August 2015 Running Challenge



  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    Couldn't resist, ventured into the mountains today.

    Month to date:		117.90 km
    Goal:			322 km / 200 miles (36% completed)
    Aug 18 14.10 km Mountain trail run
    Aug 18 10.08 km Lake trail run
    Aug 17 -----    Rest Day
    Aug 16 16.87 km HR up 20bpm over normal for pace, drugs?
    Aug 15 -----    Off for health
    Aug 14 -----    Off for health
    Aug 13 14.75 km Urine colour: Amber Ale bordering on Stout. Call 911.
    Aug 12 13.70 km Up at 0530H to beat the heat
    Aug 11 -----    Life Day
    Aug 10 -----    Life Day
    Aug 09 08.09 km Gentle welcome home date-run with Sue
    Aug 08 12.27 km Great cool run along Lake Sammamish near Seattle
    Aug 07 06.04 km Short run before really loooong driving day, bye bye Montana
    Aug 06 -----    Rest Day / 10km hiking in Swan Range, Montana
    Aug 05 08.09 km Easy trail in Bigfork Montana
    Aug 04 -----    Rest Day
    Aug 03 03.35 km Quick jaunt before long driving day, bye bye Alberta
    Aug 02 -----    Cycling while visiting family
    Aug 01 10.60 km Trails both wide + single track

    A nice mountain trail run complete with four dips in the river for Kady, one for me.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    edited August 2015
    Kody & I had a nice run tonight. 59F and breezy made it seem pretty easy.

    6.7 miles tonight
    62 out of 100 for August.

  • GenoPrice
    GenoPrice Posts: 477 Member


    6.3 miles this morning
  • spangolin
    spangolin Posts: 28 Member
  • louubelle16
    louubelle16 Posts: 579 Member

    Getting there :smile: Had a really tough run though, I'm not sure why but it felt really hard. I guess it was pretty humid, but still, ugh!
  • CancerSurvivor2014
    CancerSurvivor2014 Posts: 111 Member
    MFP August Running Challenge:
    I haven't did much running in last couple days because most of my cardio has been on the elliptical and cycle. But I have acquired 1.5 miles in warmups on the treadmill. I look to be on track to make/beat my goal.

    August goal: 45 miles
    Completed: 33
    >>>>>>>>> 12 to go <<<<<<<<<<
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    8/1: 5 miles
    8/2: 11.5 miles
    8/3: 4 miles
    8/4: XT day: 42 min bike (12 miles) and 35 min walk (2 miles), AKA: 2 episodes of Gilmore Girls
    8/5: 8 miles
    8/6: 6.5 miles with the Thursday crew
    8/7: 5 miles
    8/8: 3 miles
    8/9: 18 miles
    8/10: 4 miles
    8/11: REST DAY!!
    8/12: 10 miles
    8/13: 7 miles am, 6.4 miles pm with Thursday crew
    8/14: REST DAY!!
    8/15: 6 miles with the Saturday morning group
    8/16: 14 miles
    8/17: 5 miles
    8/18: Rest
    8/19: 9.2 miles
    8/20: 8 miles -- SLOG SLOG SLOG. 77 degrees and 75% humidity at 6 am is not ideal when I'm running without anything to eat/drink beforehand (I took water with me though, I'm not crazy!). Hopefully we get some more rain today so we'll have some cooler mornings this weekend. Will have a 2nd run this evening with my running group. Hope my legs will be alive again and I can do ~6 at a decent pace! These last two mornings have been miserable.


  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    edited August 2015
    JoRocka wrote: »

    Total slog today. It was 75 degrees and 90% humidity when I left at 6, and 75 degrees and 88% humidity when I got back an hour and a half+ later. Could not get my feet moving and made the dumb decision to put lots of hilly stretches in my route. Cannot wait til some storms come through and knock these 90+ degree days out of here!

    On the bright side: there were a ton of other runners slogging it this morning too who were all quite friendly, and for the first time since I moved out here I saw a FOX! I ran past it and it jumped out of a bush and dashed through someone's backyard. It was so fluffy and cute! :)
    @kristinegift - seriously- it's been beautiful in the mornings!! I rolled out around 535 and it was so.gross.

    All my long runs are on Saturday at this point so I don't' think our mileage lines up well- but at some point- we should do a thing LOL- esp since you said the magical "hilly stretches"

    Haha well if you're ever running in Princeton, anything UP from the canal parking lot on Alexander (north/west-ward toward main Princeton) is all uphill. I live close to the canal, so I'm running up for the first half of most of my runs, and still these hills kill me some days!
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    All you veteran hill big of a hill do you look for? I ran one on last night that, according to my Garmin, rose 100ft in a quarter mile. Seems like it would do the trick when I start doing hill repeats. What's that...a 7.6% grade?

