

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Feeling exhausted. Catch you later.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    We're having a great time here in Las Vegas! We saw Jay Leno tonight. I was crying I laughed so hard! I'll post pictures Tuesday. I'm reading the posts but no time to respond. Take care everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    edited August 2015
    Go Mary! ! ! ! ! !

    My friend texted me to say she has a voucher for Loch Fyne, a seafood chain. I like it and usually have oysters and mussels there so it's lowcal. :) Outside seating under umbrellas. :D

    JanetM - that was a record temp for a July night. EVER. I wouldn't like you to think we were normally that cold! :noway:

    Nice outside today. I will take my sunhat.

    Hugs for ALISON and janetr.

    Sharon - ouuufff! I can imagine! You have been doing so much. :*

    Love Heather, putting on her face and her bright pants for Portsmouth. :D

    Heather UK

    Back in before I dash to say I am back at target weight. Now to lose my "safety pound". I have had NO cheese for two days! :drinker:
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited August 2015
    Allie - time apart from someone who is verbally abusive (no matter what's going on on their head) is a good thing. Never believed that my own inner turmoil was an excuse for hurting others. I don't believe it of anyone else, either. On another note, I think I've said in this space before that I didn't leave my ex until I looked at him and thought "I'd rather die alone than live with you for the rest of my life." Not in a harsh way, just that I was done and dusted. His "thinking time" gives you some time to decide if you want him back, should he choose to return. We'll all be thinking about you, hoping that, however things turn out, you make sure that you're OK.


    Got a two-hour nap in yesterday while the kids went swimming at the pool up at the big house, played with the baby while the big ones went hunting rabbits and rattlesnakes last night (they got one of each) and was in bed by 9:30. Up at 3:30, but six hours of restful sleep has made me feel like I might survive.

    I'm charging the restaurant owners half my usual rate, but high for the area--I knew they wouldn't do it if I went much over that. I always track my hours, even though I'm at a flat rate, because it gives me incentive to get things fixed so I can make a reasonable (for me) hourly wage. I put in 43 hours in the first three days I worked, which put me at $13.95 an hour-then 60 hours my first full week had me at $16.67. This week, I landed at 58 hours, so I'm back over $17 an hour. I'm making progress!

    And everything is improving at the restaurant. When I got there, tensions were high... and there were just kitchen noises. Now they're playing music in the kitchen, there's laughter, people are joking with each other, smiling, making after-work plans together. For my problem kiddos, I've had to issue a few verbal reprimands and a couple written. And I have to issue another for a brand-new dishwasher who was nearly two hours late yesterday.So far, they seem to get that I'm not doing it to set up firing them, I'm doing it to get their attention and help them understand what's OK and what's not. My problem server who got the first two write-ups actually came back, apologized to me in front of the crew chief, said she was leaving her cellphone in her car and would work hard to get her attitude where it needed to be in order to stay. I just about dropped my teeth.

    The owners never showed last week, but at least one is flying in Monday. We'll see what happens. I would imagine that nothing will. I gave them a 4-week minimum, 12-week maximum on consulting for them, because I really don't want to still be doing this by the holidays if I can help it. If they were to offer me the permanent position, I'd consider it, but I don't really want it at a lot of different levels, so am planning to price myself out of the running, up around $62,000 a year. They don't want to pay over 50K, so I know that will be too high. Bluntly, I'm a great consultant, but only fair once I'm in maintenance mode. I like beginnings much better than middles. The Montana trip will be kind of the acid test if the inmates can run the asylum. :)

    Michele in NC - we leave the 21st and are back on the 27th--and hopefully, will be able to see our DS and his new wife that we have yet to meet while we're there, as well as attending the wedding.

    And speaking of the wedding, am trying to get the wedding gift quilt finished today, just some really long seams to run, mostly... got everything spray basted. Will take pictures...

    It's the DD/DSiL/DGK's last day here, they leave at 9 a.m. tomorrow. Mixed blessing. Will miss them, but my husband is past exhausted with the struggle to get the grandson to eat and to go to bed, and the ensuing crying, whining, etc. Our daughter and her husband were, without a doubt, the reason I was able to get so much accomplished in the restaurant. But two weeks of five extra people in the house is hard. Even when you love them dearly. We're ready for a little quiet. :hushed:

    Love y'all dearly, best on everyone's goals, glad to see our walking wounded up and motivating - Pip and Carol in NC, in particular... I do read pretty much everything.

