MUSCLE BUSTERS (closed group)



  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    That would be awesome!! I feel like I'll always be on the verge of elimination, but if my team keeps winning I might be able to stick around.

    Hmm, so if we win this week that means I'm the lucky charm :laugh:
  • healthymomwannabe
    healthymomwannabe Posts: 252 Member
    Oooh, we DEFINITELY have this one in the bag! Woohoo! All members on the other team have maintained or gained, except for 1 person. And they only have one more person to weigh in. Sad that many of them had a tough week..... but YAY us!! :bigsmile:

    Time for the MUSCLE BUSTERS to throw some power around! :smokin: LOL!

    Fantastic job, everyone! :flowerforyou:

  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Connie, you were so close to winning the challenge...great loss

    Britt, I don't know what your thinking as far as the rewards go; but, I don't think that I will need immunity. I plan to continue to step up my game. I have been exercising better, eating better and it's my work weekend. I should be OK.
  • brit1329
    brit1329 Posts: 293 Member
    Yay, we won this week!!

    Anyone have any suggestions on the rewards? As of right now I'm thinking the .5 lb advantage for me and the .5 lb disadvantage for the other team, but I'm open to some other ideas.
  • healthymomwannabe
    healthymomwannabe Posts: 252 Member
    Brit, I like your choices! I'd say go for it! What does everyone else think?

  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Sounds like a good idea, that'll swing the weigh ins by 1 pound.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Brit, I think you should do whatever you think is best for you. You have the 0.5 lb advantage which is a huge advantage for next week. So, the other three options are:

    Sticking the others with 0.5lb
    Immunity to someone you want to protect
    Or - I like the idea of changing the weigh-in date for either Mama or Irish (sorry, Connie) 'cause I think they can easily drop 2 lbs. I don't think the 0.5 lb is really going to do much to them as a team. Someone could weigh-in on Sunday morning right after the weekend - or - earliest Saturday morning. We could gamble on getting more that way.

    The reward for next week is to pick a player from the other team. I'm so hoping that one of us gets it.
  • brit1329
    brit1329 Posts: 293 Member
    Alright, I think I'm liking the change weigh in date for someone on the other team. I think we could end up with a better advantage than the .5 lbs, but who? Kim, you suggested Mama or Irish. Is Irish still on the other team or moved to the 2 chance group? What weigh in date do you suggest. I notice Mama said she was at 158 on Monday, so maybe Mon. or Tues.?
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    You have the opportunity to change the weigh-in date for yourself or one other person

    Must be last least 3 days after prior weigh-in for other person...weigh in on Wednesday...Saturday morning is the earliest
    Any day for yourself
    You may opt to leave it as it stands

    Your right about Irish...

    So, from looking at the chart, you need to pick someone really consistent...I think Evailtryst, Accountant or Mama are all good bets...Heather will weigh in after her trip.

    That's my input...anyone else have ideas?

    Brit, tell hubs you get extra sleep next week!!! You broke the plateau!!
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    It's hard to say. Anyone know what they are all up to? It seems most people have higher weigh ins after the weekend, or during. Maybe stick someone with a Sunday weigh in...but who?
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I agree, if you know who the drinkers pick on them :devil:

    luckily for you all, I am on the lush thread and know who they are :laugh:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Brit, I will be out for most of the's my synopsis...good luck with your decision...hopefully, others will give their input as well

    Evai...very, very consistent...biggest loser last week...can she keep it up?
    Accountant...sick, no weight loss, very big rally potential and consistent player
    Mama...sick...lost 1 lb. last week...only in 150's tho
    McDebbie, had a weight gain, on lush site
    April...IDK, lush site...low weight loss, rally potential...160's
    Heather, vacation/traveling...I don't think we have to worry

    Saturday/Sunday means no chance of working out...also, bad for lushes

    Gut feeling says Evai, Accountant or McDebbie...not necessarily in that order

    Please post your choices on the thread by today - or - PM me if you don't want to do it and I will post...also, we have to PM the person that you want to weigh in early and let them know the day to weigh in

    I think that's it...I'm going shopping now...good luck
  • brit1329
    brit1329 Posts: 293 Member
    You have the opportunity to change the weigh-in date for yourself or one other person

    Must be last least 3 days after prior weigh-in for other person...weigh in on Wednesday...Saturday morning is the earliest
    Any day for yourself
    You may opt to leave it as it stands

    Your right about Irish...

    So, from looking at the chart, you need to pick someone really consistent...I think Evailtryst, Accountant or Mama are all good bets...Heather will weigh in after her trip.

    That's my input...anyone else have ideas?

    Brit, tell hubs you get extra sleep next week!!! You broke the plateau!!

    Alright, I think I've made up my mind. Hopefully it works to our advantage (can we make someone weigh early and then again on weigh in day so we know the difference :tongue: ) I'm definitely going to be getting some extra sleep next week. My daughter's out of school so I don't have to wake up as early to get her ready. We already won this week, now we just have to keep up the momentum for next week.
  • healthymomwannabe
    healthymomwannabe Posts: 252 Member
    I like your decision, Brit. Good strategy! Alright, here we go with another week! Let's stay strong!

  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    I kno im trying hard. Ive been doing good with workouts but was slacking with fast food. Ive sworn off fast food so I should do ok. Now I just need to get through our kidless weekend ok. Its going to be a good week!
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    You can do it! We all can. Time to kick butt again this week!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member

    I'm definitely trying to make better choices when eating out. Last night, we went to buffalo wild wings with a big group of people to celebrate hubs birthday. My rhythm is thrown off because my Mom is here visiting for the week. Thank God, she's not a drinker.

    Anyway, last night, I got a blackened chicken salad instead of the buffalo ranch chicken wrap. I think the wrap has about 60 fat grams (jeez). I split a small order of onion rings with hubs, about 4 rings. I drank 2 miller lites which is really good for me. Usually, I drink full calorie beer and then I would crack 1 or 2 more when I get home....but, when I got home last night, I drank water, water, water.

    So, the celebration for hubs birthday is over and I should be back to normalness for meal planning.

    Now, what I need to do is STOP shopping with Mom and use that time to EXERCISE

    Scheduled to work Fri-Sun...I requested off Fri & Sat and hopefully I can get them off to get a good hour of heart-thumping cardio

  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Kim, proud of you for your choices. That's great!! I've never ordered anything but wings at BWW and don't know that I would - I love wings, especially hot ones. Hmmm, maybe I should get some stuff to make them at home, in my oven of course.

    I made tacos for dinner last night. I usually will eat one burrito and then have a little salad or chips. I love taco stuff. Last night I ended up with two burritos. It wouldn't be too bad, but them flour tortillas are killer on the calories!! Oh well - at least it was good. I may have gone over slightly on cals, but not too bad.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    double post:explode:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Shannon, your probably more hungry from doing all the, if you felt hungry...then, you eat...maybe, try a taco salad as the second course...there are worst things you could eat.