

  • gawworthington
    gawworthington Posts: 1,131 Member
    for those of you suffering from depression and anxiety I have been reading a good book recommended by my DS counselor. Feeling good by David Burns. It has a lot of good information. It has helped to deal with issues that have come up in the last two weeks. I can only ope for continued success and helping my son reach some type of potential. he also has one on relationships but I have not read it yet.

    Gayle of Idaho
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
    Just sending hugs!
    Sciatica pain hasn`t gotten better.Anyone else have this?any suggestions.Dr was like deal with it,it will get better.

    Go online and Google sciatica stretches and look for ones that you know you can do. Start with baby steps though. A chiropractor is another suggestion. Hope you feel better soon <3
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Joyce, oh sweetie, what a bad day all in all. I'm so sorry and know nothing to say to help you so I'm sending big (((hugs))). All of this is stressful and very hard on us, I think especially as we begin to get to the age most of us are reaching. We stress and get sick and don't sleep which makes it all worse and then it just takes so much longer to get over it. I don't mean just you either. I do the same thing, I've had a problem with sleeping for years. I take Ambien every night and have for years and I still consider it good if I sleep for 5 hours. It's usually only 4 hours. I surely hope you rest well and feel better tomorrow. No excuse for the landscaping/tree removal guy. It is just so hard to get good service of any kind anymore. Know you are not alone in these struggles and that we all care and understand. Take care of you.

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Lillian - Congratulations, its always so exciting. How far away are they from you? Looking forward to the pics. I have six grandkids but the youngest is 8 the oldest will be 22 in a week. I long for a tiny one to cuddle and kiss. Jack's youngest son has a little one that is 16 mos old, but we have only seen her a few times. He and his wife are separated and she moved back home to her Mom's which is 3-4 hours away. Enjoy that sweet girl and give her extra special hugs for all us grandmas. :)

    Janetr OKC
  • Kibbly
    Kibbly Posts: 7 Member
    Heather you're not missing much. The development corporation of the 70's ruined our lovely old market town. What they tore down would be considered criminal these days! Northamptonshire is pretty enough though.

    Gayle I don't watch Eastenders very much. We can only seem to get golf, football and other sport on our TV :(

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    when it rains it pours, I know this is trivial but geesh.. my dam_ fit bit flex pooped out ,will not sync whatever I do to it, it has been giving me problems on and off for the last 6 months.
    I am thinking of getting a different kind of tracker and I feel lost without it..
    Barbie~ what kind of tracker do you have? I am looking for one that syncs with bluetooth and computer
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    Lillian - many congratulations! How wonderful. I think I've had my last baby grandchild. :'( I adore newborns. Hope you get to enjoy many cuddles.

    Well, my bad news is that the visit I was SO looking forward to tomorrow has had to be called off because there is a tube strike in London. Driving is not an option as it will be gridlock. :sad: They are busy Friday, so it's got to be the 27th, their first free day! ! ! Sooooooooo sad. We will have to Skype or DGD will have forgotten us! ! ! ! Only heard about it on the radio when we were on our gym machines this morning. Sometimes the strikes are cancelled at the last minute, but it looks as if this one is definite.
    Oh! Just had a text to say we can come up Mon 17th and give the nanny the afternoon off! ! ! ! ! ! ;) Will do that as well, even though DH 's friend is coming to stay the next day and will have to dash off. Hate going too long between visits while they are young. We will just catch DS for half an hour when he gets home to bath them.

    Wish they weren't nearly 3 hours away. :'(

    Must get on with strength training. Feeling all deflated.

    Heather UK
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    edited August 2015
    Lillian, congrats on the new grand baby! There is a woman from Saskatchewan in my online Bible Study. What a coincidence!

    Joyce, and everybody else having a really, really bad day, hugs to you all. Sometimes life just seems to suck. We are here for you, in a virtual kind of way.

    Pip, waiting...........

    Janetr, come on over. I'll let you rock on the front porch with a glass of unsweet tea ...........after you have helped me clean and scrub the inside. Trust me when I tell you the inside is not as inviting as the outside. The last tenants were smokers. Thank goodness there is no carpet. A good airing out and a wash down with Lysol ought to get it smelling better.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    Lillian~ congrats on the new grandaughter!!!!! being a grandma is the best <3
    well I tried out the movie theater this morning at the gym.. it is neat you sorta forget you are exercising and watch the movie, so I did 45 min on the treadmill and 10 minutes on a bike and just a couple of the machines,,
    I have been up since 1:45 this morning :open_mouth:
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Charm ~ So sorry about the washing machine problem. I agree with all that you should raise H@#$ about this.

