

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Thank you Katla!!! I just registered both my numbers!!! ❤️❤️❤️
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Penny, so good to hear from you. You had me laffin’ like crazy, reading about you feeling tall and normal/fat, etc depending on where you were. I’ll stay away from Japan.

    Miriam, prayers headed your way and for son.

    MNMargaret, I like all your quotes. I think my favorite is: “
    Life is not a problem to be solved but a gift to enjoy” Thanks for sharing.

    bkrimpet, congrats on your ¾ pound. I wouldn’t look too soon either. Lol

    Jane, I hope you get all good results on your tests, too. Have a ball with those grands. ((Hugs)) later: good results at the doc. Losing weight does amazing good things to our bodies. Who knew? dunno.gif

    Mia, you can’t fool us! We know you aren’t making DH play with everything to make up for his lack of childhood. You just want to play with the toys and that is your excuse. But then I know that you know we can all be kids at Disney.

    Cheri, wiggle.gif This is me dancing with you. Congrats and keep up the good work.

    DeeDee, I’d love being Mimi DJ to those two cuties. Which beach will you be at on Aug 30? OMG, I’d have been afraid for you to leave the house, too. What a morning, but I did have to giggle reading about it.

    Pip, I think we had figured out that you had a concussion. Did he tell you to take it easy more so than you have been? My DD had a frontal lobe injury with a fractured skull and I don’t recall her still being dizzy for this long.

    I just made plans to fly to Dallas next month for niece's wedding. I haven't seen her or her brother or Mom in about 12 or 15 years so I'm excited. Plus I have great nieces and nephews I've never met. And what can I say, I always love being back in Texas, even if it is the hottest month of the year.

    I hope you all have a happy and healthy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2015
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    my blood pressure is 110/60 so it's good. i have another dr app. with a bone specialist on 7/27. and yup, i have a concussion.

    Glad they they finally figured that out, geeeeezzz z!!!
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Lesley ... So sorry you have the flu! Get well soon.

    Cheri ... Congratulations!

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    @DJ - I'm a three hour drive North of Dallas. I lived in Dallas before I moved to OKC. IT is Hot and humid here right now.

    My daughter and her family, from Lubbock, will be here in a couple of hours. :)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,728 Member
    damnit - i knew before he told me.. also he knows that i'm biking and working out and that i am taking it easy and i'm not biking or working out at full force
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Before I read all 146 new posts since I last logged in, I will just say that I am checking in to say hi. Hope everyone is doing okay and everyone's body parts, as well as loved ones, are behaving. :p

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did 45 minutes of a Totally Ripped DVD by Bob Harper. I'm not sure why I downloaded this one, but I did. It's all core work, not much back which you need to work the opposing muscle group.

    The plan for tomorrow is to do a workout in the water.

    Cheri - lovely blanket. Thanks for the name of the video. I know I'll be referring to it again.

    barbie - I'm glad the pic of the turtle came thru today. Not sure why it didn't yesterday. The only thing was that the gal at the ceramics studio added eyelashes and the mouth. I put clear glaze on them since they aren't the invision paint and hopefully it'll fire fine.

    Welcome everyone new and those returning.

    Becca - I don't like shoes that have a high heel, either. About 1" is good enough for me. Why do stores seem to make mostly shoes in high high heels? Well, because evidentally that's what sells. Wait until those people get older and have food problems, then you'll see them making all sorts of fancy shoes with lower heels. I like that last mantra from your TOPS meeting, too. "You are who you decide to be"

    Thank you, everyone, for your comments on my turtle. It's colorful if anything. Originally I was going to do him in red, white, and blue. If I'd realized that I couldn't do it, I would have made the snail in blue and white. Oh well, they can just go in different parts of the yard, that's all.

