

  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Heather ~ Here is our young friend's latest blog report.


    Carol - Peach
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    DrKatiebug - sounds like a deal. I kind of enjoy cleaning up places like that because you have such rewarding results. :) Glad he found it. Janetr OKC
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited August 2015
    Woo-hoo! Yesterday at 'weigh-in' had only gained 1lb even though had gone on a 4-day vacation and did not stay w/i my caloric intake. Knew I would not be eating 'right' - DGD can 'put away some food'. Wondered if we had brought someone else's DGS along. We did a whole lot of walking. Maybe that was the reason that I only gained 1lb. My calves were 'screaming', especially the day we walked for 4 hours solid.

    Lump in my left arm removed yesterday and will be sent to pathologist - might hear back on Friday or Monday. MD did not think it would come back as anything but 'B9' nodule. But it had increased in size, ergo the minor surgery to take it out. Four stitches to close. If I get in pool, I will have to remember to keep that arm out of the water; but, MD said it would be ok; but, to keep it covered and change the patch daily. Can shower today and change patch! Yeah!

    I've got to enter my weight for this weigh-in. Might start entering the other things such as size of arms, legs, and whatever. My shorts are hanging on my hips. They'd still hang low because my tummy is going 'down' a lot slower than I want; but, at least I can bend over and fasten my shoes without help. Feel so much better.

    Yesterday my BFF was sick so we could not 'go out to eat for lunch'. I decided to ask my DDnL (one that lives next door - who I've had a slight problem with getting along with). She was surprised; and our lunch was pleasant. We talked about weight and loss and gain. She made the comment that her SnL thought that I should be eating more calories. I told her that I would continue eating the caloric intake that my MD has set for me to lose weight. It's low; but, protein shakes and bars and then a 'meal' that is no more than 550 calories (or less). Told her that I had a 5-page meal plan and would copy it for her. She's tried just about everything; but gives up after 10lbs lost because she is not losing it all 'overnight'. She 'thinks' there is a magical pill on the market that she can take and lose 100lb overnight. She's a big eater, too, and the foods she eats are not good ones. Mac & Cheese, and other starchy foods. She admitted to weighing 260lbs and saying she knows she is a 'big' woman. Guessing weight on women is hard for me - mainly because I don't 'look' like I weigh as much as I do; but, 30 more lbs and I will be at the goal set for me by MD. He even decided that 150lb (more of less) would be a 'good weight' for me since I can't change my height (5' 4"). DnL is at least 5' 8 or 9" - a good 1/2 head taller than I am. Newest DnL is a thin woman; but, at least they (DsnL) like one another. I had told my (then at the time - fiancée of DYS) that I was not going to comment on my 'thoughts' about my DOS's wife - it would not be fair for me to comment and she needed to make her own decision about how she liked DOS's wife. I think that was the best thing for me to do and say. I know that DYS would not have liked for me to be disparaging towards her and I wasn't. I'm trying to have a good relationship with DOS's wife but I do see in her some of the things I haven't liked too much about myself at times.

    I personally 'think' that she might be Bipolar as well. But, she would not agree. In reality - she is naïve about a lot of things and she wants to get into the middle of things and 'fix' them. Which can't be done - other than run the risk of making others 'mad'). She and DOS have a couple they are friends with (both wives and both husbands like one another). She wanted my DS to speak to this friend's husband and he told her 'no', because it would only prove that his wife had said something about their issues to DDnl) and he only thought it would cause more problems. She has another 'friend' whose husband neither of them 'like' and she wanted DS to say something to him. Again, 'hell no'! Apparently this friend feels like her husband is working all the time; but, one of the things that she mentioned is that she stays on the phone a lot - just like she does (only DOS won't say anything because he knows it will start an argument). But DH, who DOS works for, says she calls several times an hour to ask 'stupid questions'. Like what are you doing? How is 'working' a wrong answer? She would not know the people whose houses they are painting anyway - and as DH says 'what business is it of hers anyway'? He is far more vocal about the phone calls and some days it is worse than others. He was surprised that I had asked her to go to lunch with me yesterday; but, I will continue trying to put my best foot forward towards her so that DOS will see that I am 'really' trying to have a 'good relationship' with her and that I do not 'favor' my newest DDnL over her. But, she and DOS are already convinced that I 'favor' DYS over DOS as it is. Not true, how can you pick one child over another - when both are so 'wonderful'? Can't do it. I love them equally, just differently because they are so different in temperament.

