

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited July 2015
    Janetr: There is sailing in the Midwest; often it is small boat racing on lakes and reservoirs. We started out that way on Lightning class sailboats and they're still around. :heart: There are many classes of small sailboats that compete on inland reservoirs. We moved into slightly larger boats because DH developed health problems and lacked the athletic ability to deal with the small boats, but we still have many good memories of small boat sailing. :bigsmile:

    Peach: Your azaleas are lovely. They grow well in western Oregon and are seen often. I don't have any, personally, but I do have two Rhododendrons. :flowerforyou:

    HenciBensi: We have people from many places and you are the first I know about from Sweden. Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Margaret: What a beautiful wedding! Thank you for sharing the pictures. :flowerforyou:

    Miriam: I love my gardening books, too. My neighbor borrowed one and I am getting anxious to have it back. She's had it for months. I'm afraid I'll need to ask for it. :grumble:

    DJ: My husband went shopping with me today but DD was my virtual shopping partner. She helped with ideas and plans. I wish she lived closer than Colorado. :ohwell: She wants to move even father away. :cry:

    Kim: Your tomato and zucchini recipe made my mouth water. Yum! :flowerforyou:

    Michele: DD had a great idea for a bridal shower gift and has done this before with good success so I tried it. I made her a cute little kit in a basket for washing unmentionables and frillies. It will be cute. I also got her a gift card for Victoria's Secret, and am writing a funky poem that I hope will make her smile. :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Tomorrow I'll start the day with yoga, then DH and I are heading down river to a little town called Cathlamet, WA. We've rented a little cabin at the marina where our friends will be in their boats. There is an evening event planned, hosted by a couple I haven't seen in a year or two. I'm excited about the chance to be with our friends.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    July Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    @Barbie - Way to go!! Good for you for resisting the pizza and sticking with you plan. Pizza is probably THE hardest thing for me to pass up. I love it. Big NSV for you!!!

    @Michele - Yes I'm sure it is due to the wart and trying to keep weight of off the area. Same when I had my right knee replaced, my left got miserably sore. That's part of the reason I started faithfully back to the water, to build up muscle and stamina in both legs/knees to get prepared to have the left knee replaced in September. Take care of you.

    @Katla - You're right of course, there is sailing on the larger lakes. I've seen many many sailboats but it just doesn't seem half as romantic as sailing in an ocean lol My oldest daughter also lives in Colorado, Parker, just south of Denver.

  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    edited July 2015
    I use the Fitbit to track my morning workout. My phone counts the rest.

    Bad day today. Went to a party at lunch- did great. Went to a friends party tonight- Ate OK- drank too much. Went over in calories. This is what I need to work on. When I'm eating in a restaurant, or at a friends house.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @DamitJanit Ok I googled coconut oil pulling....and IM GONNA DO IT ...tomorrow morning! They (the professional oil pullers of the planet) say to do it in the morning, after you have brushed with a wet toothbrush, after you have blown your nose so you can breathe well from your nose while your mouth is busy pulling and pushing the oil thru your teeth for 10 min. Then you spit it out in a trash can you you don't clog your bathroom or kitchen pipes. I shall let ya know about THAT experience :-)

    Quiet day, eating, reading, and working on one of my craft projects. Trying to organize how to change the string of Christmas lights from my framed jewel tree. The new ones I have, (they are battery powered so that is cool) are a bit bigger than the holes that I have in the frame presently. I need to file them bigger or something.

    Saw the cutest little yellow birds on the line outside my balcony. They must be a finch of some sort. Very timid, but didn't fly off. One is bright yellow with a dark beak, and the mate is more yellowish-brown. Need to google birds and hunt the species down.

    Starting reading a book that addresses the maintainance part of when you have lost weight. Gobs of books on losing weight, but not many on the issues you face after you have lost it. Putting yourself first, letting yourself have a voice. When you are fat, for the most part your opinions are not valued by society. When you are fat you let others dictate, because you just don't speak up for yourself. So this book will help me get a handle on issues whether I have lost 17 or 70 lbs. Its entitled, 'Winning After Losing' by Stacey Halprin. One phrase that hit me square in the forehead is this:
    Hugs people!
    Becca in the Northern most corner of Coastal Oregon...and blessed to be here:-)
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
    Barbie – you are so good at reminding yourself about reality… my brain sometimes just leaves! LOL

    Mary – full sun and harsh winters is hard; Miriam recommended and I second it.. is walk your neighborhood and see what is looking good in others yards and go to a “real” nursery and talk to them, but every home is different, we each have our own micro-climates, based on sun, shade trees, protection from wind …..

