

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @barbiecat rushing at you and hugging....its YOUUUUUUU.....hows the weather up your way?? In the cool 70's here on the coast....everyone and their BROTHER has decided to come for a visit...took us 40 min to get from Astoria to home...sheeeesh...
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    July Goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow. Not perfect, but good enough that my weight is staying stable.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength. This goal is the core for improving my health. I've been doing okay. I had a foot issue that kept me from getting as much exercise as usual, but it has healed itself and I'm back in the groove.
    3. Have fun every day. I LOVE this goal! Little things are as important as big ones. Seeing the hummingbirds at my feeders is one example of ongoing delight.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more! I'm doing much better with the water. Some of it is carbonated, and some comes from the tap.
    5. Eliminate alcohol. Done.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly. I'm getting 7-8 hours a night regularly and feel better because of it.

    August Goals are below my signature. They will look eerily familiar. :laugh: Have a great day! :heart:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    August Goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • xclntmgr
    xclntmgr Posts: 13 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    smiley-happy032.gif I am thrilled to see new faces and familiar faces. I have been posting on Women Ages 50+ since 2009 and can't imagine my life without all of you to keep me company on the road to health, fitness, and longevity

    :'( Pip, I am sorry you are in pain....I am sending soft hugs to you <3

    smiley-sleep012.gif Barbie from NW Washington

  • xclntmgr
    xclntmgr Posts: 13 Member
    Hi my name is Shani. I live in western washington. I started mfp on July 8th and I hAve lost 13 pounds. I am 50 married and have 4 grown kids and 7 grandkids. I have limited time to work out because of full time job and 2 dogs and hubby hates it when he gets home after long commute and I am not with him. Goals this month are to get cardiovascular to 5 miles per day and add strength training 3x per week. Stick to 1200 calorie diet.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Barbie - 2009? wow, I'm so glad to hear that. I need you all to hang around since I'm finally letting it sink in "this is a life time journey" and I'm gonna need y'alls help. NO MORE YOYO FOR ME!!

    Shani, hello and welcome. Sounds like some good goals, We all seem to have "limited" time for ourselves. Add as much activity as possible throughout your day and hang in there. It's important to log your food each day and make time for you. We are a supportive, encouraging group of ladies that care, again welcome.

    Janetr OKC
  • cherylann2014
    cherylann2014 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Group!
    I need all the motivation and support I can find!
    I was recently diagnosed with Hashimoto's hypothyroidism and when I got the news, I was already on a low carb, high protein carb purge diet so all I had to do was add Gluten Free to that!
    I'm 1 year post op gastric sleeve and had lost 80 lbs, gained back almost 40 lbs and now lost a total of 60lbs. So that being said, I have 66lbs to go to Onederland and 70lbs to goal.
    Being gluten free, I've adopted a veto/paleo WOE and my goals are 1330 cal, low carb (below 30g a day) and moderate (good) fat and protein. I've posted in MFP diary for 26 days straight! YaY!
    I teach students with autism and will be going back to school in less than 2 weeks so I am hoping to have a good handle on my diet and exercise routine before heading back.....teachers LOVE to eat and there will be all sorts of junque food like donuts and nachos and candy and cookies to tempt me but I will stay the course and turn to my WL friends for support!

    Cheryl (Fort Worth, TX)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well good evening ladies and so many new ladies again. Welcome!

    Sharon, your time with the grand kids sounds so nice. You are a lucky woman.

    Allsion, good for you for standing your ground. I don't know if I would feel comfortable going to the gym at 3:30 AM

    Sylvia, glad you have your own van back and they rental agency didn't give you any hassle about the tiny ouchie. Good luck with the Mom. Be nice but be observant. Glad your multifunction cooker worked so well. Do you think your son could learn to use one so that he could fix more nutritious meals for himself and kids?

