

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »

    Sending hugs to all of you.

    <3 Barbie

    Thanks Barbie! Right back at ya!

    Cheri (currently in beautiful NE Ohio)
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    @Drkatiebug Your feet look terrific! Are you happy with the results? I'm going to recommend this to my daughter if so.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good Morning Friends,

    Becca great picture!

    Thanks for the feedback on the work my grandmother did. It is hanging at an angle.

    Still trying to think of ways to help our DS without enabling him. Life is holding him accountable for the choices he has made and believes we should be his safety net. Rather than be his safety net I am trying to figure out ways to help him learn to hold himself accountable for his choices so he can start to clean up his mess and start living the life he wants. I keep thinking what you said Lisa inability to limit sweets and ways you have learned handle it. My sons inability to set internal limits is part of what is getting him into trouble. My problem is I am a fixer type. I see a problem and think I have the answer to fix the problem. (Yes I have lost a few friends over that one) I think why am rambling here is I am trying to figure out how to help my son so that he can help himself. I think the first step for me is to let this be his problem.

    I keep thinking when we were in Mexico I saw a baby turtle trying to make it to the sea and there were all these birds around ready to make lunch out of him. My first reaction was I wanted to go pick up that turtle and put him in the sea, so the birds wouldn't get him. The signs said to not pick up the turtles if you see one. For once I followed the directions on a sign. I learned when I got home that the reason not to help a turtle is they need build up their muscles by swimming in the sand if they miss this step they are not strong enough once they get to the ocean. What we did do for that turtle is we stayed and chased the birds away until he got to the ocean.

    I am trying to practice the loving kindness that Heather has talked about. I made plans to go on another garden tour this Saturday with some friends. Tending my garden is a gift I also give myself.

    :heart: MNMargaret

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Becca, way to go on awards at tops. I like your quote: "The Most Important Ingredient in Food Preparation Is My Mood!" . While I was reading it, I was thinking that for me, “the most important ingredient in a healthy diet is menu planning:”.

    Barbie, Thanks, I love your HUGS. And same to ya! <3

    Becca, you looked fantastic!! If you were that slim that recently, you have the incentive to do it again. Go girl.

    Gayle, I think lots of us started our adult lives thin and slowly gained past the point of healthy. That is why I look at this as a life journey knowing I can never “finish” and go back to my old way of eating. The nice thing is, if I feel deprived of a certain food, I can have it once in a while and still maintain. I just have to watch what I eat and plan healthy dishes. So I only have a donut once every 6 or 7 months? At least I know I still can if I want to.

    DrKatie, those feet look as soft as a baby’s butt. rockon.gif Now just don’t walk on them and they will stay that way. LOL Laffin’ so hard, I doubt your loss was all from dead skin, but congrats wherever it came from!!!

    Linda, we will excuse you from our post as long as you are eating right. You can do this.

    Joyce, I think you wanted me to remind you to tell Chris Happy Birthday in case you forgot.

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    We are off to the beach on this beautiful day in SC. Wish you could all join me. wave.gif

    Have a great day, my friends. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Ah... last day completely at home for a little while. Got bread rising on the stove for the hubby. He very manfully told me I didn't need to worry about making bread, since I'm going to be so busy. :) I'm surprising him with a couple week's worth that he can stash in the fridge. One of the few ways I do try to spoil him utterly for any other woman!

    Ha! Like there are women out here on the ranch. Well there are the cleaning ladies, but they're not his type. Plus they're not fond of him--since they don't have any guests to look after over the summer, he taught them how to use a paint spray gun, and has them painting the steel fences around all the ranch houses. :wink: Widens their later career prospects.

    Daysie Dog is going to be twitchy without her daily run, but maybe that will get him out walking while I'm away. I'm making arrangements to work out at the fitness center in town starting probably Monday, wouldn't mind getting my achy knees on an elliptical for a while, and they have a strider that I just love. I know full well that, even though the job will keep me on my feet for hours, the workouts matter, and I don't want to lose the progress I've made.

    Got the corrections to the warehouse offer through; we're signing that electronically today, and trying to close in 30 days. I was in the Chamber of Commerce Leadership team seven years ago with the local banker, so he knows us, and the credit check went through with flying colors. Plus, no prepayment penalties. Got to love small towns. And, as my old business partner used to tell me, "When everything's going right, STOP ARGUING!"