    Joyce - as I recall, it was YOU who gave me the idea of giving the turtle red toenails. In a way, I wish the gal who did the eyelashes made them thicker and longer. But beggers can't be choosers. I don't have a steady enough hand to do it, so she did it for me. Do you have to ask at Payless to get the AARP discount? I would think so. Good for you getting Charlie to get his treatments! Sometimes we just have to "alter" the facts, like I'm constantly giving Vince foods that are good for him and accidentally-on-purpose forgetting to tell him what's in the food....lol

    Lisa - that GM sounds like something else! How can he possibly tell people that there is no money? I do hope he loses his job, he deserves it.

    Heather - I'm the same way, when I get involved in something else, I lose any interest in cooking. Bad thing is that it usually comes right back

    Alison - take care of yourself. Did you maybe overexert yourself?

    Lenora - have you ever heard of "sleep solutions"? The ad on the radio said that it's some sort of retainer-type thing that you wear instead of the CPAP. Your family story is so heartbreaking.

    Lori - congrats on the loss

    Lillian - what fun is it to be mature?

    DJ thanks for reminding me, I need to call Pat at the ceramics place to see if she has other critters. Funny about the vodka. Thanks for the smile

    Well, the doc cut out that plantar wart. The anesthesia is starting to wear off. Then I went to get my bangs trimmed and on to Bi-Lo just for the items on sale

    Remember the gal who I took to Charlotte for cataract surgery? Well, when she scheduled an appt for tomorrow at the time I told her to call me if she feels uncomfortable driving that distance. She didn't think she would. In the meantime, Vince went into the hosp. He's supposed to go to the cardiologist tomorrow. Today she called to ask if I could still take her. So I just asked Vince if he needed me there, he said he didn't so I'll take her to Charlotte. She is going to come to my house. I think I'll get up early and go in the pool at the Y since last time I just found it so very hard to exercise after we got home. I'd rather get it out of the way

    MNMargaret - great sayings

    Made this graham streusel cake. Oh, did I mention that Lynette called and Ken is in the hosp with his appendix. So I'll take some to her and give the rest to the gal when she comes tomorrow. Actually, I made one cake and totally forgot to put the water in it. It had good flavor, just dry. Fortunately, I had another box of lemon cake mix (which you need) so I made another cake. Just waiting for it to cool some then I'll cut a piece off for Lynette.

    jane - sending good thoughts for great results

    Went to the hosp. Ken's operation was delayed and he didn't go into the OR until around 7:30. We were just walking out of the hosp when Lynette called to say he was back in his room. Unfortunately, we could get out of the hosp but we couldn't get back in unless we went to the ER. So here we are, walking that way. And I'm slower.

    Cheri - dancing with ya

    Jane - great numbers

    DeeDee - what a day you had. So sorry you can't make it on the 30th. Would love to see ya

    Lesley - feel better soon

    pip - sorry about your concussion. Good numbers, tho. Take care of yourself

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    RebelRenny wrote: »
    Before I read all 146 new posts since I last logged in, I will just say that I am checking in to say hi. Hope everyone is doing okay and everyone's body parts, as well as loved ones, are behaving. :p


    Hi, backatcha! I love it when you stop by.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    DamitJanit wrote: »
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Lillian, I hope you didn’t misunderstand what I was saying. The mature referred to our years, not our actions. I, in no way am asking any of us to act our age. bounce.gif

    Myrtle Beach, SC

    No...I didn't misunderstand. I'm pretty sure I will never learn to act my age!! ha ha

  • gawworthington
    gawworthington Posts: 1,131 Member
    I am working 3 hrs from home and hanging out at a hotel. I spent time in the gym and did work out for 90 minutes and I am going to the pool for 30 minutes and then bed. Yesterday I went swimming for an hour. Food has been under because I have been super busy at work and then don't want to over eat when I get off work. Tomorrow I will work and then have to drive home. I love reading your updates.
    Gayle W from Idaho
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Lisa, I didn't see anything wrong with what the GM said if you take into context of the whole situation. I still think an anonymous call to the health department is warranted here. That manager needs to here it form some one who he would consider a person in authority that the place is a wreck. Our health department here has actually shut a place down right there and then if it has enough critical violations. It was the man who took down the neighbors tree that didn't have a chipper. I am just now calling for estimates.