    PIP - you really need to give 'it' a rest when it comes to exercising. I know you are active; but overuse of a muscle meant to hold a bone in a certain position isn't helping it heal and might be making it worse. Try finding a pool to go to and do some movements there that will help all of your body. None of us want to see you hurt yourself more by continuing to work out as if you don't have broken bones (or concussion). It is hard to do; but, sometimes it is the best thing to do.

    Thanks to all who have commented on my situation - I'm thrilled to have been seizure-free for a year. Hope that the seizure meds continue working for me. I just need to make sure that I don't miss dosages. Like I did yesterday. Forgot to take my AM meds before going into town and then spent all day there between appointments; and, by the time I got home, too close to time to take evening meds. Oh well, once in a while isn't too bad.

    I love the support I get on this thread - just reading other's comments make me know that I am not in this boat all by myself. :#
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,096 Member
    edited August 2015
    Lillian congratulations!

    Katie glad you found the house.

    Alison I have to do that with my Kindle. When it first happened I thought that was it for the thing. Once I rebooted it it work fine. Why it needs rebooting I don't know. Sometimes it loses connection to the Wifi too and I have to reconnect it entering username and password. Technology great when it is working. Pain when not.

    Lenora finding different flamingoes is fun! Most of mine are outside. I didn't see any on the last garden tour I went on. I left the black strips on that one pair of pink flamingoes I have. It is a conversation starter about how the creator of the first pink plastic flamingoes past away this year.

    :heart: MNMargaret
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    To the person who commented about Windows 10. I've been told that it has some issues that need to be 'fixed' before I should add it to my computer (this coming from my technical support team). Sending my laptop back to HP for them to either service it (keyboard is not working correctly) or replacing it. I've only had it less than 6 weeks. I can hit keys and no letters/numbers will show up; then if I hit them again - it puts extra ones up; same with backspacing. So irritating when you are use to 'not looking' at keyboard or screen when you are typing, only to find out that you have to start over. How do you like having Windows 10 on your computer?
  • cd_va
    cd_va Posts: 31 Member
    Running past the board, speed reading as I go and waving encouragement and smiles to all.

    I ate chocolate and ice cream yesterday. Mindless stuff-it-in-my-mouth type eating that I haven't done in AGES. I can tell I'm stressed.

    We got daughter's car picked up from one car repair place and to a body shop for welding repairs that the first place diagnosed but didn't have the equipment to repair.

    DD drove my car back home after she got stranded coming to visit me and her dad. It made more sense for me to be the one without transportation, because there is a bus stop within a 10 minute walk from our apartment that lands me a 15 minute walk from work.

    So, on the plus side, I've walked for the past three mornings. On the down side, it's eastern Virginia in August. Muuuuugggggggyyyyyy. I feel like I need a shower when I get to work. :wink: DH picks me up in the afternoons.

    I'm completely off my regular schedule, which has me so stressed, I guess. Seems all I've done the past five days is go-go-go-go-go, with hardly a rest.

    I brought a healthy breakfast with me, and plan to get rid of the ice cream that's lurking in my freezer before any more of it is stuffed in my mouth.

    Prayers for all needing it, hugs for EVERYONE, because we all need hugs, and congrats to those with recent victories!

    Colleen in Virginia

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Dr Katiebug - the little house was darling! I know it will really be so 'cute' when y'all are able to get it cleaned out and cleaned up. Looks like it has a lot of privacy around it, too. Metal roof is great - we have one, too. Would never have another shingle roof on my house - ever!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    edited August 2015
    Grits - yes I guess it was the walking. :flowerforyou: When we go on our breaks we always get masses of walking done, especially in the city. Even ambling, if you do it for long enough, burns up the calories when you are on your feet a lot. It's my hips that screeeeeaaaaaam though! :laugh:
    I also am with you on "keeping in" with the DDIL. They are VIPs in our lives because if that marriage ever breaks up we are reliant on them if we want to see much of the grandchildren. Pays to be niiiiice. :bigsmile:

    I am proud of myself because after a marathon of texting and emailing with the DDIL about the tube strike and alternative dates, I actually got down to my weights and strength training, despite really REALLY not feeling like it. o:) Like Michele, if I don't do it when it's scheduled it's super hard to pick it up later. But I did. :drinker:
    Still haven't cleaned my teeth though and it's 3 pm, my routine was so thrown out. :embarassed:
    We now have 3 dates booked in to see the grandchildren, on only one of which we will see more than 20 mins of the adults. :laugh:

    Katie - the house looks charming! Just think of all the calories you will burn cleaning! :laugh: I hope you are not in a fire risk area though as those trees are close! :ohwell:

