What is your WHY?



  • Gozergirl
    Gozergirl Posts: 36 Member
    And I want to have a Baby.
  • girlisarcher
    girlisarcher Posts: 6 Member
    My why?

    I am a competitive archer with Olympic dreams to make it to the 2020 Olympics, but I'm carrying more weight than I should. I want better endurance to be able to shoot the 8 hour days 3 days in a row. Three years ago I was about 15 lbs lighter and had more energy. Then I got a desk job and the weight slowly crept on. Now I want those pounds and a few more off.

    Even top archers aren't always in the highest category of physical fitness, but I want to be better than I am now.
  • abcurtis13
    abcurtis13 Posts: 1 Member
    My why is to:
    -become faster in my cross country races
    -have increased confidence in myself
    -learn good eating and health habits now while I'm still young
    -prevent myself from getting dangerous diseases
    -be an example for my family
    -actually accomplish a goal that I set out for myself
    -have more energy
    -and of course, have a fit, cute bod just in time for college :-)

    I'm only overweight by 10 lbs or so and I'm still young, but imo it's important to make these healthy eating habits now before I head off to college next year.
  • mikestobbs1
    mikestobbs1 Posts: 294 Member
    Because i want to be a positive role model for my Daughters.
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Ponkeen wrote: »
    * The little girl inside of me has had enough abuse; it's time to unravel her cocoon and spread her wings...
    * I'm tired of being the fattest family member
    * I'm sick of using my body as a fat suit. A security blanket.
    * I don't want to follow in the footsteps of my diabetic, high blood pressured relatives
    * I should be able to pick the men I'm attracted to and not accept those who date "big women"
    * I deserve to walk into a normal sized store and come out with more than shoes and jewelry.
    * I've hidden myself for far too long and I'm over being invisible
    * I deserve more self-love and attention that what I've given myself in the past

    Man, I could've written those very words, particularly about using my fat as a security blanket. In fact, I think that was one of the main obstacles to my making the decision to lose weight. Fat was 'safe' (well, not really, not truly, but it sure felt like it). Fat meant that most people would leave me alone, women would be nice (if occasionally condescending), and men wouldn't see me at all. With the exception of the chubby chasers, that is. There is nothing quite like going on a few dates with a guy just to realize he's only there because you are his body type fetish. Ummmm, no. Yuck.
    Of course, being skinny sure doesn't solve everything and has its own host of social issues (former skinny person here- not particularly looking forward to all the creepers coming back out of the woodwork), but in general life is easier, and being healthy rocks!
    I wish you well on your journey. We'll get to the next leg (maintenance) before we even know it!

    Is so hard going from one side of the spectrum to the other. In my teens and 20's, I was a very skinny guy. I weighed 148 when I graduated highschool. At 5'9" that's skinny. I was teased all the time for how skinny I was, and bullied at times. When I joined the army, I bulked up to about 165. I was still lean, but string now. I felt great. Then, when my tour was over, I got lazy and went all the way up to 200 lbs. That's when I knew I had to get serious or I would end up with diabetes like others in my family. I was insecure, worried about being able to keep up with my kids, etc. I'm glad I decided to be serious and get back on the right track. You will get there. Stay consistent, eat right, exercise daily, and seek support. I'll support you the best I can too. Keep up the good work. I believe in you.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    because it feels good. Every time I lift more, every time I run farther. Such a power trip.
    SANCHLI Posts: 67 Member
    My why are my kids (Maxx-5yrs & Nathalia -3 yrs), I owe it to them to be PRESENT in their everyday lives. I was tired of being left out (by choice of my own) when my hubs and kids would go out on adventures. My husband knew that I was more of a homebody type of gal and was okay with it. Well played Mr. Depaz, he knew that eventually this 'laying here in bed on a saturday moring all by myself' would eventually get old and it did! I missed
    out in making some awesome memories with my kids/hub while I slept away the hours in a day. I got to my goal weight within a year and now I am back if not heavier (I think, haven't had the guts to step on a scale). I look back and think of all that resource (time/dedication/determination) wasted and now I am back to square one. I want my kids to see their momma embracing life, be more energize & active, mantain a healthy lifestyle. THEY deserve the absolute best of ME and by all means, they will get it - That's a promise to them!
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    SANCHLI wrote: »
    My why are my kids (Maxx-5yrs & Nathalia -3 yrs), I owe it to them to be PRESENT in their everyday lives. I was tired of being left out (by choice of my own) when my hubs and kids would go out on adventures. My husband knew that I was more of a homebody type of gal and was okay with it. Well played Mr. Depaz, he knew that eventually this 'laying here in bed on a saturday moring all by myself' would eventually get old and it did! I missed
    out in making some awesome memories with my kids/hub while I slept away the hours in a day. I got to my goal weight within a year and now I am back if not heavier (I think, haven't had the guts to step on a scale). I look back and think of all that resource (time/dedication/determination) wasted and now I am back to square one. I want my kids to see their momma embracing life, be more energize & active, mantain a healthy lifestyle. THEY deserve the absolute best of ME and by all means, they will get it - That's a promise to them!