    MNMargaret, when I am on hold for awhile, I just put the phone on speaker and lay it down or carry it with me. My time is worth something and if they are going to do that to me, I will not let them kidnap my time.

    Lori, enjoy Disney for me. I hope we can go as planned next year. We went about 4 years ago. Next year the grand kids will be 9 and 15. That time we went through a travel agent because the planning was just to stressful for me. So AAA took care of everything. We went to a Disney value resort and got a room for Charlie and I then a family suite for the rest of them. But the 4 year old was small enough that she could sleep on a chair that unfolded into a twin bed and the 8 year old slept on another fold out chair and then poor Michelle, our younger daughter who has no children slept on the pull out couch in the same room. The other daughter and hubbie had the nice bedroom. It did have two bathrooms. Boy was that room a mess. But they are to old for that now and we will have to get Michelle a separate room. That will add to the expense but I think both the girls are planning on helping out financially since their Dad is making such an uproar on how much his treatment will cost. We also got the fast food dining plan which gives a lot of food. I wasn't on a diet then but was mindful of what I ate and there are lots of choices you can make. Also with staying at the resort, you can use the shuttle to go to and from any of the Disney Parks. But it only has a certain number of seats and stops at all of the resorts and a person never knows it's schedule so your resort may be the last stop. Plus we rented from an outside agency a mobility scooter for me and I couldn't put it on the shuttle. But going to a resort you get free parking so that's what we did. On the meal plan, you get tons of snacks. So at the end of our trip we just went to one of the restaurants at our resort and stocked up them and ate them on the way home, here at home, the next week, etc. Oh, I am ready to go right now!!!!

    Toni, welcome! Another write???? I wish I could read the name of your book you are singing there. We have several published writers here. You are in good company.

    Meg, $75 for just a meal only???? WOW. I agree, the food isn't really worth it but the cheddar biscuits are divine! I don't hear my CPAP at all unless I have it off my face and then I can hear the air rushing through the tubing. My CPAP is one that fits in the nose like an oxygen cannula. It has to fit tight so it creates a seal. My sister and her husband both have CPAPs that looks like this huge box that fits all the way from the chin to the eyes. STraps have to be taken on and off for bathroom stops in the night.

    DJ, we are both glad that Charlie didn't know his Dad's new wife at all until he got home form the Navy. She was a very bitter woman who was very much a Democrat. I am not saying Democrats are bitter. She worked for the paper and loved to rub shoulders with all the public officials whether they are mayors, congressmen or the President and then throw that in our faces if she thought she was better than anyone else. So I knew early in our marriage I needed to get on my good side. She had enough pull she would have done something to ax my job if she hated me enough. Our hospital was part of the Family practice residency training program and i knew the doctor who was over their training real well. So I arranged it so that the residents could do the boy scout physicals for Charlie's Dads boy scout troops. He loved to do anything for the poor little guys in the inner city, she hated having those 'dirty' boys in her house. Well they loved to go int the downstairs bath and see the nude picture of her that made up a whole wall! So the residents did that every year and she said I was OK for that. On the night FIL died, he was in hospice and she knew his breathing was more labored than usual. So she went into her bedroom, put sound machine on so she wouldn't hear him and left his in his bed in the living room. Who knows what time he died. She was sound asleep. She called us at 8 when she woke up. We would have glady stayed the night with his just so that he wouldn't have had to die alone. We are so glad that we both got to have some very meaningful conversations with him before he went to sleep. That was the kind of woman she was.

    Penny, I would have had to open up and encyclopedia and look up all those different clouds you saw. Sounds like your are in a beautiful place. You sound like me and your love and awe of storms. My husband knows to leave the drapes open if we are going to have a storm. Sorry about the tree. And to think we are going to have to pay good money to have our big tree taken down and God did it for you!!!

    Miriam, sounds to me that the manager of your sons apartment complex needs to be the one evicted and not your son.

    Vicki, WOW, I thought you were going to say that the book was hot! We get our really hot weather this weekend. This week has been just glorious!