    @mwyvr, @ddmom0811, & @5beautifuldays, What I did with my water bottle that worked well last night that worked well was to fill it 1/4 full and freeze it. Then last night I filled it the rest of the way up and went for a run. The water stayed cold until the end. The system I bought get's Kody's lick of approval too. I didn't buy one for earlier because my runs were all 6 miles or less at the time, but I should have bought one for carrying his water. It looks like I'll get used to this thing fairly quickly. Once I had the belt positioned right, I forget it's there. I've learned to make it loose enough so it's supported by my hips, not the small of my back. My only nit with it is that the pockets aren't big enough for my cell phone.
    @unrelentingminx & @spangolin, you're nailing those goals! @Erin9607, way to make that goal early!
    @WhatMeRunning, great to have you back on the road!
    @mwyvr, beautiful trail!!
    @JoRocka, I enjoyed your poop story! Sorry for you, but good humor for us. My log runs are on a trail with no facilities, but plenty of trees. I've started taking toilet paper in a ziplock bag with me...just in case.

    Fitting in my runs just got harder...My youngest, an 8th grader, decided to try out for high school soccer and made the freshman team. Soccer every day except Sunday from now until October 8th. It would be so bad except that since he's still in middle school, getting him to games and practices are going to be a logistical challenge. I did get a running partner in the deal, though a reluctant one. In the introductory team meeting last night the coach really stressed fitness and said his teams would never lose because of lack of fitness. He told the boys he wanted them to run on their own, and that he'll be able to tell who's doing it and who's not. I turned to look at my son and rolled eyes and buried his face in his hands. I grinned.
  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for August

    8/1 17 miles - 17
    8/2 REST DAY
    8/3 10.5 miles - 27.5
    8/4 9.25 miles - 36.75
    8/5 5.65 miles - 42.4
    8/6 REST DAY Unplanned (domestic emergency and bad weather)
    8/7 6.4 miles - 48.8
    8/8 18 miles - 66.8
    8/9 REST DAY
    8/10 10.15 - 76.95
    8/11 9.25 - 86.2
    8/12 6.25 - 92.45
    8/13 10 miles - 102.45
    8/14 6.2 miles - 108.65
    8/15 18 miles - 126.65
    8/16 REST DAY
    8/17 10.5 miles - 137.15
    8/18 10.5 miles - 147.65
    8/19 6.2 miles - 153.85
    8/20 9.4 miles - 163.25

  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    8/1 - 5.82 mi
    8/2 - 4.05 mi
    8/3 - 4.35 mi of on-track speed work...tough!
    8/4 - Rest day; might sneak in a walk this evening though.
    8/5 - 2.0 mi on indoor track; 45 minutes of aerobics / cross-training with HM group.
    8/6 - 3.1 mi, beautiful morning in Central Iowa!
    8/7 - 4.25 mi, love that 70° and humid now seems pleasant!
    8/8 - 5.7 mi with my HM training group
    8/9 - rest day
    8/10 - 3.5 mi along the Galena River.
    8/11 - 4.48 mi, cool morning
    8/12 - 4.6 mi; 2.5 of hill repeats with 2.1 run to finish up (HM training group)
    8/13 - 4.75 mi, Trek/treadmill
    8/14 - 4 mi; one of those runs that is hard, but you don't know why.
    8/15 - 6.01 mi with HM training group
    8/16 - 3.18...5k PR woo hoo! 24:39 chip time
    8/17 - 5.58 mi, some tempo intervals bookended by a few easy miles. Sore from the weekend.
    8/18 - rest day
    8/19 - 5.23 mi with HM training group...lots of hills. Now I am seriously hungry!
    8/20 - 4.4 mi, Trek/treadmill


    @7lenny7 - I have never looked at the grade too specifically, but I find a 0.25 mile hill works great for repeats. Congrats to your son on making the soccer team!
    @kristinegift - your two-a-day schedule makes me tired just reading about it
    @WhatMeRunning and @Elise4270 - is this some conspiracy to make us all look like extras from The Walking Dead? Not sure about the arms part.
  • jtarmom
    jtarmom Posts: 228 Member
    Goal: 40 miles

    8/4 - 3.66 miles. Darn ITB bothered me around 3. I thought I was over this.
    8/6 - 4.33 miles. No ITB pain, but slowed WAY down. Cautiously optimistic :)
    8/10 - 4.53 miles. No pain again! Still very slow, but slow running is still running :)
    8/12 - 3 miles. Taking it easy so I can start adding long runs on the weekend.
    8/14 - 3.5 miles
    8/16 - 5.3 miles - felt great, no pain. A little sore in my hip a few hours later, so taking an extra rest day.
    8/19 - 3.1 miles - Moonlight 5k. It was HOT and HUMID, but averaged 10:30 miles on a hilly course. I'll take it!