    Lillian, have fun at the weinie roast. It sounds like so much more fun than going out to eat. You don't have to worry about making sure the kids behave, no gas for driving, finding parking, overly inflated price for meal and tip. Plus you get the bonus of watching the kids have a wonderful time running around outside and just being kids. I hope you are roasting s'mores. My Mom always had a tradition of cooking supper for the one who has a birthday and the spouse and then inviting the other daughter and spouse for cake and ice cream. She made this wonderful pot roast that was a favorite of all of us and that is what was usually requested, that or fried chicken. When we were children at home, our Saturday night supper was grilled hamburgers and chips. And it was the only time of the week we were allowed to have soft drinks. So one year that was what I told Mom I wanted. Needles to say everyone was disappointed but that's what I wanted so that's what she did. And it was so good. We talked that night at supper about all the good times when we were kids. No money but a lot of love and that's what counts.

    Mamanet, welcome, everyone is different, we all lose in different way and some do it quickly and others at a snails pace. It took me two years to loose 60 pounds of 90 pound goal, Then I started gaining it back when I lost focus on exercise. Now I am almost 30 pounds gained back. But what we do here is just be cheer leaders for each other and when we need it DamitJanet will kick us in the butt.

    DJ, a craft fair!!! I want to go with you!!!!!! Be right down. Oops, sorry you got a late start. Now I am disappointed in you. Instead of a kick in the butt, you gave me a pep talk. You are going to lose your reputation around here.

    Katla, I don't think I stress eat because of all of Charlies health problems. But who knows. That may be a big part of the problem. I think I have just lost my focus.

    Pat, my husband is just under the assumption that I WILL gain it back because he is the worlds largest pessimist I have ever known and it is getting worse as he gets older. You don't need a good slap for confusing me with Sylvia. You need a big hug!

    Janetr, I don't think I would have the courage to wear patterned pants like that yet I am very envious of women who do. I think if I were closer to or at my goal weight I might be able to pull it off. You see I am beginning to get that 'Joyce you are fat' state of mind when I look in the mirror. I had been able to see myself as trim 30 pounds ago but not now. So sorry for sis and brother in law for what they are going through. Prayers for all of your family.

    Pip, I think you are very wise to not run in the marathon. You must really be in pain if you, The Pipster had to call for some medicine.

    DrKatie, I have seen a lot of portraits where the husband is sitting and wife standing up behind him. Would that work? He loves you for who you are. Be proud to stand where you want to and be proud of your marriage.

    Heather. somewhere like Pris seems like such a long way away for many of us and a major trip for most of us. I keep forgetting that to people in Europe, it is just like me traveling across several states to go somewhere. Have fun with your friend.

    Terri, so glad you can do things with your Father. Yes, it would be nice if your husband would go along but treasure the time you and your Dad can have together. My Dad loved patriotic music and I was the only one who wanted to go with him to concerts. I miss him and those concerts so much. July 4th had so many concerts on TV. I watched one and just about cried all the way through it. I was so proud of the men in our family. I was able to stand and just keep on standing for all of the branches songs. my ex son in law was with the National Guard and I was also proud of that.

    Meg, so sorry about the hot coffee. I hope it was at the end of your breakfast so that you could enjoy that rare moment of getting your favorite breakfast.

    JanetMMcC, no he will not go to a couples therapy. I mean, why would he need to? He is the one who is right? He is always right on anything, everyone else is wrong, the military, Congress, President, police, preachers, teachers, drivers in front of him, in back of him, placement of stop signs, how long stoplights work. Everyone is wrong and he is right. When Michelle was in grade school, I thin about the 2nd grade, teachers wanted us to get her on Ritalin. they said she had ADD. Well, I'm not going to do that without having her be evaluated by a pshyciatrist. So they did teting on her, interviewed her separately and then us separately. Well as a couple. At the end he said she was not hyper at all. She was to smart for what they were having her do. But then he started talking about Charlie himself and said that he would like to have sessions with him privately because he said Charlie had a lot of issues that needed help. Well, that didn't go very well. I think Charlie even tried to get out of paying that %^%$ bill. The nerve of that man.

