

  • Gilly139
    Gilly139 Posts: 67 Member
    Just saying hi to everyone as not been about for a week and lots to catch up with (too nosey to just miss out on reading).
    Sorry that Carol and Pip are still feeling out of sorts (although as I am still four days behind things may have picked up, hoping they have anyway, prayers for you both.
    Want to say I will try harder next month but I think I said that last time, hey ho!
    Welcome to all newbies and healthy wishes for everyone.

    Gilly, Suffolk UK
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Good Friday Morning! B)

    Over 100 post behind.

    Praying for all of you who are having trouble with your children (many who are adults). Once a parent always a parent.

    Carol from GA

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Friday ! ! !

    I am happy it is Friday, because I just need more sleep per night than I have been getting because of the baseball season drawing to an end. It will be wonderful to sleep in until about 7:00am tomorrow (at least that is my goal at this time).

    Pip – hope the Doc appt is a good one. // Update: nothing you didn't know as of yet. However, please continue to be careful with that broken shoulder.

    Cheri – joining you in your happy dance. I hope I can have one of my own soon.

    Jane – hugs for your cholesterol level.

    DeeDee – We had pizza again last night at 8:15. Not my first choice, but . . . The HR Derby started at 6:00pm, and they did NOT have food at the concession stand, only candy and pop, so I had a pizza delivered to the ball field. I’m sure I’ll get a “nasty-gram” about it, but I don’t care. Who can hit homeruns on an empty stomach? Besides, every boy who came over and asked was given a piece, so that’s good sportsmanship, right? Last night he only hit 1 homerun in every “cut”, so he came home around 10:00pm. He is hoping for more tonight. Tomorrow is championship game, so I’ll cheer extra loud from you (he hates when I hug, so only cheers). // Regarding your day yesterday, 2 quotes come to mind. “Anything that can go wrong will” and “when you hit rock-bottom there’s only 2 ways to go – straight up and sideways” . I’m glad your day went up.

    Leslie – I hope you are not gone forever, just long enough to battle your flu. Rest, hydrate, feed your body what it needs, and we will be here cheering and offering hugs upon your return.

    Lillian and DJ (et al) – I am so thankful to have found friends who don’t feel the need to “act their age”. I just am still in denial about being on this earth 5 decades, and feel much more immature than I considered my Mom when she was 50.

    Joyce – I also have questions about AARP, and I’m too impatient to read up about it. We use Hotwire for Hotel rooms. Would I be able to get an AARP discount on top of my Hotwire discount, to save even more money? DH had the subscription last year, and forgot to use it, so he did not renew, thinking it was a waste of his money. // We went to Outback while in the Chicago area, and I was very pleased at their low cal items I found while I searched on MFP app. A 6 oz steak + veggies can be very filling .

    I have not had a chance to read back to where I left off yesterday, but I will work on that next. Please know that I hold all of you in my thoughts and prayers.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee (where no one has seen the Lion since Tuesday, so the experts think he found his way home)
  • gawworthington
    gawworthington Posts: 1,131 Member
    Miriam - I live in Lewiston and I am in Coeur d' Alene for Work.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,728 Member
    hey peeps -

    I got an app. w/an orthopedic doc for the shoulder on Monday. he doesn't want me to miss that. he also wants me to see my eye doc again now that i'm back. (saw him before the trip) he says my eyes aren't straight and wants the eye doc to determine if they have always been that way or if it happened due to the fall. also seeing double vision. I am really experienced with that since I've dealt with it most of my life. he said that concussions traditionally take anywhere from 7-10 days, when it's longer that's when they worry. well. i'm over 10 days (happened 7/10). he says if my dizziness/balance issues continue he will want to send me to a neurologist. I am a lot better, I really am. the doc knows that i'm riding my bike and knows that i'm working out, he didn't say, I would rather you didn't or stop. he knows I have common sense and will monitor myself and adjust accordingly. I am more anxious for Monday's appointment. i'm curious as to the pros/cons of letting it heal as is vs surgery to fix now. IF I end up having to have surgery, i'm going to do it AFTER the MS bike ride, i'm not going to miss that ride. I will try to get it done BEFORE November, when the new ins. kicks in since I have now met my deductible.
    cat scan of neck, spine cost 3998.00, cat scan of head or brain cost 3943.00 emergency services 2050.00. out of 9991.00 SO FAR i would be responsible to pay 1154.50
  • cd_va
    cd_va Posts: 31 Member
    Hello, everyone!! I'm getting to know you from your posts, and will be thinking of those dealing with health issues or child issues. Also, wishing safe travels to those on the go.

    Thanks for the encouragement about the beginnings of my restart. I will use the slacks that are snug right now as motivation, and let you all know when they are fitting better. :smiley:

    Happy Friday!