    Fiddletime – sorry I don’t remember your name…. but eating out and drinking are always the hardest for everyone, eventually we have each gotten a bit better - I have to drink at home where I can control the temptations.

    Just had to close out my food diary so checked in for a last visit before beddy bye…

    July Goals:
    Walk everyday –try to hit 180 miles 7/25 - 131miles so far
    1 plank every day and log here – goal more then 19 - 9
    Log everyday –
    Eat mindfully-
    Weekly fun things –
    W1 – Mom is here for the 4th, and we are going out to dinner –her treat!
    W2 – a new smart phone, my business paid off, a visit from an out of state friend
    W3 – final week of camp
    W4 – summer starts (for me) 3 days with my “boys” , a trip to SF,
    Kim from N. California
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,147 Member
    edited July 2015
    Becca - I saw on Dr Oz that the oil doesn't start dissolving the plaque between your teeth until 15 minutes so It said to do it for 20 minutes. We love doing it. The first time is gross now it is old hat. Also rinse with warm salt water after. You may drool the first few times! Have fun!

    Kim - walking around the neighborhood is a great idea! Thanks for pointing that out!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Kim, good to 'see' you. Glad you are doing some much needed weeding of unneeded things in your life. I think that is something we all need to think about and follow through with.

    Heather, of course I have had only US brand of Indian food and that was at Disney World. But all I know is that I didn't like it.

    Miriam, thank you so much for all of your professional opinion. I only took the picture because of that one cone shaped tree at the side of the yard. You have or had a very lovely yard. We have a neighbor that I believe has the ultimate idea that they will never have to mow their yard. Every year they do a new project and there is less and less actual green grass to mow. Individually they are lovely projects but not as a whole.

    toni, I like my FitBit flex because I can get it wet. I love the feature that it syncs with MFP, love the steps it counts, calories burned and I can also analyze my sleep habits. But it doesn't have any kind of display on the device itself to give you any info on the spot. You have to log onto computer, smart phone or tablet to get that. I did have a Fitbit one and it gave you the info. Now the more expensive ones have the watch features also.

    Carol, Ga, I love those azaleas but I think I like the ones who get higher since I have a taller house. I also love the whole porch experience going on there.

    Hanci, welcome. You just post about anything you want to, life, kids, travels, troubles, diet. We are a bunch, big bunch, of women over 50 all going through this over 50 thing together.We rejoice with each ohter, we support one another when needed. We just like to gab and we especially love to hear about the different cultures others live in.

    MNMargaret, those babies are just so precious. Are they twins? And what a wonderful idea for a little red wagon. My oldest grand daughter was a flower girl when she was about 6 months old. My daughter was a bridesmaid and held her going down the aisle and when the couple had the first prayer, I quietly went over and got Trinity and then during last prayer handed her back. HMMMMM, I don't think I like that tree now.

    DJ, I like to people watch whenever I can also. But when we are at the beach we always have the whole family and I am watching my grand dauhgters and also the shenanigans that Aunt Michelle and their Dd have with them. Who needs all sorts or beach toys when you have an Aunt and a Dad. Yes, I agree about the golf courses. So beautifully landscaped. Ours here in town that is on tour was built on a stripper pit.

    I know I could have written more but I am sitting here in pain. I have now joined the others here who have found their faces flat out on the ground. I really don't know what caused me to fall. It was when we were all getting in the car to go out for supper. I couldn't get myself up, I don't know if it because of the MS or not but I couldn't coordinate myself to stand up. Poor Michelle tried to help me up but I was afraid that I would pull her to the ground or hurt her already hurting back. So I eventually did it myself. It didn't hurt much at first but boy does it now. I have iced it and taken Advil and I will use a heating pad tonight. I think I have some leftover Lortab and if so take one of those. So I don't know how easy it will be to get out of bed in the morning.

    We have the first landscaping guy coming over tomorrow afternoon for an estimate. A friend at church gave us the name and I called them Thursday and left a message. When I told her this morning in church that they hadn't called back she texted them. So they called shortly after lunch.

