
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2015
    Terri - Laughing at that hubba hubba. Thank you, not sure if its about the pole or my "wild" pants. Next pic I will have to not do it in front of the closet doors, lol Although all three bedrooms have them!!

    I had a colonoscopy two years and don't remember having to eat a special diet. I was not uncomfortable at all afterwards. The only bad part was the nasty stuff I had to drink the night before :)
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Margaret, I have an email account that is just for my online shopping habit (yahoo). I have another (gmail) that I use only for professional contacts. I set this one up when I no longer had work email. Then, I have my personal email account that I use for church, volunteering, and everything else. Most of my family uses texting instead of email. About once a week, I open up the yahoo account and delete most without reading. DH has his own email. Our Amazon account is tied to it, but everything else is his and his alone. No way could he stand the volume of email that flows through my accounts. He would have an anxiety attack, for sure.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2015
    Vicki - it's the frame of the closet doors. All the closet doors in the bedrooms are sliding glass mirrors. lol Thanks about the pants.

    Meg - That will be my ANSWER from now on, perfect at it now. I have learned tho that some things are just not as big a deal as I used to thing they were. Thank you for the "wowser". :)

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2015
    Mary in MN - Yup, we didn't play cards either, only Disney movies, ugh. I too tell my husband he looks good and he is sexy looking. I love his long, long legs in tight jeans :) I tell him several times a day I love him and thank him always for all he does for me and for taking such good care of me. It's important to do these things in a marriage.

    Have a wonderful time, First Class , wow!!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    Allison WTG!

    Terri thanks for the reminder when these news media stories hit we do not always have all the facts.The are often times slanted to create the most buzz. Unfortunately the man in question went into hiding because he has received death threats, so it makes it harder for the truth to come out.

    Got most of my e-mail work done. drkatiebug turns out I accidentally created two accounts when I started working on this. I like the idea of using the second account for those things I deem this important. I was going to delete it but now I think there will be a use for it. Thanks for the ideas.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • JanetMMcC
    JanetMMcC Posts: 410 Member
    Ina - Welcome! Nice phrasing there in the "3' wide" sentence.

    Heather - do you imagine one kind of cheese or a variety? :)
    I don't have cheese cravings, but Wednesday was ambush cheese. And I went to the reception straight from work, so hadn't had supper.
    "Slowly I began to grow into the kind of person I always wanted to be. I am an unfinished project, but I am no longer a mess." -- That's beautiful.
    Reminds me of "Be as you would seem to be," which I seem to recall Mary Renault attributing to an ancient Greek philosopher, but gets mainly "German proverb" on a Google search, though W'Pedia gives it to "writer and adage collector" Thomas Fuller(1654-1734)
    Found Hairy Bikers chicken here
    and it's in my cookbook program.
    What sort of proportions do you use for the quinoa/rice/lentil mix? 1:1:1?
    That's quite a response from the restaurant!

    Michele - too true, on the restaurant interp of light on the butter. I'll ask for half the usual amount of butter or dressing, on the side. Then I know what I'm getting. I've been known to send food back if the dressing was on the salad rather than on the side.

    Allison - well, the Zumba-sweating is something to look forward to. ;) The hydro table sounds lovely - how does it work? I mean, do you lie down on it and it squirts jets of water on you?
    About why you're binging - that's something to think about, but only for analyzing triggers, NOT for beating yourself over the head.
    <<hugs>> Good for you, standing up when Tom said you don't do anything.

    Tonithewriter - YAAAY on the inches lost! And on the workout in spite of exhaustion.

    Barbie - "reinventing your life" is indeed a great phrase & reward.
    And thanks for being in charge of this series of threads!

    Lisa - just, wow. The folks at that restaurant got more than their money's worth when they hired you.

    Tulip Lori - Super loss! And Huzza! for the really changed eating habits.

    Colleen in Va - thanks. I did get back on track yesterday. :)

    Carol/peach - hey, I'd rather have tyops than some of the peculiar changes the iPhone makes.

    MNMargaret -best of luck with the email troubles.

