

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Yvonne, there are all sorts of tricks you can use on yourself to help get things done when you are depressed. A good resource to learn a lot of them is a book called, "How to get things done when you are depressed!" I could have written about half the book, but there are ideas I didn't have. One of the things I do is to tell myself that I will just do five minutes, and then stop to rest. Often I find that once I have started I can finish the job AND I feel better for having done it. Break chores up into little parts. (I will put the plates in the dishwasher, I will put the bowls in the dishwasher, I will wipe off the counter.) Some people that are depressed find themselves stuck in front of the TV. I don't watch TV but I have heard that it helps to have a plan of a few things to do during the commercial, get up and do them, then rest during the show while planning for another commercial. I know how hard it is to find the energy and motivation to even move when one is depressed, but unfortunately the world does not stop for us. You have my complete empathy and understanding! There are lots of others here who have had the same struggles.
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Just sending hugs!
    Sciatica pain hasn`t gotten better.Anyone else have this?any suggestions.Dr was like deal with it,it will get better.
    The man who works for me had this a few years ago and couldn't walk at all. He did some physical therapy and was better in no time. Perhaps you can go online and check out exercises. The doctor sounds like an *kitten*. Hope you are better soon.
    Chris in MA

  • Charm4u76132
    Charm4u76132 Posts: 94 Member
    LOVE the Silver Lining Story! :)
  • Charm4u76132
    Charm4u76132 Posts: 94 Member
    La Z Boy had a nice recliner on sale. But massage only works on the lower back. I need one for my entire back and neck. Will go to Nebraska Furniture Mart. Want to purchase something NLT Sunday so it can be delivered early next week. Focusing on the blessing of an upgrade and how GREAT it will feel! B)

    No cleaning or organizing last night dealing with all the GE Repair frustration and stress. Hardly slept for 2 nights. Revised my cleaning goals to complete by Sunday night.

    Right now, doing Self Care and Stress Reduction. Aubrey yorkie has been right beside me throughout all of this. Such a sweet, happy girl. Seeing my 'Equine Therapist' (my lovely, gentle Quarter horse mare) tonight. She has such a calm, loving energy. It totally relaxes me being in nature with horses. Especially, my wonderful equine partner.

    Have a great day, all! Nancy in FW, TX
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • prplhaz300
    prplhaz300 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi, Found your post today. I am 51 yo and a nurse in a small but busy ED in CT. I work overnights and have found this to be a challenge both in an eating schedule and exercising. I have been on MFP 70 days this time around and have lost 28 pounds. But I still have like 175 lbs to go. It seems so overwhelming sometimes. Love having monthly goals tho, seems manageable.

    * Exercise 3 times a week (walking, biking, gym, swim)
    * Continue daily carbs of 150 or less
    * Remember it took 20 years to get here, I need to give a year or two for healthy!!

    Good luck, all!!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbie: I did research about the bone density issue since my last post and found an article from the government, ncbi.nim.nih.gov that is lengthy and complicated. I've tried to find it again as I thought I had it bookmarked, but can't seem to get there. Evidently my bookmark was not that good. I'm frustrated that I can't find something I bookmarked, but this has a similar message, "These recommendations are consistent with the Institute of Medicine Dietary Reference Intakes for calcium and vitamin D [1]. The American Geriatrics Society and the National Osteoporosis Foundation recommend a slightly higher dose of vitamin D supplementation (at least 1000 and 800 to 1000 international units daily, respectively), as well as calcium supplements, to older adults (≥65 years) to reduce the risk of fractures and falls [2,3]. (See 'Efficacy' below and "Falls: Prevention in community-dwelling older persons", section on 'Vitamin D supplementation'.) I have been obsessively searching for my original article without luck.

    I'm a stubborn woman and will look again later.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    August Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Enjoyed meeting Toni and Gayle today. Interesting hearing our stories of we are working on ourselves in the fitness journey. Hope to meet again, soon.

    Miriam I do this rule of 5 to get myself started on a chore. I tell myself I will do five things towards the chore. Usually that is enough to get myself started and once I start I usually finish. If not I am at least closer to having it done than not starting at all.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Chris in CT - Welcome, it appears as if you have a good approach to losing the weight and some goals in mind. It is definitely better to make small obtainable goals and take one day at a time. The whole enchilada in one fell swoop is too overwhelming for anyone. Great observation that it took you 20 years to get here, its not going to be gone in the morning (that was always my hope) lol We are here for you to support and encourage in any way we can. Join in when you can and let us know a little about yourself.

