my Google Reader Feed... Could be useful for you? I haven't had time to do any Q&A with the workouts but its free, so that's a bonus! There's loads of stuff out there. Just have to find out what you like!

    Have a great last day of May, ladies! Let's end this month with a bang! :heart:
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Survived with workout and I didn't vomit! It was all new ppl in our session so he let us do it with partners. Still crazy insane to split all that between two ppl. Both partners had to do the running and then we had to Lternate sets for the pullups pushups and squats. I also found out that this is what they call a "hero" workout in honor of a navy seal that lost his life trying to save 3 of his men in Afghanistan in 2005. It was his favorite workout that he always did now it's named after hi
    "Murph" regardless of my thoughts on the war it was really intense and powerful to be doing this in his memory. I just kept thinking bout his face on the last mile when I didn't think my legs would move anymore. Intense stuff!!!

    Looking forward to posting my June goals tomorrow when I am on a comp! :-)
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Thanks Tara!~!

    Have fun at work Meag!~!~!

    Im not sure why working out was so hard for me today. I just couldnt get my body to do what I wanted it to do!~! Tomorrow is day 3 of Shred Level Dos!~!~! weew I love it!~! I cant do all of the stuff so I have to follow the "beginner" girl, but its working out.

    I hope everyone has a healthy expierience going over your May goals. Be proud of yourself cuz I was hard on myself this morning and I ruined my day (for the most part) but I realize now that it wasnt worth it. I met my goals, I just didnt over shoot them.... so be freakin happy darn it!~!~! :bigsmile: I am proud of all of you and you should be proud of you too!~!~! :drinker:
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Kan LOVE your attitude bout today! That is such a huge NSV for you!!!! Yay!!!!
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Good Morning Lovelies-

    Its been a busy day and its only 11:45 here. Got to the gym right around 5:30. Ran a mile on the treadmill to get my heart rate up, followed it up with some arm weights, and then at 6:30 did spin followed by the usual mini bootcamp. So I burned just shy of 1,000 cals by 7:40 this morning! HOLY MOLY! Which means I get to eat whatever I like :) YIPPEE!! Then I've been busy at work getting all sorts of things accomplished. I have a training class all next week for work so I am nervous about how I am going to manage working out and eating healthy. I am trying to make a big push these next few weeks to get refocused and reenergized with working out. I think that I can really do it, but I just have to get my head there. I am still considering the no scale Challenge, but I am also nervous about how that would end up working! YIKES!

    Is there anyone else who is also considering the no scale challenge? I don't think I can do it alone. Any who- just a quick drop by and now I am back to work! I will check in again this afternoon and respond to everyone!