    Hugs to the sufferers. Congratulations to you losers. Kudos to those who are taking their own destiny in their own hands. BRAVO! Keep remembering the serenity prayer. :love:

    Thanks, Carol, for the link! :D

    Love Heather in UK, while DH is trying to "fix" a window lock and getting very frustrated. I wasn't happy with it, but I am keeping out of the way. :*
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Happy Wonderful Wednesday B)
    And I pray that each of you will have a wonderful Wednesday

    I will be back to "talk" when I am ready for a break! That seems to work best for me :)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    morning peeps -

    bwcetc - wow - so sad about your church member..

    drkatiebug- cute house, love the big porch!

    jmkmom - sorry you r having a ruff time :0( we all have them, vent your heart out, that is y we r here.

    lilymay - i have good dogs, i do train them from the get go as pups so when i say sit, i do mean sit. they know i'm the alpha.

    grandmallie - i know you didn't ask me but hrm is connected to my iphone. i don't kow what kind of phone you have tho. good luck. i've never used a fitbit b4. where did u get yours, maybe they have a return policy under manufacturer defect or you can return it to the company directly if you still have your receipt or can get a copy of it. the free app that i use is called strava, it tracks my biking, running, walking, etc. elevation, average pace, miles, keeps the same route if you record it as a segment then the next time you do the same route it will show you if you beat your last time and i can follow what you are doing and you would be able to follow me if we were friends on the strava app. oh it uploads to the computer. chk the battery on the fitbit if it has one..

    sandiR - Yeayyyy on your 2lbs loss!!!!!!!!!

    sluts - yeay for the lump removal!!! i am giving it a rest. the ONLY thing i have been doing as you can see in my stat posts is biking because my top 1/2 (shoulder) is stationary. i haven't done any other type of exercise that will aggrivate the shoulder. i have orders not to run so i'm not running, this is a long time w/o running for me. when i go to my follow up visit i will talk to the doc more to see what i can do more and i will tell him how i'm feeling...

    cd_va - when you go home, put salt and pepper in your ice cream so you wont' eat it.

  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    A belated Happy August to you all! I've been a little depressed lately so I've been quiet. We're having plumbing issues with the new house, and there were some large expenses, and I haven't been doing a good job of staying active or limiting my calorie intake. It'll turn around soon, but in the meantime it's kind of a slog to get through the day. I keep sitting down to post here and then not doing it because my brain won't come up with anything useful to say. But I'm still reading, and you are all such an inspiration.

    Here's a photo of my dog helping her dad snake the kitchen drain:

    August goals will be pretty much the same as July's except that I'm trying to set some measureable targets instead of just having ongoing goals. We've committed to hosting a party here in September, so hopefully that'll help light a fire under me to get things better organized and settled around here.

    This weekend we're going to Dad's place in Wimberley with some old friends. I think it'll be a nice chance to relax and watch the river flow by! It's so, so hot - I'm ready for fall!

    -Yvonne in TX

    August goals:
    1. Track on MFP every day.
    2. Cardio at least four times a week.
    3. Start and finish a sewing project.
    4. Clear up the back patio so it's ready for guests
    5. Clear out the storage unit (a repeat from last month, alas!)
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Wednesday ! ! !

    I was able to get to work early to ride the bike for 10 minutes. My left knee hurts in the back, so 10 minutes was a struggle.

    Heather – lol about the football jersey. DGS sounds a lot like my DS. He will NOT allow his baseball pants to be washed until the season is complete. He also has to wear cup underwear every day of the summer, because you just never know when or where a baseball game is going to break-out (luckily he owns numerous of those, so they get washed). What a fun and brilliant DGS you have.

    Charm – Hugs ! You deserve a good cry. I usually get angry first, and that often backfires on me. I think a call to BBB is in order by this time. And any manager you can get on the phone, whether local or national level. Hugs ! ! ! // I like Pips idea of an online review. Good call.

    DJ – Thanks! Most of my life people have told me that I’m bossy, so I just assume they are correct, but sometimes struggle finding the right words to be consoling instead. I appreciate the hugs. The nice thing about giving hugs is the person usually hugs back, so I feeeeeeel it ! The full moon was Friday/Saturday (blue moon). I’m sure this is still the carry-over, because the people at work are still the same. // I savored my tiny piece of cheese last night. Just a few months ago I would have scarfed it down barely tasting. Savor is SO much better. Thanks!

    Drkatiebug – DS’s new house looks and sounds wonderful. Congrats ! ! !