    Carol, so glad YOU are seeing progress now. Is there any way the therapist or an occupational therapist can help you with some sort of device to grab hold of the seat belt and help you buckle it?

    Well today I have really tried to make a concerted effort to get more steps in. I worked hard but I got over 5000 steps in. Of course it helped that it is laundry day and our laundry room in downstairs. So I made a lot of steps. I have also made a very conscious effort that if I need to take 5 things into a room, take each one individually. It has also made me very hot and I feel like I am in a hot box so maybe I will sweat some calories off. Becca would be so proud of me! Charlie was out doing his Karaoke and I am the only one here, As I get older, I am colder and I usually wear a sweater in the house even though we keep the temp at 74. When I do laundry, I like to wash every stitch of clothing I have. So I put on my housecoat, it's heavy, and I am bare naked underneath. Well going up and down the stairs numerous times, doing extra walking in the house made me even hotter. So here I am sitting at my computer desk naked! It feels good though. It can sure cool a body down. And the cat wasn't scared of me! i'm just glad she didn't want to get on my lap. So ladies, I am trying.

    Tomorrow we are going to go to a nursery and look at some plants, shrubs and trees to put in our bare spots we will have when all those shrubs come out Tuesday. We also need to call a handy man to do some odd jobs like fix guttering and we are going to need a very short railing going from sidewalk to porch. It is just that one step but I know eventually Charlie and I will need it and right now have two family members that need it now. When my sister comes over she can get up that one step OK but has to grab onto the shrub to go down. He still insists that he will not pay anyone to do the painting and have a handyman do touch ups. It doesn't help that two people I have called for estimates still haven't called me back. Shoot, it's only money!!! Right???

    Joyce, Indiana

  • iemchico14
    iemchico14 Posts: 10 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »

    Here we are starting a new month with new resolve to live a more fit and healthy life. This is a lifelong journey for me and I love being in the company of supportive and encouraging women.

    Welcome back to those of you who have been posting on this thread and welcome to those of you who are joining us now.

    The name of the thread is Women Ages 50+ but all women are welcome.

    How did you do with your goals and resolutions for July?

    What goals and resolutions have you planned for August?

    Please sign your post with your name or an alias and a location (general or specific) so we can get to know each other better.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif

    July Resolutions (with end of the month comments)
    *walk at least 15,000 steps a day (every day)
    * drink at least nine glasses of water a day (every day)
    *answer two long overdue e mails (both written and sent)
    *strength training twice a week (seven times in 31 days)

    August Resolutions
    *walk 15,000 steps a day
    *drink 9 glasses a water a day
    *strength training twice a week
    *thoroughly clean guest room
    *thoroughly organize linen closet
    *speak up--don't sulk

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT

  • iemchico14
    iemchico14 Posts: 10 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »

    Here we are starting a new month with new resolve to live a more fit and healthy life. This is a lifelong journey for me and I love being in the company of supportive and encouraging women.

    Welcome back to those of you who have been posting on this thread and welcome to those of you who are joining us now.

    The name of the thread is Women Ages 50+ but all women are welcome.

    How did you do with your goals and resolutions for July?

    What goals and resolutions have you planned for August?

    Please sign your post with your name or an alias and a location (general or specific) so we can get to know each other better.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif

    July Resolutions (with end of the month comments)
    *walk at least 15,000 steps a day (every day)
    * drink at least nine glasses of water a day (every day)
    *answer two long overdue e mails (both written and sent)
    *strength training twice a week (seven times in 31 days)

    August Resolutions
    *walk 15,000 steps a day
    *drink 9 glasses a water a day
    *strength training twice a week
    *thoroughly clean guest room
    *thoroughly organize linen closet
    *speak up--don't sulk

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited August 2015
    Thank you @barbiecat (Barbie) for starting us all anew...

    July goals
    • Weigh less at the end of July than I did at the end of June. [Lost three pounds, yay!]
    • Run farther and faster than I did at the end of June. [Got consistently up to 4.25 miles, in an hour, 'til started at the job.]
    • Keep my calories under my burn level each day. [Was over on 3 days out of 31. I'll take it.]
    • Start my core work - crunches in particular. [Failed miserably.]
    • Write each day. [More reports than my actual writing, but still writing!]

