

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Greetings! I couldn’t get on last night due to storms and power outages. Today was my renewal class for pediatric advanced life support; I don’t use it anymore since I don’t work the ER, but I don’t want to let it go, so I keep renewing!

    Some good news…finally. I lost 2.2 pounds this week. I’m still above my lowest, so my ticker isn’t changing, but that is really encouraging to me. Now I have to figure out how NOT to sabotage myself!
    I also have walked in the morning three days in a row now. Today I didn’t walk before work, but got there an hour before my class (I thought it was earlier) so walked the building for 10 minutes.

    Carol…oh right. Now I remember; rotator cuff. I have heard that is much worse than the total replacement. Good luck with therapy. Now me…I hate showering in the morning for 2 reasons….that puts me back to sleep and 2, I hate sleeping on dirty sheets which I feel I get dirty LOL.

    Barbie: good job on the weight lifting. It is so hard to establish a new habit.

    Yvonne: it will be great when you have more time to join in!

    DJ: well the first three nights DH took his new med, he was only up 3 times each night. Last night was 5, but we had the storms and the dog is terrified and rattles around. I ended up sleeping on the floor with him for a while then finally took him downstairs and put him on the couch with me.

    Mia: hilarious!

    Pip: omg take care of yourself. Why did you pass out? Ok blah blah blah LOL

    Janetr: congrats! I can hardly get 8000 in, I can’t imagine being able to do 10,000

    JanetM: congrats to you too!

    Joyce: all that insurance stuff is a mess, ins’t it? Sounds like Charley is doing better

    ChrisMA: happy birthday!!!

    Heather: darling little super heroes!

    Carol peach: I’m not from Georgia but I say “fixin’” too!

    LisaH: where in west TX are you? I have relatives all over the state

    DJ: I’m with you on the scale

    Katla: standard queen? What the heck? Double king? Single twin? What’s with these weird labels?

    Grit: my grandmother used to say Mod Dren. She also washed and “wrenched” her clothes!

    Vicki: hope you feel better and you didn’t get too much bad weather last night

    Margaret: what beautiful pictures. Such an heirloom

    Carol: is this a teenaged daughter? Sounds like one of mine!

    Yanniejannie: you’re right about it being polite to ask, but be sure to read your consent forms. Many of them say you will have students because it’s a teaching –affiliated hospital or facility. But after one try or whatever, you can ask them to have someone else try. My DD tried to refuse a medical student during child birth…nope she signed the consent and had agreed. The student was very nice, stayed in the background, didn’t really do the stuff she was supposed to do and then thanked her. DD said next time she’d allow the student to work. DEAR GOD no next time, please LOL. Horrible about the dog fight.

    Terri: well I’m g lad you are home safe and sound and made it through the storms

    Becca: congrats!!!

    Annr: wow that picture would inspire me! yOu look great and will again

    Drkatie: congrats on the loss

    Katieky: omg those were funny abbreviations!

    Grit again: I open a word doc and answer one person at a time.

    OK ladies; I need to get my second walk in or I won’t meet my step goal. DH and I recorded the show about Pluto last night, so there will be some TV watching after dinner. Take care, Meg
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    csofled wrote: »
    @Drkatiebug Your feet look terrific! Are you happy with the results? I'm going to recommend this to my daughter if so.


    Yes, I am happy. My only suggestion is to be sure you don't need your feet to be pretty in that 3 to 7 day range right after treating them, because the dead skin just keeps on coming.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Have a great thurs.
    hugs jane
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    csofled wrote: »
    @Drkatiebug Your feet look terrific! Are you happy with the results? I'm going to recommend this to my daughter if so.


    Yes, I am happy. My only suggestion is to be sure you don't need your feet to be pretty in that 3 to 7 day range right after treating them, because the dead skin just keeps on coming.

    Thanks. My daughter rarely goes without socks her feet are always cold. She just has build up on the one heel and has tried the traditional lotion pumice stone route which hasn't really resulted in the removal of that dead layer of skin. This should work!

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member

    With the right temperature and humidity level and an awesome audiobook to listen to I just kept walking resulting in this record distance for today! :)

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    edited July 2015
    Internet service rubbish here, but I will post when we get home. Fabulous meal. :D Lots of walking.

    Heather UK
  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
    csofled wrote: »

    With the right temperature and humidity level and an awesome audiobook to listen to I just kept walking resulting in this record distance for today! :)


    Well done :smiley:

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    csofled wrote: »

    With the right temperature and humidity level and an awesome audiobook to listen to I just kept walking resulting in this record distance for today! :)


    U GO GURL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    I know that I haven't been on here in quite a while. A friend of mine needed me to drive her to Charlotte for cataract surgery on Tuesday. Didn't get home until almost 3:30, then went to play Rummikub at night.