    Mary, oh prayers to you. 9 and 10 year old boys! God knew to give me girls. They played with My little pony's doll houses, dolls, dress up, all those things a little girl plays with.

    Cheri, happy dance all around the house!!! Congrats on finally getting to that 15 pound loss.

    Pip, come on girl. Help us out. You knew you had a concussion but what else did he say? How long before we can get our Pip back? How long before you aren't dizzy anymore.

    Michele, yes it was me. I feel like such a proud Mother of that turtles little tiny toe nails. No we don't have to ask for an AARP discount. I already have it out when I approach the counter. Now sometimes the new cashiers look at me like I am crazy and have to ask some one. But I use it several places.

    Tomorrow is Charlies birthday. I knew he would want to go somewhere special for supper so we went tonight instead. He is so picky about waiting for service, getting food at a restaurant that we try to get there at 5 or earlier. So going to a nice place on Friday night is out. AARP gives a 15% discount at Outback steakhouse and we had never been there so we went there. They have a less than 600 calorie menu. I was surprised how low in calorie a 6 oz sirloin, salad with balsamic vinegarette and steamed veggies was. The chocolate desert he would have wanted was $7.99 and he knew he would be eating it by himself so we didn't get any desert. He ordered bbq ribs and liked them. My sirloin was excellent. They didn't not put the rub of herbs and spices on for me.

    I called a couple of places for tree removal estimates and left messages so hopefully tomorrow they will call back. The person who developed our subdivision also had a really big subdivision also so we are going to drive over there tomorrow and look at some of the mature landscaping and see what kind of low profile landscaping they have to give us some ideas. I guess I need to take a picture and put it here of our bushed in front! You can barely see the house.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,818 Member
    Morning ladies~
    I am up.. I am working at 8 today.. I took nyquil before bed, and passed out.. so slept well and I am hoping i dont feel dizzy today at work..
    will check in when I get home
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,368 Member
    edited July 2015
    Good morning my friends!

    Glad those who tried it liked the spinach and feta pie. I think the dill adds that extra dimension, but I know it's not everyone's favourite herb. You can freeze it or keep it in the fridge for a couple of days. Very adaptable.

    We are off to Salisbury this afternoon. Raining at the moment, (thank goodness, we need it), but will clear up this evening and scheduled to be nice tomorrow when we are sightseeing round the cathedral, Mompesson House and the museum with Wedgwood ceramics. I have booked a "modern Indian" tonight, Anokka, and a "fine dining" restaurant for tomorrow, Charter 1227. That name refers to a copy of the Magna Carta which is in the cathedral. The cathedral has the tallest spire in the country and a famous clock.
    I went once when DS#1 was a toddler and he had just got over mumps which had been on one side of his face. As I was pushing him round the cathedral I realised that the other side of his face was swelling up! Ooops, bad mother! It was a very hot day. I remember standing with this child with a temperature in the shade of the cathedral wall, trying to get some water into him. Luckily my DMIL was with us to help. :ohwell:
    Speaking of my DMIL, who really was Dear, I am at present still trying to get my small legacy from her out of my ex. Her house is now sold, ten years after her death, :sad: and I am in correspondence with the solicitor. I am charging my ex interest from the date of the interim payment. Watch this space!

    I'm not going to wear a dress tomorrow as we are 30 mins walk into town and I am hopeless with smart shoes. I will wear smart pants with flats and orthotics and a fancy top and jewellery. Could take a taxi, but I don't know how easy it is to get one on a Saturday night! I think I'd rather walk and burn off a few more calories. Not going to drive in as parking would be impossible and we will share a bottle of wine. So no heels for me! ! ! !

    Love to all. Got to get scrubbed up and packed.

    Slept really well last night in the spare room. DH was fine as well. He sees his favourite doctor next Tuesday. :)

    Heather UK
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Katla, thanks for the information. Taking care of my phone today as soon as I remember where I put it...

