What is your WHY?



  • RangerRN507
    RangerRN507 Posts: 124 Member
    So that I don't get shot...and so I never fail my comrades
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Amen Brother!

    So that I don't get shot...and so I never fail my comrades
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    So, in addition to my main reasoning for staying healthy and doing all I can to be around for my wife and children, my 5yo,almost 6yo boy raised the bar today. He ran his first 5k ever, with a time of 39:20. I think he has the running bug now, so I am going to have to keep myself in shape to be able to run with him. Fine by me. My children are everything to me. How about you parents out there? I'm sure you feel the same way!
  • racin_ny
    racin_ny Posts: 1 Member
    A1C level of 6.1 and rising
  • atreides42
    atreides42 Posts: 51 Member
    I am sick of being fat.

    And I don't want to have sleep apnea anymore.
  • Front_Runner
    Front_Runner Posts: 175
    my why is to stay happy. i was unhappy for a long time. i found what makes me happy and in order to achieve my dream i have to reach certain goals of being my best me. that is what is important to me. i refuse to just "settle" for things. i want to do whatever i have to to stay happy and i am going to fight for it. i am made for something more in this life than just settling for things that were given up on or didnt have the confidence to try. i just want to reach my goal, be my best me, and live long and happier. the longer i stay fit the longer i can do my dream career and to save up and give back to the one thing that truely makes me happy without effort and it all comes naturally:riding and working horses. i refuse to do anything else with my life.

    I have a couple of friends who love riding and working with horses. Not my thing, but I envy them for it. To have such a passion for something, especially with animal so large, is awesome. The only time I have even been on a horse was on the beach in Rosarito, Mexico for my 16th birthday. It was a blast.

    That's awesome! you should ride more^^

    Nice! Initially... my "Why" was also for working horses! Life had some strange twists, and although horses are still a HUGE factor in my life & weight/fitness is important for that... my new "Why" is 100% about racing on sailboats - #1: to "make weight" for the Nationals & #2: to be agile/fit enough to hopefully sail dinghies competitively, too! :)

    I commend people who can stay focused for their health... as that genuinely is SO important. I, however, am the type of person that needs a specific competitive goal to motivate me for some reason! Good luck, everyone!!!
  • Luckee_me
    Luckee_me Posts: 1,426 Member
    Sick of being fatty fatty mcfatterson.
    Would like to be a better role model for my daughter.
  • rrowdiness
    rrowdiness Posts: 119 Member
    Why seems a bit pointless to ask. I prefer 'who'.

    > who ate the food
    > who sat on the couch
    > who took the lazy route

    that would be me.

    > who's fixing all the above
    > who has to make it happen
    > who gets the benefit when it does

    that would be me.
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    I don't think it is pointless.
    Why do you want to fix all of the above?
    Why do you want to make this happen?
    And maybe a how. How will it benefit you?

    Have a purpose for why you want to fix all the above, make it happen, and reap the benefits has more power and drive than just acknowledging what needs to be done. Try you are the only one that is responsible for your actions and what you do to correct them, but if you dont have a strong enough conviction, it will be a lot harder.
    Why seems a bit pointless to ask. I prefer 'who'.

    > who ate the food
    > who sat on the couch
    > who took the lazy route

    that would be me.

    > who's fixing all the above
    > who has to make it happen
    > who gets the benefit when it does

    that would be me.
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    For those of you just catching the beginning of this "'part 2" of this topic that was started, and haven't seen the original post, here you go.

    "More often than not, I see the same statement come from a lot of people about their fitness journey. "I started up, but then I quite xx amount of days later." Or, " I made it 2-3 months, but couldn't keep up with it." So I started thinking, what is it that keeps people from continuing on? What was it that kept me going on? I read or listened to a small segment by Darren Hardy called Making the shift, I believe that was it, and he touched on the subject of what is it that drives us to pursue something. The main reason, your WHY has to be strong enough.

    Imagine that you are on a high rise building and there is a skinny platform about 30 feet long going from your roof top to the building across the way from you. You are asked to cross to the other side. Chances are, you probably don't want to. Now imagine there is a $10 bill on the other side. You might be more tempted, but is it enough to really make you want to do that? Probably not. Now, imagine your child or loved one is in danger on that other side. I'm willing to bet that you are going to do everything you can to get to that side. What changed? Your WHY changed. Crossing a 30 foot platform just for the thrill of it or $10 wasn't a big enough reason why, but a loved in danger might be.

    Now, imagine applying that same mindset to your fitness journey and life style change. Is your WHY big enough? I believe one of the reasons why some people don't make it past that few day or couple month period is that there WHY isn't big enough, so the willingness to stick it out and achieve their goal isn't really there.