    Janetr OKC
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Afternoon Ladies,

    MicheleNC, I do the same thing sometimes at the sight of all that different food. One little “whatever” looks good and won’t hurt too much and when I eat it I wonder, “Why?”. But you know, once in a while we get a bite of something really good, so who knows. Lol The nice thing is, at my Moose meetings, ladies have started bringing much healthier food. Fresh fruit and veggies, yum.

    Tina, when it rains here we do the same thing of running the dogs out between showers. I have one that would hold it until he explodes before he will go out in the rain.

    DrKatie, fantastic find for your DS. The house looks great from the outside. I love the porch and the trees. It can’t be too old? So glad for the find and hopefully the commute won’t be too bad.

    Beth, so sad about church member and so young. I hope your son can get on board with the weight loss.

    MA - Janetr OKC said, “We're here for your entertainment Well that and support and encouragement and listening and shoulders to cry on and a safe place to vent......whatever you need. Jump in and let us know about your day when you feel comfortable. Glad you have joined us” . Ditto to what she said so well. Glad you’re here.

    Joyce, first of all take this: ((((((((Huggs))))))) And you know that we don’t care if you comment on anything or anyone specific. I sure hope you got a good night’s sleep because you know you need the rest. Plus it sounds like you needed to take a day off from exercising. Sometimes your body just needs a break. Sad about your mom’s friend that she taught Sunday School with, but again, no reason to beat yourself up for not staying closer. Just grieve her passing and regroup yourself to start planning what you and your family will eat. One day at a time; remember? We love you and hope tomorrow is a better day. BTW, on the painting, if you use the handyman, can you give specific instructions on prepping before he paints? Just because he is a handyman doesn’t mean he can’t do a good job painting. ((((Hug))))) again.

    Lillian, congrats Grandma!!!! I can’t wait for a picture and details. Fun times.

    Carey, good to hear from you. Take care.
    Kibbly, if my TV only got golf, football and other sports, I do believe I’d have to trade it in on a new one. smiley-computer011.gif

    Heather, so glad it worked out to go see DGD on Monday. How will you go then if the tube strike Is still going? I love the way you are always going and doing. Oh to have your energy.

    Carol, your feelings about your DH’s traveling just go to show that we are never satisfied. Lol I’d just try to use those days to do things that I don’t like to do when he’s home. Look for the opportunities. ((Hug))

    Sylvia, safe travels! I worry so much about other drivers in bad weather. It just takes a split second for them to do something dangerous. What exactly is GD having done? Did you say an extraction?

    Miriam, is your son taking the apartment? That is great if he and Katie’s son both found a place!! I’m like you in that cleaning an empty place is so satisfying when you can see the results.

    Sandi, thanks for the info on the app you use to track steps. Free is always good! cool.gif You can be assured that I don’t have a memory as long as a second. I keep a word document open beside the thread and as I read, I go to the word doc and type my responses. When I am ready to post, I simply copy and paste it in. I learned that from one of the many smart ladies in here.

    Allison, glad you are having a good start to your day. ((Hugs))

    Beth, so sorry about you being up 21 lbs. Please, please, please don’t let me ever do that. (I know from past experience how easy it is to do.) If you need a swift kick, just say the word. I’m happy for you that you got a wakeup call before it got worse. You said it, you know what to do so just get with it. You know we are all here for you!!!!

    Mame, I like that word, “strut”. I think a good strut is something for all of us to strive for. Just the word makes me sit a little taller in the chair even as I type. Lol

    Lenora, good for you to only gain 1 pound. It’s sad that DDIL isn’t at the point to do something about her weight, but I can’t talk because I was there for many years. Hopefully she won’t wait as long as I did. You can just be the good example. I have never been able to understand these wives that call their husbands all the time at work. DH and I were just never like that. I guess one reason is that we didn’t think work was the place for personal calls. It’s one thing if you need to give or get some information, but it’s not a place to just chat. What a bummer to have to send your laptop back when it is so new. I hope you have another computer to use while it’s gone?

    Colleen, good idea to get rid of the ice cream, especially if it works itself into your mouth. Nice exercise you’re getting while without a car. Very nice of you to do that for your DD.

    Heather, good for you on working with the weights!!! Did you say you now have 3 visits with the grands set up? Kool beans.