    Lisa in West Texas
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,825 Member
    morning dear friends~
    as you can imagine I didn't sleep wonderfully last night and woke up at 3:30 this morning, messed around on the computer for awhile and got up and started cooking..
    will go see DFIL and then I will probably go over to the gym,have to drop my son off at work at 11, then I dont know what I will do..
    maybe will take a trip to the shore by myself, but Ct beaches arent really were I want to be, would rather be up in Hampton or maybe at the Cape...
    Gave Tom a suggestion weather he follows through is up to him, told him to go speak with his GP and maybe get a mild anti-depressant ,he has had highs and lows as you all know for months now.. told him it would take a month or so but would even him out to where he could make a half way decent decision on what he wants in the future. and left it at that.
    thank you all for letting me vent..and I pray that this will work out over time.. I have had enough stress in my life to last me a lifetime and then some :o
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Just a couple quick scenes - left is DD with her daughter, sewing on a quilt on my machine... and right is my husband with the grandbaby--Daisy Dog is not sure if she's happy about them or not at this point. Bottom is DD and her son in the pool up at the big house... It's kinda awesome, comes straight out of the aquifer...


  • mamenat
    mamenat Posts: 19 Member
    Damnit Janit,
    Sure, my name is Mame. Don't have much to say and the format is uncomfortable at first, I will begin to share soon. My daughter is visiting for the next week. She and her fiancé will stay at the cottage on shaw pond and I will take a day to stretch out on the beach. Good thing I have the confidence borne of loosing eight pounds to fortify my composure while wearing a bathing suit all day.
    It seems like there is a reason to look good around every corner. There is a meeting with old friends, a gig, a day on the beach, a party, an interview... You really have to remain ever vigilant with regard to proper diet. Gotta be in shape for that next challenge.
    It's a long shot. I believe in long shots. See if your man will go with you. Do you like the idea of his company? The trip would be better with him on it? Then I am betting on you. Don't let these men fool you. They have hearts, big sloppy hearts. You can touch that heart. It can be done.
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Jane Martin and Lisa ~ Love the pics of your grands. Lisa, your daughter is beautiful and your hubby looks like a catch.

    Alison ~ I think your suggestion to your DH about meds is right on. I live on antidepressants and just wish they had been around growing up with two parents who had a love/hate relationship.

    Joyce ~ I know you get aggravated with Charlie but I can also see that you love the man dearly.

    School is starting here tomorrow! DnL's first day with a new group of 6th graders, 5 yr old's first time to catch the bus and go to kindergarten, and first time the 3 yr old will have to go to day care without her beloved brother.

    Carol - Peach
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,825 Member
    It has been a day already :p
    went to see DFIL , and first thing he said was I see the pain in the *kitten* is here and she brought a helper.. well being in the state of mind I am ,couldn't handle that so told Tom to take care of his father and I went out and sat on the front porch..
    i have made mac and cheese,oatmeal butterscotch squares, and cherry nut bread, gonna try and catch a quick nap before picking up my son,
    Tom asked if I wanted to go to the shore with him, dont know if I am up for that today or not..
    will see
  • robinhager3998
    robinhager3998 Posts: 45 Member
    I am going to love myself as I am now. My weight doesn't define me. My goal is mainly to track what I eat, so I can be more aware of my nutritional needs. I know I eat too much sugar, and that is what I am going to concentrate on this month more than anything. :) Very best of luck to all of you reaching your own personal goals!
  • 4mam
    4mam Posts: 9 Member
    Hi All,
    Im enjoying your responses and I fit the qualifications....I'm 63 and need to lose.
    August goals:
    Weight down by 5 lbs
    Sweat with exercise at least 3 times a week
    Get the most out of my Colorado visit with grandchildren
    Go through chest of drawers
    Clean up a third of the basement

    Mary Anne in the Catskills of NY
  • tonithewriter
    tonithewriter Posts: 27 Member
    Oh, boy, I blew it yesterday. Just ate too much. I worked at a trade show and there was just nothing healthy to eat. Then I was starving after so we went out to eat and I never thought a restaurant could make a bad salad, but this one sure did! I need to plan better.

    Really need to get more exercise and set some goals!