    One of my writing workshop people came to me to bounce an idea off me for an ongoing article in the paper, as well, before I got the job--and I'm sending that over to the publisher as a possible "summer replacement" for my opinion column... Just shedding distractions so I can do the best possible job for all concerned.

    Love y'all... will post as and when I can over the next week or so 'til I get things nailed down and smoothed out. Looking forward to the challenge, but not to the initial exhaustion! (For those who are wondering what the heck I'm talking about, I start a consulting job tomorrow working to get a local restaurant turned around and all their processes tuned up and working smoothly--four to twelve-week gig, according to how long it takes them to find a permanent manager, or how long it takes me to train someone working there).

    Lisa from West Texas
  • KateKyi
    KateKyi Posts: 106 Member
    Cooking day for me. I cooked a whole slow cooked chicken yesterday. Going to use the breast meat in salads or just plain. The rest of the chicken meat will be in curries or casseroles. The bones and skin and stock are all going into my first ever made batch of clarified stock. Going to use my slow cooker to slowly reheat the bones skin and juices with water and a few herbs. I have calculated the whole chicken for my calorie count. Once I have made the stock I will take off the "rubbish" like bones,skin etc from the grams and calculate how many calories will be in the portions I am making. I figured this is a whole use of the chicken since we are supposed to use nose to tail cooking to respect the animal that died for me. Once I have left the stock to infuse I will chill it over night and scrap off the fats. If its cloudy I will clarify it with egg whites and egg shells. Having read the instructions on clarifying the stock I hope I can pull it off. If not, well I tried and I would have only thrown it out anyway. Hopefully I will be left with fat free (at least my version) stock that will taste delicious in soups and casseroles and is part of my new no manufacturers processing foods. Wish me luck ladies I probably need it.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
    morning peep-er-ronies -

    i didn't go workout this morning BUT i took my first bike ride. rode to the train station, (all down hill). kirby was following behind me the whole way to see my balance and make sure i was ok. i know the road well so when i was was coming to a bump i had no weight on the left shoulder so it wouldn't take any pain. also, since i didn't go workout i had much less to take so i used my bike messenget bag and the shoulder strap when over the good shoulder. still have a headache and i can't describe how i feel but it's kinda like you got a buzz but you still can drive, well i feel like the beginning of a buzz but without the pleasure, just the headache. kirby called to make sure that i got to work ok (6:36am PST right now) and told me to take it easy riding home. riding home will be the harder ride cuz all uphill. he said walk the bike if you have to. i told him, "no, like you say, you don't walk your bike, you walk your dog but not your bike" so i will be riding the bike. maybe he taught me too well....

    annr --- way to go you loser you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    drkatie- congrats on your loss too!!!!!!!!

    miriamwithcats- no sling for me - doc says that's what it looks and feels like but he wanted an xray to make sure. he said that since my range of motion is ok (not the best but good) that it will heal like that and i will always have a bump on my shoulder or they will need to have surgery to fix it. kirby said at the ER he said they only gave him pamphlet about drinking. of course this is telling us that they just treated me like another drunk that fell, after all it is las vegas. i realize that the older you get the longer it takes to heal but on the other hand the healthier you are, the quicker you can bounce back. i also understand that arthritis will probably come into play as i age, i expect it.

    godmomkim- the fall was what caused it. lololol.

    Kateky - my hats off to all you cookers !!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
    jmkmomm- the doctor asked what hospital in vegas i went to and if they gave me any paperwork, told him i don't know cuz i would out like a like and that i would have to ask my husband. they want to see the scan and reports they did on me. i am going to get a bill no doubt from the emergency but i am going to have kirby find out the name of the hospital and tell the doc so they can get a copy of the records and the CT scan they took

    MNMargaet- i like the frame hanging as a diamond not square shape. very purdy.

    grandmallie - terrible thing to say and i don't know how else to say it (well yes i do) but maybe the issues that your "husband" is having will make him realize the issues you are having and how you address his health issues will open his eyes on how he should better talk to you about your issues and not be so insensative, know what i mean vern?
  • metallaxi
    metallaxi Posts: 17 Member
    I shall be back in a few days, I have visitors now from abroad.
    Hugs to all from the windy Greek Islands
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Good morning Ladies,

    I had such a busy day with appointments etc yesterday that I didn't have time to post. I missed chatting with everyone. Congrats to those experiencing scale and non-scale victories! Hugs to all those who need them and welcome to everyone new.

