Couch to 5k...start today?



  • NZhogiebear
    W2 D2 completed today "YAY" feeling good, shattered at the end but really happy i completed it, everyone is doing a great job!! Keep it up guys :D:D
  • Ping_A1C2U
    Ping_A1C2U Posts: 91
    W2D1 was easier than I had built it up to be in my head, but it was still pretty challenging. Like others have noted, not long ago and for most of my life I would have given up somewhere around the second or third run. I'm not sure I could have jogged 95 seconds today, but i got 90, and I'm learning how to jog more efficiently, i think...

    anyone else find it harder to watch the timer than to just let your watch/app/podcast tell you when to switch? I find myself counting breaths instead, and trying to slow and steady my breathing, in the nose and out the mouth like Danielson was told lol.

    I'm also surprised to find that my lungs seem to be able to take it, it's my legs themselves that start to wear out. Should be a fun week!
  • TheMrsBee
    TheMrsBee Posts: 226 Member
    I have had the crappiest weekend food wise! and last night i didn't even get to do W2D1 as my client called and wanted more treatments so i had to go earlier! I am so shattered from my cake baking/decorating and massaging/waxing/painting nails for my clients. I am trying so hard to get back on track and lose the 3-4 lbs i put on over the weekend!! I feel so ashamed with myself!! How do i get back on track?! :sad: :explode:
  • smitchell37
    smitchell37 Posts: 121 Member
    Did w2d1 yesterday....not as bad as I thought. Im wondering if Im landing on my feet correctly. Is there a certain way your suppose to land/take off. My breathing is a little rough after I run and I have been trying to breath in through my nose and out my mouth one of these days Im going to be working on my breathing and Im going to fly off the treadmill.
  • Kraziekay89
    W1D3 complete.

    Week1 was a success. I will say tho my shins hurt and this message board is too busy for me to keep up with!!!
  • forgiven4life
    I have had the crappiest weekend food wise! and last night i didn't even get to do W2D1 as my client called and wanted more treatments so i had to go earlier! I am so shattered from my cake baking/decorating and massaging/waxing/painting nails for my clients. I am trying so hard to get back on track and lose the 3-4 lbs i put on over the weekend!! I feel so ashamed with myself!! How do i get back on track?! :sad: :explode:

    I know everyday things of life get in the way. I had been off plan too, but last night I just made it a priority to get my stuff ready for today. I cooked my breakfast and lunch for today and got it packed and ready to go. I got my running clothes ready and in the car so I could run before I even got home. Take 10-15 min and just do something for yourself to help prepare to get you on the right track. Even if it's just to think about what you want to do to get back on track and then put it into practice. You can do this!!
  • aash28
    aash28 Posts: 85 Member
    I have had the crappiest weekend food wise! and last night i didn't even get to do W2D1 as my client called and wanted more treatments so i had to go earlier! I am so shattered from my cake baking/decorating and massaging/waxing/painting nails for my clients. I am trying so hard to get back on track and lose the 3-4 lbs i put on over the weekend!! I feel so ashamed with myself!! How do i get back on track?! :sad: :explode:
    Hey! Don't be too hard on yourself! I'm sure that there are plenty of us that had a little more fun than we had anticipated. Today's a new day to start fresh; let's do it!
  • phillytle
    phillytle Posts: 26 Member
    W2D2 done. This was the most difficult day so far for me. It was very hot outside and I was a bit sore when I started the run, which only got worse as I went along. Nevertheless, I was able to finish it without cutting any corners. I felt pretty great after I was done.
  • TheMrsBee
    TheMrsBee Posts: 226 Member
    I have had the crappiest weekend food wise! and last night i didn't even get to do W2D1 as my client called and wanted more treatments so i had to go earlier! I am so shattered from my cake baking/decorating and massaging/waxing/painting nails for my clients. I am trying so hard to get back on track and lose the 3-4 lbs i put on over the weekend!! I feel so ashamed with myself!! How do i get back on track?! :sad: :explode:

    I know everyday things of life get in the way. I had been off plan too, but last night I just made it a priority to get my stuff ready for today. I cooked my breakfast and lunch for today and got it packed and ready to go. I got my running clothes ready and in the car so I could run before I even got home. Take 10-15 min and just do something for yourself to help prepare to get you on the right track. Even if it's just to think about what you want to do to get back on track and then put it into practice. You can do this!!

    Thank you!! I did get my gym kit ready for after work, i knew if went home to run i would get home and find something else to do! so i am DEFINITELY going today! i find it quite hard to think of things to eat for lunch but i am going to try and plan it out tonight and the weekend. (I have another busy weekend ahead!)