    Annr-someone sent me this and I thought of you, hope you get a chuckle out of it!

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Alison, my thoughts and prayers are with you in your struggles

    Joyce, the adult son is staying with me ONLY until he finds an apartment. It is hard to find apartments that take housing assistance. We looked at one yesterday that would be ideal in many ways but it was not move in ready and so it scared him off- the fear he would be getting in to the same situation of a landlord that did not properly maintain the building (leaking radiator ruining the wall, wet carpet by the bathroom possibly from an overflowing toilet, smoke detector hanging down). I know the landlord and do not think that is the situation but it upset him. Three of my cats are indoor/ outdoor cats since they were older strays that I had neutered and vaccinated but are not happy staying inside. I do have a large Victorian house with many window perches, bookshelves to perch on, etc. so it isn't like the cats are underfoot like dogs would be. And it being summer, the girls and I are outside a lot. If my son is still here this winter it may start to feel a bit snug.

    Sudafed is pseudoephedrine. Ephidrine is a form of speed. So the warning that it may cause drowsiness is that in someone that has ADHD, where a stimulant will actually slow the brain chaos, it will cause drowsiness. In all the rest of us it has the opposite effect, like taking speed, of energizing and lowering appetite BUT the effects do wear off and one is hungrier afterwards. That is why diet pills, usually a stimulant, don't work. The rebound hunger is worse. My middle son has ADHD and as a child, if I gave him a cola, he would take a nap. We didn't drink soda pop normally, but when we went out for lunch I would let them have a cola. Even at 9 or 10, he would fall asleep after drinking it. When he was in his teens the doctor tried him on de><edrine, another form of speed, and he slept constantly for two weeks until we took him off it. I could barely keep him awake to feed him. Luckily it was winter break.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Oops, forgot that I was going to mention skin folds. The main medical reason for having them removed is that the moist, dark area is prime for fungus growth and some bacteria. So it is really important to keep those areas as clean and dry as possible, especially as we get older and our skin thins. I have had a skin fold since having humongous babies and find that if I put antiperspirant in the fold it stays drier. I keep antifungal cream in my medicine cabinet and at the first sign of redness I use it since it doesn't take long to have a painful infected area. Sometimes it is helpful for people to use a cotton cloth in the fold to absorb the moisture (changing it frequently). I had a patient with diabetes that we did that with. We just tore strips from old tee shirts so it was soft and comfy for her. I can understand the doctor's reluctance to remove folds on older folks. My DIL just had it done and it is a huge incision, from side to side, and as we age, our skin does not heal as readily as younger folks. She has had to wear a girdle type garment, and even had surgical drains (two) in for several weeks. Not the same as a nip and tuck facial surgery at all. Also the risks of going under a general anesthetic are greater the older we get. That said, you could find a doctor to do it, especially since hospitals make their money off of surgery, so they push their surgeons to never turn away a viable patient.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited August 2015
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    thanks for all your concern fellow peeps.

    the pain is really down right now. so i'm good. kinda like an annoying neck ache that you can't get rid of cuz you went to sleep wrong ? i am doing good...

    i wish i had friends that had some cool drugs or i would hit them up. unfortunately, kirby having access to ALL the drugs is too honest and won't share the hospital drugs. :0(.. i guess that's a good thing if he wants to keep his job. :0/

    You live in Washington where marijuana is legal. It is an excellent pain killer, but unwise before driving or riding a bike. It would allow you to rest at night. Probably not a good choice first thing in the morning. :noway: DH has a prescription for medical MJ and rarely needs to use it, but it is a real blessing when needed. :flowerforyou:
  • Kibbly
    Kibbly Posts: 7 Member
    Hi all, well yesterday I exceeded the number of steps set by my vivofit, yay. I'm going to go for a walk this evening as I'm a bit behind with my steps today. We have a lovely park within walking distance of us so I need to use it more.

    I went grocery shopping yesterday so I don't have any excuses for not having healthy low cal food to hand. I planned today's meals last night so that I know what I'm going to have to eat which is working so far.

    I'm enjoying reading everyone's posts.

    Lisa, lovely photos of your grandbaby.

    Kibbly from the Midlands, England.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    DrKatie, are there limited places for DS to look at in his price range? That can sometimes make it much more difficult to find a place with the right location, price and amenities. Good luck to him.