    I went to beginner Tai Chi last night with my friend. I'm hoping that if I continue to go to classes with her that I will finally be able to remember the set. I won't hold my breath though. :smile:

    We got some rain last night and it's overcast this morning. Here's hoping we get some more.

    There seems to be some significance to getting 10,000 steps a day. Can any of you walkers out there tell me what it is? 10,000 steps a day seems like a huge number to me.

    Thought for the day:I hope everyone that is reading this is having a really good day. And if you are not, just know that in every new minute that passes you have an opportunity to change that. - Gillian Anderson

    Have a successful day,


    July Goals:

    1. Do menu planning for July - Increasing protein to 130g per day. Do one week at a time so that can adjust as I go.

    2. Log all meals - try to pre-log to get a better handle on calories for the day

    3.Plan and Do - 2 fun things every week
    • W1: Family reunion - 3 days of fun and hard work
    • W2: Tai Chi with friend who will start beginners and needs some company. Hot Stone Massage
    • W3: Lunch with Tai Chi ladies, surprise Dad for his birthday
    4. Ride stationary bike 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    pip - i am going to butt in...it sounds like you have a major head trauma. how you treat it now will determine how much permanent damage you have. a major concussion requires two weeks of complete physical AND cognitive rest. i still have lingering memory problems from my concussion from two years ago. that buzz is telling you that you need rest--lying still in a darkened room with NO activity, including tv, reading, or computer. my 2 cents worth...
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Carey - there have been studies done that adults should walk 5 miles per day for health which roughly equates to 10,000 steps.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,147 Member
    Good morning ladies! I just got through doing strong lift 5X5. Last night we got our bedroom and office set up. We spent our first night in our new house. The first thing we noticed is it is a lot smaller and not half as much storage. We did plan on downsizing so we will have to get used to it. We are expecting company all weekend. I will have my daughter and her husband stay in the cabin now that we are in the house.

    PIP-take it easy. I know that is easier said than done. We are praying for you.

    Kim-cheesecake sounds wonderful. Very high in calories but I usually have a very small piece. Everything in moderation. Have fun with your next concoction.

    DJ-have fun at the beach!

    MNMargret- that was beautiful very colorful and thefree game could go any direction!

    Yanniejannie- I hope all goes well at your doctors appointment.

    Becca- you look great! You can do it again! Use that picture for inspiration is a good idea.

    Lisa - good luck on your closing! I hope everything goes well for you.

    Drkatiebug- where did you get the pretty feet from? Do you need a prescription? Your feet turned out great.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Thank you everyone again for the birthday wishes. I appreciate it very much. My birthday was wonderful, as it usually is. My mind was just in a bad place the days before and I was thinking the worst. That will teach me!

    My son, his wife and her daughter had presents and cards waiting for me when I got home yesterday. The best present though was the card from my step-grandaughter, Trinity. Before I opened her card or present, her mother made sure that I knew that Trinity picked out the card and present all by herself (she just turned 8). Tears came to my eyes when I opened the card and saw that it was a serious card for a "Grandma" and was absolutely lovely. A little back story; Trinity has 2 natural grandmothers that she is close to and has never referred to me as a grandmother, nor have I encouraged her to. In fact, the name she calls me is "Mikesmom" because my son is Mike and I am his mom. This is the name she came up for me when she was 5 and first came into my life, 1-1/2 years before they got married. I thought the name was clever and I love it. It meant alot to me to realize that she thinks of me as her grandmother. It was the best present ever!! Trinity and her mother baked an absolutely beautiful and delicious birthday cake that we enjoyed after my friends took me to dinner.

    Dinner was great, especially the company. I chose a seafood restaurant, had grilled scallops and shrimp, with green beans and summer squash. No bread, potatoes, rice etc. The only indulgence at dinner was a watermelon martini, it was my birthday after all. I honestly didn't miss all the other food I would have mindlessly eaten in the past. Had birthday cake when we got back to the house, it was my birthday after all. Triple chocolate, YUM!!
    Logged everything in and came up a little under my calorie allotment for the day. Was pretty surprised that I was 2.6 lbs. heavier this morning that I was yesterday morning. Oh well, maybe because I didn't hit my stop goal of 11,000 steps (which is 5 miles for me). Not stressing, it will come off.