  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    edited August 2015
    1/8/15 - 3 miles
    3/8/15 - 1.5 miles
    4/8/15 - 1.5 miles
    6/8/15 - 1.5 miles
    7/8/15 - 2 miles
    8/8/15 - 3 miles
    10/8/15 - 1.75 miles
    11/8/15 - 1.75 miles
    13/8/15 - 1.75 miles
    14/8/15 - 1.75 miles
    16/8/15 - 3 miles
    17/8/15 - 2 miles
    19/8/15 - 1.5 miles
    20/8/15 - 1 mile


    decided to check my pace. i ran the mile in 11 minutes 5 seconds. im still slow as molasses but getting better
    will run again later
  • jtarmom
    jtarmom Posts: 228 Member
    I have a question--I'll probably post over on the "Long Distance Runners" group, but if anyone here can help me, I'd love the input. I seem to have something going on with my long run where my left achilles/arch hurts and my right knee/hip flexor hurt. I'm fine (except for the normal first mile stiffness) until about mile 5 or so, and then the twinges start. I don't think I'm to the point I'd call anything an injury--but I'd like to keep it that way! What is the most likely thing I'm doing wrong that would cause these problems? I don't have any pain to speak of when I run on the treadmill, or outside on shorter runs. I don't know if the problem is my gait, the distance, or the fact that my long run is in my trail shoes (a neutral shoe with orthotics, vs my gym/street shoe) and primarily on gravel.

    The pain you are describing in your knee/hip flexor sounds like how my ITBS started. Maybe start adding some glute strengthening to your routine to head off any problems? Google clam shells & fire hydrants. Bane of my existence but they got me back on the road!
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    jtarmom wrote: »

    The pain you are describing in your knee/hip flexor sounds like how my ITBS started. Maybe start adding some glute strengthening to your routine to head off any problems? Google clam shells & fire hydrants. Bane of my existence but they got me back on the road!

    So helpful! Thank you. Those are exactly the sort of exercises I'm not doing and should. I suspect the achilles problem on the left is just my normal repetitive stress issues/flat feet, but I can usually solve that with rest and good cushioning in the shoe. The hip flexor/knee problems are far more concerning because they hurt even when I'm not running.

    8/1 3.2 @ 10:55 (race)
    8/2 5.0 @ 20:00 (hiking)
    8/3 4.5 @ 18:00 (walk with kids and dog)
    8/4 4.0 @ 11:30 (treadmill) and strength training
    8/5 Amusement Park Day
    8/6 3.0 @ 12:00 and strength training
    8/7 Aquarium Day

    8/8 4.0 @ 15:00 (my first technical trail)
    8/9 5.0 @ 12:00 on my normal trail--felt a little sluggish
    8/10 4.5 @ 12:00 on a new trail near my house
    8/11 3.5 @ 11:00 on the treadmill, laughing like an insane person, and strength training
    8/12 Rest Day. Yuck.
    8/13 7.5 @ 12:56 (the first 10K were at about 12:15; I walked the last mile and a quarter with a terrible stitch in my side)
    8/14 3.25 @ 11:04 on the treadmill and strength training

    8/15 5.0 @ 11:48 road/flat trail combo
    8/16 Rest Day
    8/17 4.0 @ 12:47--I got out late and it was really hot. I also got "lost" a couple times, exploring a new section of trail.
    8/18 4.25 @ 11:17 on the treadmill and strength training
    8/19 7.5 @ 12:42 --it was drippy muggy but at least overcast, so not *too* hot. I'll take it!
    8/20 2.25 @ 12:45 (last quarter was really slow, just walking) short recovery run in 100% humidity



  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Total slog today. It was 75 degrees and 90% humidity when I left at 6, and 75 degrees and 88% humidity when I got back an hour and a half+ later. Could not get my feet moving and made the dumb decision to put lots of hilly stretches in my route. Cannot wait til some storms come through and knock these 90+ degree days out of here!

    On the bright side: there were a ton of other runners slogging it this morning too who were all quite friendly, and for the first time since I moved out here I saw a FOX! I ran past it and it jumped out of a bush and dashed through someone's backyard. It was so fluffy and cute! :)
    @kristinegift - seriously- it's been beautiful in the mornings!! I rolled out around 535 and it was so.gross.

    All my long runs are on Saturday at this point so I don't' think our mileage lines up well- but at some point- we should do a thing LOL- esp since you said the magical "hilly stretches"

    Haha well if you're ever running in Princeton, anything UP from the canal parking lot on Alexander (north/west-ward toward main Princeton) is all uphill. I live close to the canal, so I'm running up for the first half of most of my runs, and still these hills kill me some days!
    I'm going to make my way up there!! Technically I have a 5K race slotted for the 29th- so I could make it up there to come run with you- esp if you're doing a shorter quicker run- otherwise program calls for a long run.