    Cheri, DrKatie, JanetR, Betty ...
    (With apologies to Henry Mancini)

    Slow weight loss -- that's the way to go.
    You'll stick with it, you know,
    and shrink.
    Just stay steady.
    When it's ready
    Your bod will lose inches. Here's water -- let's drink!
    Slow weight loss drives us 'round the bend
    But shrug it off, my friend.
    Get thin.
    We're all after the same winning loss.
    Those doughnuts get a toss.
    Food ain't my stinkin' boss.
    Slow weight loss
    will win.

    JanetR - Wow! Look at you, rockin' those pants! I think I'd be scared to buy them, but you make 'em look most excellent.

    Mary from MN - have fun in Vegas!
    Congrats to your grandson and his team!
    Oooh, first class!

    Gayle - 14 pounds! Wonderful!

    Terri - we all need patience. Some of us need more than others. A bit of chemical patience makes sense, given your husband's approach to food.
    Larry and I used to walk around the house in the whatever, but that ended when his younger brother moved in with us.
    Good news about the RA med and the colonoscopy; sorry to hear about the boring foods.
    Your dad is amazing!

    Chris in MA - cool on the Butts & Guts. Congrats on your morning retrainig. And boy, does that trip to Mexico sound wonderful!

    Linda in IA - fun shoes. Me, though, I stay flat on the ground. :)
    Hey, you've been good on eating and exercise -- have you taken measurements lately? Your body will catch up to your actions. :)

    Sylvia - good thoughts on cleaning hte rental. The last time we rented a car, the contract said NO PETS.
    Let us know how the multicooker does!
    I'll keep my fingers crossed for the kids' mother's reform.

    Lillian - what a cutie!
    Me, I don't care for cooked peas, but looove me some raw fresh pea pods. Been a long, long time since I had a chance to eat any.
    Happy birthday!

    Jane - how lovely, the photo & preserves. Hope your son's feeling better soon..

    Becca - Lovely, telling the woman how inspirational she is, and her response.
    And how howlingly unobservant of your husband! But yeah, in the end, it has to be for yourself. You're doing a damned good job. Keep it up.

    Patceoh - sounds like a lovely week. <Ringing bells and blowing whistles> for your reworked appetite.

    Vicki - you and me, back to basic after an easy-eating Wednesday.
    have a great family weekend. :)

    Katla - very thoughtful of you, reskedding the riding lesson. Geez, here it just *feels* like it's over 100, but the temps are still in the 90s.

    Michele - Your plans for the weekend sound wonderful.
    I hope your caricaturist is better than the one my cousin paid $5 some 20 years ago in the French Quarter. We both came out looking like young Jackie O. <eyeroll> Sorry; one thing I do NOT have is a cute little tip-tilted nose.

    Kim from N Cal - <<hugs>> about the camp fat. You can do it.
    Something I've done, living in heat w/o a/c, is not-quite-fill a 2-liter bottle with water (maybe leave 2" empty), squeeze out the air, screw on the lid and freeze it. At night, wrap it in a towel and keep it close. I'll sometimes take it out of the towel and roll it around on my body, then put the towel around it again. Then I'll drink a bit of the melted ice.
    For a nice, cool, low-cal meal, try gazpacho.
    Here's one recipe; I think it could go lower on olive oil.
    However, a NYTimes article (can't copy the URL for some reason) about gazpacho in Seville sez the oil is necessary; the soup's an emulsion.

    Joyce - Oh fergoshsake. What a discourager that man is. Any chance of couples therapy?
    You can do it. Get exercising, and you'll have even *more* energy. If you don't get moving, cut calories. Log those meals and minutes. You *CAN* do it.

    dreamwriter - your friend losing her job sucks ditchwater through a soda straw. But it sounds as if she's someone who should be able to find a new position fairly easily.
    The grandkids sound fun.

    mamenat - what sort of exercise are you doing? You mention resistance - if it's all strength, you might want to add in cardio. Try changing the calorie limits to whatever MPF says will let you lose 2 lbs/week.
    Me, I got fat without kids. Did it all myself, me and my big mouth. <wry smyle> What got me losign weight - first just by cutting out junk food and swapping white carbs for whole grains &c - was fear of diabetes.

    DJanet - YAY on the end-of-month pound!
    AND the good sleep, and shoulder easing up.

    Cory - congrats on the doughnut turndown!

