30 day shred 5/31 start



  • elly620
    elly620 Posts: 209 Member
  • Jbugfit2011
    Jbugfit2011 Posts: 105
    I wasn't able to get the DVD. I will remove my self from this Challenge I will join another group.
  • mishmz
    mishmz Posts: 9 Member
    I just finished Day 2 of the 30DS, and it was definitely harder the second time around. My arms were sore from doing push-ups the day before, and the jump-roping killed my calves! Good luck everyone!
  • elly620
    elly620 Posts: 209 Member
    day 2 completed! i almost didnt do it because i am so sore but i'm glad i did. i feel like i accomplished something. :-)
  • jknoell
    jknoell Posts: 254 Member
    Hey guys! I'd like to join in this! I am starting a biggest loser -type competition at work tomrrow and planned on doing JM 30DS for a workout in the mornings. I'll do my first day tomorrow, so I'll be a little behind the rest of you, but not by too much. I'll have to post my starting weight tomorrow as well since I'll be weighing in at work.

    I'm actually excited to start!! Please add me as a friend to keep each other motivated!
  • beancurdie
    beancurdie Posts: 85 Member
    Day 2 down! I also thought it was much harder today than yesterday, especially doing the strength work. My puny arms aren't used to some many lifts! I'll be sending friend requests to those of you who said it was ok to add you.

    Still haven't been able to find my measuring tape. My little imps must have hidden it from me.
  • Day two was harder due to soreness but I am so motivated I rode to work after completing it.
  • Nattiejean57
    Nattiejean57 Posts: 217 Member
    Alright ladies day one down and my legs are like jelly....will I ever walk again?
  • caretmier
    caretmier Posts: 66
    Day 2 complete and I am super sore! 28 days to go! :)
  • monkeybu
    monkeybu Posts: 34
    Ouch!! Is about all I have to say about day 2. My quads were literally shaking during the squats and lunges, and I'm afraid I find the push-ups utterly horrible, my arms and chest are killing me and that was just doing them from my knees. However this is a good thing right? This means major muscle toning and building is going on and we have to have pain to progress or we'll never get through level 3 to the end. So fight on kids!!

    My weigh in day is tomorrow so I'm going to weigh and measure then and will post my start weight/measurements tomorrow.

    Keep going team!
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,611 Member
    Day 2 - done! I almost didn't do it because I got home a bit late but I made myself do it and now feel awesome!
    The push ups as always were the real killer!
  • Nattiejean57
    Nattiejean57 Posts: 217 Member
    Awesom.e super proud you pushed yourself!
  • LaurenLynnCarter
    LaurenLynnCarter Posts: 51 Member
    Count me in I started today!! Feel free to add me!
  • kcarreno
    kcarreno Posts: 45 Member
    Did day one this morning as I went to bed super early last night. Thank goodness for my wonderful hubby! I normally do not exercise in the morning, as I usually wait until kids are asleep, however they slept in so I got an early start! I have to say I loved it and may start trying to do mornings from now on. This is the first morning I've ever done 30 day shred (1st day of this 30days) that it didn't absolutely kill me! That is a good thing I guess. How is everyone else doing with it? Has anyone ever finished the entire 30 days before? This is only my second time starting it and last time I got through about 3 days and quit. My goal is to get through 30 days without a break then take a 5-7 day break from it and do other cardio. Then start back in doing it again but maybe 6 days a week instead of 7. Any thoughts?
  • karq85
    karq85 Posts: 7
    Wow today was not enjoyable. My arms are so weak and so sore I feel like I did not do a very good job today :/ I'm going to have to give it a better go tomorrow.
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,611 Member
    I did the Shred once before but it took me a month and a half--at least. This time I am bound and determined to do it 30 days straight. And thanks to this group and having some accountability I know I can do it, Really if not for this group I woukdn't have "Shredded" yesterdat and today so thanks. :)

    kcarreno - sounds like a good plan you have there. Since doing the first Shred I've done it or one of Jillian's other DVDs. I kind of like her style. :)

    That aside I did day 3 today. I am sore but I managed to get through it and I am definitely feeling stronger. I do like doing it in the early evening/afternoon as opposed to after i've put the little guy to bed.
  • shortyrock_78
    shortyrock_78 Posts: 19 Member
    I started last week! Great workout. I track it under circuit training 20 minutes.
  • caretmier
    caretmier Posts: 66
    Day 3 is D-O-N-E... done! Feeling great already! Great work everyone for sticking with it!
  • beancurdie
    beancurdie Posts: 85 Member
    Day 3 down. I have to say that I hate anterior raises. Seriously, with two kids, I must have moved my arms out in front of me like that before the past three days. Why it's so darn hard to do with 3lb weights!!!! :P

    I have tried to do 30 days of Shred before, but never followed through. I think I blamed it on my ankle (all those jumping jacks), but I think what really happened is that I caught up with life.

    Speaking of which...Need to get the kids bathed and in bed. Have a nice night ladies!
  • caretmier
    caretmier Posts: 66
    Day 3 down. I have to say that I hate anterior raises. Seriously, with two kids, I must have moved my arms out in front of me like that before the past three days. Why it's so darn hard to do with 3lb weights!!!! :P

    I have tried to do 30 days of Shred before, but never followed through. I think I blamed it on my ankle (all those jumping jacks), but I think what really happened is that I caught up with life.

    Speaking of which...Need to get the kids bathed and in bed. Have a nice night ladies!

    Oh my goodness those anterior raises kill me the most! I absolutely hate them! I start out with my 2.5 pound weights, then half way through the second set I have to drop the weights and just lift my arms... LOL! I cant wait for the day when I can push through them with the weight!
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