    Had another interesting experience this evening. I bought one those Sally Hanson waxing kits and Michelle waxed my chin and neck for me. Later on after she got home she said she was holding back the laughter while she was doing it and waited until she got in the car. I must admit it did do a good job. It has a soothing oil you put on right after you do it and it immediately made it feel better and I have been putting lotion with Aloe in it to keep it comfortable. She has had a boyfriend for about 6 months. She introduced him early on in the relationship but he hasn't come over or taken us up on our offers to eat with us. My husband does not like mixed race relationships and he is the blackest man I have ever seen. But he is also very sweet and treats her with respect so he is OK in my eyes. Anyway, he said that I remind him of Zsa Zsa Gabor! I told Michelle that at first I considered it as a compliment but the more I thought about it, was he saying I remind him of an old lady??? She said that he thought I was a well dressed but flashy, sassy, hip older woman and liked that.

    I am now getting pretty used getting up early on Sunday morning for Sunday school and church and not just church. Now I need to ease my husband into the thought of me going on Sunday and Wednesday nights at 6 PM. When I was at my old church, I was doing it and he never said anything. It was just a part of me. Then I completely stopped and was used to him planning things at those times and me going along with it.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Lisa - It sounds like an enormous task but we all know you are up to it. You are so right that respect is to be earned and not just expected.
    Great NSV, I bet you glowed all day.

    Lillian - Please be careful on you walk. No late night walks , please!
    I used to pick Saskatoons at Tramping Lake and then make a few dozen pies. DH missed that a lot.

    Sylvia - No wonder you are terrified of turning over after such a traumatic event. Good for you for getting back at it.

    Peach - Those azaleas are gorgeous.

    Barbie - I do not possess your will power. Last night when the family ordered pizza I didn't decline.
    Will power here? 0 % . I find I do best if there is nothing to tempt me in my pantry and fridge. I need a blinking sign that says "Danger, Danger. Choose carefully".

    Katla - Don't you just hate it when you have to ask for a book back? I always feel so awkward about it.

    Joyce - I am sorry to hear of your fall. Take it easy, my friend.

    Becca - Isn't it fun to watch our feathered friends ?

    I had a terrible night last night. I had the whole coughing/choking thing happen followed by the intense charlie horses. I finally took an Atavan to stop the cycle and get some much needed rest.
    11 a. m. and I wake up to kids watching TV, no one has eaten and no one is dressed. The man in charge? He was off getting something from somewhere. I didn't really want the extra kids because I need to catch up on everything after the trip.
    I went to see the house that DS and DBIL are thinking of buying. I like the interior of the house and am a little jealous of the kitchen layout as I have a tiny galley kitchen where if one person opens the dishwasher it is impossible to open the fridge. The house has 3 full bathrooms so that was pretty impressive. The backyard is a postage stamp which I hate but it suits the amount of time my sis is willing to commit to a yard. The deck looks into 4 yards because there is no alley, it would drive me insane. They made an offer this afternoon so now we wait.
    This afternoon the 2 teenage GS just got to be a much for me. I sent them on their long boards to DD so that I didn't snap. Not sure if I will make it to Aug 11th. They were good there , ate hot dogs and watched a movie. Tomorrow is a new day.
    Didn't accomplish a whole lot today but I do have a list now.
    Dreading going back to work.
    -Sharon in Sunny Southern Alberta.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,295 Member
    Sharon - sounds like you have a LOT on your plate! I'm ok at guests for a short time when I can give them my full attention, but I don't want them clogging up my life. I need my space. When my friend comes next month I know I shall be longing to reclaim my routine. Writers do have to learn to be selfish or they would never get anything done. I have often felt very conflicted over that. :flowerforyou:

    Joyce - Ouch! Hope you feel better soon. :love:

    Feel completely blah today, but I'm trying to put yesterday's mini binge behind me and not dwell on it. The last time it happened was very similar - I was TIRED after a weekend of living it up and then a friend let me down. Next time I will see the danger lights and will be able to reroute earlier. :ohwell: Not proud of myself, but the damage should be evened out in a couple of days.
    Today DH has a one day cricket match that starts at 2 pm. I will cook a hot lunch, scrambled eggs and smoked trout, and he can take sandwiches for dinner. With the last lemon and raspberry muffin I made. He has gone off to get fresh fruit and vegetables. I will make myself a veg curry I think. HOT ! ! ! ! ! ! :laugh:
    I will not have a drink tonight as drinking by myself is a recipe for disaster. o:) DJ? I know you are behind me!

