
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Hubby has to check out my new swimsuit when we got home. I tried it on to show him, and there was some inappropriate touching. B) Apparently he approves.

    TMI, TMI!

    NEI ! NEI!!


    exactly what kind of inappropriate touching, hehehe
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    edited August 2015
    DJ - watch out for this! Swimming at Pawleys Island.


    Tina in MD
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    DJ - watch out for this! Swimming at Pawleys Island.


    OMG!!!!! Gayle Minneapolis
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Pip, you crack me up. But I have to back you up on this one. I think WE should be the judge as to whether or not it qualifies as "inappropriate" so we'll need the particulars. Ha!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    Janetr prayers!

    Kayak made me look twice. Scary!!!

    Wishing everyone a good night!

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    MNMargaret - thank you so much. I appreciate your prayers.

    <3 Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Tina in MD - oh my. I was expecting a shark :)

    Janetr OKC
  • gawworthington
    gawworthington Posts: 1,131 Member
    Hi Gayle, Yes it is always great to find someone that name is spelled the same as mine.
    We are a small group of special people.

    Gayle from Idaho
  • smyle619
    smyle619 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Barbie, my name is Laura and I am in Chicago, Illinois the home of Chicago Blackhawks & Chicago Bears,...woo hoo
    Anyway, I'm fairly new to Fitness pal and trying to learn my way around it but so far, I like it a lot.

    My August goals are as follows:
    - log everyday! I'm going to Jamicia in a couple of days (for a week) but I'm so committed to logging, I'm going to journal while on vacation.
    - Drink plenty of water, definitely before meals and after
    - Be very mindful of the portion sizes of food
    - Increase my steps to 12,000 (next week) per day; I've been at 10,000 since I've joined

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hi, all... still alive, but the 12-hour days are getting to be a drag. All hell broke loose the last couple days. Fired my problem child today, after one too many writeups, hired an assistant crew chief, holding a refresher training for all servers/bartenders tomorrow on a number of things. The dayshift head cook will be at a funeral this weekend, the night shift head cook landed in the emergency room before his shift last night. Hope he's OK. Don't know what's wrong with him.

    On the yay side, the owner's husband stopped in today, and I got both a fist bump AND a high five (he's young, forgive him... ) for the differences. I made one change saving us $1.20 a pound for our burger meat, and basically paid my entire salary for the 12-week contract. AND I got approval to put our servers and hosts in jeans, which will fit the ambience of the restaurant and bar so much better - it's always been a sore point with personnel. The place is called the Pecos RoadHouse--slacks just don't fit the overall tone of the place at all.

    Lots more going on - but the benadryl is finally cutting in, so I'm heading back to bed. More as and when I can.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    morning my friends~
    im not trying Zumba this morning.. i do have an appt with the personal trainer at 11so will go over earlier and do the treadmill..
    I am just feeling wiped out emotionally ..Tom says he just doesnt know whats going on, could me midlife crisis, said he is committed to me but cant really tell me he loves me..
    so here I sit in Limbo... I cant afford to go out on my own ,and I will not be the one leaving.. but living like this is tearing me apart.. while he decides what he wants to do..
    I will take it a day at a time.. Chester to the groomers early ,then to see DFIL and then over to the gym
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    DS#2 wrote this to me in an email.

    "On the other thing, think I can guess what is coming."

    He also said he was really stressed with work, "under the cosh", as he put it, and wanted to put it off until October. He seemed to think I was going to need lots of support, which he wanted to give. I have replied that that's not what I need and telling him is more of a courtesy thing than anything else as I have more or less dealt with it. Told him I was happy to wait. :)
    Of course, no one wants to hear bad news about a grandfather you loved. :ohwell:
    I hope he will ride out this stress at work. He runs a brewery and it is a very competitive industry.

    My other dilemma coming up is concerned with my friend who is coming to stay next week. I find myself worrying about it in advance. She has cancer which has spread to the top of her spine. I know I will have to play it by ear, but want to remain open if she wants to discuss her situation. Her older son is getting married in Sept and that is taking her mind off things. I must remind myself to tread very carefully and LISTEN. I am full of opinions and "bees in my bonnet" , so that's a bit hard for me. :ohwell:

    Margaret - glad the meetup went well. :D

    Laura - welcome! You have a good attitude so I'm sure you will do well. :flowerforyou:

    Lisa - congratulations on the progress! Take care of you! :flowerforyou:

    Love to all. A quiet day today instead of dashing up to London to see the grandchildren. :cry: But it won't be long. :bigsmile:

    Will set out the format for my memoir and use my brand new memory stick. (I HATE my stupid laptop )

    With regard to complaining - today we got a free bottle of pastis in the post, worth $30 , because DH had a go at the company about their awful delivery. Go DH ! ! ! ! :drinker:

    Love Heather UK, whose weight is back on target. :bigsmile:
  • tonithewriter
    tonithewriter Posts: 27 Member
    I don't have time to read back all the posts, but I am thinking about all those having struggles.

    Laura in Chicago, welcome-I'm in Minnesota now, but I lived in that area my whole life and am back there often. Going back this weekend, in fact.

    I have been in MN for a month now and am down 3 lbs, the lowest I've been in a year. Finally trending in the right direction. Having my own business and making my own schedule has been a good thing for me! Much less stress!

    Yep! I went out for coffee with Gayle (MN) and MN Margaret yesterday. Can I just say "lovely" !! We are planning to do it once a month. You ladies forever hold the place of being my first two Minnesota friends. :)<3

    Up early and getting some writing and social media jobs finished.