    You can do it. You proved you did it once already. they body will remember. Just stay consistent and you will get there.
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    My why?

    I am a competitive archer with Olympic dreams to make it to the 2020 Olympics, but I'm carrying more weight than I should. I want better endurance to be able to shoot the 8 hour days 3 days in a row. Three years ago I was about 15 lbs lighter and had more energy. Then I got a desk job and the weight slowly crept on. Now I want those pounds and a few more off.

    Even top archers aren't always in the highest category of physical fitness, but I want to be better than I am now.

    That is so awesome. My daughter just started taking archery lessons a couple of months ago. We didn't realize how expensive that sport can be. Luckily her coaches are very nice and working with us. Were looking at getting her a used bow or maybe buying the one that she has been practicing with. She is a lefty shooter, which we both found interesting.

    Those desk jobs are a pain in the butt. That's what started me on the downward spiral years ago. Let me know if I can help in any way!
  • hillabeans23
    hillabeans23 Posts: 37 Member
    My why:

    I had the 'luxury' of getting fit a few years ago. Of course I didn't realize how easy it was to gain the weight back or how hard it would be to lose again. Once you lose weight, when you gain it back, people notice that more than when you lost. And every time they see you and the weight you've put back on, there's a glint in their eyes and you know they're thinking, she gained some weight but they won't always say it. I'm sick of seeing that look. I give myself that look hundreds of times a day in the mirror. Another reason, losing weight, being fit, I can control. I can control what I put in my body, what I do to it. Losing weight or getting fit or whatever your health aspirations are aren't that easy but it's probably the most attainable thing to achieve (at least in my life). I hope that taking control, other areas of my life will fall into place. Which some of you may find naive. But being overweight has affected all areas of my life.
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    My why:

    I hope that taking control, other areas of my life will fall into place.

    They absolutely will. You will have more energy, you will gain more confidence, and chores and activities you struggled with will become easier and more enjoyable. You can do it! Thanks for sharing!

  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Are you a parent or guardian looking for other parents or guardians for support? Then come on over to my other message board. We'd love to have you share your journey with us!

  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Have you ever realized that as a whole, a lot of us look at things completely backwards from the way we should. What I mean is, we look at what we need to do to better ourselves, figure out how to do it, and then define why we are doing it. Maybe not just with fitness and better health, but with almost everything. What do you want? The newest cell phone. How are you going to do that? sell my old one, save up some money, etc. Why do you want it? Because X,Y,Z!

    See what I mean. The same can be said about fitness. What are your fitness goals? To lose weight and be healthy? How are you going to do that? By working out all the time and eating better. Why do you want to do that? To look good, feel good, etc!

    Now just imagine if you flipped that around. Would your thought process be the same, or would it be more defining and meaningful? Why do you want to be healthy and fit? to live a longer, more fruitful life with my family. How are you going to accomplish that? By exercising regularly and paying closer attention to what I am eating and fueling my body with. What are you going to use to accomplish this? Nutrition guides, structured fitness programs, and support/accountability groups.

    I have been reading a book by Simon Sinek, in which he talks about this and it got me thinking, maybe he is right. Maybe it is just me, but when I focus on the why, then the how, then the what, it seems to make more sense.