    August goals
    • Weigh less at the end of August than I did at the end of July.
    • Get back to running or exercising in some way at LEAST three days a week. Walking at work isn't enough.
    • Enjoy vacation to Montana.
    • Don't let the consulting job sap every minute of my life. Get back to balance.
    • Log every day.
    • Keep my calories under my burn level every day.

    Lisa in West Texas

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,766 Member
    morning y'all~
    thanks again Barbie for keeping us all together <3
    dont worry about going to the gym at 3:30 in the morning. this gym has a person there at all times...Dwayne is the overnight guy.. big black man and has a great sense of humor, I make him laugh and he does the same for me..
    they are open 7-7 on the weekends so I wont be able to get there today unless I go after I get out of work which I could do,
    gonna see if Tom wants to come with me tomorrow and check it out...
    I was sooo tired yesterday.. yesterday afternooon was crazy at work,, there were 3 dr's and 2 rooms and they overbooked patients. so I was running hel- bent for election all afternoon..
  • mamenat
    mamenat Posts: 19 Member
    FPJ2015 wrote: »
    Ok I like your goals. I'm away next week. But will try and support your goals into mine the following.

    I'm eating 1200 calories a day and not loosing. So depressing I don't understand it.

  • mamenat
    mamenat Posts: 19 Member
    That happened to me. My girlfriend said"that's normal. You have to comes to terms with it. Your body is adjusting to the new life style. Wait for it" Today, I finally dropped two pounds. I was begining to believe it would never happen.
  • mamenat
    mamenat Posts: 19 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Did an hour of Crunch Live Total Body. I'd meant to do an extreme cardio DVD. So I'll do that one tomorrow

    Later this morning I will go in the pool, then I need to go to Bi-lo to get a veggie tray. See, the Newcomers are having a pontoon party and I'm going to go. I figure veges aren't something that will spoil in the sunlight. I did make an asparagus dip and I have a small insulated container that I'll put that in.

    Mary from MN - just be sure you push the right button for the floor on the elevator!!!....lol

    chris - even at $8 (and I do love a bargain), there is no way I could wear those shoes. I hand it to you

    Lily - what an adorable helper you had there!

    Janet OKC - cute pants, and those shoes match so nicely

    I honestly don't get it. I believe I'm eating decently (you can check my food logs, it's open. If anyone has a suggestion, I'm all open to it), my weight is in the high 120's, my watch is so loose on me sometimes it falls to the bottom of my wrist. Usually in summer because of the heat my wrists expand a bit. Yet my stomach doesn't seem to be getting any smaller. Any suggestions anyone to get rid of this "pouch"? I usually do some sort of cardio 3 days/week, something with weights 3 days/week, and one day of "active recovery" (like yoga or pilates or Wii games) So what's up with this?

    Kim - so sorry for your gain. This summer I have not bought any ice cream for me (for Vince, yes). What I find is if I freeze some grapes, they are just as sweet as ice cream. Hope this helps. I can't imagine sleeping in 100 degree weather

    JanetMMc - wow on those steps. Pretty soon you'll be riveling barbie. How did you get so many in? Isn't it funny how we want something smaller (you wanted 1/4 of that bar). Now when I go to the store, so many things I turn down because they're too big. Thanks for asking about Vince's shoulder. Nothing new yet, we're still waiting for the results of the MRI. He just left now to go get his INR taken (he's on coumadin). He did have an appointment with our family MD about his being in the hosp, and the MD said "if they want to do surgery, tell them not until you get your heart taken care of" But we shall see what they say. I don't know if taping the tablecloth will work since it's uneven on the bottom of the table, plus you have the legs to deal with. I've done this before and it really doesn't take much time at all to cut it down and then sew it on the sides. Fortunately, it's a straight cut so I can sew it. I've sent back salads that had cheese on them and it didn't say on the menu that it contained cheese. If the salad had dressing on it, you can bet I'd send it back in no time. The guy (Eric Stafford) that we're going to have doing the cariactures was on "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire". His drawing of the host looks pretty good