    I wasn't able to exercise in the a.m. since I needed to leave early to pick her up. She needed to be in Charlotte by 9:30, then her surgery was at 11. It didn't take long at all. But then Wednesday we had to go back for her followup. By the time we got back, needed to stop at ACMoore and then Aldi. I tell you, I REALLY had to talk myself into doing a walking DVD in the afternoon on Tues. I was coming up wth every excuse not to exercise. I did do the walking, but it's just me. If I don't exercise first thing in the a.m., it's just so hard for me.

    Fortunately, I was able to exercise Wednesday morning since I didn't need to leave until 9:45 to pick her up since her appt was at 11:30. I did an hour on the rebounder. But then by the time we came home, got dinner ready, then went to ceramics. On the way home, stopped at Lowe's Foods to get items on sale and things I can only get there. (Like my tofu and cottage cheese)

    Today I did an hour of a Body attack DVD. I didn't realize that it was mostly cardio, but that's ok.

    The plan for tomorrow is to go to the pool and I'll probably just do my own thing.

    Welcome everyone new and everyone returning.

    Almost 200 posts to get caught up on, so I'll be skimming

    JanetMMc - yea for those pants and you look great with your hair cut. You look so much younger

    Alison - thanks for reminding me to call the MD about this plantar wart. I go see him next Thurs. Wish Tom had shared his underlying condition with you

    Becca - love your pics. Your hubby has great legs

    Penny - isn't a vegetarian who eats fish called a pescatarian?

    Lisa - hope you get the consulting job. They'd be lucky to have you. Glad you got that consulting job

    pip - I'm so so sorry about your fall. So glad you're getting checked out. Now listen here, girl. You'd BETTER be fine. We need you, not to mention Kirby

    katla - the a/c is working fine, It was some small part that burned out. My grammar pet peeve is when people say things like "Mary and me" at the start of a sentence when it should be "Mary and I" Sometimes they use "I" instead of "me" at the end of a sentence. That just annoys me to no end

    Carey - I got this piece of core board for the "table". It says it has styrofoam inside it. I'm going to take it to the pool in a few just to be sure that the water doesn't soak into it. Vince seems to think that it will. If I need to, I have an extra piece of styrofoam that I can glue to the bottom.

    DJ - I finished the turtle last night. The reason I didn't take a pic is because I used this paint called "envision". Basically, it gets darker in the crevices. But when you put the paint on, it doesn't look anything at all like that. I started on the ladybug yesterday, got the first coat of paint on the body, the face and the black spots. Vince was disappointed that it was a "psychadelic" ladybug. Gotta have SOMETHING normal.

    Congrats to all the losers

    Lenora - love your attitude of hitting the ball out of the ballpark

    Carol in GA - good luck on ebay.

    Chris - happy belated birthday. Hope you had a great dinner. How sweet of your SGD. What birthday presents you got, first from SGD then the skirt (that was too big)

    MNMargaret - what a lovely doiley! That's interesting about not picking up the turtle. I usually park far away from other cars when I'm in a parking lot. But not so much so that I can get extra steps in. The reason is that a few years ago I got all the dings and nicks taken out of my car from having been in parking lots and been hit by carts, etc. It cost me $2,000. So my feeling is "for $2,000, I'll walk a little extra". Also, usually out in no-mans-land there is usually a parking space.

    Vicki - that chart in the hallway must have really hurt. Wonder what the reasoning was to do something like that so that everyone can see. You are such a good friend to let your friend spend the night

    Lenora - what I do is keep a document open, type my reply in it, then just go on to the next post and do the same thing. Then I copy and paste the entire document.

    Mia - how wonderful that you're smaller than the clothes being offered you! WTG Girl!

    Michele in NC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Again I missed copying parts. Here it is:

    Sylvia - not again!!!! Be sure to take care of your neck. I must say, I don't envy you one bit with your insurance

    janetr - unbelievable about the band fees! So nice that your hubby is stepping in to pay them for him. That'll really help Trey. By paying them, he can get his transcripts to the college, get a degree from there and have a good start for his future.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Not much napping here today. I walked three miles early. Then swim lessons, then drafting all day. This is the busy season for my drafting. Tonight is to all practice but hubby has offered to take him and let me stay home. It's awfully hot outside. I don't do well with heat and sunshine.

    Tomorrow the evil ex wife is picking up the kids at the tball game in the evening. I hate the thought of coming face to face with her, after I found the horrible lies she posted about me on the Internet. I'm afraid what I might say. But I will try to remember to be nice for the kids sake.