    Colleen in Virginia
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited July 2015
    Joyce: It sounds like Charlie's celebration at Outback Steakhouse was a success. I've eaten their before, but it has been a while since there isn't one close by. I love the 600calorie menu idea. Your meal sounds wonderful. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: Good luck prying your inheritance out of your ex. In regards to shoes, I always wear comfortable shoes that I can walk in. The dress-up versions are nice sandals that look good and feel good to walk it. In winter, the dress-up versions are boots with nice slacks. I haven't worn a skirt in a long while. I don't currently own a skirt. :ohwell:

    Pip: It sounds as though you've got your timetable in order and have a reasonable plan to see to your concussion. Don't be mad becasuse I said "reasonable." :wink: :laugh: I'm pretty conservative and you are far more adventurous than I will ever be. :flowerforyou:

    Colleen: Your restart is great. As you go along, if you slip-up, just get yourself back on track and keep going. That is what I do. :flowerforyou:

    Today I'm looking forward to yoga and a riding lesson. I'll be moving a new fuchsia into the place that I dug out an older one that grew into a monster with hardly any visible flowers. This is the second hardy fuchsia I've replaced this year. I bought both from the same grower. They each started out healthy with a good amount of blooms, and then they grew into huge mounds of plant with a few hidden blooms. I'm replacing both with a variety called Santa Claus. They have bright and cheerful red and white blooms that are right out where I can see them. I hope this continues to be true as they mature.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    July Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Katla ~ Thanks for the no call number for the cell. We are supposedly on the National No Call List for our home phone but that is a big joke. Get several unwanted calls each day.

    Carol GA
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Greetings and good morning friends. Well it’s back to normal around here, at least until next week’s round of remodeling. The tile floor is gorgeous. We bought some “fancy schmancy” vent grates, which look so much better than the crappy old ones we had. The cats feel better too. They were so upset at being locked upstairs they were vomiting…of course on the beige carpet that nothing comes out of…we will never buy “stain master” carpet again.
    Turns out the stain blocker is sprayed on, so the first time you clean it, it’s gone. We won’t move the dinette furniture back til tonight; I’m giving the tile 24 hours to totally cure. The guys left a few pieces of trim off for me so I can re-stain them. These are the ones behind the dog’s and cats’ bowls so they are really faded.

    DJ: I have vodka, want to come over and we can have a cleaning party!

    Miriam: does the state your son lives in have a tenant-landlord law? We do here and retaliation of that kind is illegal. The apartment completx/management should be reported to the state.

    Heather; I just love salmon. What is your favorite way to fix it? Mine is simple, marinate in soy sauce then broil.

    Margaret: love the sayings!

    Bkrimpet: I have to handle my adult kid with brain problems by setting strict limits on how I interact with her otherwise she sends me into a tail spin.

    Vicki: there was a mountain lion less than a mile from where I live that has been lurking about for a couple of weeks. They caught it last night and have moved it. The last one here was in the garden of Project Hope, which is where kids are taken when they have been sexually abused. It had a broken leg, but instead of tranquilizing it, the cops shot it something like 25 times. The video on the news was awful. I can understand needing to kill it because of its injury and location, but that was way much. Going to be hot here today too, we already have the awnings out. Storms tonight so no outdoor concert for us.

    Alison: go to the doctor! Your dizziness worries me

    Jane: fingers crossed for good results! …later….Hooray for the good results!

    Chris: enjoy that great weather!

    Annr: ok can’t resist….if you’re a nudist what’s with the dress LOL

    Mia: yes I have lots of experience with CPAPS being a nurse and plus my dad had one too. I really don’t think he has sleep apnea; I have laid there literally for hours (we have clocks that chime every 15 minutes) and have never heard him gasp or startle awake. But I guess we will see. So far on the new med, one good night and then last night he was up 4 times.

    Dammitjanet: you surely don’t want my dgd! If you make eye contact with her or try to interact with her in any way, she screams to the point you expect the cops to show up. DD#1 will not put her down even to go to the bathroom. We went to lunch last month and the kid was sleeping in her carriers and DD was holding both of her hands in hers, refusing to eat her lunch because “something might happen”. Dear God. I said “I’m a trauma nurse and you have a phone and can call 911. Let go of her and eat the lunch I just bought you.”

    Mary: Puppy!!!!! 

    Terri: thank you so much for mentioning the mouth piece. DH has been told his uvula is abnormally large, so surgery or a mouthpiece would be an option for him and I totally forgot about that. HOPE!

    Cheri: congrats!!!

    DeeDee: I would have gone back to bed with that morning!!! Benny does not like being carried around. He doesn’t protest, just looks very worried. Something from his past, I’m sure.

    GRIT: the ticker used to show up automatically, that went away when they “improved” the site LOL.

    Katla: thanks for the phone number. I was planning on trying to find it, but hadn’t gotten around to it.