    What do you think?
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Any new comers on here ready or willing to share their "Why"? Anyone's why changed from the last time they shared?
  • jrc5423
    jrc5423 Posts: 19 Member
    My whys:

    1. Pure vanity. I went through a break up not too long ago, and visions of running into my ex and watching his jaw drop run through my head as I'm on the treadmill. I think I look pretty good already, and I've never had any issues getting male attention, but I think I could be a real knockout when I get to goal weight. Why not live up to my own potential? I'm also looking to transition into a management role in my career, and I want to be taken seriously in a new position. Unfortunately, I do think outside appearances and first impressions play a significant role in career advancement, and I want to put my best foot forward.

    2. My mom. She's struggled with her weight most of her adult life. Now she has diabetes and high blood pressure. She refuses to change her diet or do anything about her health. I'm TERRIFIED of her dying in a few years. I've tried to go on diets together with her and encourage her to work out with me, but to no avail. I guess I'm hoping that if she sees my own success that she'll be inspired to get healthy too. At this point I think she's given up and doesn't really think she can do it. I want to show her it is possible, that anyone can do it, and that she doesn't have to just give up on her life and health because she's too scared to try.
  • adhebert8
    adhebert8 Posts: 27 Member
    I have a bunch of "why's" that I could list off but nothing really gave me a push until I started my new job. I'm the fat girl. This job makes us do daily exercises and two walks a day. We sponsor marathons and 5k that the employees are expected to participate in. Not to mention that but I work in the Champion Sports division so being the fat chick in the sports division is awkward haha

    But here are few other reasons:
    - Clothes! Need I say more?
    - To fit in a beautiful wedding dress in a couple years
    - Being able to cross my legs at my knees!
    - Not having the fear the bar won't latch down on the roller coaster
    - To feel confident
  • mysteps2beauty
    mysteps2beauty Posts: 493 Member
    I weighed the most I ever had, didn't care what I ate or drank because I assumed I would be one of the lucky ones that the disease skipped. I then realized that was a bad mindset, so I changed it. I made the choice to want to eat better, exercise, and prevent the possibility of contracting diabetes and being insulin dependent. I did not want to leave it up to chance.

    If so, then what is your WHY?[/quote]

    This was my thinking....such ARROGANCE and IGNORANCE on my part!!! I mean what was I thinking????

    My why: I want to feel good everyday. Aching feet, back, thighs...getting out of bed was agony. Feeling depressed every day cause I had nothing to look forward to, other than more of the same.

    I want to embrace this new chapter in my life with all I have to give it cause it will return huge dividends. I already look young for my age in my face, but my body says nope.....and how many fat old people do you see living...not that many.
  • ohmyllama
    ohmyllama Posts: 161 Member
    -Improve my health (cholesterol is through the roof)
    -Vanity... was so pretty when I was thin
    -Sad because I'm too fat to ride one of my ponies
    -Can't fit into any of my clothes... I have an entire packed closet full of size XS and 5s.
    -Embarrassed for anyone to see me since I gained weight
  • Inkratlet
    Inkratlet Posts: 613 Member
    I joined because I was fat and unhealthy and wanted to lose weight. I did, by eating very little. Then I gained some back.

    I started doing CrossFit to lose weight. Somewhere along the way I stopped caring about scale weight. I switched to pure strength sports. Now I only check it to see what category I'm going to be competing in.

    Now, my WHY is that MFP allows me to pre-plan my macro intake from day to day. I do that because having my macros on point helps me get the best performance I can get out of my sports. If I start to feel bloated and uncomfortable I lower my carb and sodium intake for a few days. If I'm feeling strong and efficient I keep doing what I'm doing.
  • CasperNaegle
    CasperNaegle Posts: 936 Member
    edited October 2015
    1. I want to be healthy and like what I see in the mirror
    2. I want to look good naked
    3. I want to be sexy for my girlfriend
    4. I honestly have just gotten where I love working out and miss it when I don't go

    The fact that my gf and I do it together is a huge motivator for both of us. I can't tell you how great it is to have a partner to be and stay healthy with.