    Mary from MN - congrats to your gs. Cherries were $1.99 here, too and I bought a few bags. I WAS going to give one bag to Jess only her plans changed and she didn't come down here. So guess who'll wind up eating them? (be still my heart) Safe travels

    Sylvia - I don't remember (CRS), do you pour your own ceramic molds? Actually, does anyone have access to bisque ceramic molds? I'm on the lookout for LARGE things to put out by our pool. I'm thinking a mermaid, pelican, swan, bee, seahorse (would want 2, each facing opposite directions, to hang up on either end of the pergola on the upper patio), octopus, shark or manatee. At least one dimension (length or height) should be 14-16"

    Joyce - glad those ant traps are working for you

    Sharon - I'm so sorry about your friend. I'm sure it was done because she was probably one of the highest paid. That's why Vince was offered the retirement package that he took. He was one of the highest paid executives and they could get someone younger (and cheaper). Problem is that they don't have the background (like why something didn't work before so it won't again). What exactly is long boarding?

    Alison - good for you going on that picnic by yourself. I'm going to the pontoon party by myself. I'm not sure why Vince doesn't care to do. Oh yes, it's because he's of the opinion that there isn't much room on the docks for the food. To me, it'll be something different. Where is NC is your friend?

    mamenat - you say you don't think like most people. I'm looking forward to reading your posts.

    pip - I think you were very smart to pass on that marathon. I know how much you love to run, but you never know what the future holds. What if you had signed up and then couldn't do it? You'd feel horrible. You make me smile -- putting on your boots for Alison's hubby. You must really be in pain if you are asking for pain meds. Oh no, no pain meds.

    cory - good for you turning that donut down

    Heather - my freezer is bursting, too. Have fun with your friend

    Tomorrow after exercising I'll probably go to the farmer's market

    NC Carol - oh, I do hope you can make it Aug 30 (keeping fingers and toes crossed). Bummer you still have to be in the sling

    Becca - you ARE wise and inspirational. I for one love reading your posts

    Welcome everyone new!

    Michele in NC[/quot
    GoodMorning evermore,
    I have had some luck with a chin up machine. The device has two handles that you pull down on. I thought it would work my arms but there was a bonus, my abs were working out.
    I put 90 pounds on and slowly pull down and slowly let it go, for ten reps. I think you may find that upper body work will get you strength in your abs.
    Feels like a million dollars...a strong core.
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Gotta share...lost 40 lbs!!!
    Off to the beach.
    Double Woohoo!

    Chris in MA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,312 Member
    edited August 2015
    Good morning all!

    WELCOME new ladies! :flowerforyou: Keep coming back and chatting and we can get to know you. I have been here 3 years now! At target for over 18 months. This group keeps me on track. <3

    Janetr - what a sad time for you. :cry: Care for the very ill and dying is one of my hobby horses, or one of the "bees in my bonnet" as my DH would say. I do have a lot. I hope your sister gets better soon. It sounds as if your DBIL has reached the end of what medical science can do. So sorry, as he is still quite young - my husband's age, near enough.
    I am currently reading a book about end of life care called BEING MORTAL - Aging, illness, Medicine and What Matters in the End, by Atul Gawande. He is a surgeon in the States and writes movingly about losing his father and others close to him as well as patients. It is something we all need to think very carefully about.
    Sorry to get on my hobby horse!

    I've been on my horrible laptop today and was going to post a poem, but it's now frozen on me! ! ! ! ! !