    DrKatie, that face does not look to me like the face of someone who needs to lose 50 pounds. I think his idea's lovely. :)

    Meg Blair - Owie! That's painful indeed. Have you tried aloe? Also, when I had a big blistered burn on my leg many years ago, the doc suggested I get vitamin E capsules and squeeze them out onto the burn.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    crazy day at work and I am pooped. goin to bed, will catch up tomorrow, working until noon.
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    I'm ready before my Dad, so I'm watching the News, and they just said the lion was seen about 20 blocks from my house. Crud !
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Tonight we will have a rare Blue Moon, the second full moon within the same month. I thought we should celebrate: https://youtu.be/4syA9aNnNa0.
  • tonithewriter
    tonithewriter Posts: 27 Member
    We have a lot of Janets in this group! Trying to get acquainted a bit at a time.

    Janet OKC, I also thought it was a stripper pole at first! LOL Love the pants-you are a fashionista and you do look skinny.

    Gayle, the GD is so cute!

    JanetMMcC I am as much an accidental writer as an accidental advocate and they both happened at the same time. I wrote my first book as a whistleblower to the IL government. I was pretty successful at that! So, I started doing a little more writing, just articles mostly. I wrote a column for NAMI for awhile. Then I was approached by a couple magazines and they paid me for some work. A little magazine called Rise, another called Empirical magazine, Adoption Today, and I have been interviewed for some other magazines like A Children's Voice for Child Welfare League of America. I have also done a few short pieces for USA Today, Trails.com, and a few others.

    I just moved to MN from IL, and we may only be here temporarily, so I went into private practice as a Special Education Advocate and Systems' Consultant. I consult nationally now. I do some freelance writing to supplement income while I'm getting my business up and running. You can see my website at www.seasconsulting.org

    It is true, weight loss is slow, but I once thought hey, if I lose a lb per week, in a year's time, I will have lost 52 lbs. So I have a 9 day streak of logging food and exercise and am keeping my goals. At least I'm trending in the right direction. Going down!

    Toni in MN

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Just a note to report my first experience with my multi cooker. It arrived about noon and I ran out and bought a pork roast to try it out. It was so easy! I used the pressure cooker function and cooked the roast, along with red potatoes and frozen green beans in 50 minutes. Well, it was a little more than that because I used the browning feature first to brown the roast, then the timer doesn't start counting down till it gets up to pressure. We sat down to eat about 90 minutes after I opened the box. And we loved it! The meat was so tender and the potatoes and green beans were very flavorful. Hubby and I like green beans that are overlooked and mushy (southern style) and these were really mushy. Most people probably wouldn't care for them. I just used black pepper, onion powder, roasted garlic and a little bit of ginger. Hubby had to put his own salt on at the table. He's getting used to that.

    This is the one I got:

    Good night ladies!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    cory17 wrote: »
    Started today off right! Getting back in gear mentally and turned down a doughnut offer this am - happy dance! Goodby sugar!

    smiley-happy032.gifCongrats....every time you turn down food, it gets easier.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good evening! Thanks for all of the hugs. I had just had a really poopy day. Exercises hurt/didn't go like they should have. Work sucked. Got a blow to my heart from a 'friend.' Kids fighting. Exhaustion. Pain. Desire for my independence and my house to be my own again. So, although the emotions were real, I just had a lot of self pity going on. Hope I'm done for a while.

    Pip - I'm glad you've asked for pain meds. The constant pain wears down your reserves in a hurry!

    JaneMartin - I am so glad you seem to be happy in your new home AND have space for a garden. What a great thing that the little boy and his mom acknowledged you.

    Lisa - Someday I want to grow up to have your physical strength and your self-confidence. Beautiful family!

    Meg - I'm so happy to see you posting more. I'm sorry about the ouchie from your coffee!

    Michele and Rori - It's looking like August 30 is a good possibility! I'm glad to have something to look forward to.

    Alison - Good for you for sticking up for yourself! My ex could never understand how much time and work it took to parent and keep the house running in addition to working 30 hours per week. In his mind, because he worked 40 hours per week (and made lots more), he was the only one in the family who worked and deserved to have whatever he wanted.

    Terri - I think it's awesome that you don't let your hubby's selfishness keep you from going out and gaving fun with your dad!

    Well, that's the extent of my memory right now...