    Pip, salt and pepper in the ice cream? LOL You are too funny! I had noticed that you were only biking so I’m very proud of you. How is the pain level been? Just the thought of it makes my shoulder hurt. Wow, did you luck up to get your wallet back and hopefully your socks and sleeve. It is so rare to get good customer service that I go out of my way to acknowledge it when I get it. Good for you.

    Yvonne, sorry you’ve been down. We are here for you and cheering you on.

    Terri, good deal for DH on the BB tickets. Hope they enjoy the game.

    Nancy, so glad things are looking up!!!!

    Sylvia, what a bummer about the appointment. So glad the day worked out positive in the shopping department. And a big CONGRATS on a size 12!!! Happy Dancing for you.

    Chris in CT, welcome. You will find this a great group of ladies that are both supportive and informative. Come often and post when you want.

    Well things sound a bit brighter today than yesterday. For those of you that it’s not, please keep plugging along. Sometimes that’s the best we can do. Time has a way of working things out. Congrats to all the victories and more Hugs to those that need them. DH and I are off to our belated Anniversary dinner. I have saved lots of calories but will still eat reasonably.
    I wish you all a happy and healthy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Good Wednesday. Well I am working the 7-3 shift and working with the boss. I just keep reminding myself to breath and just do my job. Last evening we had a small storm come thru with very little rain. When I got home last evening I got all the weeds pulled out of the fence around the front and looks so much better. Did go over calories last evening. Will start on page 5 today and see how far I get. We are such an active group and growing every month. I love it!

    Katiebug--Sending prayers that DS can find a decent and afforable place to live. It is not easy.

    Janetr--Keeping you and your family in my prayers.

    Joyce--Sending hugs and prayers for you and Charlie.

    Lisa--Love the pictures, you can sure tell the difference between April and August.

    Allison--Sorry to hear about your dad's furbaby. That is never easy even if they were sick and older. With all you got going on I am proud of you for dealing with all this. One Day at a Time and know God is with you. Sending hugs and prayers.

    Sylvia--Sending Hugs and prayers.

    DJ--Thanks for sharing the picture. I do like the outfit colors. You do great on your hair cuts.

    Nancy--Vent all you need to. We each have our issues and having someone to vent to helps alot. Sending HUGs that this week goes better. I do have to ask after the stuff being in the washer to weeks will they pay to replace them?

    Well I am up to top of page 10. Time to finish up somethings and get ready to go. I have to run by the post office and mail a couple packages and pickup stamps. Sending hugs to everyone and thank you for being here.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Shock of all shocks. I am posting during the day. my plan is to go to bed as soon as I get home from choir practice. So I won't be posting tonight as I usually do.

    Janetr, thanks so much hon.. I usually try to get 10 hours of sleep a night and in actualality I get about 9. I have no problems getting about 6 hours on Saturday nights because I am excited about getting to church on Sunday, especially the choir.

    Lillian,congrats on the new baby. Give her plenty of hugs from all of us grandmas here.

    Sylvia, be safe . Hope the appointment goes well. Update, OH NO! Say it isn't so. Way to go in making a really bad situation into a good one. Good lesson to teach the Granddaughter.

    DrKatie, your sons new rental looks precious. I love the look of the porch and trees. Looks peaceful. The amount of leaves won't bother him will it.

    SandiRemodio, I don't have a good memory either. What I do have is lots of cheap notebooks. I buy notebooks at the before school sales. This year they were 17 cents a piece! As I read I just takes loads of notes. To cut down on the amount of notes, I have my own abbreviation system. I was a nurse so I use a lot of those abbreviations and then if I want to write 'you are' I write 'U r'.

    Gilly, I don't know how many times I have written a post here, in face book, messenger or email. Then after I write it I get second thoughts and erase it all. i think it's away our brain keeps us from making a mistake that might hurt some ones feelings hurt.

    Heather, thanks for reminding me of the Serenity prayer..

    Yvonne, I love that picture of your dog helping with the plumbing. It needs to be entered into a contest.

    Nancy, So sorry about GE service department. My question is if they have no record of all the notes then how do they know what the technician said. Glad that the store is honoring their own reputation even though GE isn't to concerned.