    Beth – I am also amazed at the technological process of applying for a job. DS wants to do something (almost anything) in sports, and almost every place has you go online, sign up for the e-mail list, then fill out the online application, all before ever talking to a kid. How can they get the feel of personality that way? Oh well, he will just keep trying. Around here I think there are so many adults accepting part-time positions that used to go to teens, just to have an income, that I think it’s tough for anyone to get a job these days. I wish you son a TON of luck on his search. // So Sorry about your church members son. Hugs !

    Joyce – Hugs ! ! ! You deserve better than to beat yourself up for what you didn’t do. That street goes both ways, and you now have the opportunity to pick up some new/previous friends, and hold them close. I hope you can all find some pleasant and fun memories.

    Lillian – Congrats on your new granddaughter. I look forward to seeing the picture.

    Allison – Sorry about your fitbit. It sounds like your new gym was made just for you! How exciting. // Update: glad the fit bit is working again.

    I have a patient coming in soon who's wife just passed over the weekend, so I need to stock up on the tissues in the waiting room and patient rooms.

    DS and DH are going to the Brewer's game tomorrow. His co-worker won first row tickets and can't use them, so he bought them for $40 total. The are planning on buying Padres caps tonight (silly boys looking for trouble ;) )

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee (no reports on the lion for several days)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    this is what happened to me yesterday morning as I got off the train yesterday morning. this is the customer service compliment email that I sent to give feedback:

    This morning I rode (bicycle) to the 6:40am sounder from Tacoma Dome Station to Puyallup Station. When I got to work a co-worker told me that my backpack was open and I didn’t think anything of it.

    I was looking for my mesh bag that had my compression sleeves and compression socks (they are not cheap). I figured they had to have fallen out of my bag. The local attendant (Daniel at Puyallup station who is also GREAT with customer service!) said that he would keep an eye out and let me know if he heard anything.

    Well, I got a call from my doctor’s office AND THEY TOLD ME SOUND TRANSIT CALLED THEM!. I figured that I must have left an appointment card in the mesh bag. They gave me their number. I called and spoke to Mercedes who told me what they had and that it would be there at the station in Seattle. I was willing (if I had to) to take a joy ride over there some day to pick it up and I guess she talked to her station manager and they were going to transfer it (special arrangement) over to the Tacoma Dome station and meet me there for me to pick it up!

    I LATER REALIZED THAT I LEFT MY WALLET TOO!!!!!!!!!!! I called Mercedes back and she confirmed it! Talk about saving my life and going above and beyond!!! It has been nothing but a positive experience in riding the Sounder Train. Lately, I have been riding my bike from Tacoma to Puyallup and back again but when I take the train, it is nothing but A1 customer service..

    Please forward this to Tatum, Mercedes supervisor, she needs to know how great of a job she is doing, this was above and beyond!!!

    well, when I went to pick up what I thought were both items, my wallet AND my mesh bag (that held my compression socks) the guy only had my wallet (it has a little mesh in front of the pouch, so the person I was talking to THOUGHT all along that I was talking about my wallet when I didn't realize I had lost that too when I was talking to her).

    now I have to go pick up the mesh bag in seattle, no biggie, I was just going to take a joy ride. Kirby later told me to call the station to let them know he'll be there to pick it up tomorrow since he works in seattle. nice man huh.
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    csofled wrote: »
    Gayle of Idahofor those of you suffering from depression and anxiety I have been reading a good book recommended by my DS counselor. Feeling good by David Burns. It has a lot of good information. It has helped to deal with issues that have come up in the last two weeks. I can only ope for continued success and helping my son reach some type of potential. he also has one on relationships but I have not read it yet.
    Carol ~ GA ~ PeachDH is getting ready for his monthly antique show. Four days out the month he is away and it always makes everything seem off. I get tire of him being here all day but then I hate it when he is gone. Does that sound crazy?
    barbiecatAlison, I have an Omron HJ-72OITC pedometer that I bought from Amazon in 2010. It syncs with the software on the computer via a USB cord.....the calorie counts I use for my exercise come from info I got when I regularly wore a heart rate monitor...I've never used a fitbit or any of the more current activity trackers. I have a pad of paper in my kitchen where I keep track of how many minutes I walk or ride the exercise bike or dance and then I use the calorie count numbers I got from when I had the HRM to figure out how many calories I burned....I have always been a few steps behind in technology.

    Good morning and happy Wednesday everyone!