    I need to schedule some afternoon- or later in the day runs- running super early is great for me for a lot of reasons- but I know my race won't be that early so I'll need to be in some sort of heat at some point much to my dismay!
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    @JoRocka, I enjoyed your poop story! Sorry for you, but good humor for us. My log runs are on a trail with no facilities, but plenty of trees. I've started taking toilet paper in a ziplock bag with me...just in case.

    I have considered bringing some baby wipes with me in a baggie- I was wondering yesterday if it was going to be the sock or the underwear!!! Unfortunately - where I live- VERY VERY few places to duck!! But it's been super dark at 5:30- so I might be able to get away with it! LMAO
    Congrats on the son making the team. My college year of soccer- that was my coach's philosophy- if we can't out technique them- we'll run them into the ground. Which we did. We were excessively fit. lots. and lots. and lots of running LMAO

    8.1.15.... 5.41 M... 52:30.
    8.3.15.... 1 HR Lift + 2 hrs dance
    8.4.15.... 3.19 M.... 28:10 Afternoon Hot Run + 2 hrs of dance
    8.5.15.... 4.18 M....39:06 Nice cool morning run- feeling stiff-
    8.5.15.... Pt And Chiro Rest otherwise
    8.6.26.... 3.05 M..... 27:59 super cool morning
    8.7.15..... PT and Chiro- Rest otherwise
    8.8.15.... 6.30...1:01 Calf problems
    8.11.15... 3.02...30... super slow and rainy
    8.12.15.... 4.19 ...37:57... moderate-
    8.13.15.....3.00.... 35........Tread mill hills
    8.15.15..... 7.51.... 1:17- Hill run- WOOT WOOT
    8.18.15.....3.12..... 26:16-solid 3 miles
    8.19.15.... 4.16....39.27- holy.crap. humid lying run was lying- also- hysterical sweaty poop
    8.20.15.....3.04.....27- odd- my watch gave me a solid 26- but both phone apps gave me 27 and a half- I cut the difference and called it 27 even. little stiff this am- fortunately no poop- but I am grossly concerned with the fact I may have just flip flopped my schedule- I'm usually an afternoon bathroom person- I missed a day- and the resulting day was yesterdays touch and go run. This morning was a morning constitutional after my run. I can't afford time wise to be dealing with that in the morning!!! ARGH- BACK TO THE AFTERNOON YOU!! BACK TO THE AFTERNOON!

    50.17 of 75 miles
    71.02of total 225- WOOT 1/3 of my training is done! WOOOOHOOOOO
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    8/1 - 10 miles
    8/2 - 3.2 miles
    8/3 - 5.5 miles 1st day of school here, can't believe my baby is a Sophomore!
    8/4 - 3.2 miles
    8/5 - rest day
    8/6 - 1.8 miles ending up not getting back out last night - had to bring work home with me and worked until 9:30
    8/7 - 4.4 miles in the fog :tongue: 5K Run to the Rescue with Skip and some of her teammates tomorrow.
    8/8 - 3.1 Run to the Rescue 5K today. Skip and I ran, it was trail for almost 2 miles (I've never run off the road) then onto the road, then onto parking lot gravel (ugh) then back to and finish on grass. We don't have official times, I was I did a 9:43 pace just over 30 min so not near a PR, Skip said she was about 23:49 not near her PR either. I thought it was a tough course, a few hills. The trail was hard for me very rooty and uneven, but it was a lot of fun. I finished 3rd in my AG and she finished 1st in her AG.
    8/9 - 9.3 miles
    8/10 - 3.5 miles of recovery - it's my birthday it's my birthday!! :sunglasses:
    8/11- 6.1 miles
    8/12 - 3.5 miles - Wed is usually my rest day but I need to be in work at OhDark30 the next two days so I ran today.
    8/13 - rest day
    8/14 - rest day - work got in the way for 2 days :-(
    8/15 - 6.5 miles - halfway right on schedule
    8/16 - 8.6 miles - longest run ever for Skip - so proud of her
    8/17 - 3.5 miles of leisurely run in the rain
    8/18 - rest day
    8/19 - 6.4 miles legs still sore and they talked to me the whole run - they weren't cursing so I kept going :smiley:
    8/20 - 5.1 miles

    83.9 miles of 120



  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @7lenny7 congrats on the boy making the soccer team, Skip has played since she was old enough to walk and played for her high school this past year (we play in the Spring for some stupid reason). Her coached LOVED the fact she was a runner, they also did tons of core work for a good 7 weeks before they even touched a ball. I so envy her 6 pack!
    @mwyvr lately when you post pictures my company blocks them, I'm starting to wonder what you are posting LOL
    @5beautifuldays and jtrmom I 2nd the clams shells they worked great for with my hurt sciatic nerve and sore knee.