    A great moment for me was when one of my friends said she had a size 12 skirt that didn't fit her and offered it to me. The skirt I was wearing was a size 8! I didn't tell her that, but said I would be happy to see if it fit. A birthday present I have given myself.

    Pretty cool here today, 63F, great for walking though. Jake the rescue dog and I took a 2.5 mile walk earlier and I did 35 minutes on the elliptical before work this morning. Between the 2 I have 500 steps shy of 11,000. Tomorrow morning is session 2 of C25K, right now I'm dreading it.

    Gotta get back to work.
    Everyone have a great day!

    Chris in MA

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
    nccarolb wrote: »
    pip - i am going to butt in...it sounds like you have a major head trauma. how you treat it now will determine how much permanent damage you have. a major concussion requires two weeks of complete physical AND cognitive rest. i still have lingering memory problems from my concussion from two years ago. that buzz is telling you that you need rest--lying still in a darkened room with NO activity, including tv, reading, or computer. my 2 cents worth...

    thanks for your concern. I have had concussions b4 too so I am aware of what is happening to me. I know what I SHOULD do but I am doing what I know I can handle. I don't think I had a major concussion but a minor one, to me there is a difference there. I will b fine, I promise.

    love you all for your concern.
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Thursday ! ! !

    Drkatiebug – Wow, the difference in your feet is amazing. I bet they feel great, too.

    Toni – Hugs for you knee and back pain.

    Barbie – thanks for the hug. I felt it all the way over here.

    YannieJannie – In Wisconsin, you have to give consent to have a student in the room for anything. However, any “intimate” exam, they have to keep someone else in the room unless you say you don’t need another person. // Sorry about the dog fight. VERY scary thing to see. I hope the other dog is okay, and that the master of the predator dog learns a lesson before it is too late.

    Carol – Hugs for your words with your DD.

    Margaret – Those doilies are BEAUTIFUL. I wish I had the patience to be so meticulous. They deserve framing. Oops, just read that it is one doily displayed different ways. I like both directions.

    Vicki – Moving patients is a hassle; I hope everything is finished and correct.

    Selena – Great picture, and congrats on the launch.

    Chris in MA – Happy Birthday (even if I’m a little late, celebrate again, maybe wear a tiara to the grocery store or something)

    Joyce – Payne does as many sports as possible, and I let him choose, because there is NO time left for him to get into trouble. He also has chores (but only as many as I see fit, based on his sports). Bowling league season begins mid-August to early-September, but is usually only Saturday and Sunday, except that this year he will add a Sport-Shot Wednesday with his Dad. Official H.S. basketball season begins late November, but they do conditioning, scrimmages, and weight-lifting year round. Baseball starts in March, but so many baseball players are on the basketball and/or football team, that they don’t do weights unless they want. Most of these teams overlap with the same kids, so I feel confident that he is hanging out with kids who do not get in trouble, plus all the Moms (and sometimes dads) all know each other. He has been hoping to get a job either coaching baseball or being a pin-setter at Holler House, but there has not been time for that yet this summer. He is mostly just a busy kid who enjoys being active and competitive.

    My nephew, Drew, made the cut for Junior Gold 20U, so he is bowling again today. So far - 193, 193, 200, with two more games at minimum today. They cut the field from 65 to 16, then bowl again tomorrow in double elimination.

    Friday on the way to taking my son and another team member to their Little League game, I was rear-ended again. This time I was at a stop sign, in a complete stop, waiting for traffic to clear, and the Domino’s driver hit me from behind. The boys were not hurt, and we were only 1 block from the baseball field, so the boys walked the rest of the way to their game. My back handled it better than I expected (I think because I have nice lumbar support in my car), but my neck REALLY hurts this time. I was looking to the left when it happened. Of course I didn’t get my bumper fixed after the previous accident, so now I have an Insurance Nightmare to worry about.

    I’m not sure how I want to word my Hotel review. First, DH booked it as 3 adults, but they gave us a single room with 1 king bed, told him there was nothing they could do, so he called Hotwire, and it was fixed within ½ hour (roll-away bed at no extra charge). The room was nice enough, and big enough. But the second to last day, housekeeping forgot to give us towels, so when we started our day at 4:00am Wednesday (got to room at almost midnight Tuesday), there were no towels for showering. I called the front desk, and the man said “Housekeeping is closed and all my rooms are booked. How do you expect me to help you?” Eventually someone showed up with pool towels.