    Annr - I will look at that book. Maintenance is hard because you are not getting the constant feedback of new successes. I do love my physical health and the way I look in clothes, but it's no longer exciting. Slip ups then can happen. >:)

    Heather in Hampshire UK, resoving to get back her self respect. <3
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    morning my friends~
    I had very weird dreams last night and didnt sleep well,. and my feet and back are still very sore today.. I was on my feet for over 10 hrs yesterday and I can feel it.
    Sounds like everyone had a busy weekend... we did to all of it centering around the kitchen..
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited July 2015
    Ahh... I know I'm a writer, but I'm at that point that's past tired and past exhaustion, not sure there's a word for it. Or maybe my word retrieval capacity is just spent as well. Slept about three hours because I was hurting so much from the thirteen hours yesterday. The first five, we were open, so I cleaned that horrendous office from top to bottom and still didn't finish.

    For the next six hours, I was pushing 20 people toward a common goal. The servers a) didn't want to be there, b) didn't want to do the work, and c) didn't want to work together with the bartenders. And the bartenders didn't want to work with them. So they went to their separate corners, but at least the work got done, with a few hitches. The kitchen staff, on the other hand, rocked it. Then an hour's drive home. Every bone in my 55-year-old body hurts like stink.

    This morning, my body feels like I was literally pushing these people, and came within an ace of firing one on the spot. Every time I walked around a corner, she was leaning on a broom handle or a scraper handle looking at her phone, or just watching everyone. Then she started complaining to me because she didn't have as many hours as one of the newer hires on the schedule. I lit into her in front of everyone, told her my family was there working their a$$e$ off for zero pay, while she was getting paid to be there, and she needed to start earning it instead of complaining about it. She's walking a line that she can't seem to see, and has already gotten a verbal reprimand. Written's next, and then out the door. Two other servers simply didn't show, both of whom were on the schedule. That won't fly either, and they will both hear about it from me today. I've got plenty on staff that want their hours.

    The best part of the day was that my family was there--I think some might know my Army daughter and son-in-law (and his 16-yr-old sister) are here with my grandbabies. The sister watched the 4-month-old and 4-year-old at the ranch all day. The DD and DSiL came in at the same time I did yesterday morning, cleaned out two huge storage rooms and bleached walls, ceilings, etc., for me, and did a liquor inventory (never done before!), before we closed the front doors to begin the big cleaning. Then they proceeded to outwork everyone in the place and put the rest to SHAME. They were up the ladder cleaning vents, changing furnace filters, scraping floors, powerwashing everything, assisting everyone, until 10:45 last night when we finally walked out. Without them, we'd have been there until 2 a.m. and not got done what did get done. And then my DD wouldn't let me drive home, she drove me, and her husband drove his truck.

    My husband, bless him, drove in from the ranch on his day off, and spent four hours with us. He walked in with a protein bar and basically watched me 'til I ate it, showing he knows me pretty well. He got the pressure washer running, scraped floors for two hours, and helped disassemble equipment in the kitchen to get it out the door. He and the DSiL and the General Manager took two floor jacks and horsed an unused 500-pound (if not heavier) mixer out of the kitchen and into the fenced storage area, creating more space in a kitchen that desperately needs it. Hasn't been used for two years, they just never did anything about it.

    Half the kitchen, the worst half, is up to code. The cook staff will start moving down the line on the other side, one piece of equipment at a time, move it, clean walls, clean floors, and then clean the next piece the next night. They understand the requirement, and I think they'll live up to it. They genuinely were appalled at what was under the equipment, or seemed to be, and are determined to make it right. At one point, while they were in the middle of cleaning the outside of the deep fryers, which we could not power wash, there was, without exaggeration, three inches deep of old hardened grease, schmutz, pieces of fried chicken, jalapeno poppers, french fries and onion rings on the floor around them. My husband estimated that easily 20 pounds of food had fallen into the undercabinets and never been cleaned out.