    My why goes beyond wanting to look good in shorts or have 6 pack abs. Mine is to avoid a hereditary disease and live long enough to see my children's children grow up. My family has a history of diabetes. Both great grandparents, my grandfather, mother, and uncle all have or had diabetes. My uncle was just diagnosed a few years ago, and my mother, god bless her, lost the fight a few months back. A couple of years ago I weighed the most I ever had, didn't care what I ate or drank because I assumed I would be one of the lucky ones that the disease skipped. I then realized that was a bad mindset, so I changed it. I made the choice to want to eat better, exercise, and prevent the possibility of contracting diabetes and being insulin dependent. I did not want to leave it up to chance. Sure, I would exercise a little, go for a run here and there, eat something healthier, but my WHY wasn't defined, Therefore I was inconsistent and not really doing myself any favors. So, I changed my WHY.

    I understand that at times, life can get in the way and slow us down. An injury, drastic change in your lifestyle routine, but when it boils down it it, your reason will remain the foundation for your success. It doesn't matter if today is your first day or you have been making a lifestyle change for years. Do you truly know why you are exercising? Do you really know why you have chosen to eat a little cleaner? When you understand why it is important to YOU, you are more likely to succeed and stick with it.

    I hope this has you thinking a little bit. If so, then what is your WHY?"
  • Leah_62803
    Leah_62803 Posts: 292 Member
    My why is to feel like myself again. I want to enjoy life like I used to and quit feeling sorry for myself.
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Had a great day today with my family. My wife ran a 5k this morning, then turned around and did the mile race with her girls from her running team, my daughters included. I ran the 1 mile race with my little man. He came in just over 11 minutes. Not bad considering how many kids there were. With there parents. Came home and took a small nap, then busted out a 35 min cardio routine. Now to relax!
  • AshleyLeelette
    AshleyLeelette Posts: 46 Member
    My why is my overall happiness. I've always struggled with weight growing up, and like most girls, always wanted to be that prettier in better shape girl in the back of my head. Of course, I've dieted on and off for as long as I can remember, but never changed anything the right way, and unfortunately fell back as many times as I've moved forward. Now, with my new relationship feeling like it's "the one", I am compelled to live all the life I have been making excuses around. I want to go out, travel, have fun, be active, feel good. Finally in a position to start, and keep, a new health/life change. Now to keep myself mentally on track. That's why I'm here, because I feel held more accountable if I know my progress is tracked.
  • peachmagic
    peachmagic Posts: 57 Member
    My reasons are

    - feeling confident in myself again (went from being the most confident I've ever been last summer, to the least this summer)
    - looking my best for the boy
    - not ending up unhealthy like so many of the women in my family
  • Nathd8
    Nathd8 Posts: 1 Member
    My why is a life-long journey. I was badly bullied as a teenager. To make the bullying end, I didn't want to be noticed anymore. The best way I found to be under the radar was by being overweight. Over the years, those deep wounds slowly began to heal and I have made great personal improvements over the last few years.

    Weight loss is the next step in this journey. I began to exercise daily and watch what I eat about 3 weeks ago. I feel great. Physically and psychologically. I have a better attitude, I smile more, I'm more at ease in the office, I walk faster, I sleep better. Nothing but positives.

    I no longer want to be part of the background. But mostly I don't want to look at others and feel inadequate, like they have something I don't have. I want to be the best I can be.
  • MisspelledMe
    MisspelledMe Posts: 33 Member
    Zombies. I don't like my brain that much, but it's mine.

    Okay, serious answer: I don't want to commit suicide with food and lack of physical activity anymore.

    I've been battling with depression and anxiety for several years, and I was almost constantly dealing with suicidal thoughts for quite a while. Very few things made me feel a little bit happy at the time: music, my dogs, and food.

    After way too many rounds of what I called "medication roulette," I landed on a combo that seemed to help. Suddenly, I felt happy again. I didn't want to kill myself anymore. And I was slowly doing that with too much food and too little activity--not consciously, but whether it was unconscious or not didn't really matter. I needed to become healthier, and I wanted to become healthier. I finally wanted it seriously enough to go for it.

    Eventually having a better chance of surviving the zombie apocalypse is a definite plus, though. :wink:
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Heck yeah, gotta out run the zombies. As long as they are the ones from The Walking Dead. If they are the ones from Resident Evil or I am legend.....we might have to up the cardio a bit :wink:
    Zombies. I don't like my brain that much, but it's mine.


    Eventually having a better chance of surviving the zombie apocalypse is a definite plus, though. :wink:
  • mf0u1098
    mf0u1098 Posts: 61 Member
    My why is to feel like myself again. I want to enjoy life like I used to and quit feeling sorry for myself.

    I could have written this word for word...
  • aynit
    aynit Posts: 43

    1. To maintain/improve my health that gives me freedom and choice.
    2. To set and achieve goals.
    3. Create some ME time.
    4. Be part of a great community with similar mindset and goals.
    5. Set an example to my family and friends.
    6. To help and connect with others.
    7. To improve all other areas of my life.
    8. To create purpose and direction.
    9. Happyness.