    I am very, very proud of myself today for going to the carpet shop all by myself (I was dropping DH off at cricket) and ordering vinyl to be laid in my bathroom in a couple of weeks, We moved into this house 4 and a half years ago and I have been meaning to replace the horrible, stained bathroom carpet since then. I can be very lazy about these things and HATE spending money on stuff. Also I kind of thought I ought to replace the whole bathroom, so got my brain stuck. :laugh: Anyway, I know I can't afford to do that, so I am going for a cheapish, cushioned vinyl in a wood look finish as a temporary measure. Hooray! ! ! ! ! ! ! I can't believe it took me this long! We will have to take up the current carpet and dispose of it and take out a couple of cupboards before the fitters come. I know the bathroom needs a total revamp, but I'm not sure where the money would come from or who would pay for it.
    The current carpet really is shameful. :embarassed:

    Tonight after the cricket the ground is putting on a Boyzone concert. Do you know that Irish boy band? Not boys any more! ! ! ! Lots of women in their 30s will be turning up, I expect! :laugh: Needless to say, DH won't be staying on for it!

    I shall keep on keeping on for August.

    Lose my "safety pound" again.
    Start typing out my memoir. :D

    Terri - Both you and your dad look so young! You look about 18! ! ! ! !

    Love from Heather UK
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :) I went to a potluck dinner last night. I ate before I went and didn't think much about how normal that is for me until I sat with a woman who didn't know me well and she commented on the fact that I wasn't eating. I don't eat at potlucks because the kind of foods that people bring are usually meant to be entertaining (salads with dressing already on, casseroles with unknown ingredients, cheesecake)---no one would bring broiled chicken, sliced tomatoes and steamed vegetables, so I don't even pretend anymore that there might be something at the potluck that I would eat. The woman I sat with told me how much she admired that I lost weight and kept it off and that she was starting next week with a diet doctor to help her lose weight.

    <3 Barbie from NW Washington---off to walk dogs in the cool (57 degrees) morning where the sun will soon be coming up
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,312 Member
    Barbie - When I go to a potluck I always take the food I want to eat. :flowerforyou: I have to make sure I get my portions on my plate early as it is always very popular! People love to see healthy food for a change! :laugh:

    Heather UK
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,312 Member
    DDIL sent me this photo. A pre-season visit to my younger son's football team, Arsenal. We used to live nearby when my sons were growing up so they were dedicated fans. When he was first married he actually lived in an apartment on the concourse. He shared a season ticket, (very expensive.)
    Funny to see him getting the little ones on board! :laugh:
    I had a real pang when I saw the photo and I was a little teary. I do miss my old area where I lived for 40 years. :cry:
    Seeing the grandchildren on Thursday. :love:


    Joyce - when I lived in London Paris was 2hrs.15 mins away on the train from my local mainline station. :noway: We used to swop my apartment with a Parisian couple I had found online so it cost us VERY little, especially out of season when train fares were discounted. Went twice a year. I have been to Paris 17 times. I think I know every corner by now. If I meet my friend I will stay in a hotel and fly from my local airport which is 20 mins away. The flight is around an hour.
    I love Paris and I love talking French, but I don't know if DH 's friend is coming then. I like this friend so want to be around. DH did look a little nonplussed when I said I was thinking of going. What's the betting he would come with me? :laugh:

    Love Heather UK
  • gawworthington
    gawworthington Posts: 1,131 Member
    Good morning. already on Page 2 - wow you are all awesome ladies. I am Gayle from North Idaho. Lewiston Idaho/Clarkston Wa are like one town. Spokane Wa is the nearest "big city" so it feels like I should say Eastern Washington. I am a Rehab Teacher for the Blind and Visually Impaired so I spend a large part of my day driving in a van to all parts of a 5 county area. This made it a struggle for food. I have now switched to keeping fruits and veggies in my van instead of other "junk" foods. This was one of my goals for July!

    I love reading all of your posts and finding out about where you live.

    August goals-
    Finish reading Feeling Good by Dr. David Burns
    Support my son through his struggles of MH issues ( I worry about being a helicopter parent) but still need to help him
    Log food every day
    Complete some type of exercise every day.
    Drink 9 cups of water every day.
    Eat slower and enjoy what I am eating.

    Happy August.

    Gayle - still melting in Idaho