    The GM was there from 4 p.m. on, did all my nitnoid mechanical bits, installed a viewer on the back door, got the restroom air fresheners all working, fixed the bitsy things that are just annoying, and then pitched in to help with the floors. He's a good guy. Helped to have him there when we found 15 bottles of booze and mixers that the bartenders had left uncapped or allowed to grow mold, so I didn't have to tell him about it. :) His assistant, who I love to pieces, came in and did a bunch more work in my office to get rid of some of the crap, and will be back today.

    Oh! And the GM tells me there may be a good candidate for the manager job--I'm a fixer and an enforcer, so once I get it in shape, I'll be more than ready to turn it over to someone. They were kind of hinting around for me to take on the position, mainly so they could stop looking, I think, but nuh-uh. Nope.

    I am still reading posts... not responding to y'all, but sure am using you for a dumping ground for my thoughts about this. Thanks for all the encouragement! Might use my posts and pics on how to do a turnaround guide for restaurants for my next book. :) If you got this far, thank you! Wanted to get this down so those of you following with interest get the scoop. I'm going to do the "after" photos this morning when I go in.

    So, the summary: Mixed good and bad on the employee side, all kinds of blessings on the family side. The DD and DSiL are going to come back in today, they say, to finish things. Because they're that kind of people.

    Speaking of going in, I'm already on my second cup of coffee, and the sun will be up soon. Off to the shower. Got to do the deposits and the payroll this morning, clean up some bits and pieces we walked out on last night.

    Oh, and we close on the warehouse late this afternoon--as long as the cashier's check makes it from Lubbock to the title company, which I think it will.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa from West Texas
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    I had a smoker truck driver hacking cough for nearly 3 weeks; however, when one of my MD's put me on Prednisone, the coughing went away within a matter of a few days. This came from my lung MD and not my GP. Got a appointment with the MD that put me on a diet - can't wait to see if he makes any comment about the weight I have lost.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,295 Member
    Lisa - I am following your posts with enormous interest! However, I find myself confused as to why you and your family are doing all this work. Why isn't the owner paying for a professional deep clean? At the very least he should pay your folks for their time. His company is not a charity and you are saving him a heap of money.
    I do think you could get a book out of it! ! ! ! !

    Feeling a bit better now.
    Annr - I've got the book now on Kindle. Just what I need today to get back on track. Thanks. :flowerforyou:

    Heather UK
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Hi Everyone - my name is Gloria and I am a 69 year old retired Paralegal raising two grandsons 10 & 7. I've had the oldest since he was 4mo and the younger since he was 18mo. My goal is to stay alive until they have at least both graduated from college and in order to do that I need to be as healthy as possible.

    I have two wonderful daughters, a son who is the father of the boys I am raising, and a step-son who I raised from the time he was 7. The four of them have given me 14 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren.

    I started on my current weight loss journey around April 2012 at 350lbs. I had tried many "diets" , contemplated weight loss surgery, and then one day stumbled upon the site LiveFitRevolution.org (LFR). Thanks to the nutrition plan I follow and the awesome people there who motivated me I was able to lose 102lbs.

    Then in 2013 I lost a younger sister to Pancreatic Cancer. She fought for 5 years before telling God that she was tired and ready to go. She was only 52 and a great inspiration to others with cancer. I can still hear her joyous voice in my head.

    Last year my baby brother who was 62 and living with me died of cardiac arrest in my home. He had MS which was getting progressively worse and was just tired of living with it.

    Anyway somewhere along the way I reverted back to old habits and stopped keeping track of my food, posting for motivation and gained back 40lbs. A little over a month ago I decided it was time to start taking care of myself again and have re-lost 15 of those lbs. I'm not in a hurry and plan to lose 2lbs a week while eating healthy and getting back to swimming (I was swimming a mile a day before I got off track).

    I use MFP to log my food but follow the LFR nutrition and exercise plan. I found this thread one day and just felt it was the right place for me. I've read so many of your posts that I feel like I already know a number of you and your families.