    It seems like every time we have tried to get a new item installed during the last couple of years there are always hurdles to getting it right. The worst was getting a new stove. We had a drop in stove removed about 10 years ago and replaced it with a Jenn Air. The top of that one cracked and so we decided to get a push in Maytag. Even though it should have fit, it wouldn't go past the center. DH and son had to cut into the counter and finally had to take out the sides of the cabinet. Now it fits snugly in line with the counter but if you open the cabinet on either side there are no sides.

    This past year the problem was dropping AT&T bundles and getting new service from other providers. AT&T was adamant about giving up our cell phone numbers. Took 3 weeks to finally get it done.

    Lillian ~ congrats on the new granddaughter. I bet she is precious.

    Sylvia ~ I mostly cook the Pom's chicken in my pressure cooker and love it because it is a non stick liner. How long did you cook the chicken and potatoes? I worry that the potatoes would turn to mush.

    Heather ~ I think you would make a wonderful food and travel blogger. We have a young friend who is in Sydney and writing blog critiques for restaurants there.

    DH is getting ready for his monthly antique show. Four days out the month he is away and it always makes everything seem off. I get tire of him being here all day but then I hate it when he is gone. Does that sound crazy?

    Carol ~ GA ~ Peach
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning. We are driving to KC in a blinding thunderstorm, but luckily we left early so should be there in plenty of time before her "procedure". It's hard to see the water standing in the road because it's still dark. Glad hubby is driving.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Dr. Katie, so glad your son found a place. It looks adorable. I would be there to help you out with cleaning if I could! It is very satisfying to clean an empty place and make it look wonderful! My son is more positive about taking this apartment down the street after talking to others who know the landlord. Since there were maintenance issues that had not been addressed (because the elderly owners had not been in the apartment) he was afraid it was another slum landlord. But in a small town everybody knows everybody and he has been reassured that the landlords will make the needed repairs. This is also another situation of smokers leaving a rental a mess. It is dirty, but we can deal with that, and there are two TVs, a recliner, and a mattress left behind that we offered to carry down the stairs to the curb for the landlord.

    About the locked washer, complain in as public a manner as you can! BBB, FB, Yelp. That is ridiculous and sounds as if they need to fire a repairman.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    when it rains it pours, I know this is trivial but geesh.. my dam_ fit bit flex pooped out ,will not sync whatever I do to it, it has been giving me problems on and off for the last 6 months.
    I am thinking of getting a different kind of tracker and I feel lost without it..
    Barbie~ what kind of tracker do you have? I am looking for one that syncs with bluetooth and computer

    Alison, I have an Omron HJ-72OITC pedometer that I bought from Amazon in 2010. It syncs with the software on the computer via a USB cord.....the calorie counts I use for my exercise come from info I got when I regularly wore a heart rate monitor...I've never used a fitbit or any of the more current activity trackers. I have a pad of paper in my kitchen where I keep track of how many minutes I walk or ride the exercise bike or dance and then I use the calorie count numbers I got from when I had the HRM to figure out how many calories I burned....I have always been a few steps behind in technology.

  • SandiRemedios
    SandiRemedios Posts: 31 Member
    when it rains it pours, I know this is trivial but geesh.. my dam_ fit bit flex pooped out ,will not sync whatever I do to it, it has been giving me problems on and off for the last 6 months.
    I am thinking of getting a different kind of tracker and I feel lost without it..
    Barbie~ what kind of tracker do you have? I am looking for one that syncs with bluetooth and computer