    Pip: I’m not surprised you have a concussion. I am surprised it took them that long to figure it out. Had you been injured on a ball field, that would have been diagnosed right away. Please take care of yourself!!!!! Those medical bills are crazy. I’d be pushing to see the neurologist no matter what; this concussion has lasted too long.

    Renny: howdy! Nice to see you

    Michele: sending you hugs to deal with all these medical issues! And I am late to say it, but I loved the turtle’s nails too!

    Joyce: I like outback too. I am a rare person who just hates those Cheddar biscuits at red lobster! They have so many calories in them I’m glad I don’t like them LOL. Happy birthday to Charlie

    Heather: enjoy your trip. Good idea about the extra steps!

    Toni: our foster system, at least in NE, was part of the reason we adopted from Russia. I knew too many people who had horrible experiences. These were adults either fostering or adopting. One of our friends adopted a boy about 5 years older than their daughter. After he sexually molested the daughter they found out, through a law suit, that he had a history of this which was not revealed to them and his placement was recommended for him to be an only child! They ‘returned’ him. I can only imagine what the experience is like for kids. Here in NE, there is a program to give these kids a suitcase so when they move from family to family, their belongings don’t have to be put in trash bags. I just can’t imagine.

    Colleen: I don’t think I said hi, so hi and welcome!

    OK gals I need to get up and going before it gets too hot. Take care, Meg from Omaha.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Thanks everyone on the happy dancing with me and the congrats on reaching the 15 lbs. weight loss milestone. It really is wonderful to have all of your support!
    smiley-dance008.gif Still dancing! smiley-dance008.gif

    Cheri in sunny NE Ohio
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    “Miriam: does the state your son lives in have a tenant-landlord law? We do here and retaliation of that kind is illegal. The apartment completx/management should be reported to the state.” Meg – Thanks for saying this. I was thinking it, but was struggling for the correct words. Depending on the current lease, it is difficult to evict anyone from an apartment, especially if there is no reason. I offer hugs and prayers ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone! Just got back from the final day of swim lessons. This is the day they let the parent(s) swim with the kids as a free day, to see what they have learned. I came to the studio afterwards and changed into dry clothes. The chlorine will itch later, but I have too much work to do to wait in line for the shower at the Y.

    We went to Kansas City yesterday for a shopping trip for my birthday (which is next week) hubby said I could go anywhere I wanted, so I picked Ikea. He hates Ikea, and after a very few minutes he was showing his displeasure (passive agressive maybe) so I felt hurried and didn't get to look at lots of things I was interested in. We also went to a couple of places looking for design ideas for our expanded master bath. No luck, as we didn't see anything useful. Then, we went to the #1 BBQ joint in Kansas City, and waited in line for an hour. I ordered smoked chicken which was truly delicious. I also broke my rule about fried foods and salt to have their "best french fries in Kansas City". Big mistake. They were ok, but HUGELY over salted. Even hubby thought so, so I didn't eat very many of those which is probably a good thing. He had the pulled pork which he said was wonderful too. So, we tried it, liked most of it, but probably won't go back. It wasn' good enough to justify the wait.

    Meg, I have seen a mountain lion around here in Southeast Kansas twice. The first time hubby and I were walking with our dog down a dirt road near one of the strip pits that have been turned into parks. Ahead of us about 50 feet or so there was a huge cat walking the same direction. Both of us stopped dead in our tracks. The dog let out a rather confused little yelp. The cat turned around and looked right at us, then turned back and kept on walking - in no hurry at all. Those were the days before we had cell phones, so we couldn't take a picture. I called the parks department and they assured me that there are no mountain lions in our area. A year or so later, I was driving south from Kansas City headed home. Outside the little town north of us I saw a dead mountain lion and a dead coyote together on the side of the road. It looked like one was chasing the other and both got hit, or one was hit first and the other was investigating it and got hit. Anyhow, I drove to the little town to buy a disposable camera and when I got back someone had stopped and picked up the dead mountain lion and left the coyote. Recently, the parks people have admitted that maybe there are a few in our area. And somebody saw a black bear in the town just south of us, and they managed to take it's picture. We didn't think there were any bears here either. Surprise.

    Well, I have to go to work. Have a great afternoon.

  • mtucker1965
    mtucker1965 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I'm new to this site (and new to being 50 LOL). I just started back on MFP after doing weight watchers for 9 months. Started going back to the gym last month and found a great class I love, Pound, not sure if anyone has tried this but it's a great workout with a pair of plastic drum sticks, I even managed to make it to a 5:30 a.m. class with my daughter.

    July Goals
    8000 steps daily
    eat healthier
    lose 5 pounds
    drink more water

    Maryrose, NY
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,367 Member
    Hi all!