    So here I am ready to continue on my journey and share my goals on August 1st!
  • tuliplor
    tuliplor Posts: 51 Member
    Good morning friends!! I had a great weekend!! Except I went to our lake camp and because I was so white...I got burnt to a crisp!! SO, I had to stay home yesterday.
    I NEED some advice. Do any of you know of any type of food....that I can dip in hummus, other than pita chips. They are so good, but really have too many carbs for me, unless there are some that don't have as many carbs. My sister suggested pretzels rods, which would be okay, but still a lot of carbs. I've seen people talk about kale chips. Where can I find those, and are they low in carbs. I know that you guys can HELP!!! I like to snack a little...so any no carb, low carb snack ideas would be great!!! Thanks everyone!!!

  • tuliplor
    tuliplor Posts: 51 Member
    OH.. BARBIE CAT... Good for you, not eating the pizza!! You made the choice ahead of time. He kinda makes you feel powerful doesn't it!!! Well... After we came home from the lake, my husband wanted pizza from my favorite pizza joint. I really want it, BUT... I didn't even touch a piece of pepperoni!! (I wan't it though)!! I had 2 stuffed mushrooms and they were Great!!!! I just had to get over that first part of not touching the pizza!!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! I went out to do my walk/jog early and it was already hot. I was drenched when I came back in the house. Now I have to clean house. We are meeting the kids at the mall deli for lunch at 11:30, then hubby insists we should come back here for cake afterwards. I don't want cake, but he says it's not a birthday without cake. And he actually took the initiative to call my son and arrange the lunch, so I guess I should be grateful. I doubt my son would have remembered or even mentioned it without hubby's intervention. He never has before.

    Gotta get busy. I hope you are all having a great day.

  • cd_va
    cd_va Posts: 31 Member
    Morning, everyone. Hi, Gloria, glad you are here! Sounds like you have a lot going on. Getting healthy for yourself will help you feel better and care for your young ones, too.

    This has already been a hard week, and I've only been at work for an hour!

    I was awake several times in the night and woke up for good at 3:00 a.m. Got up with DH when the alarm went off at 5:00 a.m. and stuck with my decision to go to the gym before work (mainly because my bag was already packed with all my clothes, makeup, hair dryer, etc.)

    Did 30 minutes on the elliptical and stretched, then had plenty of time to get to my building which has a shower in the ladies room. That's where I ran into a wardrobe malfunction. The dress I was going to wear had a long zipper, which got stuck in the DOWN position, too far down to cover it up with the blazer I had. Darn! And I was going to make it to work by 7:15, too!! Nothing to be done for it but put my sweaty t-shirt and shorts back on, pack everything up, and go home to dress. Fortunately, I don't live far away, but it was still aggravating.

    Getting sweaty in the gym is just what I need. I was getting lazy and making too many excuses not to go. That's how the pounds slowly crept on. That, and not paying attention to portion sizes. Gradually those got bigger and bigger.

    Okay, now I really need to get to work :smiley:

    Hope everyone has a healthy, happy day!

    Colleen in Virginia
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Checking in, haven't read all the posts since Friday yet.

    Went to my C25K class Friday morning and 1 of my knees immediately began to hurt as soon as I began to run. This was alarming because I haven't had any issues with either 1 all year after injuring them both last year 10 months apart. I walked the first 1/2 of the program and was able to run the last 1/2 with some pain. By the next day both of my knees were bothering me and I had to ice them and take ibuprofen. I have reluctantly decided to abandon my running program. I have nothing to prove and 2 knees to protect. Fortunately walking and elliptical does not cause any pain so I will continue on that path. This program has gotten me to get up early and exercise before I begin the day which has been a good habit. One of the reasons I had decided to do the C25K was to change up my exercise program to avoid the dreaded plateau. I have less than 10 lbs. to go to reach a healthy BMI and I want to continue losing until I reach it. I will think of something else.

    Everyone have a great week.
    Chris in MA
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,945 Member
    tuliplor wrote: »
    Good morning friends!! I had a great weekend!! Except I went to our lake camp and because I was so white...I got burnt to a crisp!! SO, I had to stay home yesterday.
    I NEED some advice. Do any of you know of any type of food....that I can dip in hummus, other than pita chips. They are so good, but really have too many carbs for me, unless there are some that don't have as many carbs. My sister suggested pretzels rods, which would be okay, but still a lot of carbs. I've seen people talk about kale chips. Where can I find those, and are they low in carbs. I know that you guys can HELP!!! I like to snack a little...so any no carb, low carb snack ideas would be great!!! Thanks everyone!!!

    Celery, carrot sticks, radishes, green pepper slices