    You didn't ask, but... I am using an app called Withings
    which is a free download to your smart phone. It tracks steps and running. You just carry your phone around in your pocket. So far I am loving it, and the best part ... it's free!
  • SandiRemedios
    SandiRemedios Posts: 31 Member
    Good Morning Everyone. It's day 5 for me and I am down 2 pounds, which feels great. What a super motivator. I can't do the multiple responses on one email, as I don't know how, except maybe you guys have fabulous memories (and I don't).
    Katie..your son's new home looks idyllic. I hate cleaning, so you're on your own there.
    Mollywhippet, driving in thunderstorms is nerve wracking. Thinking of you, white knuckling it.
    Lillian - congratulations on the grandchild.
    Back to the grind. Have a nice day everyone.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    go figure the fitbit is back working :p I restarted it and charged it and now it is syncing,,,,
    went down to see DFIL and he ate well... and then came home and having a cup of matcha tea and get ready for work...
    I am enjoying getting up early and getting to the gym makes me feel good, and trying to eat better so I know ,I have done it before I can do it again!!
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Gayle of Idahofor those of you suffering from depression and anxiety I have been reading a good book recommended by my DS counselor. Feeling good by David Burns. It has a lot of good information. It has helped to deal with issues that have come up in the last two weeks. I can only ope for continued success and helping my son reach some type of potential. he also has one on relationships but I have not read it yet.
    Carol ~ GA ~ PeachDH is getting ready for his monthly antique show. Four days out the month he is away and it always makes everything seem off. I get tire of him being here all day but then I hate it when he is gone. Does that sound crazy?
    barbiecatAlison, I have an Omron HJ-72OITC pedometer that I bought from Amazon in 2010. It syncs with the software on the computer via a USB cord.....the calorie counts I use for my exercise come from info I got when I regularly wore a heart rate monitor...I've never used a fitbit or any of the more current activity trackers. I have a pad of paper in my kitchen where I keep track of how many minutes I walk or ride the exercise bike or dance and then I use the calorie count numbers I got from when I had the HRM to figure out how many calories I burned....I have always been a few steps behind in technology.

    Good morning and happy Wednesday everyone!

    Gayle-I read that book quite a few years ago. It is always in my nightstand drawer ready to be looked at and reread.
    Carol-Doesn't sound crazy to me as I feel the same way. When he is here he can be such a nuisance and when he travels for business I can't wait for him to get home! Crazy thing called love! <3
    Barbiecat-I have had the exact same pedometer since 2010. Love the graph it creates with the little smileys! :) Otherwise I use Map My Walk which counts my fitness walking steps, distance and calories burned.

    Off for my morning walk.

    Cheri in sunny NE Ohio

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Lillian ... Congratulations on the new grandchild!!

    Katie ... Love the porch on that house! Not envying you in the cleaning.

    Alison ... You absolutely can do it again. I know of no one here with more tenacity! And I think it's great you're focusing on you right now.

    Joyce ... So sorry about your day yesterday. I understand what you mean about not taking the time to nourish relationships. We are all guilty of it to some degree or another ...

    Well, the scale was brutally honest this morning. I'm up 21 pounds from my lowest point and I'm done making excuses and feeling sorry for myself. Like Alison, I know what to do ... I've done it before ... So back at it.

    Have a good day!
    Beth in WNY
  • Gilly139
    Gilly139 Posts: 67 Member
    Sylvia - I am so sorry for all the pain you and your son are going through. It must be so hard for him to know he will not be there for the children as they grow. Hugs to all of you. We have asthma in our family but luckily that is all, and their medication works well.

    Katla - So typical that you get a harder work out after a big breakfast. Hope your scans in the afternoon went well.

    Cheri - If only I could do a as the poster suggests!

    Lillian and Poop - What beautiful doggies.

    DJ - Belated congratulations on your 47th Anniversary. Love the picture, you look wonderful.

    Jane - What wonderful news about baby Nathan. Hope he gets stronger and all goes well with him.

    Beth - congrats to son on his music achievements, sorry for other son's medical problems.
    You made me smile with comments about rumbling tummy in the acoustic room :smile:

    Nancy - How awful to have clothes locked in washing machine for so long - if it was my work clothes I would have to rush out and buy more as I only have a few of each item. - Up date - glad to hear someone should be out soon.

    Carol - Lovely picture of grandchildren.

    I typed a long rant about lack of customer care from grocery delivery company but decided I felt better after typing and did not need to dump all my grumbles on you as some are having a lot more to worry about.
    Just to say that when I work out how to post a photo on here I will try to send one of Daniel-Lee who is gaining weight and doing very well.

    Gilly, Suffolk UK
  • mamenat
    mamenat Posts: 19 Member
    Hey Joyce,
    I had to look up the word "recumbent". Having trouble with motivation... I get it. Want some of my tricks? I remember the feeling of strength. It was glorious. Those were the days...young, running. I used to strut. Have you ever strut? Nothing is better. If you can remember it...if you can imagine feeling fabulous, you may find yourself willing to work for it.
    I know you have a bad headache and fatigue. It is true that I never suffer from either. I don't know how you feel. I just wanted to throw a life preserver.