    I found out today that I am in the sling/immobilizer for still another week. Six weeks!!! After next week, I will begin a weaning process. I will still need to wear it when I sleep and when I'm anywhere I might get jostled. PT is going well and they are very pleased with my range of motion increase. This week, *I* can even see the improvement! However, I learned the hard way yesterday that I can NOT fasten my own seatbelt yet without causing a painful setback.

    Since I am my own worst critic when it comes to wondering if I'm being a wimp about pain, I had been really hard on myself because I am still so tired and still hurt. It finally hit home this week as to just how extensive and serious my surgery was. I had fallen into the same mindset of my co-workers by thinking that, since the surgery was arthroscopic, that it wasn't particularly serious. The therapist I'm working with this week gave me a long talk about the extent of the work that was done. I also looked again at my surgery photos and actually counted the number of mesh attachments that connect to the bolt in my shoulder. I'm thinking about making copies and passing them out at work. :lol::wink: :smiley:

    I'm trying hard not to stress over it since I have no control over it, but my son still has no clue where he is going to school this year! He also has only temporary housing lined up! If UNC Charlotte doesn't finish approving his financial aid, he will be going to a community college and he hasn't even decided which one of those is his backup school. Yikes!!! Ah well, life happens whether we're prepared or not.

    Well, I think I've officially skipped dinner tonight. I just don't feel like eating and missing the calories won't hurt me so I think I'm going to bed as soon as I can kick everyone out of the living room (still sleeping on the couch).

    Have a great rest of the night. See you in August!

    Carol in NC
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Well today son and I were treated to a nice lunch. Husband took us to a new place that has just opened up. I ordered a sandwich made up of salami, goat cheese, artsy lettuce (I have no idea what it was but it was lacy looking), tomatoes and some sort of balsamic vinegar. I only ate half of the sandwich, and out of that I only ate the lower part of the bread, and piled it all on open-faced. It came with yam fries and I picked 8 out and put on my plate. Then we went to an ice cream shop and I picked out a flavor that pretty much said it all. Death By Chocolate.... But I logged it in, and I did ok today. I had walked 60 minutes prior to this heavenly experience so I had it covered. Son got a shearing at the local barber shop, so by Sept his head should be perfect. Hopefully he will take to heart all my nagging and use Noxema on his neck and face area to combat his complexion being 16 yrs oldish.

    Yes I think I shall have that lady at the pool a friend for a long time. I would imagine being as fit as she is, she might be a bit shunned by the women in her age bracket. That is just my opinion. Just like at my age of 53, I seem to be more comfortable around people my same body type. Sadly society dictates alot of what we do, and how we act. The beautiful people of the world do not befriend ladies like me that are 238 lbs. Not that all communities do this mind you. Although many slim people do have a "token fat person" to make them feel great about themselves. I sound harsh, and many of you that are slim might be offended, but that has been my observation in life. I think that is why I found our nudist resort so refreshing. The first visit I was approached by a very slim, tan, tattoo'ed lady and her and I struck up a conversation. I remember thinking, "Wow, she is a beautiful lady, and she is giving me the time of day, actually caring what I have to say about the world, how cool is that!" I know that is silly, but it was California. Alot of times the Greek Goddess's of the World do not get taken seriously. They just assume from the get go that we are substandard in the main stream of life.

    To the friend that said she was going to print out my comment and carry it around with her as inspiration...wow...and another friend said I had wise words. I have never considered myself inspirational, or wise..and Im kind of in awe of those comments. I suppose I do have alot of life lessons, being a Navy Retired Chiefs Wife (and yes I do have to capitalize those, its the law! :smile: ) but we all have life lessons to share and become inspired. When we retired, I was resigned to the fact that I would never really have a group of gals I could grow old, learn from be inspired. I was wrong. I have TOPS here, (as dramatic as they all are sometimes) and I have you all. Its really a comfort!

    Becca, on the northern coastal beaches of Oregon being all emotionally mushy and stuff.... :smile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 11.50, 14.9amph, 2.9mi = 97c
    spin- 35min, 83ar, 112aw, 11-15ag, 14.3mi = 326c
    ride gym 2 wk- 52.50min, 12.9amph, 11.3mi = 484c
    ride dome 2 hm- 17.49min, 8.7amph, 2.5mi = 204c
    total cal = 1111
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member
    nccarol - i am screaming right now!!!!! i went to go pick up the prescription and they didn't have it, so i guess they didn't call it in and they are closed. no pain meds for me.