    My weight is up about 5 pounds from my low, so I'm not sure what's going on. My legs and feet are pretty swollen today, so I'm hoping it's just water. I'll take an extra water pill tomorrow if I still have sausage toes.

    Good night everyone!


  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's joke of the day:


    Four best friends met at the hospital since their wives were giving births to their babies.

    The nurse comes up to the first man and says, "Congratulations, you got twins."

    The man said "How strange, I'm the manager of Minnesota Twins."

    After awhile the nurse comes up to the second man and says, "Congratulations, you got triplets."

    The man was like "Hmmm, strange I worked as a director for the "3 musketeers."

    Finally, the nurse comes up to the third man and says "Congratulations, you got twins x2."

    The man is happy and says, "Ironic, I work for the hotel "4 Seasons."

    All three of them are happy until they see their last buddy jumping all over the place, cursing God and banging his head on the wall.

    They asked him what's wrong and he answered, "What's wrong? I work for 7up"!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    doc called, x ray showed shoulder is fractured in a couple of spots. gonna refer me to an another doc 2c if ok to heal on it's own or surgery to fix. gotta go now, will type later
  • delivered2015
    delivered2015 Posts: 20 Member

    New to MFP. Just turned 50 at the end of June and am looking for support, encouragement, and accountability. My current goal is 25 lbs and then reassess. I'm married to a wonderful man, one adult stepson, no bio children of my own, close knit family, and have five 4-legged "children" - 2 inside dogs, 2 outside dogs, and 1 outside cat :# My inspiration is to enter this next 1/2 century with health, wholeness, fitness, and fun! Feel blessed to have found this site and looking forward to getting to know all you ladies!

    Gina in Louisiana
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Yeah!!!!! Just got my wiggle dress delivered!!!! My husband gave it to me and said....have fun, see you in 10 minutes!! So it has an inner "shell" but I think I burned 200 calories just wiggling into the thing! There is a side invisible zipper, but being that its on the side, my husband has to do it... I was scared I was going to get some material caught in it...and with it being form fitting I had to hold the sides of the zipper while he zipped! Been awhile since I had clothing that needs a joint effort to build it on your body! Can't wait to get some shoes and practice just being in the thing! I does feel good on though.. Pictures will be coming when I am brave enough!

    Becca on the Beach (in Oregon) in a wiggle dress.......
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    I got in my 10,735 steps yesterday.
    Had "Peaches and cream" smoothie for breakfast and made Jamie Oliver's risotto with mushrooms for lunch.
    Yesterday on our walk I called in at Susan's so Blaize could run himself silly with her 2 dogs. WELL he ran under the electric fence, well and truly zapped and came howling to me for cuddles. Daft dog and female dog Ella kissed him. Will NOT do that again. The electric fence is to keep horses in paddocks
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Thanks for all y'all's suggestions about saving a post and copying one to another.

    @terri_mom - My new DnL and 'new' granddaughter LOVE my son so unconditionally. I told my DYS that 'when the right woman came along, he'd know it - it would hit him like a ton of bricks' ... and it did. Mallory made the sweetest Father's Day card for DYS - Six reasons why I love my Step-Dad. Made it into a book form and I know he will cherish it forever.

    I'll be so happy when this 'hacking cough' goes away. MD called in a different Rx (used it before and it works); but, so far tonight it isn't doing much good. I've sucked on so many Hall's Lemon Honey drops I ought to stop coughing. I tried the whikey, honey, and lemon juice and that worked for about 15 minutes.

    I'm sure that Mallory will have picked out some name to call me. I just told her mother that it could not be Grandmotoher, Grandmama, Granny or anything that made me feel 'old'. I was a young grandmother.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    We visited this lavender farm this afternoon and bought four plants to put in our yard after we clear away some bushes we don't like.


    This is the weekend I veer off my eating plan to have lavender ice cream....today it was lavander white chocolate. The actual festival starts tomorrow so we wanted to get out for a bit before the huge crowds arrive for the weekend.

    <3 Barbie

  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Barbie - I love the lavendar

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited July 2015
    They accepted our first offer for the warehouse! And I'll be headed into town early tomorrow for three 12 hour days, as well as dropping off the earnest money. House sitting for DHs boss, so I can avoid the hour-each-way drive. Not coming back to the ranch til at least Monday. Hate being away from the DH that long, but there are reasons why...and he's just as driven as I am regarding work, so he gets it.

    Meg... we live 30 miles south of Fort Stockton, and then another nine miles deep into Longfellow Ranch off TX 285.

    More later...