    Thank you for your comment - sometimes it's nice to get a kick up the bottom by someone else! Good Luck to you!! :flowerforyou:
  • TheMrsBee
    TheMrsBee Posts: 226 Member
    I have had the crappiest weekend food wise! and last night i didn't even get to do W2D1 as my client called and wanted more treatments so i had to go earlier! I am so shattered from my cake baking/decorating and massaging/waxing/painting nails for my clients. I am trying so hard to get back on track and lose the 3-4 lbs i put on over the weekend!! I feel so ashamed with myself!! How do i get back on track?! :sad: :explode:
    Hey! Don't be too hard on yourself! I'm sure that there are plenty of us that had a little more fun than we had anticipated. Today's a new day to start fresh; let's do it!

    Thank you!! YES LETS DO THIS!! I'm planning to do W2D1 tonight and W2D2 Thursday or Friday and complete on Sat. x :flowerforyou:
  • goldenraisin214
    goldenraisin214 Posts: 7 Member
    today is day 2 of week 1 was definitely harder, but i think a lot of that was due to the fact that i didn't work out at all on friday, saturday, or sunday (partially because of blisters on the balls of both feet :frown: partially me being lazy, i guess). the program i'm using says only do it 3x/week, so i'm hitting the elliptical machine 1-2 days--what are other people doing on "off" days?
  • phillytle
    phillytle Posts: 26 Member
    today is day 2 of week 1 was definitely harder, but i think a lot of that was due to the fact that i didn't work out at all on friday, saturday, or sunday (partially because of blisters on the balls of both feet :frown: partially me being lazy, i guess). the program i'm using says only do it 3x/week, so i'm hitting the elliptical machine 1-2 days--what are other people doing on "off" days?

    I walk on my off days.
  • hanna1210
    hanna1210 Posts: 286 Member
    anyone else find it harder to watch the timer than to just let your watch/app/podcast tell you when to switch? I find myself counting breaths instead, and trying to slow and steady my breathing, in the nose and out the mouth like Danielson was told lol.

    I actually have put tape over the timer. I find if I watch it, I just get antsy. I just listen to my music and let my app tell me what to do. That really helped yesterday with the start of Week 2.

    Nice work everyone!!
  • Ginagee71
    Ginagee71 Posts: 15 Member
    I've downloaded all the podcasts, weeks 1 -9 they all have good music and you are told when to run/walk!
  • jennro7781
    jennro7781 Posts: 208
    today is day 2 of week 1 was definitely harder, but i think a lot of that was due to the fact that i didn't work out at all on friday, saturday, or sunday (partially because of blisters on the balls of both feet :frown: partially me being lazy, i guess). the program i'm using says only do it 3x/week, so i'm hitting the elliptical machine 1-2 days--what are other people doing on "off" days?

    I strength train on my "off" days but I take group fitness classes (sometimes 2-3!) everyday.
  • horseryder77
    horseryder77 Posts: 224 Member
    Holy crap I think I'm going to have to do week 2 day 2 (or 3) more than once! I'm getting so winded by the end of these runs, and I'm not really sure why.

    I'm doing JM's 6 week 6 pack on my day off, as well as horseback riding. Hmm...

    Glad to hear everyone else is keeping up! Keep up the good work guys :)
  • TheMrsBee
    TheMrsBee Posts: 226 Member
    I did W2D1 last night and it actually went really well! better than i thought!! i was walking at 3.5 and running at 5.0 and at the end after my cool down, i ran for another 1 minute 30 at 5.5 then did a 2 minute cool down. Then i went on the Cross trainer (elliptical trainer) for 10 minutes on Level 10!! I felt really good, looking forward to Friday afternoon now! however not looking forward to next week! lol

    Well done to everyone else! You are all doing fabulous!! x
  • forgiven4life
    I completed W2D1 last night. I thought I was going to die by the end! It was soooooo hot! I run on the treadmill at my mother in laws house and her air had stopped working (in this 98 degree heat!). They had it fixed by the time I got there, but it hadn't been on long and was still quite warm in her house. But I did it! Hopefully I will get in some strength training tonight. Everyone's doing so well. Keep it up!
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    Today starts the 3 days in a row that I have to do C25K to get it done this week! Wish me luck guys this is gonna be hard for me!
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    I am going to have to bow out of this competition. I just do not have the time right now. It's finals week for me, and I am scrambling to get everything turned in and completed on time. I am going to start over once I get past all of this homework. Best of luck to all of you!