    Well, my lunch replacement person is here, so I’m headed to the Fitness Center then salad for lunch. I will try to catch-up more this afternoon.

    Hugs to Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    @Carey-Edmonton - "There seems to be some significance to getting 10,000 steps a day. Can any of you walkers out there tell me what it is? 10,000 steps a day seems like a huge number to me."

    If you use/wear a "Fitbit" tracker for exercise/walking, etc. You can sync the Fitbit to My Fitness Pal and it will enter you exercise for the day into your MFP goals. The goal set by Fitbit is to walk 10,000 steps a day. This is the recommended number steps by the American Heart Association for good heart health. I'm with you, it seemed an unreachable number to me. I just got my first Fitbit on Saturday and said no way can I walk 10,000 steps. Sure enough by Tuesday I did hit it and yesterday hit it much earlier in the day. I'm approaching 66 yrs old and would have NEVER believed I could do this. Just getting up and walking to get something I need instead as asking my husband to hand it to me, walking the entire length of the house to use the Master Bathroom when the guest bathroom off the hall is much closer. Just doing everything I can think of to take additional steps that I previously tried to avoid.

    Janetr OKC

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    @Carey-Edmonton - "There seems to be some significance to getting 10,000 steps a day. Can any of you walkers out there tell me what it is? 10,000 steps a day seems like a huge number to me."

    If you use/wear a "Fitbit" tracker for exercise/walking, etc. You can sync the Fitbit to My Fitness Pal and it will enter you exercise for the day into your MFP goals. The goal set by Fitbit is to walk 10,000 steps a day. This is the recommended number steps by the American Heart Association for good heart health. I'm with you, it seemed an unreachable number to me. I just got my first Fitbit on Saturday and said no way can I walk 10,000 steps. Sure enough by Tuesday I did hit it and yesterday hit it much earlier in the day. I'm approaching 66 yrs old and would have NEVER believed I could do this. Just getting up and walking to get something I need instead as asking my husband to hand it to me, walking the entire length of the house to use the Master Bathroom when the guest bathroom off the hall is much closer. Just doing everything I can think of to take additional steps that I previously tried to avoid. Janetr OKC

    I have worn a pedometer for many years. Doing this 10,000 steps thing. Most times it has been very doable. Purposeful walking accounting for many of the steps for many years. A job in elementary school as an aide provided an easy 5,000 during working hours. I didn't wear the pedometer for the entire year of 2014 and the results of that "inactivity" showed. I'm currently looking into Fitbit ready to leave the ole' pocket pedometer aside. It's true that just walking to a further bathroom, getting up and walking somewhere in the home to get something you need, on the hour every hour getting up and walking the stairs for 2 minutes. Finding yourself short on steps as you enter the bed at night and saying to yourself "no way" and pacing the room to get that 10,000 step balance for the day! It all adds up. I have even had my husband park at the farthest spot from the store to get in a few extra steps. Bottom line it works towards better health and fitness.

    Cheri in SUNNY Ohio
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hello all. Haven't posted a lot lately cuz nothing much changing. My husband did get an email yesterday from the Ex. The oldest grandson, Trey (Jack III) won a full band scholarship to a smaller state college here in OK. Come to find out he has $1300 in outstanding band fees at the HS. He has not yet received his actual diploma nor will they release his transcripts to the college until these fees are paid. She went on to tell DH how dueto her "drastic decrease in monthly income", meaning his $1700 support payments, she would not be able to help as they had already got and fixed up an older car for Trey to have for college. DH was very upset with his son and called him last night and said why the #!%% were the band fees not paid. He said Trey's mother was supposed to pay them. Ugh!! Sometimes these parents need smacked up side the head. Trey is a good kid, never been in any kind of trouble, gets fantastic grades and loves band. Do they not realize how lucky they are? Anyway, Trey will come by later today to get a check from Poppy to take to the school so he can get things straightened out before he has to report on campus. He has to be there earlier due to mandatory band practice.

    DH thinks I'm becoming obsessive with keeping my calories on track and with exercising. I laughed and hugged him and said thank you, thank you, thank you. He was looking at me like I lost my mind. I said do you have any idea what it is like for me to hear those words. Me who has been over weight all my life, who two years ago at this time weighed 283 lbs? Oh call me exercise obsessed any time. :) Lovin it.

    Janetr OKC