    Gayle-I read that book quite a few years ago. It is always in my nightstand drawer ready to be looked at and reread.
    Carol-Doesn't sound crazy to me as I feel the same way. When he is here he can be such a nuisance and when he travels for business I can't wait for him to get home! Crazy thing called love! <3
    Barbiecat-I have had the exact same pedometer since 2010. Love the graph it creates with the little smileys! :) Otherwise I use Map My Walk which counts my fitness walking steps, distance and calories burned.

    Off for my morning walk.

    Cheri in sunny NE Ohio

    Happy to meet you the other gayle!!! The day I saw I had lost 14 pounds I sang n did a dance then figured out it had to be another gayle. Gayle Minneapolis
  • Charm4u76132
    Charm4u76132 Posts: 94 Member
    GE Repair saga continues. Talked to 2 Customer Dis-service Supervisors this am. They had NO notes from my calls yesterday. Nobody is taking responsibility for:
    1. Damn Technician refusing to do the emergency door unlock this past Monday (8/3).
    2. Dispatch failing to call me yesterday afternoon, after they promised to do so.
    3. Technician failing to show up late afternoon yesterday.
    Suddenly, the last person I talked to in GE Consumer Affairs Dept. now claims that the Technician "tried everything possible but could not get the door to unlock". That's a total LIE. >:) He NEVER said anything like that to me at the time. Also, the front panel can easily be popped off with a putty knife. There is an emergency door unlock lever. He was just too damn lazy and didn't want to bother with it since he needed to come back to do the actual repair.

    Anyway, the 2 Agents called Dispatch again. Same BS story from them: NO earlier appt. is available, so I have to wait until the already scheduled appt. on Monday, 8/10. No Technician is available to do an emergency unlock. So my WET clothes have now been locked inside for 1-1/2 weeks. :s I have very few business casual office clothes to wear. They are wet and ALL locked inside the broken washer. Grrr! Before I hung up, GE finally provided a phone number to their Insurance Claims Dept. If my clothes are ruined, I WILL file a claim.

    Called Nebraska Furniture Mart. They are wonderful. She called GE Repair and just called me back. Magically, I received an email from GE showing my appt. is now Sat. morning. NFM Agent said GE Dispatch miraculously told her they would try and send 2 people to do the emergency unlock today. (Will see if that happens since I don't trust GE Repair at all.) Another great thing, after the 1 yr. manufacturer's warranty expires, I will not have to deal with GE Repair if there's a problem. She said I would call NFM and they use a national warranty service.

    Will definitely post negative reviews all over the internet about GE DIS-Service and Un-Repair.

    Thank you all for the support! - Nancy in FW, TX

  • Charm4u76132
    Charm4u76132 Posts: 94 Member
    Taking an early, long lunch break. Headed to La Z Boy to purchase a new recliner! Things are looking up. :smile:
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    edited August 2015
    We arrived at the pediatric oral surgeon's office only to be told that her appointment had been cancelled. Nobody told us! The nurse said that somebody told my son on Friday that it was cancelled, but obviously that wasn't true or we wouldn't have been there. Do they think we got up before dawn and drove two hours in a thunderstorm because it was fun?! My son got her out of bed and ready at 6am, and he would not have done that if they told him the darned thing was cancelled. And he was jumping through hoops on Monday getting the paperwork done and called back and forth to their office a couple of times and was not told it was cancelled. I was annoyed, but my son went ballistic when I called him. So now it has to get rescheduled, and it will be done at the hospital in KC instead of at their clinic. Apparently they are concerned because she tested positive for the Alpha 1 disease that my son has.

    But we made an outing of it, and went shopping for a gymnastics leotard thing for her to wear in the next session of gymnastics. While we were at Target, I even found myself a swimsuit on clearance for $11! And IT FITS and is a SIZE TWELVE, I saw the size tag but held it up and thought, "I think I can get into that". Hee hee hee! I'm getting better at judging my size, I think. I showed the tag to my DGD and told her I used to be a size 26, so she was suitably impressed.

    So, we found a silver lining. If the appointment had not been cancelled she wouldn't have a cute gymnastics outfit and I wouldn't have a new swimsuit.

    I hope you are all having a great day.

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Update: He brought all of his kids, so I am filled to the brim with hugs.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member

    whippet - sorry bout the app. being cancelled and glad you made a good day out of it anyway. YEAY FOR CHEAP SWIMSUIT AND A GOOD FIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    charg4u, - sorry bout the washer issues, THAT MUST SUCK big time!!!

    terri_mom - YEAYYYY FOR HUG OVERLOAD!!!!!!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    ydaily - there there ::::: patting you on the back:::::: we all have those days... take it one day at a time. we're here for you!