    The tree removal people were out at 9 AM. I did have to call him to make sure he WAS coming since he never answered my call yesterday. So all my bushes are gone. My poor little azalea bush looks terrible. Now I have to decide whether to keep it. They got a lot of the smaller branches off the tree and it's stormy so they will be back tomorrow to finish. I think they are s small business because they only had one truck to put the wood chippings in and after the bushed and part of the tree, it is quite full. So he will have to come back with a load of dirt. This morning I was so tired because of not just decreased sleep but the constant buzz saw and chipper running, it really wore on me. Charlie is taking a much needed nap. I would have but then I knew I needed to be able to get to sleep way early tonight, like around 9. It has been taking awhile to get to sleep lately that I need to go to bed real early. also hopefully by tomorrow if I get some good sleep I can get more exercise in. That scale is about to get thrown out the window or even put in that wood chipper. Since I really pushed myself on the exercise and was really strict on my eating, I have gained weight. For the last two days I have been 199.2. I refuse to get to that 200 mark or go out and buy new clothes. I know I look awful in these wonderful size 12 jeans but I will not buy 14s. I have two pair of dress pants that fit me enough to wear to church.

    Joyce, Indiana
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    We've got several projects going on; money is tight because of 2 vacation times. Last weekend and then end of August. Need an outside door for our 'new' glassed-in porch that used to be a screened-in porch. Lock on back door needs to be replaced. But, at least we have a double deadbolt on it; but, still irritated to try to close door when I have to always turn the handle to do so. I've not been in the mood for any new plants or flowers this year for some reason. Probably best, we've had triple digit weather with the humidity. Hot as a 'firecracker' in SW GA (USA). Walked in the pool for maybe 45 minutes. Hard to keep my arm out of the water, so I did about 1/2 of my normal routine; but, at least I did some exercise for the day.

    Cooking crab cakes for supper tonight. Don't know what to cook with it; but, I will figure it out before suppertime.

    Hang in there, PIP - none of us want to see you do more damage than already done. Do as your MD instructs you to do. Even 'if' it means not doing something you love doing. That's what you are paying him the big bucks for.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Whoops - C.R.S. - where do I go to change my weight? I'm still trying to learn how to navigate this site. Thanking you in advance . . .
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Katla - I've had to take a calcium supplement for years. Most doctors do recommend it be taken with Vitamin D as that help your body to more easily absorb the calcium. There are many calcium supplements out there with Vit. D in them. Just be sure to look at the recommended dose on the label. Some you need to take as many as three a day to reach to recomendations. I do still take calcium three times daily due to the bypass surgery, along with several other vitamin supplements.

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Requesting prayer and good thots. Following is what my niece just posted about my BiL "My dad is breathing on his own but they still haven't been able to take the vent out. He has to be fully aware when they do that because they will need him to be able to cough and get his breathing back to normal and right now he isn't aware enough to do that. But, they will have to take it out soon regardless. The longer he has the vent the harder it will be to ever get him off of it. He has water in his lungs. He also has some virus that they cannot figure out. Even the CDC can't figure it out. He is still having host/donor rejection due to the stem cell transplant. My brother is there with them now, mom is going twice a day to see dad but she has to have the abscess drained and cleaned once a day so they have to be there for that."

    I can't quit crying, I know my BiL is tired of fighting and doesn't want any more treatment/procedures he has told us all that before. I know its in God's hands I have to rest in that knowledge. My oldest grandson texted me and said "Remember through all of this that to be absent from this body is to be present with the Lord".

    I know not everyone here believes the same as I do and I respect that, I'm not preaching and certainly do not mean to start any sort of controversy. Thanks to all of you for your kind words and concern, it is very much appreciated.

    Janetr OKC

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    Whoops - C.R.S. - where do I go to change my weight? I'm still trying to learn how to navigate this site. Thanking you in advance . . .

    did you get my post on how to do it?
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hi,thanks for the suggestions for the sciatica,did look up exercises and will try.Our insurance doesn`t cover chrioprator.I have a good friend is one who gave me some suggestions when I 1st got it.
    Poor nathan,had to have another surgery,as he was bleeding internally.he made it thru the surgery,hope and pray he recovers.I guess,why I feel for him besides meeting his parents,he is in between ages of my new grand daughters
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    janetr - I know exactly what you're going thru - did this whole process with my sister. as you mentioned, it's in Gods hands, please know and believe that should he not make it. {{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    Whoops - C.R.S. - where do I go to change my weight? I'm still trying to learn how to navigate this site. Thanking you in advance . . .

    sluts - click on "settings" up on top then update diet/fitness profile