    Have a losing day!

    Toni in MN
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    smyle619 wrote: »
    Hi Barbie, my name is Laura and I am in Chicago, Illinois the home of Chicago Blackhawks & Chicago Bears,...woo hoo
    Anyway, I'm fairly new to Fitness pal and trying to learn my way around it but so far, I like it a lot.

    My August goals are as follows:
    - log everyday! I'm going to Jamicia in a couple of days (for a week) but I'm so committed to logging, I'm going to journal while on vacation.
    - Drink plenty of water, definitely before meals and after
    - Be very mindful of the portion sizes of food
    - Increase my steps to 12,000 (next week) per day; I've been at 10,000 since I've joined
    :)Laura, Welcome to our friendly community....lucky you, going to Jamaica....what helped me on vacation was to find ways to enjoy myself that were not all about food....I carry a pedometer and seek every opportunity to add more steps...sometimes at bedtime I walk up and down in my house to get the steps I want for the day....my husband is a big Blackhawks fan...I hope you will check in with us every day.

    <3 Barbie
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    I guess I was lucky with my Orthopedist when I had sciatic nerve problems. He put a shot into my lower left-hand side of my spine - right where the nerve endings start branching out right above the tailbone area. First time in years I had 'felt' my feet. I'd do it again! Even though it was painful and burned really bad.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited August 2015
    @DamitJanit - thankfully I have my desktop to work with. I'd be lost if my laptop was my only computer. I have this site on my smart phone, too; but, don't like using it unless I just have to.

    Thanks PIP for the instructions to change my weight. I'll have it written down for the next weigh-in. LOL! It's bad to be getting old(er).
  • cd_va
    cd_va Posts: 31 Member
    Good morning, ladies!
    Welcome to the new ones.

    Those struggling, even if you haven't mentioned it here, thinking good thoughts for you.

    The idea of salt/pepper in the ice cream is a great one, hadn't thought of that!! Last night it didn't call my name at all. I was just going to pitch it in the dumpster this morning, but forgot about it.

    So I've now taken the bus to work four days in a row. Gotten in 90 minutes of walking, wooot!!

    I plan to drink loads of water today, eat healthfully, and treat myself gently.

    Have a terrific Thursday!

    Colleen in Virginia
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Laura from Chicago, I spent 11years there, from the age of 9 to 20. I even went to a Bear's game- most miserable day in Wrigley Field I ever had! I worked as a waitress at Marshall Field's in the Water Tower Place to help pay my college costs. I miss the diversity of Chicago. I live in small town Iowa for the low cost and safety, but it is so bland. All white people who have lived here all their lives and don't have a clue about life outside of this small town. But it is so safe people often leave their doors unlocked even when out of town and leave their keys in their cars. I cannot do that- too many years in the big cities. Welcome!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    @SandiRemedios - Just took one of my DH's legal pads. Will need to replace it and buy a few notebooks to journal in. Usually I go to WORD and type and type and type until I have worked out my frustrations. Sometimes I save them, sometimes I don't - like 'sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't'.

    [@exermom mom[/b] - not complaining about weight gain of 1lb - sometimes you just have to know that you really don't have control over what you eat. You just have to remember about portion control. I also ask for a 'doggie bag' - I have no shame - but, I have paid for the food, so it is mine to take home. I'm not sure that my DYS agrees with it or not; but, I do try to order the least amount of food that I can when we are out there.

    @drkatiebut - The first house DH and I bought was a mess - food in the kitchen - crap on the porch, some furniture left. Rotten potatoes in the cabinets. YUCK! It took days of cleaning and spraying for the smell to finally go away. Took us 2 weeks until we could move into it from our apartment on the beach side of the St. John's in Jacksonville - but it put us closer to my 'in-laws' and my MnL and I enjoyed shopping at the antique stores on that side of town (off Cassette Ave.). I think we only paid $9000 down on it and the payments were very reasonable; the house only cost $22,000 and we were in an older neighborhood with older neighbors so it was quiet.

    @janetr7476 - It is stormy this AM and we'll probably have storms of and on all day here. Last night the lights went off because of a storm. And when they do it is 'pitch black' out in the country. When they go out like that DH and I 'joke' with one another about doing things that require light. Like - "Well I guess I will just read now" or "will you make me some coffee?" or "call the kids (next door) and ask them if their lights are off." We have no phone service when this happens. So we have to use our cell phones to communicate with anyone.

    - Yuuuueeee! Is that a crock or an alley? Never seen anything like it before. That would certainly put a damper on swimming for sure. We just worry about sharks when we go to the beach. While we were in St. Augustine - 2 boys (ages 14) disappeared out in the ocean fishing. Their moms were on TV and said that when they lived around water they knew nothing else and were very resourceful. They had a Yeti cooler with them and some form of cover to the engine and they were hoping this would be their saving grace. It might have been 'different' if they had stayed in the bay or intercostal waterway. They called off the search after a week; but, the family was going to continue to look. Sad that they probably won't be found - I cannot imagine that. One of them lived next door to the former football player Joe Namath and he had donated a big sum of money to the rescue efforts for these boys. Yeti cooler company put up $25,000 for each boy. If they are found and the Yeti cooler kept them floating - that would be good for Yeti. Sad however! No matter what you say.
  • tonithewriter
    tonithewriter Posts: 27 Member
    Just in case you are tempted....

    Toni in MNp5e5uhkijwis.jpg