    Just arrived. A 56 mins journey took us 2 hours 50 mins. :sad:
    In recovery! We are hoping to walk into town, but it's still raining.
    As we left home the music festival was just starting up. Bit soggy tonight!

    Toni MN - I am writing a memoir also. Congratulations on your award. :flowerforyou: When I started I though it might be self- indulgent, but now I can see it might actually help people.

    OK, off now to walk into town for our Indian meal. I did my exercises this morning, but I love to clock up extra cals to eat. I have put on a red jumper and a silver necklace I bought in India. :bigsmile:
    RETHINK! It is pouring! Think we'll be ringing for a taxi!

    Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,728 Member
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    OK, this slum landlord is doing this same thing to multiple people. Rumor is that they want to stop accepting Section 8 housing assistance. What they do is delay until the last minute having your new lease ready. Then when you go in to sign it the last day before your old one e><pires, they pop a surprise- they now are having tenants pay for utilities including water and electricity for common areas (like the lawn). So these people on a very restricted income (my son gets $700 a month) of course have to see if they can afford this before signing a lease. And then they don't have a valid lease and they mess with them by being very rude so the person mouths off. And they then say the person is a risk! And refuse to let them sign a lease. Most of the people are very frustrated before they even walk in the door because the maintenance has been inadequate, so it doesn't take much to get them to mouth off. My son has been putting up with water dripping from his dining room light fi><ture every single time it rains! Buckets full! For three years! Another tenant had his roof cave in on him! He just moved out but he was a college student and had the money to move. I am the one that notified the city of Boulder about it, not him because he was afraid of retaliation. And there just aren't any places that take housing assistance. So they are "legal" but not at all ethical. It is all very intentional.

    My son has resigned himself that he has to move back here to small town Iowa. There is a HUD apartment available. If that doesn't work out he will have to move in with me until he finds something else. I am getting the paperwork for him to fill out later today. And will have to make a quick trip out to help him pack up. With his social phobia he cannot handle renting a truck and he has made no friends in five years there to help load up his stuff. I reassured him that this is just a temporary move. That we will work towards getting him to somewhere he wants to be but we need the time to do that. And that he is not losing his independence by moving back to Iowa. What a mess.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy dance-labs are normal,just need to up my Vit d,mammogram normal.
    Hope you all have a great day.
    hugs jane
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Hi All – Just reached the bottom of page 58 so I’m still two pages behind.

    Becca – You make me smile – can’t believe you are just learning to pump gas. You look fabulous in the dress! Have you thought about a dressy wedge? If you don’t wear heels often, they are easier to walk in.

    Joyce – I must need my eyes checked. When you wrote “I use a CPAP also.” I read it as “I use CRAP also” and I thought, well don’t we all. LOL
    Glad Charlie has agreed to get the treatments he needs. Wish you could have better luck with the insurance company.

    TulipLor – You will get lots of walking when you go to Disney and maybe that will get you motivated to keep going. If not, there are a few people on this thread who are ready and willing with a switch kick to the behind.
    6 lbs so far this month – you go girl!

    Miriamwithcats – Praying for a quick and smooth apartment hunt for your son.

    I have book club on Monday night and I just started the book last night (The Kitchen House). So I’ve got a busy weekend ahead – exercise, clean, help my daughter paint her room, and read an entire book. If you don’t hear from me for a couple of days, you’ll know I’m nose down.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,367 Member
    Oooooof - ate tooooooooo much. Stuffed. Just not used to it these days. All good apart from DH's Rogan Josh. Tasted like they'd used curry paste. My goan beef and the halibut were excellent. As usual I complained about the music, but they did turn it down. All you could hear was the bass beat.
    Walked back. 40 mins, but I still feel over full. I'm over losing calories, but still within maintenance.

    Hope we sleep.

    Love Heather UK
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Katla ~ Thanks for the no call number for the cell. We are supposedly on the National No Call List for our home phone but that is a big joke. Get several unwanted calls each day.

    Carol GA

    OMGoodness . . . if I could just get the National Rifle Association (NRA) to stop calling our house several time an hour from 8:30AM to 9:00PM - all from different numbers, different names, cell phones, unavailable. It is so far past harassment and the National Do Not Call people can't do $#*T about it (or won't). Now we've already gotten the political campaign calls. We just don't answer the damn thing. But, 'if' we are watching a movie, it doesn't show up on TV screen - so we usually bring the phone across the room and put it on the table between us. They (NDNC) tells you to not have any contact - don't pick up the phone, don't engage in any conversation, etc. - I just want to pick up the phone and give them some expletive language they don't know - but, then it is a robot. I should not be a prisoner in my own home with a phone. Now you are telling me that our cell phones will not be any better (other than we normally turn them off at night or as soon as we come in for the evening). When they start calling DH on his cell phone, he is going to be so pissed!