    Michele, I am definitely waiting for the bugs to get worked out on Windows 10, if I ever get it. I don’t worry so much about the Window updates being automatic because it’s not like I know exactly what any of them are for anyway. And ewwwww on carpet in a locker room. I’d have to wear my flip flops in there all the time and I’m not really a germaphobe.(?)

    , that was so good of you to put out messages about your Mom’s condition when she was so ill. People want to know and like you say, it can be so many phone calls. There is a great site called Caring bridge that is made for communicating with friends about the patients’ condition. I’ve had 3 different friends use it and we could all leave messages there. Yes, I do know about the commercials in Wheel of Fortune! OMG. But think of this: you not only got the exercise from the walking you did, but the getting up and down probably burned as many calories as the walks. Good for you!! You enjoy your singing at church. smiley-music025.gif I’m sure you do.

    , you are lucky with the amount of weight you have lost that you don’t have a fold of skin at your tummy. I’ve only lost 59 lbs and I do. It’s not huge and no moisture or odor problem but it is just a clump of skin that shouldn’t be there. I keep thinking, if your body will absorb all that skin after having a baby, why won’t it absorb at least a little of it now??? I guess that’s wishful thinking. oh.gif

    , you are making great progress!!! I have a couple of M size tops but most of them are still too tight for my liking. The thing is, we know it will come. It might be slow, but we will get there. A year ago, I never even considered being able to wear a Medium again in my life.

    Heather, I’m so proud of you for going two whole days without cheese. Isn’t it terrible that something like that is so high in calories. You have a wonderful time lunching with your friend. Congrats on the weight. smiley-happy045.gif

    Lisa, you really are making progress when you can see the attitude difference in the employees. Even an apology from the problem child. Woo hoo. No matter how much you love your family, two weeks is a long visit. I know you will be glad to have your house back to the two of you. Great pictures!!

    Mame, you are right that we can always find a reason to look presentable. Beach, party, old friends, etc. The bottom line is we need to always look good for ourselves. It’s just nice to look in the mirror and not see some fat lady staring back at me. There is no pressure here to post anything. Just share when you feel like it. We’re always here for you.

    , I believe you are new with us so Welcome. You will find this a great place for support and information. Please tell us a bit about yourself to help us get to know you. We also ask that you end each post with a name that you want us to call you and a location, general or specific.

    MaryAnn, welcome to you as well. As with Robin, please tell us about yourself. I hope you both come often and share when you feel like it.

    Toni, I love your cartoon! That is fer sure true for me. And you hit the nail on the head. I think planning is the key to a successful day of healthy eating, weather we are at home or out and about. Weather you set goals for the month or for just tomorrow, once you meet those, you can always set new ones.

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Wow wee, I have slept well for three nights in a row. That is with no pain meds and no sleeping pills. Gosh that makes such a difference in the next day. I am getting almost as excited to see my weight go under 170 as I did to see it get under 200. I’m so close, I feel it will happen this month. When I was at the craft fair the other day, I was trying on some scarfs in front of their mirror. I looked so thin that I said, is this mirror for sale? It makes me look skinny. She laughed and said, it’s not a trick mirror, that is just how you look. Well, yes, that did make me feel good! You ladies in your 50’s need to be very proud of yourselves for starting this journey when you did. Unfortunately waiting until late 60’s has it’s disadvantages. Just lots of wrinkles and skin conditions that are better resolved when you are younger. The bottom line is that it is wonderful for all of us at any age. I feel so much better than I have in many years and even though I’ve worked hard, I have to give all of you much of the credit. Your support is so important to me and I can’t thank you enough!! You are all the bomb!! smiley-happy057.gif
    I hope each of you has a happy and healthy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • topathemorning
    topathemorning Posts: 346 Member
    Good morning ladies-
    Newbie to this thread. I'm a recently retired teacher, and have decided to shed these pounds that I've put on in my last several years of teaching.

    My goals for August are:
    To prep my meals at home (except for our retired gals' monthly luncheon)
    To swim 4X a week
    To do water aerobics 4x a week
    To rethink, plan, declutter and reorganize my kitchen for easier home meal prepping

    I live within walking distance of so many fabulous restaurants, that's it's tempting to walk to my fav bistro, but...for August, I'm going to take control of my formerly neglected kitchen.
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    I would love to join you if possible!
    Do I need to send a message to someone to join?