Post here if you want more friends!



  • pandapotlovebug
    pandapotlovebug Posts: 59 Member
  • romf6
    romf6 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I'm new here and want supports to encourage each others! add me :)
  • ruffalicious
    ruffalicious Posts: 799 Member
    27, trying to lose 11 more lbs
  • Mortoton
    Mortoton Posts: 1 Member
    17 here. Been dieting since last year. Lost about 40 kg in the process. Still got a long way to go.

    Feel free to add. Malaysian based.
  • lmorales2019
    lmorales2019 Posts: 13 Member
    Plz add me!!! I need motivation!!!
    LAWNYBEE Posts: 46 Member
    Me! Can never have enough support n mates .. add away x
  • mama820
    mama820 Posts: 14 Member
    therocpile wrote: »
    Post a reply below if you want people to add you, Let's keep each other motivated and on the right track!!

    Anyone is welcome to add me!!!

    Hi, I'm just starting out on MFP and could REALLY use some motivation, encouragement, accountability & friends. I don't have any friends or family that use MFP. Please help me out on my journey to weight loss & a healthier lifestyle!!! I've been trying for months to find what works and to stick with it. I always try alone and fail every time:(
  • House_Cow
    House_Cow Posts: 12 Member
    I want friends! I just joined again .... :D I lost 40lbs a couple of years ago with this site, and kept it off! but I never reached goal :neutral: I want to lose about 25 more lbs `-`
    I know I always make the most progress when I have peeps supporting me and It's my birthday soon so this week is going to be bad xD
    And I'm hungover today XD so salty foods everywhere
    HALP! XD
  • mlt1596
    mlt1596 Posts: 14 Member
    Can add me
  • RickIngram
    RickIngram Posts: 7 Member
    Add me and lets keep each other motivated!
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    If you are active, chatty and friendly ..add me if you wish...
    A small message would be nice
  • LucyDorsey691
    LucyDorsey691 Posts: 16 Member
    I have been inactive for a little while but I'm back at it. I would love more active and encouraging friends! I'm 5'3, 160 pounds.. looking to be somewhere in the 130s.

  • grahgj63
    grahgj63 Posts: 39 Member
    Anyone can add me and I will add you back.
  • Chiio_Vega
    Chiio_Vega Posts: 1 Member
    Im new here. Looking for weightloss buddies.
  • yonela123
    yonela123 Posts: 3 Member
    Please add me. Just joined now and looking forward to see progress and motivation from other people.
  • DBrooks1979
    DBrooks1979 Posts: 350 Member
    Marine Vet looking for friends while I get fit and healthy... Marine on a Mission...
    Feel free to Friend me...
  • abbyjane1981
    abbyjane1981 Posts: 1 Member
    Please add me. Anyone is welcome- looking especially for those with 100 or more to lose.
    Lost 100 in the past and gained it back after having my two children.
    Currently breastfeeding as well.
  • sunshinechicka
    sunshinechicka Posts: 4 Member
    Add me :) looking for friends that are back on track! Let's support each other!
  • strengthforthewin
    strengthforthewin Posts: 279 Member
    I am new here and am looking for some friends. I'm super motivated right now and want to keep up the momentum.
  • excitedchica
    excitedchica Posts: 3 Member
    Hello I'm looking for friends and motivators.