    Gayle from ID, I lived in Idaho 13 years. In a tiny town called Melba that was south of Nampa. Worked at the State School and Hospital in Nampa, then at St. Al's in Boise. Where are you?

    Heather, my oldest sister lived in Cambridge for five years while her husband taught anthropology there. I got to visit for a month- I was 17. I arrived as she was in labor, so I got to see the way the OB services worked. So much better than here in terms of patient education, making sure the baby is taken care of properly once home. I spent a week in London wandering around in various museums and Kew Gardens. We had tea at a lovely thatched cottage within walking distance of her home. I loved touring some of the cathedrals- religious architecture has always been a passion of mine.

    Heels! I worked at a nursing home when I was 20. I saw how all the women had deformed feet and trouble walking and pain. The men did not. It did not take me long to put two and two together- I went home and threw out ALL of my heels and have never worn them since. I refuse to be crippled for fashion.

    I may have talked my son in to moving back to Iowa- there is an apartment open just down the street from me. He is finding NOTHING in Colorado. Either they don't take housing assistance, or they do but have no available apartments AND have waiting lists. So things are looking bleak for staying there. I promised him at least one trip a year to the mountains (the draw) if he moves back home. He is so stubborn that talking him in to anything is rough. He will probably wait until the very last day before making a decision.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Just saw this on Facebook

    Cell Phone numbers are going to be released to telemarketers this month. You can be charged for calls from telemarketers. To prevent this, call the following number from your cell phone: 888-382-1222. It is the national Do Not Call list and will block your number for 5 years. You must call from the number you want blocked. I just finished my phone and also DH's phone. Here is a link:


    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    It'd be nice if one could get a number for NRA to block their 8 - 10 calls made to my home phone from different numbers and different names (even some being 'unavailable' to come to us daily. Same going for 'political calls' from states we don't live in. I can block up to 12 calls in my voicemail program and that is still not enough to keep from getting them. We've gotten to the point that our calls show up on the TV screen so as to NOT have to answer phone when these types of calls come in.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Lilymay2 wrote: »
    DamitJanit wrote: »
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Lillian, I hope you didn’t misunderstand what I was saying. The mature referred to our years, not our actions. I, in no way am asking any of us to act our age. bounce.gif

    Myrtle Beach, SC

    No...I didn't misunderstand. I'm pretty sure I will never learn to act my age!! ha ha


    Why would anyone want to act their age....no fun in that....hubs and I never act our age and that is what keeps us "cool" in our adult kid's lives!

  • tonithewriter
    tonithewriter Posts: 27 Member
    Yes, I am a writer. I published my first book in 2010. It is called "Second Time Foster Child" and you can get it on Amazon if you are interested. It's non-fiction--due to a pretty horrendous situation that the state of IL put us through, and it's something that netted some law changes and a congressional award for me. I can tell you more if you are interested.

    If you read it, please leave me a review on Amazon!

    I am working on my next book--this time fiction.

    Trying to get caught up with some of the posts-this seems like a fantastic group for me! Looking forward to getting to know all of you.

    For the MN ladies, I am currently living in Bloomington.

    Toni in MN
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!!

    More rain again last night. Managed to get the lawn mowed around the fire pit, and some weeding done in the garden, and my house is half cleaned, so today I will just need to dust and straighten up...get the spare room ready and voila.... oh yea I will need to clean my veggies and get ready for the anniversary party on Saturday.

    Have a great weekend peeps

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    edited July 2015
    Pip my dad suffered a severe concussion when I was four. The important thing is not to cause any further injury so I am glad you are as hard as it is taking things more slowly and being careful. I had slow down too when I had a torn retina. It was hard when I was used to being so active, but I didn't want to take any chances with my vision. Glad you are taking good care of you.

    Lillian happy dance for your rain. We have rain today too.

    Toni sent you a message. Gayle and I are trying to work out details when to meet live. Working in the educational system for the past twenty years I have witnessed some of the effects of the foster care or lack of foster care on children from a teacher's perspective. I agree many of the stories are heartbreaking.

    Gilly glad to see you back.

    :heart: MNMargaret